How much gold does it have to be before you pick it up?

Gold can be pretty abundant in the BG series, if you know where to look. So it can seem like a hassle to even click the mouse to bother to pick it up.
How much gold does it have to be before you pick it up?
How much gold does it have to be before you pick it up?
My pockets are deep.
I roleplay, who would seriously leave a **GOLD** piece just lying on the floor.
Is the OP mad???
Besides there's the Quick-loot option there! Enabling it allows you to pick up any gold pieces lying on the floor with just a single click.
That said, I don't go picking up stuff in cities, unless they are so valuable that I can't trust the people to not do something stupid with them. Like the Helm of Balduran. It's got spikes. They might hurt themselves on those. Better to remove the threat from the reach of their clumsy fingers.
I always pick up gold.
Gold is shiny. Imoen can't resist shiny.
I pick up any non magical weapons leaving two or three spare ones in my inventory until I get magical ones. I've had too many weapons break at the worst time that not having a spare is dangerous.
aseveral magic bags, so I can pick up short swords from kobolds and xvarts, for selling. I also try to find a merchant with no short swords in stock, because they pay less the more of a stock they already have. Deal with itedit: Also, before I send a companion I no longer want in the party packing, I always pickpocket the local merchant for gear that matches my companions skills and abilities, then pawn their original stuff. To the very same merchant! He is like a sponsor, see?
Unless the ground is really hot, then your hand will burn a lot.
That is 'What Would Waukeen Do?'
Remember guys, by the time of BG & BG2, Waukeen has mysteriously vanished. Somebody's gotta pick up that Kobold gold, and if Waukeen isn't around to do it, well... I guess I'm just gonna have to do it myself!
Consequently over the years I've left many dungeons filled with the swords and armor of those that challenged me.