Did you look at any of the log files to see if something might've gotten logged about the crash? You might also be able to SSH in while it's stuck, if you've got another box or have ssh client on your phone. If you're using onboard Intel graphics, it might be worth looking at installing a more up to date mesa, if your distro supports it, like from a ppa for Ubuntu.
The POL version din't worked. Is sadly because other games that i have installed on POL worked properly. But where i find this log files? And how i can fix this problem?
EDIT : About what i have talked about RANGE in game VS range on PnP, look to this spell, looks how awful is to cast an spell that has an area of effect similar to pnp but an very limited range...
Did you look at any of the log files to see if something might've gotten logged about the crash? You might also be able to SSH in while it's stuck, if you've got another box or have ssh client on your phone. If you're using onboard Intel graphics, it might be worth looking at installing a more up to date mesa, if your distro supports it, like from a ppa for Ubuntu.
The POL version din't worked. Is sadly because other games that i have installed on POL worked properly. But where i find this log files? And how i can fix this problem?
EDIT : About what i have talked about RANGE in game VS range on PnP, look to this spell, looks how awful is to cast an spell that has an area of effect similar to pnp but an very limited range...
I mean the general system logs, since it's a crash hard enough to lock up the UI and possibly the whole system. They'll be in /var/log. Which log files are relevant depends on your distro, it might be syslog, kern.log, messages, Xorg.0.log or something else. At you might be able to glean an error message or something and find some info on it. You'll probably have to look at bit further back to find the moment of the crash after a reboot. It's also possible the crash takes things down to the point it can't log anything, though.
DrHappyAngry, din't found any clue but playing with lower resolution and no web browser opened, i can play for much more time before "freezes", around 45min, so if i play from 30 and 30 min, i will not experience crashes.
Well, duh! In a game with no taunt mechanics for your tanks/fighters the fact that some spells have to be cast from the frontline due to range issues (the area of effect starts in your feet) and have a wide effect bigger than most caves/rooms in the game does not make much sense. Thankfully those spells (ice storm, stone hurl, etc) are not very good from the start.
Well, duh! In a game with no taunt mechanics for your tanks/fighters the fact that some spells have to be cast from the frontline due to range issues (the area of effect starts in your feet) and have a wide effect bigger than most caves/rooms in the game does not make much sense. Thankfully those spells (ice storm, stone hurl, etc) are not very good from the start.
Horrid Wilting has an similar issue and is not an bad spell. 60 feet area of effect(3x an fireball) and d6/caster level damage or d8/cl against plants/water elementals would be an amazing spell, mainly against "first worlders", but due the ultra limited range, become very situational...
I don't know about the spell on second edition, but on BG2, they nerfed the range compared to pnp assuming that the spell range is the same on 3.5e? Yes, but AT LEAST it don't deal team damage...
PsicoVic, but you got my point. Some spells are useless due their change on rules.
Anyway, anyone knows if animal companions are that amazing on pnp too?
Since i miss an druid companion, i created one merc and with few low level spells, her lv 9 pet can reach 39 armor class. To put into perspective, an CR 19 f**** Gargantuan Ancient Silver Dragon has 38 AC ( http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/dragons/dragon/metallic-silver/ancient-silver-dragon/ ) and her companion has 50 speed, 19 fortitude and 17 will save, that is amazing. Better than an dedicated party member to be an tanker, so my other chars can have more XP. Not saying that he is strong as an ancient dragon, but his AC and other stats are ludicrous OP...
Guys, one more thing about crashing. An single email to devs with detailed information(logs/saves) and reasons to why i was considering that the game has some memory leaking problems with some physics parts and the devs in question of days, fixed the problem
With this physics turned off, i can play for an very long time and the game never crashed.
I saw some people complaining about classes on DLC's but lets be honest, they had an lot of work to add Kineticist. The class is very unique. With unique resources(burn), unique skills, and unique things, like combine earth + fire to produce magma or water + fire to produce steam. Is an class completely different than every core class. And they added even archetypes to choose. Lets compare the implementation of Kineticist/tiefling compared to Neverwinter Nights 1 - Hotu expansion. Hotu expansion added red dragon disciple(you can be an dragon disciple of ANY METALLIC OR chromatic dragon on PfK without needing to pay an single DLC), pale master that is useless since give no +caster level, and no new race. Look how many options you have from an single race added in a $10 DLC(not sure about US price), each one offering unique traits. Owlcat games is my favorite developer by far
About the turn based mod, one question Did anyone tried? How the game deals with multiple summons? If i spend all of my sorc spell slots with feats and have 35+ skeletons on screen, do i need to control each one in each turn? Or do i give an order to everyone? Because with certain feats, is possible to raise 6 skeletons in a single cast.
