@voidofopinion The wierd biology and horror website "Bogleech" has a list of the blogger's favorite horror movies. 31 of them, and they cover a wide range of categories, from surreal horror, to monster movies, to cheesy or serious, classis and newish. First part of the list is here. I've found some really good stuff here that I otherwise may have missed.
@ThacoBell He starts off his list with The Deadly Spawn, so I wanna smack him with a chair because that movie is godawful... But then he mentions Killer Klowns from Outer Space, so all is forgiven!
@ThacoBell well now I wanna smack you with a chair.
Tonight I felt like watching an oldie, so I went with The Return of the Vampire, with my man Bela Lugosi as not-Dracula. It's actually pretty good, I recommend it.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned Ringu yet. I used to work in a Library, and two customers wanted to watch "a really scary horror film" I don't watch horror (my brain is way too good at throwing that stuff back at me in my nightmares), so I suggested the original "Ringu". I had to get it from another library in our system, but when they got it, they looked at the box, and said, "Oh, it's only PG-13! How bad could it be?"
Famous. Last. Words.
They came back a week later, freaking out, and all they could talk about was "How terrifying that movie was'. And to add other mom's terror (customers were mom and daughter pair), the daughter called her Mom's house on the way home from her mom's house on her cellphone (Mom had caller ID, and it didn't/doesn't work on cellphones), and when Mom picked up, went (Creepy Voice) "Seven Days...".
@voidofopinion The wierd biology and horror website "Bogleech" has a list of the blogger's favorite horror movies. 31 of them, and they cover a wide range of categories, from surreal horror, to monster movies, to cheesy or serious, classis and newish. First part of the list is here. I've found some really good stuff here that I otherwise may have missed.
@ThacoBell I was happy to see an old favorite The Blob (1988) on that list, as well as a newer one I just watched and enjoyed Don't be Afraid of the Dark (2010). I liked that for the fairies in it, which were definitely the old school and fantastically creepy mean fairies as mentioned. None of Tinkerbell stuff in that for darn sure.
Congratulations on emotionally scarring multiple generations at once!
You must have been a fun librarian!
The Ringu Anthology of Terror (Ringu, Rasen, Ringu 2, and Ringu ∅) is good stuff and I have only seen the first film and the american remake so I am looking forward to the other 3!
Well, when someone says, "I want to see a REALLT scary movie", I take them at their word.
I heard Ju-on (the Japanese version of "The Grudge") was similarly horrifying, as was "Dark Water", also in the Original Japanese. No gore, just straight-on horror.
If there is one thing that I've noticed about horror movies over the years, is that 75% of them are just not very good. HOWEVER, even the bad ones are still fun to talk about in their rather obvious shortcomings. Even though there hasn't been a good slasher movie since.....well probably since the first "Scream" to be honest, it's hard to tire of the "oh, why the hell is she doing that??" criticisms of the main character.
I did watch, I think it was "House of Wax" or "House of Wax 2". And honestly, it was a little freaky, but it was so dumb, I could almost literally feel my brains leaking out of my ears as I watched it. Afterwards, I was like, "Well, there's an hour and a half of my life I will never get back..."
Not the kind of reaction you want to have to a horror film.
Best ghost story I ever heard is about this guy who has friends in Scotland who live in an actual castle. They invite him to visit them whenever he's in Scotland, and when he does go, they tell him they have other guests and that the only bedroom left is supposedly haunted.
So, he thinks they are setting him up to jump out at him and scare him in the middle of the night. So he accepts the room, and that night, before he goes to bed, he checks under the bed, under all the tapestries on the walls and the curtains at the windows. When there is no one hiding there, he locks the door and checks the wardrobe, chest and the other pieces of furniture where someone might be able to hide. When they prove to be empty as well, he locks all of them up, too.
He checks under the bed once more and all the bed curtains. There is no one there. He climbs into bed, closes the bed curtains, blows out the candle....
And in the darkness, a spidery little voice whispers in his ear. "Now we're locked in together for the night."
The Ringu Anthology of Terror (Ringu, Rasen, Ringu 2, and Ringu ∅) is good stuff and I have only seen the first film and the american remake so I am looking forward to the other 3!
If you like them all and got nothing else better to do, you might as well check out Sadako 3D and Sadako 3D 2 too. First one is awful but the second is decent enough.
And hell, you can also give Sadako vs Kayako a try. It's cheesy and downright dumb, but it's a fun movie to watch.
Now I feel like doing a Ringu marathon... I can still remember the original well enough, but the sequels have been erased from my mind, though I remember I enjoyed them.
I heard Ju-on (the Japanese version of "The Grudge") was similarly horrifying.
Ju-On is pretty good, certainly worth a watch. I watched all of them, there's quite a few... So my memory is somewhat muddy about details on the individual movies, but I think I enjoyed most of them.
I'm a big fan of the Ring, especially the American version. Who else remembers the 3-second closet scene?
