I would certainly appreciate it if the game had support for UI scaling even at lower resolutions. At 1920 x 1080 I have difficulty reading (granted, I have weird vision issues outside of what can be fixed by corrective lenses, but still, UI scaling would be nice even once I get this fixed).
I saw one guy suggested for possibility to see unavailable feats. Make them gray and add "Prerequisite" line. Because it is really annoying to check manuals all the time.
Got a suggestion: Add a feature to rotate the character model during character creation. To clarify, during character creation, under the tab customize, it shows you your character in a window. I'm suggesting making it possible to rotate the character so you can see things like hairstyles or tattoos from different angles.
@gugulug5000 Try the left/right arrows and page up/down for angle changes.
A zoom in/out would be nice though, unless I'm forgetting how.
Well how about that. It's amazing that I've played this game since it was released and am still finding new things. So how about changing that feature request to "allow us to rotate the models using our mouse."
@gugulug5000 Try the left/right arrows and page up/down for angle changes.
A zoom in/out would be nice though, unless I'm forgetting how.
Well how about that. It's amazing that I've played this game since it was released and am still finding new things. So how about changing that feature request to "allow us to rotate the models using our mouse."
I saw one guy suggested for possibility to see unavailable feats. Make them gray and add "Prerequisite" line. Because it is really annoying to check manuals all the time.
Thanks for the extra Trello card @JuliusBorisov ! I don't think it should be over-complicated. Something along these lines could work... But I'm sure that you people would
4 new voice instances, working for spells/special abilities (perhaps even monster abilities? or extraordinary ones) split between self-beneficial and other-beneficial.
Selected spell/SA is harmful: one instances for "weak" abilities (spell level 0-4); one instance for "strong" abilities (spells 5-9 and beyond, including epic spells?)
Hi, BD! I'd like it if the function "SetUseableFlag(oObject, FALSE);" could make doors actually un-useable. This would be especially useful to me for the "building" tile in the town exterior tile set, to close off extra doors. I feel like it would be a lot cleaner to have doors that weren't highlight-able at all than to have permanently locked/indestructible doors.
I would like the maximum number of factions to be increased. I don't remember what the current maximum is but I hit it pretty fast when trying to make factions for each race, class, various groups, and species of enemies.
I went through the whole thread (phew!) and didn't find the things I would like to suggest. This makes me think that this is not the thread I should post in Because they seem just too obvious not to implement them... Enough with the complaining, though. Let's get to business
Someone mentioned that it would be lovely to have a chance to buy more than one object of the same kind at the same time (we're thinking potions, components, ammo and such). I wholeheartedly support it
The next thing I would like to see improved are the subtitles in the movies - the letters aren't exactly separated there. It would be fantastic to see that changed. Not that I, specifically, need them, but making them legible would be more than welcome.
And here's why I even decided to write here: stacking items such as gold/silver/copper neklaces/rings and components. They just take up too much space in my inventory (I'm a lazy hoarder ).
Another thing is a 'pick up everything' key/button. This, however, could become irritating, because the items would just pop in my backpack in the first available spot, but sometimes that's better than leaving them behind (again - hoarder).
Gaining access to companion inventory in OC - so that Daelan can carry my hoarding stash
I think that's it for now Thank you very much and may Tyr guide your steps
Womanek, I've seen a "loot all" option suggested already as well as the issue of stacking items. But I can't recall if it was in this thread or another one. Greater companion inventory control has already been suggested as well.
EDIT: That said, the frequency of suggestions does matter to Beamdog I think
Please allow options for increased font size for the Dialogue boxes. This appears to be a separate matter from UI scaling since mods for UI size don't affect Dialogue size. At 1920x1080 the dialogues are just way too small.
There is already a graphics option to use a larger, bolder font, but that forces longer conversations to scroll, disrupting text highlight colours and reducing immersion IMO. What's needed is a larger box, as well as a larger font.