Ya, I am kind of disappointed with the classes the DLCs added. I've never been a fan of warlocks in the NWN games, and kineticist is pretty similar. I'm sure in PnP they're far more interesting, but the way they've been done in video games just doesn't appeal to me. I am glad they added in Teiflings, though. Slayer's not really anything you couldn't achieve by mixing some rogue and ranger levels, but with no magic abilities asides from inspect. I really wish they'd have added Blackguard or Hellknight. It'd be nice if they'd add the practiced spellcaster feat, to make Mystic Theurge actually useful.
Ya, I am kind of disappointed with the classes the DLCs added. I've never been a fan of warlocks in the NWN games, and kineticist is pretty similar. I'm sure in PnP they're far more interesting, but the way they've been done in video games just doesn't appeal to me. I am glad they added in Teiflings, though. Slayer's not really anything you couldn't achieve by mixing some rogue and ranger levels, but with no magic abilities asides from inspect. I really wish they'd have added Blackguard or Hellknight. It'd be nice if they'd add the practiced spellcaster feat, to make Mystic Theurge actually useful.
About NWN2 implementation of warlock, is completely bugged and nerfed. Din't liked the implementation, but with mod makes warlocks more similar to pnp, i loved the class and suggest everyone who wanna play an warlock to use an mod. Of course, some abilities like fly/climb aren't on mod due engine limitations, eldricht spear doesn't have the same range as pnp due engine limitations, but you can raise undead army, can grapple with tentacles and do most of cool stuff, including an teleport invocation ( https://neverwintervault.org/project/nwn2/other/warlock-reworked-102g )
About kineticist. Is a cool class, but is not that amazing and unique... IMO they they have added Dhampir + Witch class. Mainly because Witch is unique to pathfinder, is very different than other arcane casters, is an INT caster(good skill monkey/soloing) with at will Hexes(good for soloing), unique theme, unique mechanic to "attune" spells using her familiar, unique relations with her "patron" that is an mysterious force and there are no pure arcanist companion... This would be probably be the best class to solo the game. http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/featured-races/arg-dhampir/ http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/witch/
Guys, one more thing about crashing. An single email to devs with detailed information(logs/saves) and reasons to why i was considering that the game has some memory leaking problems with some physics parts and the devs in question of days, fixed the problem
With this physics turned off, i can play for an very long time and the game never crashed.
I saw some people complaining about classes on DLC's but lets be honest, they had an lot of work to add Kineticist. The class is very unique. With unique resources(burn), unique skills, and unique things, like combine earth + fire to produce magma or water + fire to produce steam. Is an class completely different than every core class. And they added even archetypes to choose. Lets compare the implementation of Kineticist/tiefling compared to Neverwinter Nights 1 - Hotu expansion. Hotu expansion added red dragon disciple(you can be an dragon disciple of ANY METALLIC OR chromatic dragon on PfK without needing to pay an single DLC), pale master that is useless since give no +caster level, and no new race. Look how many options you have from an single race added in a $10 DLC(not sure about US price), each one offering unique traits. Owlcat games is my favorite developer by far
About the turn based mod, one question Did anyone tried? How the game deals with multiple summons? If i spend all of my sorc spell slots with feats and have 35+ skeletons on screen, do i need to control each one in each turn? Or do i give an order to everyone? Because with certain feats, is possible to raise 6 skeletons in a single cast.
I donno, if you’re just comparing adding Classes to a game, Beamdog adding what 7 of them for free is tops imo.
You also can’t compare a game from decades ago to a game now. The PrCs for the NWN expansion were unique for their time and added a lot to the base game to the point now that kits are considered standard in Western RPGs today.
I donno, if you’re just comparing adding Classes to a game, Beamdog adding what 7 of them for free is tops imo.
You also can’t compare a game from decades ago to a game now. The PrCs for the NWN expansion were unique for their time and added a lot to the base game to the point now that kits are considered standard in Western RPGs today.
