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[mod] Skie - The Cost of One Girl's Soul



  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,887
    I simply keep forgetting to get rid of his name. It's not I am not going to fix it, that was harsh, it's just I forgot to include the fix the last time was updated.
  • amberCoffeeCatamberCoffeeCat Member Posts: 90
    Plus, is an early namedrop really that of an issue? It's so ridiculously small, that I wouldn't even think of complaining about it.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,806
    Plus, is an early namedrop really that of an issue? It's so ridiculously small, that I wouldn't even think of complaining about it.

    I think it depends on how you play the game. I could imagine that it would be ok for me, because I can just metagame that Imoen heard the name somehow. (She's coming from I don't know where and never tells how she could free herself and seems to know more about what's going on anyway). Or I could metagame that the name is well-known since it's clear to me that it's Irenicus.
    Still, it's an inconsitency with regard to the dialogue with the Dryads later in the dungeon.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Plus, is an early namedrop really that of an issue? It's so ridiculously small, that I wouldn't even think of complaining about it.

    I roleplay heavily and something like this takes me out of the game.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    I simply keep forgetting to get rid of his name. It's not I am not going to fix it, that was harsh, it's just I forgot to include the fix the last time was updated.

    i could have worded t better. i figured as it was still not fixed it was not a high priority compered to say bug fixes.
  • sleepersleeper Member Posts: 3
    hey there, are there any translations in the works, especially german? with the upcoming german translation of SoD i would LOVE to do a complete EET run in my native language.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,887
    edited October 2019
    I'm afraid I don't know about any ongoing translations...
  • CirosanCirosan Member Posts: 25
    Good grief. You people getting upset about the early namedrop need to learn how to do things yourself. This is a five-second fix, and it's not complicated. Here, I'll show you:

    1. extract mod to BG2 folder
    2. go to SkieCost\dialogues
    3. open Quest.D in Notepad++
    4. oh look, it's right there at the top. you don't even need to look for it. rewrite it yourself or just replace lines 1-7 with this version I spent two nanoseconds editing:

    CHAIN IF WEIGHT #-5 ~Global("L#2SkieDaggerImoen","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN IMOENJ L#DAG00
    @0 /* Wait... Is that the... Soultaker? <CHARNAME>, that's the blade our captor must have used to take away Skie's soul! */
    IF~~THEN REPLY @1 /* But it's broken. Something must have happened to him. */ EXTERN IMOENJ L#DAG01
    IF~~THEN REPLY @2 /* It's damaged, though... Perhaps he destroyed it to prevent us from saving Skie. */ EXTERN IMOENJ L#DAG01
    5. install mod.

    I was not involved in making this mod in any way and haven't even played it yet, I just looked in the most logical place and there it was, literally right at the top. Five seconds vs. bothering a modder who made this for free.

    Thanks for the mod. Gearing up for a Switch run and I'm glad to be able to conclude this loose end from SoD. Best regards!
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    edited November 2019
    what i just do is not open the painting until after I talk to the dryads.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    This looks like an interesting mod, but I do have one question. Will it eventually correct the problem of Skie being a complete idiot?
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    Maurvir wrote: »
    This looks like an interesting mod, but I do have one question. Will it eventually correct the problem of Skie being a complete idiot?

    i mean it's based on her from sod which gave her some character development.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,887
    The new version is up. Changes in v3.0:
    -Replaced "Jon Irenicus" with "our captor" in the first talk (with Imoen)
    -After finishing the Soultaker quest, the destroyed dagger is returned so something could be done with it
    -Moved script that is supposed to make Skie talk from one file to her main override script to prevent bug and does not start the talk and may be missed
    -Fixed typo in the first quest dialogue (with Imoen)
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    edited December 2019
    Of course v3 is released only a few days after I start a new game with v2.3! Heh.
    Great mod -- very much enjoying it so far (about one-third of the way through SoA now). :smile:

  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    edited December 2019
    The new version is up. Changes in v3.0:
    -Moved script that is supposed to make Skie talk from one file to her main override script to prevent bug and does not start the talk and may be missed

    I was wondering if you might provide some information on this possible bug and missed talk? For those using an earlier version (I installed 2.3) would it be possible to fix this using EEKeeper?
    I'm really enjoying this mod and don't want to miss anything! :smiley:
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,887
    This is a bug that may happen in some games. After the quest is completed and if you installed the NPC part, Skie should come after a rest in one of the Athkatla's taverns (the mod detects all of them). Sometimes though, she appeared but did not start the talk so a couple of people missed her. So if you want to join them, you completed the quest and you rest in the tavern/inn, make sure to check if she appeared next to you. There is a chance she did and did not start the talk. If that's what happened, just click her and start the talk yourself.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    My Immersion is save! Many thanks.
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    Thanks for the clarification, LavaDelVortel!
    (The talk started without problem for me -- phew!)
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    yeah last time i used the mod skie just showed up in a corner and i did not notice she was there until her voice clip went off. glad to see thats fixed along with the jon thing being changed.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,887
    edited March 2020
    I am considering a portrait change. Characters between BG1 and BG2 changed. Jaheira got older. Minsc got some new scars. Edwin got some piercing. Imoen changed quite a bit, too. And probably Skie should be no different.