There is already a graphics option to use a larger, bolder font, but that forces longer conversations to scroll, disrupting text highlight colours and reducing immersion IMO. What's needed is a larger box, as well as a larger font.
... or a third pair of glasses ...
Yeah, maybe I worded it poorly. I said "options" because the high resolution font size is the only option and not nearly enough.
I agree, bigger boxes needs to be part of it. Scaling for the dialogue boxes and their respective fonts would be helpful.
Someone mentioned that it would be lovely to have a chance to buy more than one object of the same kind at the same time (we're thinking potions, components, ammo and such). I wholeheartedly support it
The next thing I would like to see improved are the subtitles in the movies - the letters aren't exactly separated there. It would be fantastic to see that changed. Not that I, specifically, need them, but making them legible would be more than welcome.
And here's why I even decided to write here: stacking items such as gold/silver/copper neklaces/rings and components. They just take up too much space in my inventory (I'm a lazy hoarder ).
Another thing is a 'pick up everything' key/button. This, however, could become irritating, because the items would just pop in my backpack in the first available spot, but sometimes that's better than leaving them behind (again - hoarder).
Gaining access to companion inventory in OC - so that Daelan can carry my hoarding stash
Someone mentioned that it would be lovely to have a chance to buy more than one object of the same kind at the same time (we're thinking potions, components, ammo and such). I wholeheartedly support it
The next thing I would like to see improved are the subtitles in the movies - the letters aren't exactly separated there. It would be fantastic to see that changed. Not that I, specifically, need them, but making them legible would be more than welcome.
And here's why I even decided to write here: stacking items such as gold/silver/copper neklaces/rings and components. They just take up too much space in my inventory (I'm a lazy hoarder ).
Another thing is a 'pick up everything' key/button. This, however, could become irritating, because the items would just pop in my backpack in the first available spot, but sometimes that's better than leaving them behind (again - hoarder).
Gaining access to companion inventory in OC - so that Daelan can carry my hoarding stash
A tweak I would like to see is where an item if having negative enhancements made to it, would also causes it to be worth less money and not increase it's value.
(i.e. an item with just a -1 to hit would not be worth as much as an item with a +1 to hit.)
I don't know if this is the right place to post but I just noticed that modules with more than 40 haks will not load into NWN:EE. The game says the haks are missing and by checking the log file I realized that the game will not load more than 40 haks.
IIRC the limit was 50 haks in 1.69. There have been several requests to remove numerical constraints generally, but I'm not sure whether they made it to Trello?
A tweak I would like to see is where an item if having negative enhancements made to it, would also causes it to be worth less money and not increase it's value.
(i.e. an item with just a -1 to hit would not be worth as much as an item with a +1 to hit.)
I would really like a chat box that let me see what I was typing if my text ran off of the screen. I think a customizable height textbar that scrolled with the arrow keys would be an ideal fix.
After spending a number of hours with the head start over the weekend here's some of my initial desires…
Unlock the camera - allow the camera to be moved above the horizontal so you can angle it upwards. With depth of field on, in driving camera zoomed in, you're focused on the back of your toon's head and everything else is blurry. Or if playing a small race you're looking at all the biggun's guts all the time.
Leading on from that - set the minimum camera zoom position to just above your toon's head instead of behind it. This allows quasi first person and helps alleviate the above issue with DoF. Or even better set it to the toon's eyes if possible.
Finally, allow view range/fog to be configurable. It's a bit close. I'm used to having my view distance set to about double the default and I'd forgotten how jarring it is to have terrain features pop into view as you move around. Sure allow it for foggy/spooky/whatever environments but on a bright sunny day having a longer viewing range is far more immersive I find.
Any chance there will be a fix for the armor.2da? This has been known broken since before the gold master, and the column number is used for the armor class, instead of the AC column... This would let us make as many armor AC/Max Dex settings as we like, and properly conform to 3.0/3.5 rules (Atari got a waiver from WotC for the game to ship this way).