I disagree. The classes that beamdog added was interesting, but nothing so different like kineticist. If Beamdog decides to license and add non OGL classes like 3.5e warlock to BG/IWD as a DLC, i would probably pay too. Unless the class in question is completely nerfed and bugged compared to pnp(i know that adapt an class from 3.5e into an 2e game would be hard, is just an example)
PrC is an amazing mod because correct some problems with prestige classes. A lot of changes that BioWare did with mainly prestige classes by no reason killed the prestige class. For eg, why only red dragon disciple? Druids can choose between a lot of dragons with their epic dragon shape ( https://nwn.fandom.com/wiki/Dragon_shape ), why dragon disciples could be only "red"? And only d6 instead of d12? Why? Pale masters giving no +CL means that the class is useless(and being limited to one summon. Why?) Why arcane archers only able to imbue fire?
About the justification that NWN is older, the standards for classes/spells of modern games tends to be lower than old games. Compare modern PB games like Risen 1/2/3 with Gothic 1/2/3. Compare Skyrim and ESO with Morrowind and Daggerfall. Old games offer in general more class, more spells, more skills... On BG1/2, an normal Fighter could choose between FIVE sub classes ( https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/Fighter )
Pathfinder Kingmaker is an amazing game, because in this aspect(variety), the game offers more things to choose than older games. Dozens of classes, each one with multiple archetypes, dozens of bloodlines to an Aasimar, dozens to tieflings, dozens of feats, thousands of spells, dozens of sorcerer's bloodlines... But P:K is an exception, not the rule.
I donno, if you’re just comparing adding Classes to a game, Beamdog adding what 7 of them for free is tops imo.
You also can’t compare a game from decades ago to a game now. The PrCs for the NWN expansion were unique for their time and added a lot to the base game to the point now that kits are considered standard in Western RPGs today.
I disagree. The classes that beamdog added was interesting, but nothing so different like kineticist. If Beamdog decides to license and add non OGL classes like 3.5e warlock to BG/IWD as a DLC, i would probably pay too. Unless the class in question is completely nerfed and bugged compared to pnp(i know that adapt an class from 3.5e into an 2e game would be hard, is just an example)
PrC is an amazing mod because correct some problems with prestige classes. A lot of changes that BioWare did with mainly prestige classes by no reason killed the prestige class. For eg, why only red dragon disciple? Druids can choose between a lot of dragons with their epic dragon shape ( https://nwn.fandom.com/wiki/Dragon_shape ), why dragon disciples could be only "red"? And only d6 instead of d12? Why? Pale masters giving no +CL means that the class is useless(and being limited to one summon. Why?) Why arcane archers only able to imbue fire?
About the justification that NWN is older, the standards for classes/spells of modern games tends to be lower than old games. Compare modern PB games like Risen 1/2/3 with Gothic 1/2/3. Compare Skyrim and ESO with Morrowind and Daggerfall. Old games offer in general more class, more spells, more skills... On BG1/2, an normal Fighter could choose between FIVE sub classes ( https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/Fighter )
Pathfinder Kingmaker is an amazing game, because in this aspect(variety), the game offers more things to choose than older games. Dozens of classes, each one with multiple archetypes, dozens of bloodlines to an Aasimar, dozens to tieflings, dozens of feats, thousands of spells, dozens of sorcerer's bloodlines... But P:K is an exception, not the rule.
But I will also add most of what is added is cosmetic.
For example Valerie and Linzi don't treat you differently if you worship Shelyn. I am currently playing a Paladin of Shelyn and was shocked when Valerie still did her I hate everything about Shelyn especially their paladins but I will still follow you faithfully because "reasons" and with a one line added "sorry if I offended your faith." It was jarring and unrealistic.
So sure they have dozen of bloodlines and classes, but all the choice changes nothing when it comes to telling the story its just adding things for the sake of adding them and for the player to make combinations that wouldn't fly elsewhere (Lawbringer Crusader of Rovagug) for example.
I donno, if you’re just comparing adding Classes to a game, Beamdog adding what 7 of them for free is tops imo.
You also can’t compare a game from decades ago to a game now. The PrCs for the NWN expansion were unique for their time and added a lot to the base game to the point now that kits are considered standard in Western RPGs today.