    Also both BG1 portrait and current version included in the mod don't blend in perfectly. On the other hand, I never wanted to use an entirely different model, because... well, we would all know it's no longer Skie. So today I tried to make a portrait for her BG2 version without taking brand new photos of some models. Instead I worked with what's there, in the game. Here's the comparison.

    So, there is a chance a new portrait will be available in the mod sooner or later. Both BG1 portrait and current version would stay in the package so people could copy the files and use them... on the other hand this one seems so much better and more suitable for BG2...


    I hope you like it.
    Post edited by LavaDelVortel on
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    i feel skie should look more slickly due to being pretty much asleep for like a year.
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    Something looks a bit off with Skie's smile in the second picture, like her mouth is too wide for her face/jaw.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,887
    edited March 2020
    @megamike15 - between the happening in Dragonspear and her return it's a matter of few (2-5) weeks tops (depending on how much you rush to the mod's plot) - including the time needed for her to find the Bhaalspawn. Siege ends with the abduction and BG2 starts with you being in the cage... and I don't think we spent a year in the cage, huh. Also, it's not like she wakes up in Athkatla. She had a fine moment to regain strength and find the protagonist. If she wasn't ready, she would set off.

    @Zaxares - I'm not sure I agree, but even though made the mouth smaller and fixed one one weird thing happening with her jaw. Should be better now. I updated the image above.

    comparison with other BG2 portraits. She has a tiny bit lighter skin, but kinda works fine with her. Too much sun can get you wrinkled!

    EDIT2: I also fixed her eye. It should look better now. Both images updated.


    Post edited by LavaDelVortel on
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited March 2020
    For me its the smile that is different from all of the other expressions and sets it apart, and the neck too. But I personally wouldn't worry about matching the old ones too much. It's close enough IMO.

    Time passing wise, I guess you also have to take in account how long it takes to return to Baldur's Gate after Skie dies + How Long it takes to be put on the initial public sort of court + How long you were in a cell before/after that. That could easily be a month+ by itself, and then you have to estimate how long you were a prisoner. Probably not a year, but a couple of months wouldn't be unrealistic.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    I feel like dark purple should still be her dominant color. There aren't really any characters in either game with that color scheme (maybe BG1 Viconia), and it helps Skie stand out.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,887
    edited March 2020
    @Skitia - not really. SoD starts in 1368, somewhere in the middle of Uktar (11 month) and BG2 starts in second day of Mirtul 1369. That means there is even less than 6 months. considering the fact that such march as the one of the Crusade, organizing a party, slow movement, all the fights, skirmishes and so on, the events can't be that stretched. Moving whole camps takes time. Also, the return does not take much time, because you are arrested on the spot and escorted. Considered,that Entar Silvershield first encountered the Child of Bhaal, the trial wasn't happening long from Bhaalspawn's return (otherwise Entar would found a way to talk to the PC... he wouldn't wait a month). Next, people wanted to "get rid" of the Child of Bhaal before letting him go will no longer be an option. Considering all of that, it's ok to assume that the journey to the Dragonspear Castle and all other things that happened on the way took most of that barely 6-months long time and the escort of the PC to Baldur's Gate was actually quite quick. It was only PC and some soldiers who returned on the cutscene, not everyone. And that's the reasoning the mod follows.

    @ThacoBell - Not sure if there is much "space" on the portrait after the edits to show that color, but perhaps I will add details to show it. I still have time before the mod update.


    @ThacoBell - I added some more purple on her shoulder and her sleeve is a bit more saturated, too. Hope that those small yet still present accents will make it nicer to use by you and some other players.
    Post edited by LavaDelVortel on
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    Dark Purple was a great accent choice, it looks much better. Good suggestion by ThacoBell.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,887
    @Skitia - you also mentioned neck so I made it a bit smoother, especially the shadow which had to sharp line. Thank you.

    I think most fixes are applied... and I found a bug in the mod itself. Will prepare a new version of the mod in a while. Nothing game-breaking, just a visual thing. Will let you know once the new version is up.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    The purple looks much better. Thank you.
  • VasculioVasculio Member Posts: 483
    I have to agree on @Zaxares on this one. The smile just doesn't look right to me, but overall its passes for the most part.
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