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Suggestions Thread: Miscellaneous (Minor uncategorized tweaks and changes)



  • Nic_MercyNic_Mercy Member Posts: 422
    JFK said:

    Nic_Mercy said:

    I wasn't sure where to ask this, nor do I know if its even possible within NWN, but is it at all possible to have some sort of "phasing" tech? Like can there be objects or creatures that are unseen and un-interactable until a certain condition is met, whether it be a variable, a quest, etc? It would be kind of cool to be able to have the world "change" when you're on specific quests or have completed them.

    You could have the object only spawn when the condition is met.

    I was thinking more along the lines of a persistent world. Having a "only this player sees this thing" function would allow only the player with the variable/on the quest to see and interact with said object while other nearby players could not.

    Sure in single player you can just spawn or despawn things on conditions but for multiplayer a "phasing" type of tech seems more elegant.
  • LaputianBirdLaputianBird Member Posts: 107
    The server/client environment already offers such possibilities through NWNX:EE, shouldn't be hard to implement if anybody is up to it
  • ParadoxallParadoxall Member Posts: 2
    Allow the same type of traps to stack in the inventory. If I have two minor spike traps, I would prefer if the could be stacked and used individually. Kind of like scrolls or potions.

    Make all items that stack, stack to 99 (or higher). Potions/Gems/Scrolls/etc.

    Having a “How many would you like to buy?” Button. So, I can buy 100+ stacks of arrows or potions at once. If I need twenty or even thirty potions of heal critical wounds. I do not like to buy it one at a time (no, adding a 10 stack buy on the menu will not work). It needs to be universal.

    Maybe a tab organizer.

    So, I can say "Hey, this inventory slot, all looted potions go here. All gems go here. All ammo goes in this one. All weapons/armors go here, if it's full, don't pick up any more junk.
  • dijicaekdijicaek Member Posts: 1
    Not sure I'd call this a bug, so posting it here:

    When affected by an spellcasting ability score decrease or level drain, you may lose spell slots. Upon regaining the slots, they will be empty. It'd be nice if it could remember what was in those slots (but have them considered used, perhaps).
  • CalgacusCalgacus Member Posts: 273
    How about a module specific quick-save/auto-save feature so we don't overwrite the quick-saves from other modules. I only rarely name my saves (and usually just when I want to start another mod) and when reloading a saved game what matters most is simply the date of the save and the name of the module and so giving us mod specific quick-saves would be very convenient.
  • SherincallSherincall Member Posts: 387

    The server/client environment already offers such possibilities through NWNX:EE, shouldn't be hard to implement if anybody is up to it

    Already exists, actually.
    // Overrides the default visibility rules about how player perceives the target object. // NWNX_PLAYER_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT - Restore normal behavior // NWNX_PLAYER_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN - Object is always hidden from the player // NWNX_PLAYER_VISIBILITY_VISIBLE - Object is always shown to the player void NWNX_Player_SetVisibilityOverride(object player, object target, int override);
  • CalgacusCalgacus Member Posts: 273
    I wish I could use new module versions with my saved games so i don't have to restart a big mod to get the latest fixes as I continue on - ie so I wouldn't have to start the mod all over again when I'm half way through.
    If all the game content was in hak paks except i guess for a simple beginning area then could we just get all the new fixes n stuff by just updating the hak paks? Or maybe after a mod is released modders can offer bug fixes by just putting them all into one modname_bugfix.hak? Would or does this strategy work? I think I read something about this idea ages back but can't remember much more about it. I guess an empty modname_bugfix.hak would need to be included in the mod on first release.
  • SherincallSherincall Member Posts: 387
    edited October 2018
    Calgacus said:

    I wish I could use new module versions with my saved games so i don't have to restart a big mod to get the latest fixes as I continue on - ie so I wouldn't have to start the mod all over again when I'm half way through.
    If all the game content was in hak paks except i guess for a simple beginning area then could we just get all the new fixes n stuff by just updating the hak paks? Or maybe after a mod is released modders can offer bug fixes by just putting them all into one modname_bugfix.hak? Would or does this strategy work? I think I read something about this idea ages back but can't remember much more about it. I guess an empty modname_bugfix.hak would need to be included in the mod on first release.

    The .sav file is actually the .mod. You can open it with any ERF editor (e.g. nwhak.exe) and drop updated files in it (backup .sav first). If you're testing script changes, compile your script in the toolset, then find the .ncs file in modules/temp0, copy it over into the .sav overriding the old one, and it will work.

