Greywolf carries Varscona, a +2 longsword that does 1 extra cold damage on hit. It's a big loss by BG1 standards, but BG1 standards are pretty low. The next-best longsword is a simple +1 weapon. It's not like losing Carsomyr or Celestial Fury in BG2.
I managed to kill him only thanks to the wand of frost....)
I have some bad news for you...
What do you mean? This is my first time with SCS....
You probably lost the best sword in the game (excluding items from SoD or added by mods).
No, I didn't lose that sword because I delivered the final blow with my weapons -> I got him down to the "Near Death" status with two charges of my wand of frost...
@semiticgod I'm also using Item Revision, so Varscona +2 deals 1D4 cold damage ...
I managed to kill him only thanks to the wand of frost....)
I have some bad news for you...
What do you mean? This is my first time with SCS....
You probably lost the best sword in the game (excluding items from SoD or added by mods).
No, I didn't lose that sword because I delivered the final blow with my weapons -> I got him down to the "Near Death" status with two charges of my wand of frost...
@semiticgod I'm also using Item Revision, so Varscona +2 deals 1D4 cold damage ...
There is also the Harrower longsword that does +3 to undead.
@subtledoctor What mod adds the quest to deliver the letter do Dawn Priest Blaise?
Romantic Encounters I think
Ah! Yes. I'm trying this one out for the first time. Installed the PG version (because I'm here for the combat really). The stuff where people throw themselves at Charname is a bit... weird. But it's nice to fill out the world a bit with other people actually having relationships.
Hmm, is that mod also the source of the quest where the guy in a house in Beregost is a slime? That's a good one, and it has a romantic angle.
I think RE is a mod you play once maybe twice and then go have a lie down because your charname must be suffering from exhaustion.
No bloody energy left to fight anything.
Not sure if it's worse for female charname, some "encounters" in the non PG version certainly seem to be female only as it would be hard to see them happening to a bloke.
2) For Heaven's sake, install SCS! The game's really kind of not worth playing without it.
How's it going?
I cannot pass the bandit camp ..... My party is level 4/5 and consists of: Shadow Adept (CHARNAME), Assassin (custom character), Verr'sza, Viconia, Tiax and Dorn.
I think next time I'll skip "Mages cast some short duration spells instantly at the start of combat to simulate pre-battle casting"......
Moreover, I noticed that SCS applies its scripts even to the CRE files added by other mods.... For instance, Pasha Kohvu (an enemy mage/thief from the mod Verr'sza) benefits from "Smarter Mages".... Is this intended?
I wouldn't worry about it.
@semiticgod I'm also using Item Revision, so Varscona +2 deals 1D4 cold damage
It suggests they have a "thing" going on. All above board of course, they have never even met.
I think RE is a mod you play once maybe twice and then go have a lie down because your charname must be suffering from exhaustion.
No bloody energy left to fight anything.
Not sure if it's worse for female charname, some "encounters" in the non PG version certainly seem to be female only as it would be hard to see them happening to a bloke.
I cannot pass the bandit camp
My party is level 4/5 and consists of: Shadow Adept (CHARNAME), Assassin (custom character), Verr'sza, Viconia, Tiax and Dorn.
I think next time I'll skip "Mages cast some short duration spells instantly at the start of combat to simulate pre-battle casting"......
Moreover, I noticed that SCS applies its scripts even to the CRE files added by other mods.... For instance, Pasha Kohvu (an enemy mage/thief from the mod Verr'sza) benefits from "Smarter Mages".... Is this intended?
And I always skip this cheese automatic-buffing feature. If I don't cheat the game I don't like to see the game cheating on me.