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[mod] Skie - The Cost of One Girl's Soul



  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
    It's more likely a bug I may need to check when updating the mod :)
    I'm glad you're having fun!
  • ShirakShirak Member Posts: 84
    Thanks! I'm kinda surprised that no one realised this earlier. Guess no one is playing daggers for any of their CHARNAMEs/NPCs.....

  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
    Sometimes it's hard to spot such things when you have different mods with bunch of items and new artifacts to forge :) Anyway, thanks again and cheers!
  • ShirakShirak Member Posts: 84
    Nah, I was referring to players. It's certainly understandable for a modder like you with tons of mods and items.

    I'm just surprised that no one actually USED the Soultaker Daggers in combat, which will very quickly tell them that something is not right....
  • CalemyrCalemyr Member Posts: 238
    Yeah, I did notice something was up when I played it. I played it as RDD sorc, using daggers as my melee option. I did notice that my MC was barking that their weapon was useless in certain fights, despite the fact that Pyl's version of the dagger states it counts as a +5, but I didn't pay it much mind. Besides the fact that the rest of the party carried the fights, anyway, I was playing a single-class mage. Even with a comical strength score, it's not like I was hitting all that often.

    Thank you for doing this, by the way. Even when I don't have the party space for Skie, I really do like having the opportunity to have one bit of closure from the shaggy dog story that is Siege of Dragonspear.
  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 342
    edited August 2021
    Hello! Ulpian has prepared an improved Russian translation of this mod, it is attached. Errors and typos are fixed in it. Please update the translation in the next update!
    And thanks for the beautiful mod!
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
    Will do, thanks.
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    I have a question about version 20 of the Crossmod Banter Pack for BG2 that was just released. Version 20 includes these banters:

    2 SoA banters between Lava's Skie (Cost of One Girl's Soul) and Lava's Foundling
    1 ToB banter between Lava's Skie (Cost of One Girl's Soul) and Lava's Foundling
    2 SoA banters between Lava's Skie (Cost of One Girl's Soul) and Lava's Yvette
    1 ToB banter between Lava's Skie (Cost of One Girl's Soul) and Lava's Yvette

    Were these banters already included in the Skie mod? I’m using version 3.8.

    Looking in the mod, there is a file entitled: “Moved to Crossmod Pack – Ignore”.

    I’m a little worried that I don’t have these banters installed now…
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    Well, I might start over in any case, now that I see that Hephernaan has a large number of crossmod banters.

    So: Yvette, Skie, Foundling, and Hephernaan in the same party (with a neutral PC blade).
    That should be interesting...
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
    Yes, those banters were moved to the Crossmod Banter Pack and you'll get those banters only if you install the newest version of that mod. But as you noticed, it comes with many new talks.
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    edited August 2021
    Oh well ... At least I hadn't gotten too far into the game already. And I am curious about the Hephernaan mod.

    Based on the crossmod list, I assume that a party with Yvette, Skie, Foundling, and Hephernaan will "hold together" (as they all have banters in ToB).

    Thanks for all your work on these mods!
    Post edited by Thrasymachus on
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
    In theory, they do. However, Yvette feels kinda off here. Unless you're curious about her romance. Remember that a romance is a condition for her to stay, she'll leave to handle her own issues if she doesn't have a reason to stay.
  • skushaskusha Member Posts: 139
    Will do, thanks.

    When, I wonder?
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
    Within few days. Maybe tomorrow, depends on few RL things. I received 8 translation packages and I am drowning under translation and their updates.
  • lollerslollers Member Posts: 190
    edited September 2021
    Does this mean that if I install the Skie mod that BG2 will recognize that I am a fugitive convicted of murder? I feel like beamdog dropped the ball a bit when they left that plot sort of hanging around... I think I should install it just to conclude that bit.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
    Once you install the mod, you'll be able to find Soultaker dagger and continue that SoD plot: you can look for a way to save Skie Silvershield, but it will come with a price. Saving her also may clear your name and that's also here, in the mod.

    The second component allows you to join Skie that will try to find you once the quest from component 1 is finished.

    Component 3 adds few new SoD-themes items sold by a new merchant you may meet in Waukeen Promenade area.

    All the components were made to make BG2 blend a bit better with SoD events. There's also Hephernaan BG2 that helps a bit and obviously that's another Sod refference in BG2. My new in-progress mod - Khalid BG2 - also mentions SoD events, but that one isn't released just yet.

    As for the translation update (mentioned above): I just released it.
  • ShirakShirak Member Posts: 84
    Hi @LavaDelVortel, could I check something?

    Is it a requirement for Skie to be in your party, in order for Eldoth to spawn in Brynnlaw?

