Because here you already find the dagger damaged - not only structure-wise, but also it's nature got fractured. Consider it a cruel joke made by Irenicus, who played with the dagger. Anyway, due to that damage, there is no other way, but perform a ritual and replace the soul with a different one. That is the reason for the mod's name... because the question is: how much are you willing to pay to release a soul of someone you knew before?
@LavaDelVortel the whole cost of a soul thing is cruel as hell, and I must admit that I've cheated in my first try by
Dismissing the dagger back to BG and changing the global variables for Skie to appear as if I had saved her myself [/ spoiler]
but now I'll try to play fair , although I still have a request for you: Could you make it possible for the whole process to be a bit faster? I mean...
As far as I remember it's 3 days for the wizard to come up with a solution for the dagger and a week for skie to come by [/ spoiler]
But as an experienced player in within thay time I'll have completed at least two stronghold quests and I would really like to have Skie around . If you believe that changing it (or offering the alternative to ) is not consistent to the story that's okay ,I'll jusy edit the globals again xD
@LavaDelVortel the whole cost of a soul thing is cruel as hell, and I must admit that I've cheated in my first try by
Dismissing the dagger back to BG and changing the global variables for Skie to appear as if I had saved her myself [/ spoiler]
but now I'll try to play fair , although I still have a request for you: Could you make it possible for the whole process to be a bit faster? I mean...
As far as I remember it's 3 days for the wizard to come up with a solution for the dagger and a week for skie to come by [/ spoiler]
But as an experienced player in within thay time I'll have completed at least two stronghold quests and I would really like to have Skie around . If you believe that changing it (or offering the alternative to ) is not consistent to the story that's okay ,I'll jusy edit the globals again xD
this isnt the first time lava had his mod quest on a day timer. i shall not forget also had a timer between each quest so you could go do other quests while it goes down. but i to think the week timer might be to much. but it's the only way to make sense how she gets to amn in such a manner.
Because here you already find the dagger damaged - not only structure-wise, but also it's nature got fractured. Consider it a cruel joke made by Irenicus, who played with the dagger. Anyway, due to that damage, there is no other way, but perform a ritual and replace the soul with a different one. That is the reason for the mod's name... because the question is: how much are you willing to pay to release a soul of someone you knew before?
But wouldn't damaging the dagger release Skie's soul, not make it stuck harder somehow? I'm trying to resolve this with the existing official lore.
But wouldn't damaging the dagger release Skie's soul, not make it stuck harder somehow? I'm trying to resolve this with the existing official lore.
Well, I suppose it could work both ways, if you imagine the Soultaker dagger as similar to a jail cell. You could damage the door (or walls) to the point where it no longer serves as a capable prison, or perhaps you could damage the door in such a way that the key no longer works, rendering it a permanent prison that requires greater effort to free the soul trapped within.
@ThacoBell - How @Zaxares described it is how I imagined it. Heh, it's good that he was more succesful with his comparison than me :P I am not sure if there are any rules about how exactly the dagger would behave, but when writing, I give myself some freedom and while I do not know the exact PnP description of the artifact, I believe different things may happen when a powerful wizard with great power starts to experiment with powerful items. I believe he would also knew how to test its powers without releasing the soul.
@DJKajuru - the mod was supposed to be dark. I was inspired by decision haevy games like Life is Strange, where you have to make hard decision and none of them are happy. Will you leave your friend and the dagger as they are now, or will you pay a huge price that affect others?
About the timer - well... it's long because I had to give Skie time to move from Baldur's Gate to Athkatla... it's quite a distance. I will think about it, but no promises yet.
@ThacoBell - How @Zaxares described it is how I imagined it. Heh, it's good that he was more succesful with his comparison than me :P I am not sure if there are any rules about how exactly the dagger would behave, but when writing, I give myself some freedom and while I do not know the exact PnP description of the artifact, I believe different things may happen when a powerful wizard with great power starts to experiment with powerful items. I believe he would also knew how to test its powers without releasing the soul.
