How can I change wizard/cleric spells to innate using nearinfinity?

Making a planetouched ice themed knight character but when adding abilities to it they go straight to the magebook which is inaccessible to fighters and paladins namefly fireshield blue and Ice storm. Tried to go the fighter/mage route but the moment the char leveled up all the spell levels reset to lvl 2. Anyone know how to modify wizard spells to work as an innate ability would?
...and the location of the spell can be changed here:
Instead of coming up as innate the "new edited" file comes up beneath the original Ice Storm/Fireshield blue spell. When added to the char it's added as wizard in eekeeper despite the alterations.
l've update the values exported to override under several different names and they still register as "wizard" in keeper.
Can you post a screenshot of what the original and edited files look like in EEKeeper?
That's the last of it.
Do you save the file before exporting it? Because it might be exporting the original file without including your edits.
I normally don't export anything; I use the File->Add Copy Of feature in Near Infinity to duplicate files.
Where is the save option located? That might be the problem. When exporting I was under the impression that it automatically saved edits.
Near Infinity also prompts you to save if you edit a file and then try to click on another file--like going from SPWI112.spl, Magic Missile, to Burning Hands, SPWI103.spl.
Had you not shown me I never would've known. Thanks alot! It should work now.
Thanks alot, semiticgod! I genuinely appreciate it! By any chance would you happen to know how to create custom items like say a shield with 30% cold resistance? Read something about nearinfinity being able to create them but nothing specific.
Creating custom items is much like creating custom spells. You just find an item file similar to the one you want (so it already has most of the right parameters), which in this case is a shield...
...go to the Edit tab and then double-click on an existing effect (which should also have some of the right parameters set), which in this case might be the AC bonus...
...and then a window will pop up. The "opcode" will show up at the top. The opcode is the number attached to a specific effect, and in all the IE games, opcode zero is the effect for AC bonuses.
Those two boxes highlighted just below it are the two parameters. Basically all opcodes work using two parameters, and you need to set those parameters to the right values to make sure the effect works right. In the case of cold resistance, parameter 1 would need to be 30 and parameter 2 would need to be 0 in order to increase cold resistance by 30. If parameter 2 was a 1 instead of a 0, example, the shield would SET cold resistance to 30 instead of increasing it by 30.
To add new effects, you can click "Add" -> "Effect" at the bottom of the "Edit" tab. Or, right-click on the AC bonus effect and copy and paste it. To remove effects, highlight the one you want to get rid of and click "Remove" at the bottom. If you want to edit a pair of boots instead of a shield, you can tweak a bunch of parameters to turn that shield into a pair of boots, but it's usually better just to go copy an existing pair of boots so the icons, weight, and category are already at the right values.
Other fields can change other things. Tool around with these fields and you should be able to figure out how to create virtually any item or spell you want. Looking at existing items and spells is a great way to figure out how stuff works.
A good example is Celestial Fury. Poke around that item file and you can see how the game handles multiple different on-hit effects with different opcodes and different parameters, as well as how the game handles spell-like abilities like the ability to cast Lightning Bolt once per day.
For this occasion though, you can just create an 'override' folder in the root of '/android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files' (where the baldur.ini file is). You can then add the modified files (eg: frst.spl etc) into that.
So now, you should have the following in the folder 'sdcard/android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files/'
override (folder)
portraits (folder)
save (folder)
Baldur.ini (file)
When you go about installing mods on the PC, the 'override' folder (on your device) will be deleted prior to teh installation of the new modfile, so make sure you keep a backup of the files you are adding now. You can add these back into the PCs override folder before zipping the modfile and they should fit in nicely (if you have given them a unique name).
Edit: Typo
1. Any IWD:EE-specific effects would not work in BG:EE, such as the Seven Eyes effect.
2. Projectiles also won't necessarily translate. For instance, there's no Static Charge projectile in BG. You'd have to copy over the relevant .pro file as well as the item or spell in question.
3. The icons won't necessarily translate. Kresselack's sword uses an icon that doesn't exist in BG; you'd have to copy the relevant .bam file, too.
4. The strings of the item or spell would not show up properly. This is all but guaranteed to be the case. A sword might have the string 12345 for its name, 56789 for its unidentified description, and 31415 for its identified description in IWD, but in BG, those strings would refer to different string references. So simply copying over the sword might give you a sword named "I'm sorry you feel that way, old man." with the item description "Get me out of this hellhole." You'll need to use WeiDu to fix up those strings.
A WeiDu tutorial is probably the best way to figure out how to do that, but so you know what to look for inside the tutorial, the code you'd end up using in your TP2 (you should look up TP2 files if you don't know what they are) to fix those descriptions would look like this:
SAY NAME1 @123
SAY NAME2 @456
Where YOURMODFOLDER is the name of the file folder that contains your mod, itm is the name of a subfolder inside that folder, FILENAME is the name of the item inside that subfolder (these names should always be 8 characters or less), .itm is the suffix of the file name based on what type of file it is, and @123, @456, and @789 are all references to a TRA file (another thing you'll need to look up). The inside of the TRA file would look something like this:
@123 = ~Kresselack's Sword~
@456 = ~Kresselack's Sword~
@789 = ~This is the story of Kresselack's Sword blah blah blah and it does 1d10+1 damage and gives 10% cold resistance or something.~
If you need to copy over a projectile file ( or an icon (FILENAME.bam) to make it work properly, you'd also need lines like these in your TP2 file (not to be confused with the TRA file):
COPY ~YOURMODFOLDER/pro/ ~override~
If you were copying over a spell instead of an item, it might look like this:
SAY NAME1 @135
SAY NAME2 @135
And the entries in your TRA file might look like this:
@135 = ~Spell of Explodifying~
@246 = ~The Spell of Explodifying is a level 9 evocation spell that explodifies the target on a failed save vs. explosions.~
A good way to figure out how to use WeiDu, besides using a tutorial (see the General Modding section on this forum, and there are other tutorial on Gibberlings 3) is to download another WeiDu mod that does something similar to yours and then start digging through its files--namely, its TP2 file and its TRA file. In the case of the IWDification mod, which copies over some IWD spells to BG, you'd be looking for the text files "IWDification.tp2" and "IWDification.tra" or something like that.
You could download one of my mods and use it as a model. The Alchemist mod has subfolders for all types of files, and the WeiDu code is fairly simple.
Think 2.0+ is uncompatible with the dialogue files unfortunately. I shouldn't have updated. I'd love to read the description of the stun frag grenade.