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General mod Questions thread



  • TheOrderOfTheStickTheOrderOfTheStick Member Posts: 2
    Is there a mod to make summons follow the party into other areas? In the past they followed if attacked and normal enemies do it all the time, so it should be possible generally?
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,535
    edited May 2019
    What is exactly spell type 3 - Psionic (offset 0x1C)?
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  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    edited May 2019
    @Luke93 AFAIK Special (0), Psionic (3), and Bard Song (5) are effectively the same. They differ from Innate (4) only by the feedback string used when they are activated. They're feedback is prefixed with "Casts ...", when activated by non-Forced actions.

    @subtledoctor Either one:
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    @Bubb @kjeron

    Just saw at IESDP that Opcode 76 (state: Feebleminded) ignores duration. Can you guys confirm that?

  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    edited May 2019
    Raduziel wrote: »
    Just saw at IESDP that Opcode 76 (state: Feebleminded) ignores duration. Can you guys confirm that?
    It does not ignore duration.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    edited May 2019

    I want to add entries to CLEARAIR.2da

    How can I get the number of a project in project.ids? I have some custom spells and their number may vary from install to install, so I need a dynamic way to do so.

  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    As you add the projectile:
    ADD_PROJECTILE ~(path)/
    OUTER_SET	clear_filename = (filename - 1)
    APPEND ~CLEARAIR.2DA~ ~label %clear_filename%~
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    @kjeron That worked perfectly. Thanks. :)
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    For the random treasure .2DA tables, is it possible to create, say, a Wand of Fire, that has 10 charges in both of its abilities? I notice that if this wand is created as random treasure it will always have 10 charges in its Fireball ability, but 0 charges in its Agannazar's Scorcher ability. If this is possible, how would it be done?
  • AllbrotherAllbrother Member Posts: 262
    edited May 2019
    How do I append to a bcs file in weidu? First I tried:
    APPEND ~file.bcs~ ~script~

    That did nothing. Just created a carbon copy of the default bcs in the override folder. No sight of the script I wanted to append.

    Next I tried:
    COPY_EXISTING ~modfolder/file.bcs~ ~override~
    APPEND ~file.bcs~ ~script~

    That just replaced the file in override with the file in my folder, wiping off any other changes to it there might have been

    How do I do this?
  • ArdanisArdanis Member Posts: 1,736
    EXTEND_BOTTOM gamefile.bcs modfile.baf
  • AllbrotherAllbrother Member Posts: 262
    Awesome, thank you
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,535
    edited May 2019
    kjeron wrote: »
    Opcode 5: Charm types are woefully undetailed.
    (Parameter2)[LONG]: Charm Type
    0 : Neutral Charm

    Does not alter targets allegiance stat.
    Maintains EA[7][REALLYCHARMED] on the target if the caster is EA[30][GOODCUTOFF].
    Maintains EA[254][EVILBYCHARM] on the target if the caster is EA[31][NOTGOOD].
    Maintains Portrait Icon STATDESC[0] on the target.
    Effect ends if the creature is attacked by EA[30][GOODCUTOFF].
    Target displays string ENGINEST[STRREF_EFFECT_CHARMED](#).

    1000 : Neutral Charm (no Feedback)

    Same as 0, but target does not display any string.

    1 : Hostile Charm

    Sets targets allegiance to EA[30][GOODCUTOFF] if the caster is EA[200][EVILCUTOFF].
    Sets targets allegiance to EA[200][EVILCUTOFF] if the caster is EA[199][NOTEVIL].
    Maintains EA[7][REALLYCHARMED] on the target if the caster is EA[30][GOODCUTOFF].
    Maintains EA[254][EVILBYCHARM] on the target if the caster is EA[31][NOTGOOD].
    Maintains Portrait Icon STATDESC[0] on the target.
    Effect ends if the creature is attacked by EA[30][GOODCUTOFF].
    Target displays string ENGINEST[STRREF_EFFECT_CHARMED](#).

    1001 : Hostile Charm (no Feedback)

    Same as 1, but target does not display any string.

