Has anyone thought to improve the Toolset function in regards to working with haks? I would like the Toolset to ID what hak a resource is located in - work with the resource and export it to desktop or wherever to be importer to that hak.
Many resources went into haks due to the module container max limitation. Working on such materials is a pain - you have to find it - Where you have more than 30 or 40 haks that is not as easy as it sounds - and then remove it and import it to the module and then export it and delete it from the module and put it back in the hak overwriting the old version.
So - a way to ID which hak has the resource - work with it in the toolset such as - option to pull it in and delete it from the hak - work with it and then auto replace it in the hak and delete it from the module.
I know it is a tall order but it is a dream - one that would be nice.
I am quite shocked at how under represented the short races are in builds. It is simply because they do not have access to good weaponry.
I understand that the implementation of longswords being, two handed for gnomes and halflings is a necessary game mechanic, but to then not have access to powerful maces and short swords just adds to the insult.
Concerns that they will be abused by the bigger races can be simply displaced by making them only available to the short races or make them exotic so feats need to be spent to use them
Perhaps some gnome only weaponry (Gnome hooked hammer) would also even the odds.
I always thought of a work around for this is monkey grip only available for small or smaller races. Just a thought. We been talking about it in our D&D groups.
-Not sure if this has been mentioned- if it has I apologize-
One seemingly simple thing you guys could add which would be a godsend to many of us would be a way to organize our modules by making categories/sub-categories and assigning them.
So, for instance, if I download a ton of modules I would like to be able to have tabs for level 1, level 2, level 3 etc where I can place the adventures.
From my experiences with this game , things get very unorganized once you download a ton of modules and having a way to organize them will allow me to finish adventure X at level Y and be able to right away have a list of adventures to choose for my character-
Thanks and I hope that makes sense, its very early and the coffee is still brewing =P
@Anduin, could you clarify what the problem is? Short characters receive a +1 to hit and AC vs. larger creatures, which should more than make up for the slightly lower damage dealt by their smaller weapons. Is the problem, then, the loss of some specific weapon (perhaps scythes, double-weapons, or one-handed scimitars)? Or is it a lack of viable enchanted weapons (in which case I'd have thought Rizolvir and the like would solve that problem)? Or something else I'm missing?
Hi @Jarrakul , as you may be aware the gnome and halfling small stature is a bonus and a hindrance. They get +1 to attack rolls and +1 to AC. (They also get a splurge of other benefits in relation to their race)
However that +1 is easily taken away by access to better weaponry (also taking away the AC advantage as well.
This would not be a problem if everyone had access to the better weapons. Shorties do not. They cannot use large weapons (Longbows, dire maces, two-handed swords and great swords). Then they use medium weapons two-handed. This is an issue as it stops shorties gaining the bonuses of a shield or dualing a weapon.
This comes into sharper focus when you consider that whilst medium sized and larger weapons come in +8 varieties, small and tiny weapons barely come in a +3!
It is this nerfing of gnomes that I hate. I know they were overpowered in Baldur's Gate but come on! These are the 3.5 ruleset, there power has been put in check. The weapon thing should be made equal (not damge wise) But there should be a +8 short sword for tiny fighters, possibly with illusion magics cast on it, because surely a gnome wizard would make a gnome hero a gnome sized magic sword!
Anyway. To illustrate what I mean please read this weapon chart on the best weapons available in the OC and HotU...
Hey thanks man- I didnt realize some of those areas on the trello board required scrolling down- Even after you linked that to me I had a hell of a time figuring out exactly where that was at- Seems there are several things I didnt see there that I want to vote for and had no idea they were even there.
For the Mac, I'd like to see the ability to alt-tab (or other key sequence) to switch out of the app and to the desktop. I ran out of power playing on my laptop today because I couldn't switch to check the battery level.
Also, please increase the size of save game filenames. The text box appears to be much wider than the number of characters you can enter. I'd like to use longer filenames.
On the December 8 Live Stream, Phil Daigle makes the same request to increase the save game filename length at 22:31 into the stream:
Any chance we could get keyboard arrow navigation in the input fields in the Direct Connect window? Changing the target IP address has always felt unnecessarily cumbersome, and the new high res interface has made it significantly harder to accurately point-click the caret to the right position.
Edit: and pasting from clipboard would be fantastic too
Given the way NWNX progress for windows so far, I have to repeat my request to make it possible to load external plugins from base game(nwserver).
No API needed, just something that can load *.dll on windows, my plugin is not using NWNX api anyway and right now the ability to inject my dll into game is the only obstacle. Which is what NWNX is doing right?
Distributing modified nwserver.exe is no longer option as the BD's client will force update. Distributing yet another "loader", wrapper that will inject my dll into nwserver and then run it is my only option. Unless I want to wait for the NWNX core developers should they make time to support poor windows plebs .
