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Suggestions Thread: Miscellaneous (Minor uncategorized tweaks and changes)



  • essi2essi2 Member Posts: 6
    Interesting, but this solution would only be applicable to new module creation I assume.
  • shadguyshadguy Member Posts: 154
    essi2 said:

    Interesting, but this solution would only be applicable to new module creation I assume.

    Aye. I tend to come at things from a builder perspective. If you want to upgrade all existing content for no effort on our end (ie. all effort on Beamdog's end), then that would be a new feature.

  • essi2essi2 Member Posts: 6
    Which is why it is a suggestion in the form of a question, and not a demand :)

    I didn't know about this workaround though, will be useful if I make a module at some point.
  • NWN_TömlNWN_Töml Member Posts: 90
    edited February 2018
    Not sure where to post this but i would like to see a "real" 3d camera option. So you look around with your mouse. Left click would be "use" and right click "options" or so. But i realy love my freedom of looking around in usual 3d games ;) and the middle mouse button is somewhat not realy that good. It´s odd at times!
  • MaloneyMaloney Member Posts: 8
    edited February 2018
    If the original 3 campaigns could be set up to scale automatically for coop play that would be fantastic. Right now if I get 4-8 of my buddies together to play through Shadows of Undrentide, it will be a cakewalk even if we don't take any cohorts.

    It would be tremendously helpful if the game could load other players' portraits in multiplayer, rather than checking if you already have it and then failing if you don't. Just use their portrait all the time, and then we can see what they are actually using. Broadcast my portrait to everyone in the same area as me.

    I'd also really love the option to disable regular text chat (but not disable PMs) and use area based voice chat in multiplayer. That would be fantastic. In the meantime we're stuck relying on third party software like ventrilo or discord.
    Post edited by Maloney on
  • SnafulatorSnafulator Member Posts: 27
    Not sure if it's been suggested before, but i'd love to see this:

    A wizard in the toolset to remove unused scripts & resources (creatures, items, placeables, encounters).

    When i first started working on Hammervale i had very little programming knowledge, and created hundreds of throwaway scripts using the scripting wizard. Now that i'm working on it again i'd love to clean up the script list in an efficient manner :)
  • ProlericProleric Member Posts: 1,316
    That would be useful (as long as it retained files which are only mentioned in scripts e.g. ExecuteScript and CreateObject).
  • ZhaguarZhaguar Member Posts: 1
    Hi ive been playing the beta and im wondering if they are planning on adding keybindings because currently its still f1-f12 and 1-0 isnt being used like most modern games. Im sorry I haven't read anything much about ee yet. Also the ui scaling needs to grow a bit. Max res the writing is so small.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    Zhaguar said:

    Hi ive been playing the beta and im wondering if they are planning on adding keybindings because currently its still f1-f12 and 1-0 isnt being used like most modern games. Im sorry I haven't read anything much about ee yet. Also the ui scaling needs to grow a bit. Max res the writing is so small.

    The UI scaling is a known issue.
  • RevockRevock Member Posts: 16
    It might have already been said but, Remove the mouse over glow from usable placeables and characters/NPCs. Replace all that with a small glow of the appropriate color on the mouse pointer.
  • NWN_TömlNWN_Töml Member Posts: 90
    edited February 2018
    Revock said:

    It might have already been said but, Remove the mouse over glow from usable placeables and characters/NPCs. Replace all that with a small glow of the appropriate color on the mouse pointer.

    You can do that by yourself. In placeables and appearance 2da is the last entry "targetable"... set it to "0" and its what you want ;)

    But to let the NWN EE Team do that boring work not sure!
    Oh well...but then you have no highlight at all...which is fine anyway.
  • MaloneyMaloney Member Posts: 8
    That would make it non-targetable. He wants targetable, without the glow highlight on the object / NPC.
  • RevockRevock Member Posts: 16
    Maloney said:

    That would make it non-targetable. He wants targetable, without the glow highlight on the object / NPC.

    exactly, that glow on the whole object always irked me, especially if it was something like a tree for resource gathering, something large, IMO just have a cursor with a jewel motif that changes color, or a thin glow around the current cursor would be sweet.
  • JFKJFK Member Posts: 214
    Revock said:

    Maloney said:

    That would make it non-targetable. He wants targetable, without the glow highlight on the object / NPC.

    exactly, that glow on the whole object always irked me, especially if it was something like a tree for resource gathering, something large, IMO just have a cursor with a jewel motif that changes color, or a thin glow around the current cursor would be sweet.
    What I did as a builder for large objects (and anything that wasn't an actual object at all, but part of a tileset, etc.) was to use an invisible placeable, placed at the right position, with the name or description of the object it was representing: A large oak tree in the Forest tileset would have an invisible placeable at the base named "A towering oak tree", and a Description of "Towering up toward the sky, this mighty oak tree stands in the forest, limbs reaching outward as if in silent prayer." Or whatever.
    Then, the player would mouse over the tree and the placeable would highlight, showing the name. if they right clicked and checked the description, they'd see the description. Etc....

  • tfoxtfox Member Posts: 87
    I don't know if it's been asked already, but I'd rather like an option somewhere to auto rotate logs without the use of third party programs (probably by creating the log file with some combination of the date and time) so they aren't automatically overwritten on game startup.

    I'd also like an option that would allow the log info to be written too different files one for chat info, one for combat log info? Personally I'd find that way more useful to parse for information both as a player and as a server host. Possibly an additional log for things like script errors that pop up or event info and whatever else.
  • JediMindTrixJediMindTrix Member Posts: 305
    Please create animations for dual-wielding a staff and off-hand weapon!
  • balmzbalmz Member Posts: 11
    here's a few thoughts i had, can we have it that you can give rogue henchman thieves tools? it makes sense that if say i am a barbarian, i find the tools, that you should be able to give it to them so they have a better lockpicking chance

    also i suggest that you can give scrolls to the proper henchman as well
  • DerpCityDerpCity Member, Moderator Posts: 303
    @balmz In every campaign other than the OC you can do that, though I don't think they'll use the Thieves Tools.
  • balmzbalmz Member Posts: 11
    huh didn;'t realize that, then that and any new things should be available in oc, not just the other campaigns
  • ProlericProleric Member Posts: 1,316
    It's possible to script henchmen to use thieves' tools. In my experience, it's good to do this in conversation, so that the henchman says "do you really want me to use my only +10 tool to open this chest?".
  • antemaantema Member Posts: 1
    What I'd like to see is same sex romance options.

    Specifically I'd like to be able to romance Aribeth in the Hordes of the Underdark as a female character as it is a rather interesting plot point that you miss when playing a female character.

    I actually researched if there was any way to play a female character and romance same sex NPCs, and to my surprise, there was no way to do that, even with cheats or mods. There was one mod that created an item that would change your character appearance to female, but even that only created an ugly graphically glitched character.

    So even if same sex romance is not implemented in the campaigns, I would like you to add a console command or modding functions that would allow you to keep the appearance of a female character, but change the gender to male. This is the same simple method used in same sex romance mods and/or cheats in Dragon Age: Origins and Kotor games.
  • JidokwonJidokwon Member Posts: 407
    Please, add the ability to click off an undesirable beneficial spell. This would help greatly when testing character builds or testing to see what beneficial spells and abilities stack when they do the same thing.
  • jglvz256jglvz256 Member Posts: 52
    Would it be easy to add the option to wield a single handed weapon in both hands as a 2-handed weapon (like in nwn2, adds the 2-handed strength bonus)? Or would that require new animations?
  • DerpCityDerpCity Member, Moderator Posts: 303
    edited March 2018
    @jglvz256 It shouldn't need new animations if they just use the default 2 handed animations (Though monstrous creatures might be a different story in that regard). It might look a bit awkward considering the weapons are shorter than intended, but it should be fine.
  • NWN_TömlNWN_Töml Member Posts: 90
    Thank you Beamdog for unlocking the camera :). Awesome aweseom awesome!!!
  • EetheartEetheart Member Posts: 22
    More remapping keys. Ability to assign other keys (such as Mouse 4 & 5) to the hotkey bar, while still keeping the standard F-keys.

    An alternative for the F-keys would be to re-assign the entire hotkey bar to the numbers (1,2,3,4 etc) instead of using those for conversation and in turn reserve the F-keys for conversations.

