Beamdog and the Future of Mobile RPG Gaming

With the release of SOD on mobile marking the last title in the IE series where code is available (no hopes for IDW II) – and seeing that Beamdog will not be releasing NWN on mobile, would this indicate a general move away from that market for new products?
I would certainly be disappointed in this – since (due to work / lifestyle etc …) I am mobile gamer about 75% of the time.
It also seems that significant RPG titles from other publishers (POE, Tyranny, TTON etc) are too “hefty” to make it onto the mobile platform ? So - for mobile RPG gamers, the outlook seems bleak. (SpiderWeb Software being the 1 exception)
As a customer that has bought almost everything you guys have published, I just wished to express my ongoing interest in your mobile offerings. They are my most played titles on IOS as really very little out there compares to them.
Hope you’ll stick in there and give us more quality offerings on Mobile in the future ….
I would certainly be disappointed in this – since (due to work / lifestyle etc …) I am mobile gamer about 75% of the time.
It also seems that significant RPG titles from other publishers (POE, Tyranny, TTON etc) are too “hefty” to make it onto the mobile platform ? So - for mobile RPG gamers, the outlook seems bleak. (SpiderWeb Software being the 1 exception)
As a customer that has bought almost everything you guys have published, I just wished to express my ongoing interest in your mobile offerings. They are my most played titles on IOS as really very little out there compares to them.
Hope you’ll stick in there and give us more quality offerings on Mobile in the future ….
The Bg saga works really well on iOS. I really hope for several expansions and games for iOS and in general. And especially for the BG saga.
It doesnt have to be an expansion as big as SoD. A smaller dungeon crawl or quest pack could easily be implemented without breaking imersion to much... SoA is great, but the plot isnt so linear that yet another quest couldnt be fitted into chapter 3. And ToB has plenty of room for more content imho.
The expansions could be purchased in the game - like the ee companions. The engine is there and the game is really functioning well. So go ahead BD - make my day
There next alleged title will be on mobile devices.
Bad News:
It’s not a RPG but Axis and Allies (allegedly - speculation).
Unfortunately, though I have purchased them all, I have found the infinity engines to be a bit too unwieldy for my personal preferences on even my iPhone 6s+. I would hope that NWN would be better.
I wish that there were more in-depth RPGs for iOS out there. Most of the ones I see are shallow MMORPG clones or rogue-likes, which don’t really hold my interest. An old-school bioware style game with good writing, griping dialogue, and non-linear story is much need for the platform, if the genre was tailored for the device. I think Beamdog could really take advantage of this huge gap in the market.
@DonCzirr Have you tried The Quest, by Redshift Games? It was designed for handheld games many years ago and still holds up decently. I wish there were more titles out there like that, as I it’s pretty dated.
I am really a big fan of the isometric / party based style RPGs.
The only ones of that flavor on mobile (besides the Beamdog offerings) are by SpiderWeb Software - the Avadon and Avernum series. These are deep worlds and I believe worth a serious RPG player's time. He's a 1 man development company however so the games do not have the same level of polish of a Beamdog title - but otherwise great work.
ShadowRun Dragonfall was good too but HBS has abandoned that line in favor of their new BattleTech offering on the PC.
So - really hoping Beamdog keeps in the game. Like you said most other offerings are MMORPG. Freemium and or Japanese / Anime RPGs - a style that does not appeal to me at all.
Looks like those future iTunes gift cards will be going to SpiderWeb Software
Avernum 3 was just released on IOS in fact
Still .... not as good or as desirable as Beamdog being on IOS .... nudge ... nudge .... wink ... wink BD
The SpiderWeb games - Avadon and Avernum play very well on it.
Beamdog - any possibility you can talk about Beamdog and its future in Mobile Gaming on your next streaming session?
There are fans that would be interested in this.