I released a small fix for Eddard's Copper Coronet repeating dialogue problem. If you get that problem, use this code OR visit the Radiant Heart building and stand near the statue in the order's building (before you go to the Coronet).
After you talk to the Vully, you need details. There is a man standing behind his house, under the bridge. Talk to him. Once you do that, go to the Docks and the script will take you to the right spot.
Hi Lava, came here because considering to use this mod for my next bg2 run, and surprisingly found that her brother can join as well, really amazing
Some possibly spoiler questions to find out whether they suit my plan this time:
I will play with imoen romance this time, so I would like to go spellhold as soon as possible, and ideally, I would like to bring skie and Eddard as well.
As I have no idea how long will be needed to complete Skie friendship path and get her brother before going to spellhold, my question is, will it be possible to finish her friendship path around the time I get 20000 gold?
I don't think modded game is made to be played that way. You get 20 000 gp by selling few items. Even in the original game there are quest that gives you ~8 000 gp just for completing the quest. Completing Trademeet main 2 quests gives you 11 000 gp and you can actually save Trademeet in like... an hour? Probably even less.
You can only join Eddard if you complete Skie's quest friendship, and friendship talks alone trigger every... 30 minutes? Or something like that and there are definitely more than 2 talks... So even math-wise it's not exactly possible.
Also, heading to Spellhold right after you hit 20 000 gp means your party will include like 8-9 level characters? Not sure I would send such characters against all those enemies in Spellhold and Underdark.
I'm not sure I can help you That playstyle is sooooo different to mine that I find it quite exotic
I guess this this is indeed a very weird question since doing different quests may get different reward... I'm also using item randomizer...so who knows what I will sell and how much I can get...very playstyle dependent...
Anyway I just found some way to roughly know which areas have interjections or talks from Imoen Romance MOD by checking the file names, so I guess I will just do anything else in Chapter 2 first until I get Eddard...
Looking forward to my next BG2 run...hopefully won't burn out in BG1 or SOD
Thanks for answering and making all these interesting MODs
I guess this this is indeed a very weird question since doing different quests may get different reward... I'm also using item randomizer...so who knows what I will sell and how much I can get...very playstyle dependent...
Anyway I just found some way to roughly know which areas have interjections or talks from Imoen Romance MOD by checking the file names, so I guess I will just do anything else in Chapter 2 first until I get Eddard...
Looking forward to my next BG2 run...hopefully won't burn out in BG1 or SOD
Thanks for answering and making all these interesting MODs
These are separate mods and have nothing to do with each other. One is for BG1EE and simply allows you to join Eldoth and Skie right after you leave Candlekeep and complete a small quest, the other one adds a quest that allows PC to continue her SoD plot in BG2EE. So there is no connection between those two and they do not influence each other.
HOWEVER, I am not sure The Vanishing was ever tested on EET. Perhaps @GraionDilach tried it? It's just a guess, though. EET is not a native environment for my mods as I do not use EET myself.
These are separate mods and have nothing to do with each other. One is for BG1EE and simply allows you to join Eldoth and Skie right after you leave Candlekeep and complete a small quest, the other one adds a quest that allows PC to continue her SoD plot in BG2EE. So there is no connection between those two and they do not influence each other.
HOWEVER, I am not sure The Vanishing was ever tested on EET. Perhaps @GraionDilach tried it? It's just a guess, though. EET is not a native environment for my mods as I do not use EET myself.
I tried it and it doesn't work on EET currently. I remember @GraionDilach offered to make it EET compatible some weeks or months ago on G3.
I suggest you to install The Vanishing of Skie Silvershield mod in BG1EE folder before installing EET, and then add a separate line about this mod to EET mod (EET\tbl\compatibility.tbl file) so that EET installer will recognize this mod when installing EET.
These are separate mods and have nothing to do with each other. One is for BG1EE and simply allows you to join Eldoth and Skie right after you leave Candlekeep and complete a small quest, the other one adds a quest that allows PC to continue her SoD plot in BG2EE. So there is no connection between those two and they do not influence each other.
