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[mod] Skie - The Cost of One Girl's Soul



  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
    I worked a bit on it with @AionZ and myself. The smile is less wide and a tiny bit more closed lips, a bit fixed nose, softer glow, some hair fixes. I think that I'm finally happy with it.
  • ilduderinoilduderino Member Posts: 773
    I like it, many thanks for all your work, which I enjoy very much
  • elai424elai424 Member Posts: 1
    Hey guys, where i find Missini ? He don't appear for me :((
  • Cabal82Cabal82 Member Posts: 76
    Dear author of this mode.. It is... GREAT! I used just component A, but it is perfect. Just.. perfect. The writing, the pacing of it, it fits perfectly to the game. Thank you for your work!
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
    @Cabal82 - You're welcome!
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
    v3.3 is up! It includes a Russian translation and iconv conversion.
  • PrizaPriza Member Posts: 5
    Enjoying the mod. Left Skie in D arnise keep for a little but when I returned she was gone. Is that is of is there someplace else to find her. I did not see her in the market district either. Thank you.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
    I'm glad you're enjoying it, @Priza :)
    As for the disappearance - there is no such script to make her leave after a while. What I believe that may have happened is that you left her for the quest itself? When you check IESDP are refferences, you will see that this keep has more than one exterior:
    AR1300 De'Arnise Keep Destroyed
    AR1301 De'Arnise Cellar
    AR1302 De'Arnise Keep 1st Floor
    AR1303 De'Arnise Keep 2nd Floor (Destroyed)
    AR1304 De'Arnise Keep (Restored, Stronghold)
    AR1305 De'Arnise Keep (Stronghold)
    AR1306 De'Arnise Keep (Stronghold)
    AR1307 De'Arnise Keep (Stronghold)

    So I believe you may have left her in the "destroyed" area and then, when you returned, it was the "restored" area.

    If that's not it, then I have no idea. As I said, there is no script that would tell her to leave area once you told her to leave and wait for you.
  • PrizaPriza Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2020
    I finished up her quest, finished had the keep already, and left her in the main hall with vicona there to go kill the dragon. Vicona is still there. I tried popping around the maps, no luck. If say I pressed the wrong reply, where would she go if not staying put. Thanks for getting back to me.
  • amberCoffeeCatamberCoffeeCat Member Posts: 90
    She's in the Waukeen's Promenade, if you let her go.
  • PrizaPriza Member Posts: 5
    Where exactly, cause I looked all over? Now, is there any option if I can't find her? reset the mission? Create monster? Kind need a thief and rather not replay hours of stuff.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @Priza Behind the circus tent, next to that merchant that I don't think anybody uses.
  • PrizaPriza Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2020
    Thanks. Yet still gone. Tried some other saves. She disappears off the screen once you select to drop her, even before the dialog. Does not appear back next to the merchant either. Any way to spawn the mod skie and forward the progression? or restart he quest-line? Thanks for the answer.
    Post edited by Priza on
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
    As I mentioned, there is no script that would make her leave for good or "destroy" her. The action that is forced upon the leave tells her to go to the exact place where you joined her for the first time:

    I just checked the dialogue, there is nothing else that could cause such problem. No "DestroySelf". Or "EscapeArea", only the action from above.

    So I'm not sure if there is a way to continue. You can use console to create a new "copy" of Skie, set a bunch of variables, but even then she would be without items she had when you kicked her out of the team, she will again have her starting exp etc.

    You would need:


    But even then I can't guarantee stuff won't be messed up.
  • PrizaPriza Member Posts: 5
    Thank you for your time and the codes. I have messed around, It is not this mod, it seems she was wearing an indivisibility belt when I dismissed her. If I dismiss ANY character while invisible (potion etc) they are gone for good and don't reappear after rest or dispel illusion etc. Mystery solved I think. The first code you gave did the trick, I don't think I need the others, it even triggered an appearance that didn't happen before, or wasn't ready to perhaps, so I guess it aligned with the games over-all globals. All good, continuity saved. Thanks to all who replied.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @Priza You would not believe the problems that the Staff of the Magi causes when dismissing party members.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    I don't know if i ever gave feedback on this mod other than small typos.

    Without using Skie as a companion, this mod is pretty alright. Its a pretty short "plot" to retrieve the soultaker and you can get a pretty powerful dagger out of the deal. The conflict of the "cost" is interesting and it satisfying at a baseline to get closure at all to the plot from SoD. But on its own, its a little, brief? Basic? (aside from generally good writing)

    But taking Skie along as a party member is what really brings this mod into its own. Her character is a fantastic continuation of her development in SoD. Still kinda flighty, but with more self-direction to it. I found myself enjoying and looking forward to every new banter and interjection. Note that I have just reached Brynnlaw, so its not a complete picture yet. But Skie has left a strong positive impression.

    On a related note, I hate that Skie has turned out to such a good npc half jokingly. There's ANOTHER thief npc for BG2 that I really enjoy and now I have to choose between them!
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
    Hey! I know there are some typos, I'll ger rid of them next time I'm updating the mod :) And yeah, the quest may be short, but I kinda felt it's enough for that plot. Skie is cool and I thought we really needed that kind of character in BG2.