    The best solution would be to allow the player to toggle between the two alternatives themselves.
  • EetheartEetheart Member Posts: 22
    Add the ability to 'Target the nearest hostile creature with the current selected spell or ability'.

    Best way to do this would be through a key-bind. It would help avoid misclicking, especially for spellcasters when targeting an odd-shaped enemy that is surrounded by allies.
  • QlippothQlippoth Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2018
    Gates and doors: Not all of them have a ?proper? ANIMATION_DOOR_CLOSE animations.

    I am creating a module where replacing a gate is part of the game mechanics, but not all gates and doors have a proper ANIMATION_DOOR_CLOSE animation which will cause the door to animate closed and remain intact, back again in full health and displayed properly.

    For some of the doors/gates, if the gate is replaced but I am present, the gate IS replaced in teh game, and I cannot walk through the doorway, but it is not "there". There is a tiny space of a few pixels near the bottom hinge where I can interact with the door, but otherwise it is invisible and has no rendered presence.

    Workaround: If I leave the area or walk far enough away and return, the gate is properly drawn again and the PC can interact with it normally.
    I have a sample module where I was testing every door to ensure those I used could be respawned...

    Hoping for a fix someday, though a new feature in NWN:EE for handling replacing a destroyed door, or even creating one, could be done in scripting.
    Post edited by Qlippoth on
  • YellYell Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2018
    Hello, below is a list of features I believe would make the game way more interesting. I tried to make them short so, if people show interested in some of them, I could expand and elaborate more. :)

    1) Allow server updates to be downloaded when entering a server.

    2) More "PnP" resources in game (jump, climb, fly, with animations and better walking meshes). That could also open more actions for skills, mainly the ones less used.
    . . . Examples:
    . . . Bluff: could open "Feint" battle command that makes flat footed if target fail a resisted check. Could also uses "Distract" when out of combat.
    . . . Lore: could shows enemies properties based on check. Could have a mechanic that allows creators to add extra descriptions based on lore (ex, examine a door with high lore, and you "remember you heard a bard talking about a key found in ... area").
    . . . Persuade: could "unaggro" enemies or other more practical uses, like turning an already friendly NPC into henchmen inside that area (or more?).
    . . . Climb: obvious uses
    . . . Swimn: uses to cross/walk "unwalkable" water surfaces
    . . . Craft/Set/Disarm Traps: expanded trap system. Ability to use creativity to improvise traps too.
    . . . Pickpocket: ability to "take" objects on ground without people knowing it was you. Ability to DROP item in the target pocket (includes poison).
    . . . Discipline: remove it? Game is too dependent on it. Change related combat moves to balance its removal.
    . . . Parry: make parry more fun and useful. Possible adding feats for dedicated parriers.
    . . . Tumble: allows interaction with terrain. Like small cliffs, ropes, tables, rocks... so you can jump over when running. Remove AC.
    . . . Skills synergy: they could interact better with each other, and could be great for giving a specific style for characters.

    3) More spells... way more. Enough to make all schools useful. Illusion and Divination needs a lot of love. Allow illusions to create illusions! People, scenario, animals, monsters, effects. Allow divination spells to scry, to track, to gather information (for example, casting on something could tell who touched that or was there, or where the target had been before. Could have a spell to leave a message about a topic and DMs could answer... maybe based on some "RP skill" and CL).

    4) More feats. We need more options to get out of the niches arround. More customization = more styles = more fun!

    5) Support for summons and associates and disconnects. Maybe how the associates are categorized could be reviewed along with their mechanics.

    6) Rideable creatures support. Allow the "ride" model to overlap some models and be used on many models, like dragons, wyverns, cows.

    7) It's a core part of 3ed, but some weapons are simply better than others... way better. We need different melee range for weapons, like pole weapons and whip. Such long-range-melee weapons would not trigger damage shields for example, but would also suffer penalties when engaged too close (but we can have feats for that!).

    8) Maybe it would be possible to add a practical system for creators, maybe even DMs in game, to set bonuses and penalties for/against Races/Groups with more easy than editing each skin item. Example: all skeletons could be set with 50% pierce and slash immunity as "common traits".

    9) More subraces and maybe class paths. Or at least give creators more freedom to make new classes (base classes and class path options).