    2 : Neutral Dire Charm

    Does not alter targets allegiance stat.
    Maintains EA[5][CONTROLLED] on the target if the caster is EA[30][GOODCUTOFF].
    Maintains EA[255][ENEMY] on the target if the caster is EA[31][NOTGOOD].
    Maintains Portrait Icon STATDESC[1] on the target.
    Effect ends if the creature is attacked by EA[30][GOODCUTOFF].
    Target displays string ENGINEST[STRREF_EFFECT_DIRECHARMED](#).

    1002 : Neutral Domination

    Same as 2, except:
    Maintains Portrait Icon STATDESC[43] on the target.
    Target does not display any string.

    3 : Hostile Dire Charm

    Sets targets allegiance to EA[30][GOODCUTOFF] if the caster is EA[200][EVILCUTOFF].
    Sets targets allegiance to EA[200][EVILCUTOFF] if the caster is EA[199][NOTEVIL].
    Maintains EA[5][CONTROLLED] on the target if the caster is EA[30][GOODCUTOFF].
    Maintains EA[255][ENEMY] on the target if the caster is EA[31][NOTGOOD].
    Maintains Portrait Icon STATDESC[1] on the target.
    Effect ends if the creature is attacked by EA[30][GOODCUTOFF].
    Target displays string ENGINEST[STRREF_EFFECT_DIRECHARMED](#).

    1003 : Hostile Domination

    Same as 3, except:
    Maintains Portrait Icon STATDESC[43] on the target.
    Target does not display any string.

    4 : Controlled by Cleric

    Sets targets allegiance to EA[30][GOODCUTOFF] if the caster is EA[200][EVILCUTOFF].
    Sets targets allegiance to EA[200][EVILCUTOFF] if the caster is EA[199][NOTEVIL].
    Maintains EA[5][CONTROLLED] on the target if the caster is EA[30][GOODCUTOFF].
    Maintains EA[255][ENEMY] on the target if the caster is EA[31][NOTGOOD].
    Target displays string ENGINEST[STRREF_EFFECT_TURNED](#).

    1004 : Controlled (no Feedback)

    Same as 4, but target does not display any string.

    5 : Thrull Charm
    Does not alter targets allegiance stat.
    Maintains EA[255][ENEMY] on the target (regardless of casters Allegience).
    Maintains STATS[149][THRULLCHARM] to 1.
    Maintains Portrait Icon STATDESC[0] on the target.
    Target displays string ENGINEST[STRREF_EFFECT_CHARMED](#).

    1005 : Thrull Charm (no Feedback)
    Same as 5, but target does not display any string.

    (# Dice Thrown)[LONG]{EFF:V2}: Override Maintained EA Value

    If this effect turns a party member hostile, it will disable all of their scripts.
    • What's the difference between CHARMED and REALLYCHARMED?
    • EA.ids seems to lack entry [254][EVILBYCHARM]. What is this exactly?
    • "If this effect turns a party member hostile, it will disable all of their scripts" => Disable or reset to something? If they were just disabled, then party members would not attack you back...
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    edited May 2019
    Luke93 wrote: »
    [*] What's the difference between CHARMED and REALLYCHARMED?
    A CHARMED creature is not controllable by the party, a REALLYCHARMED creature is.
    Luke93 wrote: »
    [*] EA.ids seems to lack entry [254][EVILBYCHARM]. What is this exactly?
    Just a separate EA from ENEMY for detection purposes. They are still valid objects for [EVILCUTOFF] and NearestEnemyOf, but not by [ENEMY]. The IDS entry is in IWDEE as CHARMED_PC, but it is not specific to PC's.
    Luke93 wrote: »
    [*] "If this effect turns a party member hostile, it will disable all of their scripts" => Disable or reset to something? If they were just disabled, then party members would not attack you back...
    It disables the scripts and then forces a specific action on party members without setting a new script, similar to how turn undead forces the Run Away action (on undead, not paladins).
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,535
    kjeron wrote: »
    Luke93 wrote: »
    [*] What's the difference between CHARMED and REALLYCHARMED?
    A CHARMED creature is not controllable by the party, a REALLYCHARMED creature is.

