Please consider NOT bundling the original NWN with EE on GOG

Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition is one of the few releases that can truly excite me nowadays.
At first I was afraid that it might go terribly wrong, but from I've seen and learned so far makes me more and more a believer. I really like it very much!
That's why I don't want the game's reputation to be tarnished by what the majority considers a very bad move - that is, removing the original NWN from GOG and only offering it as a free bonus to NWN:EE.
I can understand these voices. They may not be interested in the Enhanced Edition and yet they'd have to pay double the price for the game they'd want to play ($20 vs $10).
This has been done with the previous Enhanced Editions and their original versions so far. For the customers, it's an unspoken sign that you yourselves feel Enhanced Editions are not good enough and that you need to force people to buy them by removing the alternative for anyone who'd rather stick to the original. Whether that sign is correct or not is not important here - what's important is whether people think it is.
Do a good job with NWN:EE - I can already tell it has a great potential to be awesome - and you won't need to remove the competition in the form of the originals to succeed. You've already shown some of the haters that you can learn from your mistakes, you should be able to see what's controversial about these bundlings now, too - and admit that it's not needed and only pushes away part of your potential customer base.
Thank you.
At first I was afraid that it might go terribly wrong, but from I've seen and learned so far makes me more and more a believer. I really like it very much!
That's why I don't want the game's reputation to be tarnished by what the majority considers a very bad move - that is, removing the original NWN from GOG and only offering it as a free bonus to NWN:EE.
I can understand these voices. They may not be interested in the Enhanced Edition and yet they'd have to pay double the price for the game they'd want to play ($20 vs $10).
This has been done with the previous Enhanced Editions and their original versions so far. For the customers, it's an unspoken sign that you yourselves feel Enhanced Editions are not good enough and that you need to force people to buy them by removing the alternative for anyone who'd rather stick to the original. Whether that sign is correct or not is not important here - what's important is whether people think it is.
Do a good job with NWN:EE - I can already tell it has a great potential to be awesome - and you won't need to remove the competition in the form of the originals to succeed. You've already shown some of the haters that you can learn from your mistakes, you should be able to see what's controversial about these bundlings now, too - and admit that it's not needed and only pushes away part of your potential customer base.
Thank you.
Post edited by Taro94 on
I'd think that they'd want to keep the versions separate. Do The Wizards of the Coast have a say in this? What if it's their decision to do this?
After all, Beamdog were given rights to NWN:EE. Can we consider the original NWN to be a part of this agreement, or separate?
I'm quite sure it's not GOG's decision at least, because it offers both original and remastered versions of some games without making a fuss (Oddworld is an example of this).
It is best for people who do not want the Enhanced Edition because they are still on XP to be able to buy an older version of NWN 1.69 that supports XP so they can play on 1.69 servers who also fail to update.
This way the game can continue to get patch updates and new releases for those who purchased the Enhanced Edition and everyone else can stick to a version no longer supported if they want, instead of buying the Enhanced Edition and also getting 1.69 version as a bundle.
Then when a server updates to Enhanced Edition the players can decide if they want to upgrade or find a new 1.69 server to play on, or the server can decide not to upgrade and stick to 1.69 to keep their players happy who refuse to upgrade to a new supported operating system and Enhanced Edition.
It is win-win for everyone.
"(...) You've already shown some of the haters (...)"
Since when has disagreement or dislike been equivalent to "hate"? I don't get this...
That doesn't mean the suggestion is bad - leaving NWN Diamond on the GOG store isn't a bad idea, IMO, regardless of what the haters will think about it. But I won't be broken-hearted if they do with NWN what they did with BG, BG2, IWD, and PST, which is bundle them with the EE versions.
Or maybe they "hate" (dislike or disagree, in my vocabulary - hate is a strong word, and shouldn't be used without real cause) decisions Beamdog have made.
If one wants to avoid a polarized debate with lots of temper, maybe one shouldn't use strong words that should be reserved for what they actually mean. Throwing around accusations and claiming to know that persons are "evil" based on their venting their frustration over something on the internet is somewhat misguided, IMO.
it's gotten so bad i'm starting to just ignore anything beamdog related thats not this forum.
The hate is real, however, and easy to find. Like no one has to speculate why the hate because it is easy to find and laid out rather plainly.
It's sad, because other users will be afraid to post there in fear of getting descended on by an angry mob.
But I agree with you; this kind of namecalling always says more about the source than it does about the target.
I very much doubt that Beamdog can make a decision that will satisfy the worst of the ... shall we say, "dislikers". When Beamdog released BG:EE and BG2:EE with new content and new NPCs, the new content was bad. When they released PS:T EE without new content, it was not a new product but a "mod" and a "shameless cashgrab". It's heads they win, tails Beamdog loses, and you might as well spare yourself the time, agony and frustration of trying to reason with them or make them happy.
If Beamdog does NOT bundle NWN:EE with NWN, that will be seen as an admission of guilt. If they DO bundle the EE with the classical version, it will be "more of the same".
All that being said, I support the original poster's suggestion that Beamdog should NOT bundle the two products. Though I am not certain this is Beamdog's decision alone.
it does not matter if the games run better or if like like nwn dont run well on some people's computers. they will still call beamdog leeches and claim they are stealing other people's work when news flash the people that made the original nwn work at beamdog.
In other words, I've used the word to refer to dislikers, including myself. I admitted Beamdog has learned from these mistakes and that's why I hope they'll learn from this one as well.
They're very distrustful at the moment but I can't blame them for that. The point is, it IS in Beamdog's power to show them they listen to criticism (and even if the gog community is calling names, some of their criticism, like the bundling, is certainly valid).
You can see now why I shan't be bothering over there now anyway.
Like when a friend owes u money and they can't pay you back but then u see them out spending money on crap. Makes you think that's dick move.
As to the topic of separating the classic version to the EE, I can see why some people would want it. However, most of the people that seem to be gunning for this already have the classic version, so the argument makes less sense. All new players would surely prefer to get stuck in with the EE (assumption)?