My problem with Fallout 76 is that is disrespects the Fallout lore as stablished through the years.
The way they twisted the lore to make BoS and Super Mutants fit makes me sick as a huge fan of the franchise and made me feel very disrespected as someone who invested time reading and learning the Fallout Bible.
I mean you're not wrong but it's been super obvious for a long time that all new Fallout games are going to have Super Mutants and The Brotherhood of Steel and that The Fallout Bible doesn't mean anything to Bethesda when it comes to what they consider selling points of a Fallout game
edit: sorry if this came across as rude! it's just a frustrating situation. I'm hoping we get a fresh start with The Outer Worlds but I won't be counting my chickens before they've hatched (also won't be preordering until I know there's a GOG version)
Todd and Pete thinks the Brotherhood is the face of the Fallout series kind of like what the Adeptus Astartes are to Warhammer 40,000.
they may have gotten that idea because interplay was pushing that with the spin offs. in the main games the bos are just another faction heck you can ignore them altogether in 2.
They were pretty relevant in FO1 though.
fo 1 is the only time the bos are really heavily involved in the plot. in 2 you can out right ignore them. while they do play a role in the main plot of new vegas they are more a minor faction in the grand scheme of things besides playing into the backstory of a location and the dead money dlc. .
Fallout 76 is the dumbed down version of Fallout 4. Fallout 4 is the dumbed down version of fallout 3 Fallout 3 is the dumbed down version of original fallout games
In nutshell, fallout 76 is the dumbed down of dumbed down of dumbed down fallout experience.
Yeah, this Metro X looks good from what I have seen of it... there was a bit of controversy over them going with Epic games launcher instead of Steam, (the quartering is covering it) but despite that it looks kick ass and is relatively cheap, cheaper than FO76. smh, "Another" game launcher?! really? FMR
Incidentally, the movie with the worst metascores is Death of a Nation: It got a whopping 1. But even that got a higher user score than Fallout 76.
But I doubt Family Party: 30 Great Games had the backing of banner ad money so it was a lot safer to crap all over that one.
Fallout 4 is the dumbed down version of fallout 3
Fallout 3 is the dumbed down version of original fallout games
In nutshell, fallout 76 is the dumbed down of dumbed down of dumbed down fallout experience.
BUGthesda should learn with 4A games.