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Suggestions Thread: Game Mechanics (scripts, spells, feats, combat)



  • NytelockNytelock Member Posts: 23
    Not sure if this is the best thread but for ranged attackers but:
    - Add some way to queue ammunition when the current ammo runs out
    - Increase ammo stack size
    - Prioritize same type of ammo when ammo runs out (Been using ice arrows and run out, check my inv for more ice arrows and equip those 1st if available)

    On another note, add a way to shrink dragon shape so druid/shifters giant dragon butts don't take up 1/2 of the clickable area on the screen.
  • JimbobslimbobJimbobslimbob Member Posts: 206
    @Flashburn thanks bud!
    @1varangian I am sure there are other ways of going about it, that was just the example I had rattling around in my head - it's a technique I have seen used in other games that does the job. Other ways include the one you mentioned, or the "MMO type", where the clock covers the whole icon as a kind of translucent overlay.

    As for when to show it - in my eyes it should be on all effects, both negative and positive and for those that are cast on you from others and by yourself. Any status effects that are permanent (like Haste boots etc) could perhaps be shown with a different border colour or icon or something - it's all do-able I'm sure.
  • ogrillionogrillion Member Posts: 4
    Can we have TileMagic effects that can be set up to fill a circle, a cone-shape, an oblong and 'inside of this generic trigger so I can have wacky shapes'?

    If it looks a bit off, can we have the above, and then can we add a stroke to the edge of the filled-in area?
  • VitorVitor Member Posts: 288
    edited November 2017
    1. Update from 3E to 3.5
    2. Make avaiable feats and prestige classes from the Complete Warrior, Complete Adventurer and other supplements.
    3. Get rid of the "Parry" skill, and add "Fighting Defensively / Full Defense", like 3.5 core rules.
    4. Make it possible to control NPCs in the party.
    5. Feature to input custom portraits.
  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992
    Vitor said:

    1. Update from 3E to 3.5
    2. Make avaiable feats and prestige classes from the Complete Warrior, Complete Adventurer and other supplements.
    3. Get rid of the "Parry" skill, and add "Fighting Defensively / Full Defense", like 3.5 core rules.
    4. Make it possible to control NPCs in the pary.
    5. Feature to input custom portraits.

    Please explain number 5.
  • VitorVitor Member Posts: 288
    edited November 2017

    Please explain number 5.

    For what I remember, I couldn't insert my custom portraits in NWN, as I did in BG.
  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992
    That's because in theory you don't need to? just drop the portrait files in the "portraits" folder?
  • HarrowHarrow Member Posts: 3
    Could we see some work done on weapons that are missing some of the features that made them worthwhile in D&D? Things like Spear and Halberd being subpar compared to many other options and lacking Reach come to mind.
  • RifleLeroyRifleLeroy Member Posts: 77
    edited November 2017
    -unlock the two prestige classes that have never been implemented: eye of gruumsh and Shou disciple.
    (a work done by shadooow in his 1.72 patch)

    - look at this simple work (not mine) . Could be added to the EE ?

    -Give the modder the ability to unlock the legendary levels (40 to 80) without scripting. Maybe add a string into nwnplayer.ini like leggendary level = 0 (1 are activated).
  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992
    Search function for the toolset would be great!
  • LathspellguestLathspellguest Member Posts: 60
    Adding my voice to those asking for an update to 3.5e and full party control.
  • MecheonMecheon Member Posts: 12
    edited December 2017
    Hello. It is I, Mecheon. I have some custom contentish requests related to mechanics and combat

    1: Unhardcode throwing weapons and allow new ones to be added. Refer items such as Throwing Spears or Snowballs on the Vault which can only function by entirely overwriting existing things. Can't the throwing weapons be adjusted so anything they need is in the .2da so we can make new ones of them, just like other weapons?
    2: Likewise, weapon and ammo interactions need to be unhardcoded. There have been so many attempts to get guns in the game that all falter at this. Now, there's a few interesting ways to get around this (Such as making sonic damage bolts be gun bullets), but they could be improved with a dedicated method. May just need to pick one of the three ammo slots.