Or you could just add wild magic to the mix and anything is possible...
Version 2.1 is up! It includes:
-A new line in the quest part, that describes Soultaker's state better. It uses the comparison made by @Zaxares - thanks!
-A new item for the component C. This time it's a new studded leather armor
-Better EET code provided by @jastey some time ago!
-Fixed readme, as there was some stupid mistake (saying there are 2 components whaile there are already 3)
I checked the timers and they are short already. The messenger comes after 3 days (happens only in cities, though!) and 2 days later Skie pays you a visit (happens only if you rest in the tavern). I can't make those shorter as they are already short, sorry.
Version 2.1 is up! It includes:
-A new line in the quest part, that describes Soultaker's state better. It uses the comparison made by @Zaxares - thanks!
Woah, thanks! Now I wonder if I should download and install the new version. If I do that for a game that's already in progress, will that break anything? (I've finished rescuing Skie's soul, although neither the messenger nor Skie herself have shown up yet.)
Hah, well, you're past that point, so I'm not sure if there's any reason to re-install the mod, especially knowing that something may got wrong, if it's a heavy-modded installation It's the lady in Slums that describes the situation...
...and when writing this post, I realized that no one ever mentioned that she also mentions Bhaalspawn's heritage while he/she never made any coming out out there before. That is why I'm uploading 2.2, which adds 2 more lines. Note the mod works fine in previous versions, now it's more like a quality fix.
still think that irenicus line from imoen needs to be removed. changing it to " the guy who captured us.' or something like that would make it seem less out of place as we don't know his name until we meet the driads.
or change it so we can't get the dagger until after the driads could fix it as well.
Thank you @LavaDelVortel , I did not call it cruel as a complaint ,in fact I think you've done a very cool mod so much that I'm eager to start it again (couldn't finish the first time because of restartitis) .
As for the timer , I understand completely. I may still cheat/accelerate it again, though
The mod was supposed to be dark. I was inspired by decision haevy games like Life is Strange, where you have to make hard decision and none of them are happy. Will you leave your friend and the dagger as they are now, or will you pay a huge price that affect others?
Off-topic, but it's cool to find someone else who loved Life is Strange. Such a, well, strange tale but I still love it to this day.
So Skie has shown back up in my SoA playthrough, and she's told me to meet her at Waukeen's Promenade, but... I can't find her. O.o Does she spawn INSIDE one of the stores?
Uhm, she should be somewhere outside. I may be wrong, but I think I placed her just up the circus, next to the shop. I think...
...sorry, it's hard to remember every bit of my 30 mods, heh...
Aha, found her! She's standing near Mira, just north of the Circus tent, like you mentioned. I'm not sure how I didn't spot her before. Maybe because it was night? Anyway, now that Skie is added to my roster it's time to replace her with Imoen and never touch her again.
This looks truly amazing! If it's anything like Life is Strange, I do not look forward to being forced to make a decision (or, well, I rather do). So glad to see you are doing the devs' job and integrating SoD properly into the wider Trilogy. Wish there was some complementary banter mod making refrence to some of the SoD events where appropriate during SoA.
This looks truly amazing! If it's anything like Life is Strange, I do not look forward to being forced to make a decision (or, well, I rather do).
Yeah, LiS is probably the only game that made me actually sit up from the computer and have a good cry. If this mod affects the player the way that game did - holy crap. That's like a whole new level of emotional wreckage.
I am feeling particularly stupid here, but ... where do I find the dagger? I’m not sure if I have not installed the mod properly or if I am just being silly!
I am feeling particularly stupid here, but ... where do I find the dagger? I’m not sure if I have not installed the mod properly or if I am just being silly!