I disagree. The classes that beamdog added was interesting, but nothing so different like kineticist. If Beamdog decides to license and add non OGL classes like 3.5e warlock to BG/IWD as a DLC, i would probably pay too. Unless the class in question is completely nerfed and bugged compared to pnp(i know that adapt an class from 3.5e into an 2e game would be hard, is just an example)
PrC is an amazing mod because correct some problems with prestige classes. A lot of changes that BioWare did with mainly prestige classes by no reason killed the prestige class. For eg, why only red dragon disciple? Druids can choose between a lot of dragons with their epic dragon shape ( https://nwn.fandom.com/wiki/Dragon_shape ), why dragon disciples could be only "red"? And only d6 instead of d12? Why? Pale masters giving no +CL means that the class is useless(and being limited to one summon. Why?) Why arcane archers only able to imbue fire?
About the justification that NWN is older, the standards for classes/spells of modern games tends to be lower than old games. Compare modern PB games like Risen 1/2/3 with Gothic 1/2/3. Compare Skyrim and ESO with Morrowind and Daggerfall. Old games offer in general more class, more spells, more skills... On BG1/2, an normal Fighter could choose between FIVE sub classes ( https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/Fighter )
Pathfinder Kingmaker is an amazing game, because in this aspect(variety), the game offers more things to choose than older games. Dozens of classes, each one with multiple archetypes, dozens of bloodlines to an Aasimar, dozens to tieflings, dozens of feats, thousands of spells, dozens of sorcerer's bloodlines... But P:K is an exception, not the rule.
But I will also add most of what is added is cosmetic.
For example Valerie and Linzi don't treat you differently if you worship Shelyn. I am currently playing a Paladin of Shelyn and was shocked when Valerie still did her I hate everything about Shelyn especially their paladins but I will still follow you faithfully because "reasons" and with a one line added "sorry if I offended your faith." It was jarring and unrealistic.
So sure they have dozen of bloodlines and classes, but all the choice changes nothing when it comes to telling the story its just adding things for the sake of adding them and for the player to make combinations that wouldn't fly elsewhere (Lawbringer Crusader of Rovagug) for example.
I don't think that only because don't play an major role and impact less the story than alignment, is just "cosmetic".... For example, imagine that i wanna create an character inspired on Kall-su from Anime Bastard. i can choose an silver or white draconic ancestry and roleplay. In a game where i an restricted to the red dragon, despite red dragons being the most human hater/chaotic evil ones, i can't do the same.
And sorcerer bloodlines affects your character a lot. so name few ones
The spells that you get automatically(not the spells that you pick)
Unique features (wings for draconic or incorporeal form for undead for eg)
Increased damage on spells depending on your elemental/draconic ancestry
Damage resistance for undead bloodline MC
Increased damage resistance on your minions(abyssal bloodline)
Attribute increases
Immunities, an lv 20 silver dragon sorcerer is immune to cold. An lv 20 Fey Sorcerer is immune to poison for eg
Claw attacks and bite attacks depending the bloodline
The prestige classes that you can take, you can't level up on dragon disciple without draconic bloodline
<<<insert more things>>>
This talking only about sorcerers, on other classes or race, i can't say much but i an sure that people who play as tieflings can explain how different "sub races" of tieflings can affect a lot your charname.
Fair enough but that’s only builds which imo is an ok factor to determine if a game is good or not, but shouldn’t be the end all.
Story, IMO, should trump everything and every choice you make (even in character creation) should be reflected in the story. If not, it’s only cosmetic as I said and changing how and what type of damage you can do is just a cosmetic change that will make some encounters easier and others more challenging.
deltago, changing the type of damage is not just cosmetic. For eg, an sorcerer of silver draconic bloodline that role played his bloodline and din't took any fire spell would have an much harder time on Vordakai's Tomb than an gold dragon for eg. It affects how your character is. The story is impacted in a minor way but i don't think that is just cosmetic.
Anyway, only for me "Create Undead" appears in item descriptions but din't appeared on my spells to choose?
The item doesn't grant the spell, it just buffs the spell when you use it. Create Undead should be a 6th level spell so unless for some reason it's bugged your sorcerer should've been able to take it.
Edit: Create Undead might actually be a 7th level spell, so you'd get it at 14. I say this because the wiki says 7th level but the wikis are also often wrong.
