Sneak Attack in BG

Ive bien trying to replicate the success reported in this thread but cant seem to do it. I have a level 6 assassin in BG 1, my idea was that, since sneak Attack doesnt require stealth, he could be the party thief, open locks and all that. Just for a little variation in play. But boy, he cant hit ANYTHING and monsters are smart enough to turn around and target the fragile guy poking at them. Has anyone tried sneak Attack? Pointers? Tips?. Also typing this in my phone was painful.
Just open the baldur.lua file and find this line:
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','3E Thief Sneak Attack','0')
Change 0 to 1, and you get the 3E Thief Sneak Attack in Baldur's Gate.
Player, 2E-style backstab:
1. Must be behind the target.
2. Must be invisible.
Player, 3E-style backstab:
1. Must be behind the target.
1. Does not need to be invisible.
Enemy, 2E-style backstab:
1. Does not need to be behind the target.
2. Must be invisible.
Enemy, 3E-style backstab:
1. Does not need to be behind the target.
2. Does not need to be invisible.
So when 3E backstabbing is enabled, enemies land backstabs with every hit.
I guess I'll just ask in the IWDEE forum section.
That must be a nightmare when playing with SCS early in game.
Backstabs, in another hand, are way more reliable.