Hi, I've just finished SoA with Skie along and I'd like to post my review:
Portrait and voice : B+
To be honest I changed the portrait to a custom version I photoshopped but she does originally come with 2 options for portraits (BG1 original and a BG2 adaptation), it's a good job. Her voiceset is mostly SoD's , which is Grey Delisle marvelous work, and it sound slightly louder than BG2s own voicesets . The only things I'd change are the "what do you want NOW?" line that can get a bit annoying and she also lacks a "weapon unusable" sound, which is a bit necessary at the heat of a battle , specially for ranged combat when you haven't noticed that you dont have the right magic ammunition.
Personality: B+
BG2 Skie is waaay more likeable than her BG1 version , yet she hasn't lost her grace and elegance. I really liked that her noble background comes up when she talks about shopping and fashion. Skie's personality is well rounded and shows how the character has matured . What I would change there is perhaps a couple of more serious lines in two moments: the Tree of Life talk and the final battle battlecry . I mean, it was nice that she didnt mirror Imoen's or Jaheira's reaction toward Irenicus , but I think that she could have shown just a bit more anger. Also, the final battle battlecry could have been partially voiced. Skie has some banters with other companions and occasional interjections during dialogues , no more and no less than most SoA npcs . Personally I prefer very talkative npcs such as Jan and Jaheira , but Skie has enough participation in the story.
Skie can be recruited relatively early (less than 10 days of game time), but only after completing her quest "Cost of a soul" quest. It has a touch of dark fantasy in it and , even though I would have prefered it to happen at a faster pace, it seems logical enough and well written. In my opinion Skie's implementation in the game is better than most EE npcs because even though she has her own personality it doesn't overshadow SoA's plot and npc's.
I gave her a C+ for power , but this is not necessarily bad. She is a single classed unkitted thief so it is obvious that she is meant to be a supporting character . The mod gives you access to two items that fit her well , and as a thief you can make good use of her backstabbing and trap setting skills as long as you remember that she is not a frontliner. At the end of SoA I gave her that bow which has 3 attacks per round , bracers of improved haste and arrows of piercing and she became an effective ranged attacker. Single class Thieves require more micromanagement than Multilassed ones because they rely a lot on backstab, trap setting and hiding , but they're still fun and viable in bg2.
ToB: I've just started the expansion, but she has already started conversation with Charname, which sounds promissing. I expect some interesting Skie-Sarevok dialogues, we'll see!
Thank you for your opinion on the mod! Heh, ToB is pretty short and she was to be a bit more like original BG2 NPCs so that means she won't follow the pattern of EE NPC, who always had a kind of concluding encounter or quest there. But I hope you will still consider this mod fine. Cheers!
I am feeling particularly stupid here, but ... where do I find the dagger? I’m not sure if I have not installed the mod properly or if I am just being silly!
it's in the painting.
Thanks. I suspected it was there or in that room at least. In which case I have not installed properly ?
I just wanted to report, that I have trouble installing this mod with EET. First EET couldnt download it, so I downloaded it manually and pointed it to the zip-file, EET said its size did not fit yet I forced it to accept the Zip. But in the installation, it couldnt install the mod. Had to continue installation without it and will install it manually afterwards. Hope I dont break anything .
This Skie mod is the only mod that did not install successfully on my current mega mod run, and I considered scrapping my current install because of its absence. It sounds like another excellent contribution from Lava and I'm hoping my next install attempt in a couple months will include The Cost of One Girl's Soul.
but now I'll try to play fair , although I still have a request for you: Could you make it possible for the whole process to be a bit faster? I mean...
But as an experienced player in within thay time I'll have completed at least two stronghold quests and I would really like to have Skie around . If you believe that changing it (or offering the alternative to ) is not consistent to the story that's okay ,I'll jusy edit the globals again xD
@DJKajuru - the mod was supposed to be dark. I was inspired by decision haevy games like Life is Strange, where you have to make hard decision and none of them are happy. Will you leave your friend and the dagger as they are now, or will you pay a huge price that affect others?