Edit: Create Undead might actually be a 7th level spell, so you'd get it at 14. I say this because the wiki says 7th level but the wikis are also often wrong.
deltago, changing the type of damage is not just cosmetic. For eg, an sorcerer of silver draconic bloodline that role played his bloodline and din't took any fire spell would have an much harder time on Vordakai's Tomb than an gold dragon for eg. It affects how your character is. The story is impacted in a minor way but i don't think that is just cosmetic.
In your example the story is not impacted at all, because combat mechanics =/= story. Also, your example isn't even specific to the silver draconic bloodline, because any type of sorcerer who doesn't have the right spells for the occassion will get the short end of the stick. That's how this class works. It's the same in Baldur's Gate: if you pick the wrong spells, you will struggle, and BG doesn't even have bloodlines.
Tbh, I'd rather have less bloodlines, but all working properly. Have they fixed serpentine yet?
Except that on BG you don't get some spells to choose and some that get automatically. And that i din't mentioned only spells. The DR given to minions from Abysssal sorcerers is an "unique feature" for eg for eg. Same with unique spell like abilities like Grasp of the Dead. Some bloodlines affects your character more than archetypes from other classes.. About story, the ideal scenario is that each cleric has unique dialogs depending his deity, that every wizard, unique dialogs depending the specialization and every sorcerer, unique dialogs depending upon his bloodline, but lets be honest. This would be insanely costly in a CRPG. And if you use the logic "not affect the story so doesn't matter" is an awful justification. Using the same logic, there are no difference between playing the game as an Chaotic Good Barbarian to playing as an Chaotic good kineticist with the same social skills...
I already played NWN1/NWN2 where "you can only be an red dragon disciple", despite red dragons being the most "anti human" ones, finally an game where dragon disciples can be of any metallic or chromatic dragon
deltago, changing the type of damage is not just cosmetic. For eg, an sorcerer of silver draconic bloodline that role played his bloodline and din't took any fire spell would have an much harder time on Vordakai's Tomb than an gold dragon for eg. It affects how your character is. The story is impacted in a minor way but i don't think that is just cosmetic.
Anyway, only for me "Create Undead" appears in item descriptions but din't appeared on my spells to choose?
That’s still cosmetic. Everyone, every character plays that area. Just because a person can take meta information and apply it to the character creation actually reduces the choices they have when creating a character.
Now if there were exclusive quests for certain classes (think strongholds in BG) then the game is getting away from the cosmetic and into choice actually mattering again.
I'm curious about something. How many people who are devoted fans of PKM have a previous background of playing Pathfinder?
I never played Pathfinder as a P&P game as well but I have a lot of experience with 3.0 and 3.5 so no great difficulty with the rules except for the unknown classes.
The POL version din't worked. Is sadly because other games that i have installed on POL worked properly. But where i find this log files? And how i can fix this problem?
EDIT : About what i have talked about RANGE in game VS range on PnP, look to this spell, looks how awful is to cast an spell that has an area of effect similar to pnp but an very limited range...
The pnp spell range > 400 feet + 40 / CL http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/v/volcanic-storm/
I mean the general system logs, since it's a crash hard enough to lock up the UI and possibly the whole system. They'll be in /var/log. Which log files are relevant depends on your distro, it might be syslog, kern.log, messages, Xorg.0.log or something else. At you might be able to glean an error message or something and find some info on it. You'll probably have to look at bit further back to find the moment of the crash after a reboot. It's also possible the crash takes things down to the point it can't log anything, though.
About ranges, i an not the unique one who disagreed with this artificial limitation. Everyone here ( https://rpgcodex.net/forums/index.php?threads/pathfinder-kingmaker-enhanced-edition-now-with-beneath-the-stolen-lands-dlc.125267/page-292 ) hated the range limitation of spells/weapons. They even recommended to purchase every reach Metamagic rod that i see to make some spells usable.
Horrid Wilting has an similar issue and is not an bad spell. 60 feet area of effect(3x an fireball) and d6/caster level damage or d8/cl against plants/water elementals would be an amazing spell, mainly against "first worlders", but due the ultra limited range, become very situational...
I don't know about the spell on second edition, but on BG2, they nerfed the range compared to pnp assuming that the spell range is the same on 3.5e? Yes, but AT LEAST it don't deal team damage...
In pathfinder I do not think the spell is "foe only" http://legacy.aonprd.com/coreRulebook/spells/horridWilting.html
Anyway, anyone knows if animal companions are that amazing on pnp too?
