Toolset improvement again. Reposting from private beta tracker (as it seems devs forgot about this one )
Add nwn2 style of conversation scripts
Please consider adding a possibility to specify parameters into conversation scripts.
Currently, we have to workaround this by making dozens of scripts for every choice or via dynamic conversation systems (which are hard to use for regular builder).
This feature would make life of a builder so much easier. We could have generic scripts that would handle multiple nodes at once.
The easiest way to do this would be probably a single field in conversation GUI in both Action Taken and Text Appears When which would be string type. Obviously a new GFF field like ActionScriptParams STRING and AppearsWhenParams STRING.
And the StartingConditional would have string parameter inside ie. int StartingConditional(string sParams) or maybe a NWScript function string FetchConvoParams()? Might be easier as adding parameter into StatingConditional would have to be handled by compiler and obviously the compiler would have to accept both StartingConditional() and StartingConditional(string sParams) to enable backwards compatibility.
That would be basically all, it would be up to builder to decypher parameters (if there are more than one ie val1;val2;val3 etc.).
Would allow to make module much more efficient and clean.
Not sure if it's been suggested, but a huge quality of life would to be able to configure action bar hotkey. im not sure how long i'll remain sane having to use function keys
Configuration of quickslots by script. At present, this can only be done by hacking a pre-made character .bic file prior to gameplay. That would enable much better use of shouts, custom feats etc.
Allow additional rows of quickslots for the ardent casters.
Configuration of quickslots by script. At present, this can only be done by hacking a pre-made character .bic file prior to gameplay. That would enable much better use of shouts, custom feats etc.
Allow additional rows of quickslots for the ardent casters.
As a broken record, I'll again note that this is doable with NWNX for those who can/want to use it. Not trying to downplay the request (it's a good one!), just making people aware what the alternatives are in case BD doesn't have the resources to do this.
1) Crash dump auto-upload for better telemetry 2) Make NWServer multi-threaded and/or off-load tasks to other CPU cores 3) Clear documentation on all of the commandline options and ranges 4) Unlock maximum players 5) hakpak autom-download 6) Improved profiler like NWNX's version 7) Improved garbage collection 8) Improved method to detect causes of lag and/or crashes 9) Improved pathfinding
@Sherincall Unless I misunderstood, NWNX isn't much help for SP?
Right, which is why it's a great request. I was just trying to note the alternative for those who can use it, since it is common for MP/PW devs to be surprised when they learn what is already available to them.
Despite lacking in other areas, NWN 2 fixed one of the biggest annoyances from the first game for me: Combat Modes (rapid shot, power attack, defensive casting, flurry of blows etc.). In NWN they turn off the instant you disengage an enemy, move or perform pretty much any action. This means you are constantly fighting against the game to keep them on.
So... a fix that allows these combat modes to just stay on when you have enabled them would be a massive quality of life improvement.
This is actually already in the game, it's just not in the release notes (yet)
You mention this as already being in the game, but I downloaded the head start yesterday but the game still deactivates Flurry of Blows after every fight.
I think to remember that Shadoow once created a new event: on_player_level_down Maybe he could be helpfull to fix the bug with RDD when he lose lvl (ability points busted).
Adding here since I probably did wrong posting on a new thread: Would be great to have a simple button that sets infinity quantity for all items in the shop. For most PWs, items on shops tends to be infinite.
One quick to implement feature that might helps on toolset development would be selecting the character you want to use when clicking in "test module". I suggest the following, but not sure if is the best work-wise:
1. On toolset configuration dialog, add a checkbox "Use the first character when testing a module", marked as default. 2. When hitting test module button, if the checkbox is not checked, open a simple dialog that lists the characters: 2.1 Clicking on a character name selects it 2.2 Closing the dialog cancels the test module procedure.
I'm interested in a lot of things but 2 'minor' scripting functions that include:
1) Allow us to change a placeable's appearance through scripting. I think a lot of us would appreciate being able to alter placeables based on scripting events - that way, we don't have to have every combination of every placeable on the palette. Use the 2da line to identify the new appearance to use and swap it in for the placeable object you've targeted without taking up module resources. I'm imagining something like the SetCreatureAppearanceType function, but to be used for placeables.
2) Add or expand existing functions to allow us to lay down Generic triggers via scripting (rather than just trap triggers). Having the ability to plop down a trigger and then, through existing functions, set the OnExit and OnEnter events would be extremely powerful.