HOWEVER, I am not sure The Vanishing was ever tested on EET. Perhaps @GraionDilach tried it? It's just a guess, though. EET is not a native environment for my mods as I do not use EET myself.
I tried it and it doesn't work on EET currently. I remember @GraionDilach offered to make it EET compatible some weeks or months ago on G3.
Monday! (I'm still up to it, just that these are my last days in my current workplace and weekend'll have multiple family events... I just literally forgot getting back to this one. Feel free to remind me with these stuff.)
These are separate mods and have nothing to do with each other. One is for BG1EE and simply allows you to join Eldoth and Skie right after you leave Candlekeep and complete a small quest, the other one adds a quest that allows PC to continue her SoD plot in BG2EE. So there is no connection between those two and they do not influence each other.
HOWEVER, I am not sure The Vanishing was ever tested on EET. Perhaps @GraionDilach tried it? It's just a guess, though. EET is not a native environment for my mods as I do not use EET myself.
I tried it and it doesn't work on EET currently. I remember @GraionDilach offered to make it EET compatible some weeks or months ago on G3.
Monday! (I'm still up to it, just that these are my last days in my current workplace and weekend'll have multiple family events... I just literally forgot getting back to this one. Feel free to remind me with these stuff.)
To be honest I almost forgot it, it went back when I saw this post.
You don't have to give reasons, you're doing already so much for this community, my message was only meaned to inform Lava, certainly not for blaming you 🙂. Sorry if it appeared otherwise.
I sent @GraionDilach a message today and yeah, I too sometimes lose track of things and it's all fine. The new version will be ready once it's all working well on EET, but it always takes time
And huge thanks to Graion that he wants to look at it in general!
I'll get back to with news once I have something to report Cheers!
I'm really stumped as to where Eddard is in the docks. I'm there at night and have searched every corner of the place and found nothing. I got the dialogue from the guards in the barracks, but that's it.
I think you missed something: first Skie notices the man she knows, you visit that man in a house he's using, then you meet his contact behind the house, and then you got to the docks. I think you might have missed a step when you go behind the house and get the details you need.
Nope He already works best with Skie around (they interject each other dialogues, etc, so while it's not a total must, it's great to have both of them in one party) I didn't want to make it even harder and lock out some other NPCs
I got Skie's "thanks for saving me from the dagger, come find me in the promenade" speech...and I can't find her **anywhere**. I checked by Mira (as a previous post here said that's where she goes) and she's not there. Even rested for three days and went into the circus tent and back out to make sure the map was reloaded and she's still not there. Where in the Nina Hells is she?
(if you have the time to make the edits, you might move her to the Mithrest Inn in a future version)
Well, can't help you with that. It looks like she got stuck. Not sure how to check it, perhaps there's some info in .gam file in your savegame. But it's just a wild guess.
And no, I don't see why I should move her to Mithrest.
If you continue searching and you won't find her or any hint on where she might be, use the console to summon her. I think her creature file is called l#2sdski.
I apologize if this has been answered elsewhere already, but I'm planning to use this mod for my current run of the series and I wanted to know how Eddard's romance interacts with that of the vanilla companions. Since it takes some time Skie (and by extension Eddard) to join the party, would you recommend that users hold off on recruiting romancable NPCs until a certain point in Eddard's romance track if we're hoping to see those interactions?
I've had issues where mod NPCs fail to recognize that a vanilla romance is activate if said romance progresses past a certain point, so I figured I'd ask.
Romance conflicts here are coded like banters with special triggers, but rather than be "provoked" at a specific point, they are started like original banters (so by the engine itself). So let's say Jaheira Match is set to 1 and the romance did not start yet or is in progress (Romance Active set to 1) and Eddard Match is also set to 1, the banter CAN happen and will start a conflict in which you will need to decide who you are going to romance.
However, if you first enter an advanced stage of a romance (Romance Active 2) before the such conflict even appears, Eddard's romance will be set to 3 (unsuccessful). The script that does that will also detect romances from most mods.