Since i miss an druid companion, i created one merc and with few low level spells, her lv 9 pet can reach 39 armor class. To put into perspective, an CR 19 f**** Gargantuan Ancient Silver Dragon has 38 AC ( http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/dragons/dragon/metallic-silver/ancient-silver-dragon/ ) and her companion has 50 speed, 19 fortitude and 17 will save, that is amazing. Better than an dedicated party member to be an tanker, so my other chars can have more XP. Not saying that he is strong as an ancient dragon, but his AC and other stats are ludicrous OP...
With this physics turned off, i can play for an very long time and the game never crashed.
I saw some people complaining about classes on DLC's but lets be honest, they had an lot of work to add Kineticist. The class is very unique. With unique resources(burn), unique skills, and unique things, like combine earth + fire to produce magma or water + fire to produce steam. Is an class completely different than every core class. And they added even archetypes to choose. Lets compare the implementation of Kineticist/tiefling compared to Neverwinter Nights 1 - Hotu expansion. Hotu expansion added red dragon disciple(you can be an dragon disciple of ANY METALLIC OR chromatic dragon on PfK without needing to pay an single DLC), pale master that is useless since give no +caster level, and no new race. Look how many options you have from an single race added in a $10 DLC(not sure about US price), each one offering unique traits. Owlcat games is my favorite developer by far
About the turn based mod, one question Did anyone tried? How the game deals with multiple summons? If i spend all of my sorc spell slots with feats and have 35+ skeletons on screen, do i need to control each one in each turn? Or do i give an order to everyone? Because with certain feats, is possible to raise 6 skeletons in a single cast.
Ya, I am kind of disappointed with the classes the DLCs added. I've never been a fan of warlocks in the NWN games, and kineticist is pretty similar. I'm sure in PnP they're far more interesting, but the way they've been done in video games just doesn't appeal to me. I am glad they added in Teiflings, though. Slayer's not really anything you couldn't achieve by mixing some rogue and ranger levels, but with no magic abilities asides from inspect. I really wish they'd have added Blackguard or Hellknight. It'd be nice if they'd add the practiced spellcaster feat, to make Mystic Theurge actually useful.
About NWN2 implementation of warlock, is completely bugged and nerfed. Din't liked the implementation, but with mod makes warlocks more similar to pnp, i loved the class and suggest everyone who wanna play an warlock to use an mod. Of course, some abilities like fly/climb aren't on mod due engine limitations, eldricht spear doesn't have the same range as pnp due engine limitations, but you can raise undead army, can grapple with tentacles and do most of cool stuff, including an teleport invocation ( https://neverwintervault.org/project/nwn2/other/warlock-reworked-102g )
About kineticist. Is a cool class, but is not that amazing and unique... IMO they they have added Dhampir + Witch class. Mainly because Witch is unique to pathfinder, is very different than other arcane casters, is an INT caster(good skill monkey/soloing) with at will Hexes(good for soloing), unique theme, unique mechanic to "attune" spells using her familiar, unique relations with her "patron" that is an mysterious force and there are no pure arcanist companion... This would be probably be the best class to solo the game.
But i agree that slayer is a very lackluster. IMO if they wanna an weapon focused class that will be very different, they should have added gunslinger or samurai, more unique classes. http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/gunslinger/ and http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/alternate-classes/samurai/
I donno, if you’re just comparing adding Classes to a game, Beamdog adding what 7 of them for free is tops imo.
You also can’t compare a game from decades ago to a game now. The PrCs for the NWN expansion were unique for their time and added a lot to the base game to the point now that kits are considered standard in Western RPGs today.
I disagree. The classes that beamdog added was interesting, but nothing so different like kineticist. If Beamdog decides to license and add non OGL classes like 3.5e warlock to BG/IWD as a DLC, i would probably pay too. Unless the class in question is completely nerfed and bugged compared to pnp(i know that adapt an class from 3.5e into an 2e game would be hard, is just an example)
PrC is an amazing mod because correct some problems with prestige classes. A lot of changes that BioWare did with mainly prestige classes by no reason killed the prestige class. For eg, why only red dragon disciple? Druids can choose between a lot of dragons with their epic dragon shape ( https://nwn.fandom.com/wiki/Dragon_shape ), why dragon disciples could be only "red"? And only d6 instead of d12? Why? Pale masters giving no +CL means that the class is useless(and being limited to one summon. Why?) Why arcane archers only able to imbue fire?