Please make the item properties screen resizeable or at least a bit bigger. Sometimes I can't see the assigned properties and that is disgusting. Example:
I am not sure if this suggestion belongs here, but something that I would like to request is the ability to "hold/wield" a variety of mundane or magic objects as off-hand items. Requested objects include:
Containers (such as magic bags)
Crystal Balls
Divine Focus (such as Holy Symbols)
Vegetation (such as an apple or a rose)
That is it. It doesn't need to have any other special properties; I mostly just want it as a visual effect for RP purposes.
Despite lacking in other areas, NWN 2 fixed one of the biggest annoyances from the first game for me: Combat Modes (rapid shot, power attack, defensive casting, flurry of blows etc.). In NWN they turn off the instant you disengage an enemy, move or perform pretty much any action. This means you are constantly fighting against the game to keep them on.
So... a fix that allows these combat modes to just stay on when you have enabled them would be a massive quality of life improvement.
This is actually already in the game, it's just not in the release notes (yet)
You mention this as already being in the game, but I downloaded the head start yesterday but the game still deactivates Flurry of Blows after every fight.
Is there some setting I’m missing?
I'm curious about this as well. I've seen several posts saying that it's already fixed, but when testing the 8150 and 8153 patches, both Flurry of Blows and Rapid Shot are still constantly turning themselves back off for me.
Other painful thing is adding scrolls on inventories. Look at this screen:
Scrolls is too generic to be actually useful. While I understand that spells overlap across classes and sometimes even with different circles, I would see no problem at all of having some duplication on this screen. My suggestion is organizing those scrolls per class, then per level, and live with the duplication on some of the classes.
Draw distance increase. I saw this mentioned on another forum and loved the idea. The draw distance and "fog" distance is quite low in NWN, would be nice to have an increase to it (with slider etc.).
I to want this - *client side* options to remove the fog entirely / set fog distance and set the draw/rendering distance for objects.
I currently use a hack to remove fog and unlock the camera so it can pull way back and give a much bigger overview, and the game is much more fun that way - much less frustrating. Since fog is measured from where your view point is, simply unlocking the camera and pullgn back results in not beign able to see anything since the fog obscures even your character if you pull bakc far enough!
Again, these need to be *client side* settings, so they are avaible when playing online, and without requiring the module or areas be updated.
Have a display window setting that breaks up "true combat messages" (attacks, rolls, saves, damage) from all the other messages that get printed as combat messages: XP gained, gold gained, items lost, modules messages using the SendMesage command, etc all come to mind as things that I know I'd want printed separately from general combat info.
Basically combat rolls can generally be glossed over most of the time, but there are some important messages that get grouped in with them that deserve an option to be printed to the other message box so you can take note of them.
Possibly make each type of message configurable where they print? (Example: Attack rolls - print to combat, print to chat, print to XYZ, etc)
Regarding changing text colors in toolset. I searched and couldn't find anything, but one suggestion related to that via the <c???>SomeText</c> method:
Could there be a better way to do that than using hack-ey non-printable (generally below 33 and above 127) characters? CSS color spec or RGB integer colors? <c#f032a1>SomeText</c> for example. Or <c255,128,255>SomeText</c> maybe. Anything but non-ASCII chars.
Draw distance increase. I saw this mentioned on another forum and loved the idea. The draw distance and "fog" distance is quite low in NWN, would be nice to have an increase to it (with slider etc.).
I to want this - *client side* options to remove the fog entirely / set fog distance and set the draw/rendering distance for objects.
I currently use a hack to remove fog and unlock the camera so it can pull way back and give a much bigger overview, and the game is much more fun that way - much less frustrating. Since fog is measured from where your view point is, simply unlocking the camera and pullgn back results in not beign able to see anything since the fog obscures even your character if you pull bakc far enough!
Again, these need to be *client side* settings, so they are avaible when playing online, and without requiring the module or areas be updated.
The only problem I see with that is when a module builder uses fog to give an area a particular feel.
When building areas, I set most of the fog distances to 300 meters. Some areas though rely on fog to color the area as a whole (for instance, dim red in my demonic realm), or to convey the look of a mist-choaked swamp.
Now, if we could get rid of the 40 meter limit on seeing non-static placeables, there's an aweful lot I could do with that.