    That'd keep ranged and throwing weapons in line with the melee ones in ability to make custom versions of them
  • JidokwonJidokwon Member Posts: 407
    "The object is busy and can not talk to you right now."

    No. They're not. They're just standing there, doing nothing, but waiting for me to talk to them.

    Can we lesson the time that it takes "objects" to respond after combat, please? The first example that I can think of, where it's very difficult to initiate any dialogue even, is in the OC Prelude where the dwarf and human fighters are sparring against the combat dummies. Neither of them stop long enough to trigger their dialogue.

    Not quite related, when hostile NPCs turn neutral, having companions or henchmen will break this "treaty" sometimes. It'd be nice if the companions, henchmen, and the should-be-neutral NPCs played along with the script that should make them stop attacking.
  • gugulug5000gugulug5000 Member Posts: 248
    How about the option to have a party like in Baldur's Gate. Not in all of the original campaigns and modules of course, but an option for a module to have Baldur's Gate style parties. Is this already possible? Would be nice to have it built in to the game.
  • AcaosAcaos Member Posts: 13
    Please change the new `GetItemPropertyDuration`, `GetItemPropertyDurationRemaining`, `GetEffectDuration`, and `GetEffectDurationRemaining` functions to return floats instead of integers (since effect durations are stored and calculated as floats).
  • WhitegraveWhitegrave Member Posts: 37
    By far my most necessary toolkit capability would be allowing us to edit the base stats of PC's such as strength or int etc. Adding spells would be nice but we can already accomplish that in a less elegant way via on-use spellcast items. Modding base stats however is impossible without NWNX, and I'd really rather avoid using that when able.
  • Dragonfolk2000Dragonfolk2000 Member Posts: 390
    1) Please add more magic based spellcasting.
    2) Please make spellcasting more viable. It seems wrong that I can just beat stick my way through most scenarios.
    3) Please make it easier to build henchmen in the tool set.
    And lastly (but likely the most undoable)
    4) Please fully implement craft skills and craft feats into all three campaigns and premium modules.

    I'm excited for this and look forward to what you guys do!
  • BradgeBradge Member Posts: 24
    edited December 2017
    If I'm not mistaken, I understand that the ruleset will not be moving from D&D 3.0 to 3.5, but -- if so --
    could more 3.0 classes and subraces be added? At the least, unlock the Eye of Gruumsh and Shou Disciple prestige classes that already exist in some form in the game's code.

    I definitely would welcome the game being setup so the community could more easily and effectively add subraces and new classes/feats if desired.
  • FulaFula Member Posts: 5
    Things that wouldbe great:

    One hand weapons that can be used as two handed.

    Power atack working better for two handed.

    Some nerfs to the click to win spells like word of faith, bigby hands and greater isaack.
  • ValoValo Member Posts: 4
    edited December 2017
    So much potential here...

    Along the lines of Fula's suggestion, all spells that have status effects need to have a fortitude, reflex or will saving throw associated with them. Something like Word of Faith is an insta-win button in PvP even against higher level enemies given the debilitating nature of blindness. Some things are fine though, like web and grease's speed reductions. However, I feel that these should not stack with themselves (but should stack with each other).

    Anyway, some other suggestions.

    Wizard Suggestion:
    -Specialization bonus-spellslots should ideally be locked to their chosen bonus school. (No longer will every other wizard be an illusionist because of its relatively minor drawbacks. If you're an Illusionist, your bonus spell has to be an illusion spell.)
    -Specialist wizards should be able to choose which school they give up. (No longer will necromancers be gank-bait.)

    Polymorph Suggestions:
    -Have polymorph effects no longer automatically merge gear into the new form. Instead, by default, no gear will be merged. However, gear with a special attribute ("Wild Shaping" or something, idk what to name it) will carry over into the new form at full effectiveness, occupying the same item slot rather than being merged with the creature skin/weapon.
    -Feats for characters with SF or GSF transmutation that augments their polymorphs. Only one of three feats could be taken, one for improving your offensive capabilities (AB and damage), another for more finesse (DR piercing and stealth bonuses), and one for improving your defensive capabilities (AC and HP bonuses), with their given bonuses being increased more as you level up (either automatically or with additional feat investments, similar to Epic Toughness or Great Strength).