    So a CHARMED creature is just an ally (blue circle), while a REALLYCHARMED one is fully under control of the party (green circle, similar to 5 - CONTROLLED)?
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,535
    edited May 2019
    kjeron wrote: »
    Luke93 wrote: »
    [*] "If this effect turns a party member hostile, it will disable all of their scripts" => Disable or reset to something? If they were just disabled, then party members would not attack you back...
    .... and then forces a specific action.....

    Is it AttackReevaluate(NearestEnemyOf(Myself),1)?
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    edited May 2019
    Both result in a green selection circle, but yes it's just an uncontrolled ally, while REALLYCHARMED is the fully controllable version.
    The Shaman's summons could probably use this EA value for the same uncontrolled behavior they currently get with op365, but it would have to be set after summoning, as summoning set's a creature's EA to either ALLY, NEUTRAL, or ENEMY.
    Luke93 wrote: »
    Is it AttackReevaluate(NearestEnemyOf(Myself),1)?
    I don't know the exact details, just that it's one of the Attack...() actions, but that is the most likely one.
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,535
    kjeron wrote: »
    Luke93 wrote: »
    Is it AttackReevaluate(NearestEnemyOf(Myself),1)?
    I don't know the exact details, just that it's one of the Attack...() actions, but that is the most likely one.

    Maybe @Bubb could tell us something more about this... :)
  • BubbBubb Member Posts: 1,006
    It's part of "CGameSprite::SpecialStateProcessing()"

    If the creature is
    2) Base EA <= GOODCUTOFF
    3) Current EA == ENEMY

    then it will:
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    Bubb wrote: »
    It's part of "CGameSprite::SpecialStateProcessing()"

    If the creature is
    2) Base EA <= GOODCUTOFF
    3) Current EA == ENEMY

    then it will:
    Well that also clarifies the distinction of EA 254[EVILBYCHARM/CHARMED_PC] - it is not issued this attack action. Which is why "Normal" Charm doesn't cause allies to attack the party, while "Dire" Charm does.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    How is Viconia's and Baeloth's Magic Resistance applied to them?
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    Their CRE file's base stat for magic resistance (offset 0x5d) is set to 50. A portrait Icon effect is attached just for show.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    kjeron wrote: »
    Their CRE file's base stat for magic resistance (offset 0x5d) is set to 50. A portrait Icon effect is attached just for show.

    Thanks. :)
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    How do I remove IWD's default party?

    Not deleting them at the start of every game, but not having them displayed there at all.

    It is a PITA to delete that crew every time I need to test a kit in IWD. That would save me some time.

  • AlonsoAlonso Member Posts: 806
    I'm starting with my first baby modder steps and I'm puzzled by all the tags in the game texts that look something like <PRO_HISHER> or <PRO_HIMHER>. They seem to be aimed at generating gender neutral language (like using "her" when describing the spell of a female mage), but in practice that doesn't happen, all the pronouns in the game are in the masculine form AFAIK. So do these tags have any actual effect in the game?
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    They only work in CHARGEN. Outside of that, they use Player1/Protagonist gender.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,800
    @Alonso the taggs <PRO_something are referring to your protagonist aka PC. If he is male then they are displayed as male in the game. If you use <MANWOMAN> etc without the PRO_ then the gender of the NPC talking will be referred to. It's all explained in the IESDP.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    Raduziel wrote: »
    How do I remove IWD's default party?

    Not deleting them at the start of every game, but not having them displayed there at all.

    It is a PITA to delete that crew every time I need to test a kit in IWD. That would save me some time.


    @kjeron ? @CamDawg ?

    Pretty please?
  • switswit Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 495
    edited May 2019
    @Raduziel, try replacing cre names present in IWDPARTY.2DA and HOWPARTY.2DA with * (or even better, CRE file of your choice to make kit testing faster)
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