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Suggestions Thread: Miscellaneous (Minor uncategorized tweaks and changes)



  • tzaerutzaeru Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2019
    May already be suggested, but didn't see this on Trello at least:

    Add collapsable categories for areas, scripts and placeables for both the toolset and the DM client. For modules with hundreds and hundreds of these, it's a bit of a mess to go around in the toolset and the DM client.
  • kaderkader Member Posts: 5
    Some small things can easily improve the gaming experience.

    Enemy should die as an instant lootable remains, waiting a body transform to a remains bag for 3 second just ridiculous and anti-humanity.

    A bottom can take all item from any container.

    Transparent background construction, sometime the camera will switch and the wall or building block your sight.

    More nimble moving, switch character direction too slow, maybe push A or D can walk right or left directly, not only rotating.

    Something may not that's easy but I hope
    More class、sub-race from NWN2、more follower. like BG2EE new features.

    Better character model, as least the main npc' face should same as their portrait.

  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    edited September 2019
    @kader said
    Enemy should die as an instant lootable remains, waiting a body transform to a remains bag for 3 second just ridiculous and anti-humanity.

    This is not necessarily a fault of the engine but may instead be down to the module builder. There is a check box that says something like "leaves a lootable corpse" in the creatures properties in the toolset.

  • kaderkader Member Posts: 5
    This is not necessarily a fault of the engine but may instead be down to the module builder. There is a check box that says something like "leaves a lootable corpse" in the creatures properties in the toolset.

    So Bioware know how normal games work and made a worst decision
  • ShadooowShadooow Member Posts: 402
    kader wrote: »
    This is not necessarily a fault of the engine but may instead be down to the module builder. There is a check box that says something like "leaves a lootable corpse" in the creatures properties in the toolset.

    So Bioware know how normal games work and made a worst decision

    I never had this issue in vanilla campaigns, in fact some of the npcs in it have lootable corpse when they die. Loot is not dropping too much in vanilla campaigns especially not in a situation where there are no other enemies to kill. And 3 seconds are close to what you ned to loot lootbag1 hence the npc you just killed will spawn lootbag2 before you finish it.

    On the other hand I saw PWs (multiplayer servers) where loot dropped from each npc and it was important to loot them all and on top of that the lootbag spawned after 10+ second. Terrible design but that is on the server not Bioware. NWN already allows to spawn lootable corpses and influence how fast/slowly will lootbag spawns (or rather corpse will fade).
  • BrothersYorkBrothersYork Member Posts: 1
    There`s 14 pages here, so possibly mentioned already:

    For Xbox One i cant heal my companion by giving them a potion, I also can`t access their inventory.

    Both of these things are possible on PC.

    I can move a potion from my inventory to the portrait of a companion, but there doesnt seem any way to give or apply it to them.
  • DMFoozDMFooz Member Posts: 1
    (xbox) bind the unused left/right D-pad buttons to the free 5 foot step (strafe left/right).
  • TekidekTekidek Member Posts: 6
    Bought EE recently, but have been a NWN player for a long time.

    - Fix Circle Kick. It gives you a free attack against an adjacent enemy, as it should, but changes your target to that other enemy, making you lose all of your attacks against the enemy you targeted before. Thus, nobody ever bothers with this feat.
    - On Ctrl-Shift-F12 the player can find options to turn off keyholing and to turn on Sticky Combat Mode. Put those in the Game Options menu instead of that obscure menu.
    - Grimgnaw is a Monk and yet he doesn't have Cleave like he's supposed to...
  • ShadooowShadooow Member Posts: 402
    Tekidek wrote: »
    Bought EE recently, but have been a NWN player for a long time.

    - Fix Circle Kick. It gives you a free attack against an adjacent enemy, as it should, but changes your target to that other enemy, making you lose all of your attacks against the enemy you targeted before. Thus, nobody ever bothers with this feat.
    There is much more that is wrong with this feat. On my PW it works this way (custom modification) and it is still considered trash feat. This won't fix it anyway. Just pretend it doesn't exists like about 20 other feats. Not every feat can be equally usefull in all possible environments anyway.
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    Perhaps it's a minor change but it would be useful to expose some of the "game engine" rows used in dialog.tlk so that they can be easily changed per module in the same way that 2da references to dialog.tlk rows can be changed. Maybe put the references in a 2da and call it system_text.2da or something.

    The use case for this is to more easily allow overwriting of various engine text outputs such as initiative rolls and other combat rolls.
  • XorinaXorina Member Posts: 138
    Introduce market forces with merchants of supply and demand.
    What I mean here is IWD has a basic form of market forces where if you accumulate a pile of yeti pelts and dump them on the trader, the price you get for them then halves.
  • XorinaXorina Member Posts: 138
    AnonySimon wrote: »
    * Vegetation (such as an apple or a rose)
    Edible food would be cool. Divine Divinity has edible fruit, cheese, beer, water...

  • XorinaXorina Member Posts: 138
    edited March 2020
    [edit]Drinking ale reduces INT by 1, but, as spirits are stronger, they should reduce INT by 2 and both should affect DEX after say 3 drinks of each? Hic!
    Post edited by Xorina on
  • AndarianAndarian Member Posts: 185
    Xorina wrote: »
    AnonySimon wrote: »
    * Vegetation (such as an apple or a rose)
    Edible food would be cool. Divine Divinity has edible fruit, cheese, beer, water...