    And... huh, sorry for adding more thieves! Perhaps play with a band of thieves and call them The Bell Gang.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @LavaDelVortel Haha, its not that the fact she's a thief itself is a problem. I just have to decide between two very good npcs now that work so similarly tactics and mechanics wise.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    When the info page says that Skie has banter with every npc, does that include Wilson?
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
    @ThacoBell - of course! There are 2 in SoA and 1 in ToB.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
    The new version is up! Version 3.6 includes one item I introduced in my newer mod: The Vanishing of Skie Silvershield.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
  • AngulimalaAngulimala Member Posts: 93
    edited January 2021
    Shadowdancer - in my opinion - seem to be masters of quite unique skills, like shadowstep and I find it hard to believe that is something she would learn in the Silvershield estate. Swashbuckers are more... fighter-ish kit and she is kinda fragile. So I considered the pure class to be the best option. However I was the one who felt shadowdancer could work fine with Fade so if you want someone with that kit in the party, Fade may fill that gap :) I suppose I would rather see something like "cat burglar" kit for Skie, but I don't really want to introduce kit in this mod. It already adds a quest, a new BG2 NPC and a small shop... I think it's enought for such project :)

    Just occurred to me, for my head canon, that Skie could be a Shadowdancer because of the time her soul spent in that shadowy realm within the soul gem. She didn't receive any special training, possibly it's that a small part of her soul is still attached to that dark realm, allowing her to temporarily slip "sideways" into the shadow realm, or a liminal space.

    This works for me because I almost never take Skie during BG1, so my Charname would only ever know her as a Shadowdancer companion. If Charname did take her along in BG1 and knew her as a vanilla thief, her changed abilities (including lowered skill points and reduced backstab) could be explained by shadowy "scar tissue" on her soul, and seen as a beneficial trade off.

    I haven't gotten around to playing through with Skie yet, so I hope this doesn't conflict with any of the mod's content.

    I use a similar head canon to explain why I give Imoen a Wild Mage kit. She's a little wild and reckless at times, and Irenicus' tender ministrations drove her arcane talent in that direction (and i never dual class Imoen in BG1).
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
    I'm not sure if you posted that to share how you play or to convince me, but since I'm the mod author, I kinda feel I need to reply to that.

    The beauty of Skie is that she is a very normal character. She is a whining girl. She likes perfumes. She is sensitive. She pays attention to details. She doesn't want to do what her father wanted her to do. She's very real - especially when compared with some other original characters and other mod NPCs. And that thing makes a perfect background to show how she changed. Not because of powers or connections to other realms or even normal magic. She made A LOT of stupid choices. She got herself into trouble. And yeah, she was killed and can be brought back, but again, it's because of someone else. But she's not blind to that and she kinda learned through that experience. So in the end she's not the same person Eldoth met. She's not that gullible.

    That's why I like that character so much and I don't want to give her any special skills or unique kits, et cetera. Well, among other reasons, but... I think that's the main one :)

    Still, mods do not tell every single detail and players can fill gaps with their imagination and that should be encouraged. So fill those gaps and make your interpretations of the character and... to put it simply - have fun! :)
  • AngulimalaAngulimala Member Posts: 93
    edited January 2021
    I'm not sure if you posted that to share how you play or to convince me, but since I'm the mod author, I kinda feel I need to reply to that.

    The beauty of Skie is that she is a very normal character. She is a whining girl. She likes perfumes. She is sensitive. She pays attention to details. She doesn't want to do what her father wanted her to do. She's very real - especially when compared with some other original characters and other mod NPCs. And that thing makes a perfect background to show how she changed. Not because of powers or connections to other realms or even normal magic. She made A LOT of stupid choices. She got herself into trouble. And yeah, she was killed and can be brought back, but again, it's because of someone else. But she's not blind to that and she kinda learned through that experience. So in the end she's not the same person Eldoth met. She's not that gullible.

    That's why I like that character so much and I don't want to give her any special skills or unique kits, et cetera. Well, among other reasons, but... I think that's the main one :)

    Still, mods do not tell every single detail and players can fill gaps with their imagination and that should be encouraged. So fill those gaps and make your interpretations of the character and... to put it simply - have fun! :)

    I wrote that to share how I play, and to justify, in my own game, how she may be a Shadowdancer (because I want one in my party). It is not a criticism of your mod at all, and in fact your interpretation makes my interpretation easier to move ahead with in my own playthrough. I look forward to experiencing your work and hope that by giving her a kit via EEKeeper, that does not interfere with my immersion and enjoyment of your content.

    I just finished BG1 with White for the first time (I didn't change him at all, enjoyed his story just as it is), and his absence in BG2 will be filled by Skie.

    So thank you again for sharing your passion and work with all of us.

    (Edited for clarification of content)
    Post edited by Angulimala on
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
    Oh, I didn't take your post as criticism! I just wasn't sure if you expected any answer from me :P

    BTW, Fade NPC has a shadowdancer option. Not sure if it's a good idea to have 2 thieves in one team, but thought I would let you know, perhaps you're planning to have more than one run in the upcoming weeks! :)

    Have fun! :)
  • ShirakShirak Member Posts: 84
    Hi @LavaDelVortel! Been having fun with Skie, and I think she's great!

    There's something I recently realised about the Soultaker Daggers, and I'm not sure if this was intended, or simply an oversight.

    All variants of the Soultaker Daggers are flagged as non-magical. Is this intended? If so, what's the thinking behind it?
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