Draw distance increase. I saw this mentioned on another forum and loved the idea. The draw distance and "fog" distance is quite low in NWN, would be nice to have an increase to it (with slider etc.).
I to want this - *client side* options to remove the fog entirely / set fog distance and set the draw/rendering distance for objects.
I currently use a hack to remove fog and unlock the camera so it can pull way back and give a much bigger overview, and the game is much more fun that way - much less frustrating. Since fog is measured from where your view point is, simply unlocking the camera and pullgn back results in not beign able to see anything since the fog obscures even your character if you pull bakc far enough!
Again, these need to be *client side* settings, so they are avaible when playing online, and without requiring the module or areas be updated.
The only problem I see with that is when a module builder uses fog to give an area a particular feel.
When building areas, I set most of the fog distances to 300 meters. Some areas though rely on fog to color the area as a whole (for instance, dim red in my demonic realm), or to convey the look of a mist-choaked swamp.
Now, if we could get rid of the 40 meter limit on seeing non-static placeables, there's an aweful lot I could do with that.
By the way, this is already controlled by the client. Type "mainscene.fog 0" in the console to disable it. Does not need DebugMode, works in multiplayer. Non-static placeables are still not rendered.
The only problem I see with that is when a module builder uses fog to give an area a particular feel.
Yes, I understand and as much as I can, I agree with the author/designer side of things; I'm just not aware of a way to compromise on the on/off state of the fog. Maybe a client side distance slider would be the best to allow the most fog an individual player can deal with, and still give the designer some of what they want for an area.
For me the two sides of the issue indicate that the fog setting should be made very easy to toggle/adjust on the client side: That way, if I'm doing just RP, or I want to experience the full impact of the area as designed, I can turn the fog 'up' easily, but when I'm running thru the area for the 15th time just to get somewhere else, I can quickly turn the fog down for ease of navigation.
I happen to play on several PWs that have large areas with heavy fog with nothing in them and have to travel thru them frequently, so fog became more irritating than immersive for me. A quick GUI toggle would let me have immersion back when it was appropriate, without the frustration.
Regarding changing text colors in toolset. I searched and couldn't find anything, but one suggestion related to that via the <c???>SomeText</c> method:
Could there be a better way to do that than using hack-ey non-printable (generally below 33 and above 127) characters? CSS color spec or RGB integer colors? <c#f032a1>SomeText</c> for example. Or <c255,128,255>SomeText</c> maybe. Anything but non-ASCII chars.
- Limit Resting to 6 seconds like in NWN2 - when playing under Windows 10 in 5120x2880 resolution and 4x scaling the character portrait floats 20 % from the upper left corner (hitboxes for the buttons are in the upper right though!) - under macOS it works fine - 5K performance is not 60 FPS with a M395X, regardless if Win10 or macOS - high resolution font is not as sharp as the normal font, how about switching the font type to the one found in the journal and character sheet? - how about randomization of the looks when creating a new char? Would be fun imho - when leveling up, is it possible to get an extra button that adds 1 to every of the highest class skills? Would be a time-saver feature for specialised chars that don‘t go for more skills than their INT modificator allows. (Especially when you‘re doing it over and over again because you want to get a high hit dice roll )
Add nwn2 style of conversation scripts
Please consider adding a possibility to specify parameters into conversation scripts.
Currently, we have to workaround this by making dozens of scripts for every choice or via dynamic conversation systems (which are hard to use for regular builder).
This feature would make life of a builder so much easier. We could have generic scripts that would handle multiple nodes at once.
The easiest way to do this would be probably a single field in conversation GUI in both Action Taken and Text Appears When which would be string type. Obviously a new GFF field like ActionScriptParams STRING and AppearsWhenParams STRING.
And the StartingConditional would have string parameter inside ie.
int StartingConditional(string sParams)
or maybe a NWScript function string FetchConvoParams()? Might be easier as adding parameter into StatingConditional would have to be handled by compiler and obviously the compiler would have to accept both StartingConditional() and StartingConditional(string sParams) to enable backwards compatibility.
That would be basically all, it would be up to builder to decypher parameters (if there are more than one ie val1;val2;val3 etc.).
Would allow to make module much more efficient and clean.
Example image:
Allow additional rows of quickslots for the ardent casters.