    That's easily done. A lot of NWN mods implement food systems (mine included).
  • XorinaXorina Member Posts: 138
    edited April 2020
    Rogues continue to unlock doors or chests after your character has smashed them. That needs fixing.

    Summoned Warhorses:

    Option for the player to mount them earlier in the radial menu, rather than have the mount command buried that deep in the menu.

    Warhorses to expand the characters carrying capacity, obviously if the horse is dismissed, all your stuff carried by the horse falls to the ground.
    Post edited by Xorina on
  • Aelryn_BloodmoonAelryn_Bloodmoon Member Posts: 4
    Would like to see an expanding text bar function, so that when you hit enter and type, rather than your words vanishing off into the nothingness on the right side of your screen, the chat bar scrolls up one line and the text wraps, allowing you to actually continue seeing what you're typing.

    Also, while we're at it, allowing more characters per entry would be fantastic, say somewhere in the ballpark of two to three times what it is now.
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 446
    @mlkent22 Have you tried using the command, "Follow Me", to get your henchman unstuck? I've often found it useful in situations where Tomi will start to unlock a door, only to stop in the middle of picking the lock to try running through the door in order to disarm the trap he detected behind it. Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.
  • mlkent22mlkent22 Member Posts: 41
    Even the "follow me" command is in effective at getting them unstuck from some of the doorways in the crypts tilesets, the bridge across pits in the forest tileset, and at times the ramps in the rural tileset. It's a walkmesh/path finding issue as 1.69 had most of these path finding issues cleaned up.
  • salesninjasalesninja Member Posts: 5
    Enlarge the pause button on the IOS version, also allow it to appear in other spots.
  • IllustairIllustair Member Posts: 878
    edited August 2020
    salesninja wrote: »
    Enlarge the pause button on the IOS version, also allow it to appear in other spots.
    Exactly what I was supposed to suggest! Larger pause button and customizable UI (esp. the pause button; admittedly, I’m a pause addict). Also, as mentioned elsewhere, to be able to move/rotate the camera WHILE using the joystick on Driving Camera Mode. Presently, you have to release the joystick to be able to rotate the camera.
  • RohomildRohomild Member Posts: 26
    I would love a few more size options for the UI. With 1920x1080 resolution and the UI scale at 1 everything is waaaay to small, but you get a very clear view of the game world, and at scale 2 the text is easy to read and the quickbar is easy no navigate, but so much of the world is hidden underneath character portraits, mini-map, console text, and the quickbar.
    Can't we get more size options for the UI, and maybe some customization options. The "Tchos' HD UI panels and dialogue compilation and expansion" mod for NW2 is a good template to work from.
    Big text, smaller buttons, transparent elements to the UI, and a quick cast spell menu.
    I also wish that it would be faster to cast buffs when not in combat.
  • WilliamDracoWilliamDraco Member Posts: 175
    Ian579 wrote: »
    We need an option that makes companions simply follow us and *do not* attack.
    I may be mis-remembering, but doesn't that already exist? If you right-click the companion and say select "Follow" I thought it didn't attack.
    It could be a custom thing. I don't play with companions much.
  • Ian579Ian579 Member Posts: 241
    edited October 2020
    Ian579 wrote: »
    We need an option that makes companions simply follow us and *do not* attack.
    I may be mis-remembering, but doesn't that already exist? If you right-click the companion and say select "Follow" I thought it didn't attack.
    It could be a custom thing. I don't play with companions much.

    Sometimes they get stuck behind an object or enemy, and they can still attack under that situation. And when I'm unlocking a door and my companions often go to attack enemies nearby.

    I'm playing Infinite Dungeons, by the way.
    Post edited by Ian579 on
  • SpackjarrowSpackjarrow Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2020
    Would it be possible to add an option to make the hotkeys be 1-10 instead of f1-f12 for those who would want that? I hear that ALOT, and felt i would post it.
    Post edited by Spackjarrow on
  • AlassiranaAlassirana Member Posts: 8
    One big one, due to my eyesight becoming far worse (in part due to sensory issues): please give us an option to handle modding with a non-white/light grey color scheme for the toolset? Giving us an option for a toolset 'dark theme' for handling things will make it *much* easier for some of us to read, and that's one of the things that's currently keeping me from being able to do much at all with it at the moment. I just can't read the blasted thing properly, even with color veil (which is almost the only other program that helps).
  • ShadooowShadooow Member Posts: 402
    Alassirana wrote: »
    One big one, due to my eyesight becoming far worse (in part due to sensory issues): please give us an option to handle modding with a non-white/light grey color scheme for the toolset? Giving us an option for a toolset 'dark theme' for handling things will make it *much* easier for some of us to read, and that's one of the things that's currently keeping me from being able to do much at all with it at the moment. I just can't read the blasted thing properly, even with color veil (which is almost the only other program that helps).

    This functionality is already there as many other things that peoples never cared to try to look for.
  • ZwerkulesZwerkules Member Posts: 112
    A dark background just for scripts is far from enough. What good does it if half the screen is still bright white?
  • ShadooowShadooow Member Posts: 402
    Zwerkules wrote: »
    A dark background just for scripts is far from enough. What good does it if half the screen is still bright white?

    I didn't even thought you would want it anywhere else than in script editor. There is not a lot of black text on a white background elsewhere.

    But ok, if you want the area list and palettes lists in black mode, this won't really help you. The border/title bar should be driven by windows theme though.
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