I propose that nwserver checks *.dll (on windows at least) files in new folder called "plugins" and then runs DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH / DLL_PROCESS_DETACH events., so plugin would need just this to function: BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID)
if (ul_reason_for_call == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH)
else if (ul_reason_for_call == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH)
//delete plugin;
return TRUE;
Change out the Targa library for PNG so that NWN:EE would load and save PNG files by default. TGA files are large, difficult to deal with and are very late '90s.
This would require converting all the existing game TGA assets to PNG, but if you've got the guts of it open on the table, that shouldn't be an issue.
If that's difficult, at least add PNG support for screenshots and portraits.
Unless I want to wait for the NWNX core developers should they make time to support poor windows plebs .
@Shadooow what would you expect of NWNX to do here? Because Windows and Linux handle dynamic libraries separately, when NWNX comes to Windows it will have to have a custom loader (nwnx.exe) anyway. It would do the exact same thing your loader would do.
If it helps you in any way, I can add that code. But I really don't see any benefit you'd have over just making your own loader. You can/should PR your own loader to NWNX.
As for the request to load all .dlls from a subfolder, it's a great one. It just needs to be done by nwserver.exe only, and not by nwmain.exe. Players should not be encouraged to run unsandboxed code written by anyone other than Beamdog.
@Shadooow what would you expect of NWNX to do here? Because Windows and Linux handle dynamic libraries separately, when NWNX comes to Windows it will have to have a custom loader (nwnx.exe) anyway. It would do the exact same thing your loader would do.
I know and thats why I don't want to make my own loader - that would mean that once the nwnx would come to the windows we would have 2 different loaders.
Im sorry but Im not good with c++, it is easier for me to make my own loader (which is a matter of downloading existing app and using it) than to help with nwnx windows development.
As for the request to load all .dlls from a subfolder, it's a great one. It just needs to be done by nwserver.exe only, and not by nwmain.exe. Players should not be encouraged to run unsandboxed code written by anyone other than Beamdog.
Definitely. Otherwise there would be a lot of security issues.
1. If you are planning to offer new companions could you please make them optional DLC, like a character pack or something, instead off adding them permanently to the main game.
2. Clearer, different coloured and shaped spell icons would be a huge improvement. Colour coding by spell school could help. At the moment is is very tedious to sort through the very large number of spells.
(An option to) make walking have a maximum speed - So hasted characters, monks, etc walk in the same pace as regular PCs. They still get their bonus for running, where it matters. Could just be an additional option in always run/walk suggestion.
Remove artifical toolset limits for ability values or hitpoints
Toolset has a bad habit of limiting ability values in creature editor even if those values can be much higher.
IIRC abilities (str,dex,con,int,wis,cha) are limited to 100, bonus hitpoints to 9999 i think. Its possible to manually set these values higher by manually editing creature blueprint in temp0 folder however anytime such blueprint is opened in toolset toolset replaces values like 150 str by its highest value, 100 which makes things very annoying when you try to make "uber" monsters like that.
I tried to find this anywhere in the reports but was unable to do so, so here it is:
For the Female, Fighter voiceset, its Gratitude (VXX) line has a corresponding string with missing words: "Thank for that, I appreciate it." - It is missing "you" and should be: "Thank you for that, I appreciate it."
...Clearer, different coloured and shaped spell icons would be a huge improvement. Colour coding by spell school could help. At the moment is is very tedious to sort through the very large number of spells.
These have been around for years now as an option. You can just drop them in your override folder.
...Clearer, different coloured and shaped spell icons would be a huge improvement. Colour coding by spell school could help. At the moment is is very tedious to sort through the very large number of spells.
These have been around for years now as an option. You can just drop them in your override folder.
It must be said that the original icons seem all the same, spelcialmente the icons of skills, NWN has always had this thing that actually and a bit confusing for a new player, having tried the Head-Start today I can confirm it, for me the icons must be updated to appear clearer and more distinct.
Apologies if this has been mentioned already, but has anyone else noticed the player movement feels awkward while using WASD keys? For example, when stopping, the character takes an extra step back. Was this intentional? I find it mildly annoying, is this something that could be fixed?
On that note, how difficult would it be to expose character rigging in the toolset for animation editing?
The ability to adjust field of view and camera height would be nice as well. I'm sure that would only be considered once the UI has been overhauled, however.
(An option to) make walking have a maximum speed - So hasted characters, monks, etc walk in the same pace as regular PCs. They still get their bonus for running, where it matters. Could just be an additional option in always run/walk suggestion.
I played a Monk on a PW and it was always annoying trying to walk with the rest of the party. And for RP reasons you might not want the walking speed to reveal your level or "show off" your skills.
Many resources went into haks due to the module container max limitation. Working on such materials is a pain - you have to find it - Where you have more than 30 or 40 haks that is not as easy as it sounds - and then remove it and import it to the module and then export it and delete it from the module and put it back in the hak overwriting the old version.
So - a way to ID which hak has the resource - work with it in the toolset such as - option to pull it in and delete it from the hak - work with it and then auto replace it in the hak and delete it from the module.
I know it is a tall order but it is a dream - one that would be nice.