    10) Smart shortcuts. Shortcut mechanics could be improved, along with the UI. We could be able to right click an ability and "send to hotbar", and we could move arround the shortcuts (could also "lock" the bar).

    11) Bard songs... more types please.

    12) In game map system. Could be fun to have in game maps that "drawns" module areas. Would be GREAT for treasure maps.

    13) More item properties. A lot more. And more freedom of customization on properties, like allowing to choose any CL or DC, and also allow it to use the user's caster level or character level (that means you can choose if use item, character level or character caster level for abilities purposes by just marking a square rather than editing scripts one by one).

    14) More freedom of editing and options when using polymorphs. The current mechanics are very limited. Transmuters and shapeshifters, ARISE!

    15) The GRAND one: An easier tool with premade options for creating own spells and abilities. Such tool could be used for non skilled creators and even IN GAME, allowing players/DMs to develop new spells (or epic spells) while playing.
    . . . A great example of this system already exist in the Epic Levels Handbook 3.5, and could be adapted for non epic spells too (I did it in my PnP campaign and worked wonders).
    . . . Here is a short resume of the book and in game system example:
    . . . . . . There are Spell Seeds, each allows you to develop some effects linked to it. For example, Energy Seed. In the epic system you can use that to develop a spell that, for example, a single target blast of an element. That have a fixed Spellcraft DC to develop. By increasing the DC, you can enhance the spell (damage, area, spell DC and others) or combine with other seeds. Once developed and the costs used, you can use the spell in your spell book. In the epic system, the base Spellcraft DC for the seeds are based on the lowest Caster Level a caster must have to cast the lowest non epic spell that simulates the effect you are creating. This could be used as the guideline to expand the system to non epics.
    . . . . . . The tool could work by categories (tags) and branches, like:
    . . . . . . . . . 1. select spell circle cleric 6 and wiz/sorc 5 (choosing this would limit the options and show combinations to fit these spell levels, while creating a spell without choosing would automatically give it a spell lvl based on spell value),
    . . . . . . . . . 2. select school conjuration,
    . . . . . . . . . 3. select category(ies): summon, aura... then you have tabs for premade effects
    . . . . . . . . . summon template (obelisk)
    . . . . . . . . . aura for template and select category: ward, attack, utility
    . . . . . . . . . ... ... select ward,
    . . . . . . . . . ... ... regeneration
    . . . . . . Basically the tool organizes and puts in logical sequence conditions and scripts from a database (that can be further expanded by scripters), that can be further adjusted in it's details (like targets, area, duration). The resulting effect would have a value and depending on the value, it would be assigned a spell level or, in case of non spell abilities, the minimum class level required to use it.
    . . . . . . . . . . . . Some random (and maybe overpowered example, but it's just for illustrating the mechanics):
    . . . . . . . . . . . . "Pure" Fighter special feat: Fighting Style Mastery (Epic Feat)
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Requeriments: Fighting Style < Epic Weapon/Armor/Shield Specialization (in related weapons) < Greater Weapon/Armor/Shield Specialization < Greater Weapon/Armor/Shield Focus + Weapon/Armor/Shield Specialization < Weapon/Armor/Shield Focus < Weapon/Armor/Shield Proficience
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fighting Style chosen (when taking the feat, it shows options you have Greater Specialization with): Shield and Short Sword
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Effect: Choose from a small buff list (+1 AC, AB, +2 AC vs missiles and so on)
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fighting Style Mastery: you create your own special effects, from a list based on the categories chosen.
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Example:
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Condition: enemy attack misses you by a roll inside Shield (+expertise) AC (that options appears appears because one of the choices was Shield, but there should be more way more options for each category)
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Effect:
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shield Related: stun for 1~3s, Disarm, dull enemy weapon* (if piercing and/or slash) and apply atk/dmg... others
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pierce Weapon Related: free critical strike, (decent) bleeding counterattack (-CON maybe as per 3.5?), free Called Shot... others
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *: helps making blunt weapons more useful.

    EDIT: Sorry for the wall of text. The board doesn't seem to recognize Tabs or [Indend].
    Post edited by Yell on
  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992
    Number 3 and 4 require by virtue of necessity unhardcoded spells and feats.
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