    Spell Suggestions:
    -Have Mage Armor provide a +4 bonus to Armor AC, not a +1 to all 4 types of AC. This bonus should be reduced by 1 per point of AC the armor already has (leather gets an additional +2, padded +3, and studded +1, while armor that already has +4 or higher, such as chain shirt, chainmail, splint, half and full plate gets no bonus from Mage Armor).
    -True Seeing needs to go away. It should not reveal sneaking opponents, only those benefiting from magical concealment. There are spells for improving your spot/listen scores. In recompense though, True Seeing should leave one immune to all illusion spells. Perhaps include an epic feat for those with Epic Spell Focus (Divination) that gives them Blindsense instead of True Seeing when they cast True Seeing.
    -Allow all weapon enchantment spells to affect bows and crossbows, not just melee and thrown weapons.
    -Have brewed potions, especially healing potions, be brewed at the level of the caster. Same thing for wands and scrolls.
  • RannRann Member Posts: 168
    I'd like to have some way of knowing if a given skill is actually relevant to a module, especially if there was a possibility of more of them being added. For example, if several skills were added, but the OC wasn't updated to actually use them, that would be a case where players (many of them new) could be investing in skills that don't make a difference (such as Riding vis-a-vis the OC, or Bluff in a straightforward dungeon crawl), and it would be good to know that a priori so that players don't throw away their points uselessly.
  • TranscendedOneTranscendedOne Member Posts: 25
    Vitor said:

    1. Update from 3E to 3.5
    2. Make avaiable feats and prestige classes from the Complete Warrior, Complete Adventurer and other supplements.
    3. Get rid of the "Parry" skill, and add "Fighting Defensively / Full Defense", like 3.5 core rules.
    4. Make it possible to control NPCs in the party.
    5. Feature to input custom portraits.

    I agree with this, More feats (especially intensify) Perhaps a system in which you can download a client that is strictly for mods where it automatically installs the mod without having to use third party websites/programs. Better integration for character creation menus so you don't have to use what i believe
    is called the CCreator. Which allows you to use features of PCR that can't be used in game.
  • JimbobslimbobJimbobslimbob Member Posts: 206
    In 3e, Assassin should get HIPS, so:
    Assassin request: Hide in Plain Sight at level 8, please.
  • SerpentSerpent Member Posts: 2
    Trap setter Request: Allow traps to grant EXP if they kill things for the person who set it and any in his/her party.
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    I'd like to see the Epic Precision feat from NWN2 implemented in the game. It was an epic feat that allowed characters to sneak attack creatures with were immune to critical hits, albeit for half the normal bonus. It really made high level rogues not quite so terrible.
  • DerpCityDerpCity Member, Moderator Posts: 303
    edited December 2017
    Don't know if this belongs somewhere else, but more love for customizing Animal Companions and Familiars would be nice.

    One of my favorite things about the Druid class is the Animal Companion ability, mostly because I really like having a nameable pet that is able to fight alongside me whenever I want, and they're the main reason I pick the class over Cleric. Likewise I like the Wizard/Sorcerer ability of having a Familiar. I've made modifications to the set of pets numerous times for my own use, but if at all possible I'd like it if there could be more freedom in modifying them.

    For example, it'd be really cool if you could make it so that some Animal Companions or Familiars are gated behind level and/or feat requirements, like how its done in 3.5 rules and the Dinosaur or Dragon Companion feats in NWN2. (I'm pretty sure that you can technically make a level restriction by omitting the lower level versions of the pets, but it shows the stats and portrait of the previously selected animal, and might register as a display bug or something. Something more official would be cool.) Meanwhile, the ability to make other feats that augment your pet in some way, like increasing their level to or above yours, like the Natural Bond and Epic Animal Companion feats in NWN2 would be cool as well.
    Post edited by DerpCity on
  • TranscendedOneTranscendedOne Member Posts: 25
    Jarrakul said:

    I'd like to see the Epic Precision feat from NWN2 implemented in the game. It was an epic feat that allowed characters to sneak attack creatures with were immune to critical hits, albeit for half the normal bonus. It really made high level rogues not quite so terrible.

    Yeah, a lot of the feats/prestige classes should be imported to NWN:EE
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