Any chance there will be a fix for the armor.2da? This has been known broken since before the gold master, and the column number is used for the armor class, instead of the AC column... This would let us make as many armor AC/Max Dex settings as we like, and properly conform to 3.0/3.5 rules (Atari got a waiver from WotC for the game to ship this way).
Don't know if anyone has mentioned it already, but would it be possible to add the names of instances to their transition points? Kinda like how the names of containers and interactables show up when you mouse over them.
Don't know if anyone has mentioned it already, but would it be possible to add the names of instances to their transition points? Kinda like how the names of containers and interactables show up when you mouse over them.
Have you tried using an invisible object placeable for this? The placeable can handle the transition with a script as well if you do this. ie. you can do this now pretty easily. (see screenshot below)
Try the left/right arrows and page up/down for angle changes.
A zoom in/out would be nice though, unless I'm forgetting how.
I don't think it should be over-complicated.
Something along these lines could work... But I'm sure that you people would
4 new voice instances, working for spells/special abilities (perhaps even monster abilities? or extraordinary ones) split between self-beneficial and other-beneficial.
Selected spell/SA is harmful: one instances for "weak" abilities (spell level 0-4); one instance for "strong" abilities (spells 5-9 and beyond, including epic spells?)
Someone mentioned that it would be lovely to have a chance to buy more than one object of the same kind at the same time (we're thinking potions, components, ammo and such). I wholeheartedly support it
The next thing I would like to see improved are the subtitles in the movies - the letters aren't exactly separated there. It would be fantastic to see that changed. Not that I, specifically, need them, but making them legible would be more than welcome.
And here's why I even decided to write here: stacking items such as gold/silver/copper neklaces/rings and components. They just take up too much space in my inventory (I'm a lazy hoarder
Another thing is a 'pick up everything' key/button. This, however, could become irritating, because the items would just pop in my backpack in the first available spot, but sometimes that's better than leaving them behind (again - hoarder).
Gaining access to companion inventory in OC - so that Daelan can carry my hoarding stash
I think that's it for now
EDIT: That said, the frequency of suggestions does matter to Beamdog I think
... or a third pair of glasses ...
I agree, bigger boxes needs to be part of it. Scaling for the dialogue boxes and their respective fonts would be helpful.
Subtitles - I think this is more a bug material. File on support.baldursgate.com
Stacking items - now https://trello.com/c/zgbzdcFs/133-make-stacking-items-such-as-neklaces-rings-components-possible
Companion Inventory: https://trello.com/c/ZDzQqknt/28-update-the-ocs-to-the-current-patch-levels is in the Proposed category of the Roadmap board.
Elaboration: Client side chat customisation intended for roleplayers where if a player uses a format like
*Writes on his keyboard and inputs text between two asterisks or other specifiable symbols* Hi
There are options to highlight that text in your menu, another example (of frequent RP book like style) would be:
"Speaks these words that are highlighted in one of the or multiple possible aforementioned ways." Hi again.
Best Regards,
(i.e. an item with just a -1 to hit would not be worth as much as an item with a +1 to hit.)
Unlock the camera - allow the camera to be moved above the horizontal so you can angle it upwards. With depth of field on, in driving camera zoomed in, you're focused on the back of your toon's head and everything else is blurry. Or if playing a small race you're looking at all the biggun's guts all the time.
Leading on from that - set the minimum camera zoom position to just above your toon's head instead of behind it. This allows quasi first person and helps alleviate the above issue with DoF. Or even better set it to the toon's eyes if possible.
Finally, allow view range/fog to be configurable. It's a bit close. I'm used to having my view distance set to about double the default and I'd forgotten how jarring it is to have terrain features pop into view as you move around. Sure allow it for foggy/spooky/whatever environments but on a bright sunny day having a longer viewing range is far more immersive I find.