I am quite shocked at how under represented the short races are in builds. It is simply because they do not have access to good weaponry.
I understand that the implementation of longswords being, two handed for gnomes and halflings is a necessary game mechanic, but to then not have access to powerful maces and short swords just adds to the insult.
Concerns that they will be abused by the bigger races can be simply displaced by making them only available to the short races or make them exotic so feats need to be spent to use them
Perhaps some gnome only weaponry (Gnome hooked hammer) would also even the odds.
By the way, the trace command can continuously display anything else that is exposed to the console..
One seemingly simple thing you guys could add which would be a godsend to many of us would be a way to organize our modules by making categories/sub-categories and assigning them.
So, for instance, if I download a ton of modules I would like to be able to have tabs for level 1, level 2, level 3 etc where I can place the adventures.
From my experiences with this game , things get very unorganized once you download a ton of modules and having a way to organize them will allow me to finish adventure X at level Y and be able to right away have a list of adventures to choose for my character-
Thanks and I hope that makes sense, its very early and the coffee is still brewing =P
However that +1 is easily taken away by access to better weaponry (also taking away the AC advantage as well.
This would not be a problem if everyone had access to the better weapons. Shorties do not. They cannot use large weapons (Longbows, dire maces, two-handed swords and great swords). Then they use medium weapons two-handed. This is an issue as it stops shorties gaining the bonuses of a shield or dualing a weapon.
This comes into sharper focus when you consider that whilst medium sized and larger weapons come in +8 varieties, small and tiny weapons barely come in a +3!
It is this nerfing of gnomes that I hate. I know they were overpowered in Baldur's Gate but come on! These are the 3.5 ruleset, there power has been put in check. The weapon thing should be made equal (not damge wise) But there should be a +8 short sword for tiny fighters, possibly with illusion magics cast on it, because surely a gnome wizard would make a gnome hero a gnome sized magic sword!
Anyway. To illustrate what I mean please read this weapon chart on the best weapons available in the OC and HotU...
EDIT: A suppose a kukri is good... But you would still lose a feat (something any non-human race is short of already)
Thanks and Merry Christmas
Edit: and pasting from clipboard would be fantastic too
No API needed, just something that can load *.dll on windows, my plugin is not using NWNX api anyway and right now the ability to inject my dll into game is the only obstacle. Which is what NWNX is doing right?
Distributing modified nwserver.exe is no longer option as the BD's client will force update. Distributing yet another "loader", wrapper that will inject my dll into nwserver and then run it is my only option. Unless I want to wait for the NWNX core developers should they make time to support poor windows plebs
I propose that nwserver checks *.dll (on windows at least) files in new folder called "plugins" and then runs DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH / DLL_PROCESS_DETACH events., so plugin would need just this to function:
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID) { if (ul_reason_for_call == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { InitPlugin(); } else if (ul_reason_for_call == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH) { //delete plugin; } return TRUE; }
Change out the Targa library for PNG so that NWN:EE would load and save PNG files by default. TGA files are large, difficult to deal with and are very late '90s.
This would require converting all the existing game TGA assets to PNG, but if you've got the guts of it open on the table, that shouldn't be an issue.
If that's difficult, at least add PNG support for screenshots and portraits.
If it helps you in any way, I can add that code. But I really don't see any benefit you'd have over just making your own loader. You can/should PR your own loader to NWNX.
As for the request to load all .dlls from a subfolder, it's a great one. It just needs to be done by nwserver.exe only, and not by nwmain.exe. Players should not be encouraged to run unsandboxed code written by anyone other than Beamdog.
Im sorry but Im not good with c++, it is easier for me to make my own loader (which is a matter of downloading existing app and using it) than to help with nwnx windows development.
Definitely. Otherwise there would be a lot of security issues.
2. Clearer, different coloured and shaped spell icons would be a huge improvement. Colour coding by spell school could help. At the moment is is very tedious to sort through the very large number of spells.
Toolset has a bad habit of limiting ability values in creature editor even if those values can be much higher.
IIRC abilities (str,dex,con,int,wis,cha) are limited to 100, bonus hitpoints to 9999 i think. Its possible to manually set these values higher by manually editing creature blueprint in temp0 folder however anytime such blueprint is opened in toolset toolset replaces values like 150 str by its highest value, 100 which makes things very annoying when you try to make "uber" monsters like that.
For the Female, Fighter voiceset, its Gratitude (VXX) line has a corresponding string with missing words:
"Thank for that, I appreciate it." - It is missing "you" and should be: "Thank you for that, I appreciate it."
Colorized: Spell Icons: Generation 2
Colorized: Scroll Icons: Generation 2 (to go with the colorized spells above)
There's also Colorized: Spell Icons: Generation 1, which are colorized more by solid theme colors. They were the first version I made.
On that note, how difficult would it be to expose character rigging in the toolset for animation editing?
I played a Monk on a PW and it was always annoying trying to walk with the rest of the party. And for RP reasons you might not want the walking speed to reveal your level or "show off" your skills.