A Forum Restart

After November 30°, i would suggest a forum restart. What i mean is a clean in the forum so we can work new ideas, now with the game in hand making the topics more objective.
This doesn't need to be something black and white (unless that's what you want, i will make a choice for that).
So lemme present the options i thought below.
This doesn't need to be something black and white (unless that's what you want, i will make a choice for that).
So lemme present the options i thought below.
- A Forum Restart130 votes
- Yes, delete everything (except the announcements of the admins of course), so we can have a fresh forum start after the release of the game.  7.69%
- No, stupid idea, keep everything as it is at the moment, the messy of a forum is just an example of his high activity sometimes.58.46%
- Alternative, create an Archive directory and store every file made before November 30° there. Make the archive directory files only visible if specific accessed (exception to roleplay directory).18.46%
- Alternative, create an Archive directory and store the actual discussion Category there (except the roleplay directory). Leave every other category as they are at the moment.  8.46%
- Another option (justify it)  6.92%
Just want to remember that i put an yes option for the sake of diversity, that doesn't mean that i want the forum to be deleted, i voted on option 3 by the way cos i can see some benefitson it.
@Jean_Luc, spam, spam, spam, are you trying to rush badges?
Sorting them based on their qualities in such regards would seem like a better idea, if anything is to be cleaned out at all.
And I agree with Cheesebelly, the old BioWare BG2 forums contained tons of detailed game information that it was apparently ok to erase in order to force focus onto their flashy new games instead.
Then again, i don't see a problem with leaving everything as is as new posts will simply push the old into irrelevancy and newer posts concerning bg2:ee and the inevitable bellyaching of the few who will no doubt disike some of the enhancements will dominate the forum.
perhabs make a few more moderaters, to clean it up
Plus if you do archive, I would give you a month before you want to archive again...
Especially with the dumb content I post! Yay!
Now lets start a thread about a cure for minsc's baldness... Was boo accidentally first used by minsc as a toupe?
I understand the desire for clarity, though. Some minor restructuring may be needed down the road, like BG2 pre release, etc., for now it seems organized fine.
(that was supposed to be a wink, though it could be laughing through tears for all I know!)
If that's the wrost suggestion you saw in a long long time? A pretty weak statement based on the kind of the suggestion, but ok, that's your opinion, and you're entitled to it, IF express it in respect to other people opinions, what didn't happened @Oxford_Guy.
Don't mistake the fact of the existence of the first opinion of this pool with my opinion, look where i put my vore and then, ONLY THEN criticize my choice. If i gave an option Yes, delete all, that was done in respect to people that can think that way, and i'm pretty sure some people can find a reason for a start over in this forum.
My opinion is for an Archive directory after November 30°, where we put post of every category (except the roleplay directory) that was made before the release date.
There is ZERO advantage to wiping the forums. I'm a little surprised you'd suggest this. As others have pointed out, some of the threads here already turn up when Googling for specific game information.
Why on earth would anyone want to delete that?
There are some good topic.
But I would delete all stupid polls, starting this one.
Keep everything else the same as stated by pretty much everyone else in this thread.