A Kit for Montaron: Bounty Hunter or Assassin ?

If you were to make Montaron a single-classed thief, do you envision him (his lines, his personality, his motivation) as an Assassin or a Bounty Hunter - and why?
- A Kit for Montaron: Bounty Hunter or Assassin ?22 votes
- Assassin72.73%
- Bounty Hunter27.27%
As he also mentions loving torture, I could put him down for a BH, just to get them back alive to the special chamber of his superiors. I picture them as wanting to extract plenty of info.
I usually feel it fits to leave him a straight up F/T. I switched him to assassin once or twice and it just felt a little off.
Like I picture people hiring Montaron when they need some extra muscle to bring somebody in. Not necessarily when they want somebody to kill a noble and make it look like an accident or anything like that.
Bounty Hunter seems like the closer fit to me.
Thug, from Might and Guile.
First off, he’s an evil halfling.
Secondly, he’s sidekick to someone much crazier than he is.
And thirdly, he and his buddy ask a child for help getting to Nashkel for no reason.
Bounty hunter implies more of an independent yet law-abiding streak, whereas assassins are frequently in the employ of a powerful and evil organization.
I’m going with disrespected or incompetent assassin.
I see him more in the lust to kill than in the ability to track someone down.
Several of his voiceover command lines also suggest a willingness to murder the player in their sleep, with no known bounty sitting on the head of the player. On the contrary, many high-paying bounties sit on the head of the protagonist character, none of which he betrays you to try and collect.
That said, assassin and necromancer make sense as a team.
The wizard Herek sat in the corner, drinking his ale. He tapped
on his staff of the magi nervously while he sipped the brew, as if
he sensed some unseen menace lurking nearby. His companion,
Pallar, scoffed at this nervousness; magicians were perpetually
uneasy, and besides, he was becoming apprehensive as well.
Suddenly the pungent odor of acid stabbed into nostrils. Pallar rose
and drew his blade in one motion, but it was already too
late. Herek let out a short scream, then slumped in a heap, dead,
with an arrow of slaying lodged in his back. There was a hole
burned through the wall behind them — the acid had done that
— and through it Pallar glimpsed a figure escaping on a flying
carpet. He mouthed some curses in the direction of the killer and
then turned to the body of his friend.
A note was tied to the shaft of the arrow buried in the mage’s
back: “Revenge now belongs to the Lords of the Dragon,
through the courtesy and efforts of the Master of the Bountiful
Hunt.” There were a few other words, but they were already
unreadable, smeared by wizard’s blood...
A Bounty Hunter is a character who specializes in the killing of
other characters or creatures for profit. A Bounty Hunter who
fights only non-humanoid creatures must be neutral in alignment,
while those who fight and slay humanoids must be neutral evil.
Humans and half-orc characters may be Bounty Hunters, as
long as they possess the following minimum ability scores:
strength 15, intelligence 13, dexterity 14 and constitution 14.
A Bounty Hunter is in some ways a combination of ranger and
In some circumstances, a bounty may be more profitable if the
quarry is captured rather than killed. In this case, a successful
assassination by the Bounty Hunter can mean that the victim
was knocked unconscious for 2-16 turns. This will be enough
time to bind and gag the prisoner, and perhaps enough time to
allow delivery to the one who will pay the bounty.
I see him as an evil somewhat demented, grubby, mercenary more than either a straight bounty hunter or straight assassin.