1) Crash dump auto-upload for better telemetry
2) Make NWServer multi-threaded and/or off-load tasks to other CPU cores
3) Clear documentation on all of the commandline options and ranges
4) Unlock maximum players
5) hakpak autom-download
6) Improved profiler like NWNX's version
7) Improved garbage collection
8) Improved method to detect causes of lag and/or crashes
9) Improved pathfinding
Is there some setting I’m missing?
Maybe he could be helpfull to fix the bug with RDD when he lose lvl (ability points busted).
Why not include this new event into EE ?
1. On toolset configuration dialog, add a checkbox "Use the first character when testing a module", marked as default.
2. When hitting test module button, if the checkbox is not checked, open a simple dialog that lists the characters:
2.1 Clicking on a character name selects it
2.2 Closing the dialog cancels the test module procedure.
1) Allow us to change a placeable's appearance through scripting. I think a lot of us would appreciate being able to alter placeables based on scripting events - that way, we don't have to have every combination of every placeable on the palette. Use the 2da line to identify the new appearance to use and swap it in for the placeable object you've targeted without taking up module resources. I'm imagining something like the SetCreatureAppearanceType function, but to be used for placeables.
2) Add or expand existing functions to allow us to lay down Generic triggers via scripting (rather than just trap triggers). Having the ability to plop down a trigger and then, through existing functions, set the OnExit and OnEnter events would be extremely powerful.
- Books
- Containers (such as magic bags)
- Crystal Balls
- Divine Focus (such as Holy Symbols)
- Instruments
- Potions
- Rods
- Scrolls
- Umbrella
- Vegetation (such as an apple or a rose)
- Wands
That is it. It doesn't need to have any other special properties; I mostly just want it as a visual effect for RP purposes.Scrolls is too generic to be actually useful. While I understand that spells overlap across classes and sometimes even with different circles, I would see no problem at all of having some duplication on this screen. My suggestion is organizing those scrolls per class, then per level, and live with the duplication on some of the classes.
I currently use a hack to remove fog and unlock the camera so it can pull way back and give a much bigger overview, and the game is much more fun that way - much less frustrating. Since fog is measured from where your view point is, simply unlocking the camera and pullgn back results in not beign able to see anything since the fog obscures even your character if you pull bakc far enough!
Again, these need to be *client side* settings, so they are avaible when playing online, and without requiring the module or areas be updated.
Basically combat rolls can generally be glossed over most of the time, but there are some important messages that get grouped in with them that deserve an option to be printed to the other message box so you can take note of them.
Possibly make each type of message configurable where they print?
(Example: Attack rolls - print to combat, print to chat, print to XYZ, etc)
Could there be a better way to do that than using hack-ey non-printable (generally below 33 and above 127) characters? CSS color spec or RGB integer colors? <c#f032a1>SomeText</c> for example. Or <c255,128,255>SomeText</c> maybe. Anything but non-ASCII chars.
See for reference.
When building areas, I set most of the fog distances to 300 meters. Some areas though rely on fog to color the area as a whole (for instance, dim red in my demonic realm), or to convey the look of a mist-choaked swamp.
Now, if we could get rid of the 40 meter limit on seeing non-static placeables, there's an aweful lot I could do with that.
For me the two sides of the issue indicate that the fog setting should be made very easy to toggle/adjust on the client side: That way, if I'm doing just RP, or I want to experience the full impact of the area as designed, I can turn the fog 'up' easily, but when I'm running thru the area for the 15th time just to get somewhere else, I can quickly turn the fog down for ease of navigation.
I happen to play on several PWs that have large areas with heavy fog with nothing in them and have to travel thru them frequently, so fog became more irritating than immersive for me. A quick GUI toggle would let me have immersion back when it was appropriate, without the frustration.
More ideas & comments invited!
- Limit Resting to 6 seconds like in NWN2
- when playing under Windows 10 in 5120x2880 resolution and 4x scaling the character portrait floats 20 % from the upper left corner (hitboxes for the buttons are in the upper right though!) - under macOS it works fine
- 5K performance is not 60 FPS with a M395X, regardless if Win10 or macOS
- high resolution font is not as sharp as the normal font, how about switching the font type to the one found in the journal and character sheet?
- how about randomization of the looks when creating a new char? Would be fun imho
- when leveling up, is it possible to get an extra button that adds 1 to every of the highest class skills? Would be a time-saver feature for specialised chars that don‘t go for more skills than their INT modificator allows. (Especially when you‘re doing it over and over again because you want to get a high hit dice roll