About the timer - well... it's long because I had to give Skie time to move from Baldur's Gate to Athkatla... it's quite a distance. I will think about it, but no promises yet.
-A new line in the quest part, that describes Soultaker's state better. It uses the comparison made by @Zaxares - thanks!
-A new item for the component C. This time it's a new studded leather armor
-Better EET code provided by @jastey some time ago!
-Fixed readme, as there was some stupid mistake (saying there are 2 components whaile there are already 3)
I checked the timers and they are short already. The messenger comes after 3 days (happens only in cities, though!) and 2 days later Skie pays you a visit (happens only if you rest in the tavern). I can't make those shorter as they are already short, sorry.
Woah, thanks!
...and when writing this post, I realized that no one ever mentioned that she also mentions Bhaalspawn's heritage while he/she never made any coming out out there before. That is why I'm uploading 2.2, which adds 2 more lines. Note the mod works fine in previous versions, now it's more like a quality fix.
or change it so we can't get the dagger until after the driads could fix it as well.
As for the timer , I understand completely. I may still cheat/accelerate it again, though
Off-topic, but it's cool to find someone else who loved Life is Strange. Such a, well, strange tale but I still love it to this day.
...sorry, it's hard to remember every bit of my 30 mods, heh...
Yeah, LiS is probably the only game that made me actually sit up from the computer and have a good cry. If this mod affects the player the way that game did - holy crap. That's like a whole new level of emotional wreckage.
Portrait and voice : B+
To be honest I changed the portrait to a custom version I photoshopped but she does originally come with 2 options for portraits (BG1 original and a BG2 adaptation), it's a good job. Her voiceset is mostly SoD's , which is Grey Delisle marvelous work, and it sound slightly louder than BG2s own voicesets . The only things I'd change are the "what do you want NOW?" line that can get a bit annoying and she also lacks a "weapon unusable" sound, which is a bit necessary at the heat of a battle , specially for ranged combat when you haven't noticed that you dont have the right magic ammunition.
Personality: B+
BG2 Skie is waaay more likeable than her BG1 version , yet she hasn't lost her grace and elegance. I really liked that her noble background comes up when she talks about shopping and fashion. Skie's personality is well rounded and shows how the character has matured . What I would change there is perhaps a couple of more serious lines in two moments: the Tree of Life talk and the final battle battlecry . I mean, it was nice that she didnt mirror Imoen's or Jaheira's reaction toward Irenicus , but I think that she could have shown just a bit more anger. Also, the final battle battlecry could have been partially voiced. Skie has some banters with other companions and occasional interjections during dialogues , no more and no less than most SoA npcs . Personally I prefer very talkative npcs such as Jan and Jaheira , but Skie has enough participation in the story.
Skie can be recruited relatively early (less than 10 days of game time), but only after completing her quest "Cost of a soul" quest. It has a touch of dark fantasy in it and , even though I would have prefered it to happen at a faster pace, it seems logical enough and well written. In my opinion Skie's implementation in the game is better than most EE npcs because even though she has her own personality it doesn't overshadow SoA's plot and npc's.
I gave her a C+ for power , but this is not necessarily bad. She is a single classed unkitted thief so it is obvious that she is meant to be a supporting character . The mod gives you access to two items that fit her well , and as a thief you can make good use of her backstabbing and trap setting skills as long as you remember that she is not a frontliner. At the end of SoA I gave her that bow which has 3 attacks per round , bracers of improved haste and arrows of piercing and she became an effective ranged attacker. Single class Thieves require more micromanagement than Multilassed ones because they rely a lot on backstab, trap setting and hiding , but they're still fun and viable in bg2.
ToB: I've just started the expansion, but she has already started conversation with Charname, which sounds promissing. I expect some interesting Skie-Sarevok dialogues, we'll see!
Thanks. I suspected it was there or in that room at least. In which case I have not installed properly ?