  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
  • ShirakShirak Member Posts: 84
    Damn, okie thanks! I've been getting used to pairing Eldoth's bow with the Quiver of Plenty......
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    I just thought of something, though I'm not sure it is important or not. There are technically two endings of SoD - one where you killed Skie and one where you didn't. It may not matter, since she's still dead either way and everyone believes you did it.

    This would likely have to be an EET thing, since I'm not sure those sorts of variables carry over in an imported game, but it would be interesting if there were different reactions depending on that outcome.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
    I consider Skie: The Cost as a complete mod and I won't be adding such reactions, sorry! :) In all these games different things may happen. There is a conflict between Tiax and Quayle in the original BG1 game, yet in BG2 they are both alive, so... yeah, I suppose a project can't stay compatible with all the possible scenarios... I wrote it the way to make it as compatible with other stuff as it was possible, but there are just some scenarios that you have to stick with.

    Yet I hope that you'll still be able to enjoy that mod.

    Cheers! :)
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,806
    I think @Maurvir is referring to whether the Dukes think the PC did it or not. That's the main two different possible endings of SoD. It's basically just a differentiation between "was cast out and all Dukes think PCis guilty" and "was cast out but only Duke Silvershield blames the PC". Which one does SCoGS assume currently, or maybe it's held in a general way it covers both cases?
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
    It does not include details, from what I understand. Mostly like "PC was blamed for killing Skie and is not in very good relationship with the Dukes" - like in those talks I shared with you when we were discussing a different mod, @jastey - I do not focus greatly on PC's relationship with Dukes or Baldur's Gate and tried to skip to his talks with Skie as soon as possible, IIRC.
  • helo138helo138 Member Posts: 53
    Hello @LavaDelVortel , I really like your mods and especially this one. In general your work adds much needed variety to keep multiple playthroughs interesting.

    Now to my question: are there any news regarding new content for this mod??
    I think you mentioned something along those lines in another forum.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
    Creating new content takes time and I want it to be of good quality. The progress is going fine, but I'm not there just yet. All I can say is that it's going to be released this March, probably, but the release also depends on proofreading and testing, so I won't give any specific date.
  • helo138helo138 Member Posts: 53
    Creating new content takes time and I want it to be of good quality. The progress is going fine, but I'm not there just yet. All I can say is that it's going to be released this March, probably, but the release also depends on proofreading and testing, so I won't give any specific date.

    That`s fine, just take your time. I would like to include the new version in my next playthrough, and I think I can wait for a few more weeks.

    Take care.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
    edited April 2022
    The teased version 4.0 is here! It includes:

    - Additional proofreading by GoForTheEyes
    - Better compatibility with jastey's Another fine Hell for SoD/EET
    - Fixed Soultaker dagger duplication bug
    - Added a starting XP adjustment
    - Added additional interjections
    - Added a new Silvershiled item (installed along with PIDs)
    - Added a new component: PID talks for Skie
    - Added a new component: The Return of Eddard Silvershield - includes: Skie's new quest, a new NPC with friendship and romance for both SoA and ToB, banters, interjections
    - Added a new component: PID talks for Eddard
    - Added a new document: FAQ

    So yep, the change is big!

    To start the new quest and get Eddard go to the Five Flagons entrance, a new cutscene is going to play. Note that you need to successfully finish Skie's friendship path for this to happen.

    See FAQ for more information (included in the archive, along with the readme).

    Special thanks for @Go_ForTheEyes (editor) and @Varwulf (Eddard's voice)!
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
    Updated the first post, it now also includes information about Eddard and a new banner.

    Cheers! :)
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    Wow! :o

    A question about this: "Note that you need to successfully finish Skie's friendship path for this to happen."
    Since I think Skie has talks all the way through the series, what does it mean to complete her "friendship path"? Is there a particular dialogue that indicates that this path has been completed?

    Also, I assume that Eddard is a fighter of some sort? And "neutral" like Skie?

    Finally, does Eddard have any chats with Khalid (your mod)?

    This is exciting news. Thanks! B)
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,888
    edited April 2022
    Since I think Skie has talks all the way through the series, what does it mean to complete her "friendship path"?
    The timered talks are closed with Missini's 2nd visit. If Skie stays after that talk (It is possible for her to leave with Missini) then it means you succeeded. There are no timered talks after that and that's when you can head to the place where the quest starts.
    Also, I assume that Eddard is a fighter of some sort? And "neutral" like Skie?
    Nope, he's a warriorish bard. He has a custom bard kit: he gets more HP, some fighting bonuses and he specializes in two-handed swords. BUT he can't use thievery at all.
    Also, he has a good alignment. I don't want to spoil too much, but he is more like... someone who knows that at some point he may need to help his father to keep the city safe, but it doesn't mean he doesn't have a sense of humor. He can be fun, too.
    Finally, does Eddard have any chats with Khalid (your mod)?
    No, not yet. Those will go into the G3 Crossmod Banter Pack when they're ready, but I'm focusing on something else right now :)
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