That's how it works here. I would say that if you know that you're not interested in romancing other NPCs, just tell them that before Eddard Joins. I am not a master of writing conflict talks anyway so it's not like you'll be missing some amazing talks. But if that is not an option, it may be best to also install some banter accelerator to make banter talks happen more often.
The bug is fixed in the version I just released
Some possibly spoiler questions to find out whether they suit my plan this time:
I will play with imoen romance this time, so I would like to go spellhold as soon as possible, and ideally, I would like to bring skie and Eddard as well.
As I have no idea how long will be needed to complete Skie friendship path and get her brother before going to spellhold, my question is, will it be possible to finish her friendship path around the time I get 20000 gold?
You can only join Eddard if you complete Skie's quest friendship, and friendship talks alone trigger every... 30 minutes? Or something like that and there are definitely more than 2 talks... So even math-wise it's not exactly possible.
Also, heading to Spellhold right after you hit 20 000 gp means your party will include like 8-9 level characters? Not sure I would send such characters against all those enemies in Spellhold and Underdark.
I'm not sure I can help you
Anyway I just found some way to roughly know which areas have interjections or talks from Imoen Romance MOD by checking the file names, so I guess I will just do anything else in Chapter 2 first until I get Eddard...
Looking forward to my next BG2 run...hopefully won't burn out in BG1 or SOD
Thanks for answering and making all these interesting MODs
But apart from that, I4E is great, of course.
Yes, I would like to try Imoen Romance first in this playthrough... and I'm still using I4E for my BG1EE to increase her appearance
I4E is still a future plan for me at the moment, still wait and see if there is more crossmod compatibility and interjections added in the future.
HOWEVER, I am not sure The Vanishing was ever tested on EET. Perhaps @GraionDilach tried it? It's just a guess, though. EET is not a native environment for my mods as I do not use EET myself.
I tried it and it doesn't work on EET currently. I remember @GraionDilach offered to make it EET compatible some weeks or months ago on G3.
I suggest you to install The Vanishing of Skie Silvershield mod in BG1EE folder before installing EET, and then add a separate line about this mod to EET mod (EET\tbl\compatibility.tbl file) so that EET installer will recognize this mod when installing EET.
Monday! (I'm still up to it, just that these are my last days in my current workplace and weekend'll have multiple family events... I just literally forgot getting back to this one. Feel free to remind me with these stuff.)
To be honest I almost forgot it, it went back when I saw this post.
You don't have to give reasons, you're doing already so much for this community, my message was only meaned to inform Lava, certainly not for blaming you 🙂. Sorry if it appeared otherwise.
And huge thanks to Graion that he wants to look at it in general!
I'll get back to with news once I have something to report
(if you have the time to make the edits, you might move her to the Mithrest Inn in a future version)
And no, I don't see why I should move her to Mithrest.
If you continue searching and you won't find her or any hint on where she might be, use the console to summon her. I think her creature file is called l#2sdski.
I apologize if this has been answered elsewhere already, but I'm planning to use this mod for my current run of the series and I wanted to know how Eddard's romance interacts with that of the vanilla companions. Since it takes some time Skie (and by extension Eddard) to join the party, would you recommend that users hold off on recruiting romancable NPCs until a certain point in Eddard's romance track if we're hoping to see those interactions?
I've had issues where mod NPCs fail to recognize that a vanilla romance is activate if said romance progresses past a certain point, so I figured I'd ask.
However, if you first enter an advanced stage of a romance (Romance Active 2) before the such conflict even appears, Eddard's romance will be set to 3 (unsuccessful). The script that does that will also detect romances from most mods.
That's how it works here. I would say that if you know that you're not interested in romancing other NPCs, just tell them that before Eddard Joins. I am not a master of writing conflict talks anyway so it's not like you'll be missing some amazing talks. But if that is not an option, it may be best to also install some banter accelerator to make banter talks happen more often.