About the justification that NWN is older, the standards for classes/spells of modern games tends to be lower than old games. Compare modern PB games like Risen 1/2/3 with Gothic 1/2/3. Compare Skyrim and ESO with Morrowind and Daggerfall. Old games offer in general more class, more spells, more skills... On BG1/2, an normal Fighter could choose between FIVE sub classes ( https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/Fighter )
Pathfinder Kingmaker is an amazing game, because in this aspect(variety), the game offers more things to choose than older games. Dozens of classes, each one with multiple archetypes, dozens of bloodlines to an Aasimar, dozens to tieflings, dozens of feats, thousands of spells, dozens of sorcerer's bloodlines... But P:K is an exception, not the rule.
But I will also add most of what is added is cosmetic.
For example Valerie and Linzi don't treat you differently if you worship Shelyn. I am currently playing a Paladin of Shelyn and was shocked when Valerie still did her I hate everything about Shelyn especially their paladins but I will still follow you faithfully because "reasons" and with a one line added "sorry if I offended your faith." It was jarring and unrealistic.
So sure they have dozen of bloodlines and classes, but all the choice changes nothing when it comes to telling the story its just adding things for the sake of adding them and for the player to make combinations that wouldn't fly elsewhere (Lawbringer Crusader of Rovagug) for example.
I don't think that only because don't play an major role and impact less the story than alignment, is just "cosmetic".... For example, imagine that i wanna create an character inspired on Kall-su from Anime Bastard. i can choose an silver or white draconic ancestry and roleplay. In a game where i an restricted to the red dragon, despite red dragons being the most human hater/chaotic evil ones, i can't do the same.
And sorcerer bloodlines affects your character a lot. so name few ones
This talking only about sorcerers, on other classes or race, i can't say much but i an sure that people who play as tieflings can explain how different "sub races" of tieflings can affect a lot your charname.
Story, IMO, should trump everything and every choice you make (even in character creation) should be reflected in the story. If not, it’s only cosmetic as I said and changing how and what type of damage you can do is just a cosmetic change that will make some encounters easier and others more challenging.
Anyway, only for me "Create Undead" appears in item descriptions but din't appeared on my spells to choose?
Edit: Create Undead might actually be a 7th level spell, so you'd get it at 14. I say this because the wiki says 7th level but the wikis are also often wrong.
School necromancy [evil]; Level cleric/oracle 6, shaman 6, sorcerer/wizard 6; Domain death 6, evil 6
But sure, my sorcerer don't have this spell... As you can see, my charname can cast tier 6 spells and is close to 7.
and the wiki both have it listed as 7th specifically for the game.
Except that on BG you don't get some spells to choose and some that get automatically. And that i din't mentioned only spells. The DR given to minions from Abysssal sorcerers is an "unique feature" for eg for eg. Same with unique spell like abilities like Grasp of the Dead. Some bloodlines affects your character more than archetypes from other classes.. About story, the ideal scenario is that each cleric has unique dialogs depending his deity, that every wizard, unique dialogs depending the specialization and every sorcerer, unique dialogs depending upon his bloodline, but lets be honest. This would be insanely costly in a CRPG. And if you use the logic "not affect the story so doesn't matter" is an awful justification. Using the same logic, there are no difference between playing the game as an Chaotic Good Barbarian to playing as an Chaotic good kineticist with the same social skills...
I already played NWN1/NWN2 where "you can only be an red dragon disciple", despite red dragons being the most "anti human" ones, finally an game where dragon disciples can be of any metallic or chromatic dragon
None whatsoever here. Never actually played 3rd ed, either, so my only experience was NWN 1 and 2. I did play D&D 2nd ed back in the '90s, though.
That’s still cosmetic. Everyone, every character plays that area. Just because a person can take meta information and apply it to the character creation actually reduces the choices they have when creating a character.
Now if there were exclusive quests for certain classes (think strongholds in BG) then the game is getting away from the cosmetic and into choice actually mattering again.
No pathfinder experience, but a ton of 3.5, so the rules didn't give me any real issue.
I never played Pathfinder as a P&P game as well but I have a lot of experience with 3.0 and 3.5 so no great difficulty with the rules except for the unknown classes.