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The 2.5 Update Beta is HERE! Test, play, let us know what you think!



  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,539
    Mantis37 said:

    Hmm, on the beta my Blackguard and Verr'sza the Rakshasha ranger just became fallen after they were attacked by a villanous paladin in the woods! Anyone had a similar issue?

    Which paladin? I also have Verr'sza in my party and I'd like to know what you're talking about (the only difference is that I'm playing on v2.4 iOS.....)
  • AlmateriaAlmateria Member Posts: 257
    Minsc2017 said:


    If anyone's interested: this is a weird one. It didn't exist in my previous Big World (2017) install, and Almateria's mod version 2.8 hasn't changed since then.

    If I do a new Big World install on either BG2EE v2.3 or 2.5 with no mods at all other than the Big World general requirements and Almateria's mod, specifically 'Restored Characters & Dialogs', I get the bug.

    But if I leave Almateria out of Big World and install it manually afterwards, I don't get it. The 5 creatures in question are normally added via a script, but the mod adds them to AR1200.are via fj_are_structure with the correct fj_dest_loc_x, fj_dest_loc_y values in setup-arestorationp.tp2.

    The mystery is that something about the current Big World Project install causes the fj_dest_loc_x, fj_dest_loc_y to be zero'ed out at some point in the process. Again, this happens even when Almateria is the one and only non-essential mod chosen.

    Don't know if other creatures in other areas (in other mods) are being similarly affected. At first I thought the weidu fj_are_structure function may have changed. But like I say, running the mod manually doesn't create the error.

    Hey, thanks! fj_are_structure-related bugs are hard to spot, especially since, uh, I never install Big World. So all I can say is "works for me, didn't fix". I'll contact some peeps about this.
  • Minsc2017Minsc2017 Member Posts: 34
    Almateria said:

    Hey, thanks! fj_are_structure-related bugs are hard to spot, especially since, uh, I never install Big World. So all I can say is "works for me, didn't fix". I'll contact some peeps about this.

    Thanks @Almateria, I hope you're able to recreate the bug with my steps. I run the following snippet to catch every area instance where Destination X, Y are 0, and then I set them to Current X,Y. I'm assuming every one of them is an error and didn't look into the possibility that some of them are deliberate.

    There are about 30 such actors in my game, but that includes new areas added by a couple of mods. I haven't run it on a clean install.

    COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~^[^-]+\.are$~ ~override~

    READ_SHORT 0x58 "#actors"
    READ_SHORT 0x54 "actorOffset"

    WHILE ("%#actors%" > 0) BEGIN /* start loop */

    READ_ASCII ("%actorOffset%" + ("%#actors%" - 1) * 0x110 + 0x00) ActorName (32) NULL
    READ_SHORT ("%actorOffset%" + ("%#actors%" - 1) * 0x110 + 0x20) "#CurrentX"
    READ_SHORT ("%actorOffset%" + ("%#actors%" - 1) * 0x110 + 0x22) "#CurrentY"
    READ_SHORT ("%actorOffset%" + ("%#actors%" - 1) * 0x110 + 0x24) "#DestX"
    READ_SHORT ("%actorOffset%" + ("%#actors%" - 1) * 0x110 + 0x26) "#DestY"

    PATCH_IF (("%#DestX%" = 0) AND ("%#DestY%" = 0)) BEGIN // if Destination X,Y are 0 then set them to Current X,Y

    PATCH_PRINT ~%ActorName% at (%#CurrentX%, %#CurrentY%) to (%#DestX%, %#DestY%) in %SOURCE_FILE%, actor %#actors%~

    WRITE_SHORT ("%actorOffset%" + ("%#actors%" - 1) * 0x110 + 0x24) %#CurrentX%
    WRITE_SHORT ("%actorOffset%" + ("%#actors%" - 1) * 0x110 + 0x26) %#CurrentY%

    END /* end Patch_if */

    SET "#actors" = ("%#actors%" - 1)
    END /* end loop */

  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    is there an ETA for bg:EE?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    Not yet.
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    Maybe I misunderstood but I thought that @PhillipDaigle said next week in the last stream.
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