Since I've been absent for approx 18 months I've probably missed this discussion several times but here goes...
Looking through posts here on the board it's quite obvious that quite a few (to say the least) would like the four NPCs from SOD as well as Baeloth added to SOA.
Doing this would probably take a bit of work and therefore cost a bit but I am willing to bet that the average player would be willing to make a small economic contribution, say $ 5-8, to Beamdog to see this happen.
This would also make the game even more replayable as more NPCs mean more parties, whereas a new area is exciting the first time you play it and then you kind of know it.
Would this be a way forward? Would the devs consider this?
Since I've been absent for approx 18 months I've probably missed this discussion several times but here goes...
Looking through posts here on the board it's quite obvious that quite a few (to say the least) would like the four NPCs from SOD as well as Baeloth added to SOA.
Doing this would probably take a bit of work and therefore cost a bit but I am willing to bet that the average player would be willing to make a small economic contribution, say $ 5-8, to Beamdog to see this happen.
This would also make the game even more replayable as more NPCs mean more parties, whereas a new area is exciting the first time you play it and then you kind of know it.
Would this be a way forward? Would the devs consider this?
I know of two mods that are under construction
- one to rescue Cealar and make her a joinable NPC for ToB, this way you can have all your former antagonists in your final party: Sarevok, Irenicus (Longer Road mod), Caelar (mod under way)
- a mod to make Corwin joinable already in BG1 part when you reach the town and then make her continuous into SoD. The friendship has more time to establish this way and can turn to romance during SoD. It seems that this is supposed to end with SoD nevertheless.
(- there is also a mod that brings Skie back to life in BG2, however this is not picked up by the Skie NPC mod - due to some animosity of the different modders, it seems.)
Those are still rumours from SHS and G3 forums, I only know that I will be invited to be beta tester for the Corwin mod provided it will be done after all.
Single BG2EE has only Wilson exiension.
I would love it if there was a "rescue Caelar from hell" quest in BG2. An official one, not a mod one. It's such a missed opportunity...
This makes it a modder's task. You install it if you like the topic and even if you don't like the way the modder interpreted the issue, so what. You can skip it. Having it as part of vanilla game already gives it a different status for people, it's always more than just an optional addon, even if Beamdog would technically implement it as one.
I see Skie's return in a similar light. If a modder solves it and you don't agree - just skip the mod. If it's official game, half the people dislike it whichever way it's done.
I can't agree with that. I understand the point being made, but I don't agree with it.
Yes, I’m writing a mod for that. But that’s because I like writing fanfiction, not because I don’t like how the plot was ended.
The controversy was ridiculous, to say the least. Mizhena isn't exactly an interesting character, but she's far from the in-your-face-PC-SJW-bullshit I expected from reading the complaints and you're not even forced to interact with her or listen to her story.
Apparently some people also had a problem with M'khiin saying something like "Oh so you think all Goblins look alike? Racist.".
So, what can we gather from all this? That people are freaking idiots.
SoD is great, and it's a shame that Beamdog kinda got their fingers burnt because of idiotic adult children who can't do anything but complain about everything.
I find it hard to believe that the Mizhena issue would cause that much storm in a chamber pot. In that case Beamdog are right, ungrateful sods deserve no gifts.
It was very useful however for deflecting much of the valid criticism.
There ARE valid criticisms. It does railroad really hard and you can be locked out of content. There also times where you can clearly tell that they sacrificed gameplay for the sake of the narrative. That being said, its my second favorite entry in the series.
@DJKajuru I think Caelar got off EASY. She achieved exactly what she wanted, never got called to task for the senseless death she caused. Never recognized that what she did was wrong. AND was able to continue to pretend to be noble and self sacrificing by staying behind to kill a few demons. I want to bring her back to so that she has to actually deal with the consequences of her actions.
Valid critisism would be for me,
Bugs, lots of bugs.
Ignoring that it was a carry on from BG and therefore should have allowed the same sort of freedoms of character development. For instance, BG allowed you to play in a variety of different ways and if you chose some of them, SOD makes no sense whatsoever with regards to your character's motivation.
Poor writing (of course that's IMO).
The ending.
From killing the demon onwards it's not a game, it's a lecture.
Far, far too much foreshadowing that reduces the impact of Irenicus in BG2.
Far, far too much using highish level enemies to make the game which again lessens BG2.
As has been said, I prefer BG to BG2. However I can recognise BG2 is a masterpiece of a game and you should act very, very cautiously before impacting on a masterpiece.
The ridiculous way Beamdog answered any critisism by basically pulling the "we're much better people than you and if you don't like the game it's because you are a bigot".
My only problem with the SoD-BG2 relation is the open plot for the Soultaker. Other than that I'm cool.
The giant loophole for me however was the whole Belhifet plot. Why would he bother attempting to return to the Prime Material Plane, when he is still forbidden to return for the next almost 30 years? (he was banished in IWD1 in 1281 DR, so he must spend 100 years in Hell before he can return).
Yeah, a plot that melds both IWD and BG1 plots is interesting, but seriously, it warrants a new game, not a sub-plot.
So basically, I like everything about SoD, except for the main plot motivation.