    EDIT: Your strategy won't work for post-release bugfixes because MOD resources take priority over HAK resources. Though I think with nwsync you might be able to have resources that override the MOD.
  • CalgacusCalgacus Member Posts: 273
    @Sherincall What if the fixed resource was in a hak pak to begin with? Could modders put all the mod contents in hak paks - so the whole mod is just a collection of hak paks?
  • SherincallSherincall Member Posts: 387
    @Calgacus yes, that would work. You could have mymod_scripts.hak that has all your script files, and then just get players to redownload that hak file for the updated version. I'm not sure but I think areas cannot be added to a hak, and your module settings - name, dusk/dawn hour, etc - are specific to the mod. Everything else could be in a hak.
  • CalgacusCalgacus Member Posts: 273
    @Sherincall Interesting, I will experiment with it some more once I can get nwhak.exe to work - right now it is not successfully adding any resources. I see it was updated in the latest version, I wonder if it got broke. Have you tried it in the last couple of days?
  • SherincallSherincall Member Posts: 387
    No, I use the command line tools. You might want to give this one a shot:

    Or any other "ERF" editor on the vault - hak, mod and erf are all the same format.
  • ShadooowShadooow Member Posts: 402

    EDIT: Your strategy won't work for post-release bugfixes because MOD resources take priority over HAK resources. Though I think with nwsync you might be able to have resources that override the MOD.

    Resources from hak overwrites resources from module. Unless something changed recently...
  • TheMothManTheMothMan Member Posts: 2
    I'd love to see two things added/fixed.
    1. Fix the DM Blueprint cap
    2. Make all keys remappable, most notable the Quickslot Keys, F1 - F12
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    dijicaek said:

    Not sure I'd call this a bug, so posting it here:

    When affected by an spellcasting ability score decrease or level drain, you may lose spell slots. Upon regaining the slots, they will be empty. It'd be nice if it could remember what was in those slots (but have them considered used, perhaps).

    Please report at as a bug. Thanks!
    Calgacus said:

    How about a module specific quick-save/auto-save feature so we don't overwrite the quick-saves from other modules. I only rarely name my saves (and usually just when I want to start another mod) and when reloading a saved game what matters most is simply the date of the save and the name of the module and so giving us mod specific quick-saves would be very convenient.
  • AndarianAndarian Member Posts: 185
    edited November 2018

    dijicaek said:

    Not sure I'd call this a bug, so posting it here:

    When affected by an spellcasting ability score decrease or level drain, you may lose spell slots. Upon regaining the slots, they will be empty. It'd be nice if it could remember what was in those slots (but have them considered used, perhaps).

    Please report at as a bug. Thanks!
    Just to be clear, this has been an issue with the game as far back as I can remember. It also happens, for example, if you equip an ability boosting item, rest, and then remove the item.
  • ProlericProleric Member Posts: 1,316
    Calgacus said:

    @Sherincall What if the fixed resource was in a hak pak to begin with? Could modders put all the mod contents in hak paks - so the whole mod is just a collection of hak paks?

    I've used this concept to add fixes to my Dark Energy module. On first release, there was an empty fix hak. New releases are implemented by adding files to the fix hak, so that both new and saved games benefit from the corrections.

    Works fine for scripts, conversations, templates, models and textures.

    It's not suitable for areas (or the instances they contain) because that would reset the area to an initial state, erasing everything the player had done there.

    So, eventually, I had to release a new version of the base module, to fix issues with area contents.

    At this point, I had to give the module a new empty fix hak, but leave the old fix hak in the package (for the benefit of Steam users, whose saved games would otherwise become unplayable when Steam automatically updated their haks).
  • ayylmaoxcomayylmaoxcom Member Posts: 2
    I'm putting this here because It straddles the line between game play and uncategorized tweaks. I think it would be unfair to call this gameplay since it mainly has to do with how the engine interprets death. In the original game, Death came to the main PC and that means the adventure is over. This is quite possibly the worst idea Bioware ever came up with in designing the game. The lack of ability to control other party members or have them revive you, even if they have to finish a fight by themselves allowed very poor design decisions in the module to take place and over all puts an extreme burden on the games fun.

    D&D is a team game. It was never designed for solo play, and while solo play is an interesting idea you could theoretically base an experience around, Save or dies or save and suck abilities are still abundant in this game, and it means that ultimately your experience with the game comes down to RNG, and not the RNG of oh you got crit at a bad time, but simply, having unavoidable death saves in the high percentiles because of your class choice. I don't need to tell you the game is unbalanced, D&D lacking balance has been a meme for ages. But ultimately, the thing that makes NWN1 such a non playable train-wreck compared to 2 is that the game can no sell you unless your main PC is entirely self sufficient.

    I don't know what it would take for NWN1 to add NWN2s functionality for companions and party members, But it is to me the biggest thing making nwn1 a bad game and a train wreck at that. It taught me a lot of reasons to love table top games, but what it does wrong kept me from ever wanting to come back once better games had arrived.

    If you want to truly make NWN1 Enhanced Edition please make the re-spawn button superfluous. Staking so much of the game on one PCs survival strangles encounter design creativity and character choice creativity.
  • 1varangian1varangian Member Posts: 367
    edited November 2018
    The respawn button was just a necessary side effect of having only one character. Just like the OP healing kits, full heal on rest and OP summoning spells, none of which are a part of PnP.

    Respawning is immersion breaking in an RPG and I hope they get rid of that concept in future expansions.

    It all goes back to their design decision of only controlling one character. I understand Trent's vision of emulating the tabletop PnP experience And NWN is amazing in multiplayer like this. But this concept just doesn't work in single player. This is D&D, not Dark Souls. The game is designed around having an adventuring party and fighting against that is a waste of time.

    I hope they can broaden their vision a bit and properly enhance NWN for full party play in SP. Someone using the toolset to create a high quality SP campaign in the spirit of Baldurs Gate would be a big win win for NWN.
  • ricoyungricoyung Member Posts: 83
    I don't know if this has been requested yet, but I would like to see a "relog" button in options menu when quitting a PW, All we have atm is the quit game option and if you have several toons in a PW and tend to flip a lot it can be a pita to quit then relog.. I know this is possible because a PW I played on had this feature via the chat, and some scripting... we could just relog fast and choose another toon... ( the chat command was !relog ) very fast!
    Anyways, idk if a relog button could be made easily? or if at all, just think it would be a handy feature for multi-players.
  • AndarianAndarian Member Posts: 185
    Calgacus said:

    I would like to be able to minimize "You are dead" menu so I can watch the continued battle with my henchmen and have a look at whatever just killed me. And a game option to have henchmen smart enough to heal me if I go below 0 hp with slow bleeding and maybe have monsters attack my allies once I go unconscious so I won't get auto killed so much in such cases.

    The death system in my Sanctum of the Archmage modules implements that kind of "slow bleeding." The basic (but heavily modded) functionality comes from the Module Builder's Henchman Kit.

  • fot1fot1 Member Posts: 74
    When creating a new item from the pallet, the item wizard opens with the first possible item type selected. Would be really nice if it started selected on the item type in which we clicked on the pallet. For instance, if I right click the pallet Helmets and click new, the default selected item type on the first screen could be a helmet.
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 446
    edited January 2019
    @fot1 I was thinking the exact same thing while using the item wizard in my own mini-module I created. That would definitely save time, and it would help place the new custom item in the intended pallet. Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.
    Post edited by Prince_Raymond on
  • FreyasonFreyason Member Posts: 1
    I can't find search function to see if this has been brought up before, but I'd like to see Darkvision fixed so that it works with items/classes, and not just dwarf/half-orc base races.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    ricoyung said:
    I don't know if this has been requested yet, but I would like to see a "relog" button in options menu when quitting a PW, All we have atm is the quit game option and if you have several toons in a PW and tend to flip a lot it can be a pita to quit then relog.. I know this is possible because a PW I played on had this feature via the chat, and some scripting... we could just relog fast and choose another toon... ( the chat command was !relog ) very fast! Anyways, idk if a relog button could be made easily? or if at all, just think it would be a handy feature for multi-players. said:
    I would like to be able to minimize "You are dead" menu so I can watch the continued battle with my henchmen and have a look at whatever just killed me. And a game option to have henchmen smart enough to heal me if I go below 0 hp with slow bleeding and maybe have monsters attack my allies once I go unconscious so I won't get auto killed so much in such cases. said:
    I can't find search function to see if this has been brought up before, but I'd like to see Darkvision fixed so that it works with items/classes, and not just dwarf/half-orc base races.
  • ricoyungricoyung Member Posts: 83
    edited February 2019
    A few things I forgot to mention about the "relog" button; relog means you click button and it takes you back to your current PW server vault.
    Also...sometimes your toon in PW can get "bugged" (not work correctly) for any number of reasons and usually a relog will fix it no prob.
    And a big TY! @JuliusBorisov
  • ShadooowShadooow Member Posts: 402
    Please add a new inventory slots for right and left hand that we could swap with a key or button in inventory for alternative weapon(set) just like Diablo2 or Path of Exile.
  • rashkaerashkae Member Posts: 179
    I suggest disabling PvP for Single Player games, or create a stand alone option to control this, the same as Multi-Player. One of the most frustrating aspects of the poor Henchmen AI is that spellcasters are completely unusable in a "Harcore Rules" games, since they gleefully blast fireballs, or any other dangerous spells, right at the player. Turning down the Difficulty slider gimps way too many other rules to accomodate this. I almost always play my SP games with Multi-player, just so I can easily tweak this option.
  • tfoxtfox Member Posts: 87
    edited June 2019
    Would love to have some minor QoL change to the DM client, allowing them to forcefully trigger encounters (could just set it to spawn highest creatures or provide a text box for a "level" to be given to trigger for, either way a DM can then cleanup/adjust the encounter to their needs), reset encounters (set them back so that they'll fire sooner), see encounters (maybe a separate "Show/Hide Encounters" button like the Show/Hide Triggers one).

    I'm aware you can already delete an encounter from the DM client by selecting it in the chooser and clicking "kill" on it.
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