"...I saw her face."
*closet scene*
That one freaked me out. It still scares me when I think about it.
Well, I have to agree. It was near the beginning of the film, and was the one scene that stuck with me and was genuinely frightening. I'm not sure anything else in the film rose to that level though. Even Samara climbing through the TV isn't remotely as effective (in retrospect, it almost seems as if Gollum from Lord of the Rings has entered the movie). The Japanese version is just way better in this regard because it didn't rely on slick CGI techniques.
I'm a big fan of the Ring, especially the American version. Who else remembers the 3-second closet scene?
"...I saw her face."
*closet scene*
That one freaked me out. It still scares me when I think about it.
Well, I have to agree. It was near the beginning of the film, and was the one scene that stuck with me and was genuinely frightening. I'm not sure anything else in the film rose to that level though. Even Samara climbing through the TV isn't remotely as effective (in retrospect, it almost seems as if Gollum from Lord of the Rings has entered the movie). The Japanese version is just way better in this regard because it didn't rely on slick CGI techniques.
Aaaaand here I disagree. Samara climbing out of the well in The Ring is one of the scenes that really makes me love that movie. Sadako's climb out of the TV is also very effective though. I really can't pick a favourite.
I also really want to watch the Korean version, just to compare it to the others.
Ok so, I just watched half of "The ABC's of Death" last night and....some of these shorts are legitimately the weirdest things I have ever seen, but alot of them also veer into the same territory as "The Human Centipede" movies, which is a place where bad taste becomes genuinely disgusting and revolting, and not in any remotely pleasant way. I don't get offended, I am the furthest thing from a person who has delicate sensibilities, but half of these things don't have anything remotely to do with "horror". Like the movie trilogy I mentioned before, there is a overwhelming interest in at least 3 of these shorts with what we will call the scatological, and I simply don't have any use for it.
In a side note, apparently a substitute teacher in Ohio actually received jail-time for showing this movie to students.
@jjstraka34 I just looked up that case after you mentioned it. The judge thought her excuse of not knowing what was on it because her back was turned through multiple screenings wasn't cuttin the mustard. I got to agree with him there.
I have a certain fascination with animated movies like Watership Down that are so dark and disturbing that they are borderline horror. Plague dogs is another one, with the same director and also based on a novel by Richard Adams. I actually found that one to be even more disturbing than Watership down.
I have a certain fascination with animated movies like Watership Down that are so dark and disturbing that they are borderline horror. Plague dogs is another one, with the same director and also based on a novel by Richard Adams. I actually found that one to be even more disturbing than Watership down.
WD is darn good, and yeah, not your standard young kids movie. I never saw Plague Dogs, so that's definitely up next.
Two of my favorite movies happen to be "Watership Down" and "Secret of NIMH".
Getting back to intentional horror, I found this short a little while ago. Personally I find it more awesome than horrific, it has a distinct art style and is worth a look. Its only 5 min long.
On a whim I just watched Matango: The Mushroom People (1963). A bit of a slow burner but the second half revs up a bit. Kinda reminds me of a Gilligan's Island episode where the story goes seriously wrong (as in, "Its bad, Jim'). Overall I'd say an interesting little gem of an old movie, even with the later dubbing for international release. Apparently it was almost banned in Japan at the time because the mushroom people bore a resemblance to victims of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Now that's referring to the of work a director that already had a few Godzilla movies under his belt, Ishirō Honda.
As a long time fan of the Alien series, I have come to realize that regardless of how bad the remakes, reboots, prequels, and spin-offs are... They can't take away the original. So getting upset only means that you are upset. It changes nothing.
Any site that lists Bubba Ho-Tep has my interest!
But then he mentions Killer Klowns from Outer Space, so all is forgiven!
Tonight I felt like watching an oldie, so I went with The Return of the Vampire, with my man Bela Lugosi as not-Dracula.
It's actually pretty good, I recommend it.
The Return of the Vampire was Nina Foch's first feature film.
Famous. Last. Words.
They came back a week later, freaking out, and all they could talk about was "How terrifying that movie was'. And to add other mom's terror (customers were mom and daughter pair), the daughter called her Mom's house on the way home from her mom's house on her cellphone (Mom had caller ID, and it didn't/doesn't work on cellphones), and when Mom picked up, went (Creepy Voice) "Seven Days...".
Cue freakout #2 from Mom...
Congratulations on emotionally scarring multiple generations at once!
You must have been a fun librarian!
The Ringu Anthology of Terror (Ringu, Rasen, Ringu 2, and Ringu ∅) is good stuff and I have only seen the first film and the american remake so I am looking forward to the other 3!
I heard Ju-on (the Japanese version of "The Grudge") was similarly horrifying, as was "Dark Water", also in the Original Japanese. No gore, just straight-on horror.
As @LadyRhian said, there isnt any real gore in it but the atmosphere and slow building tension is incredible.
Highly recommended!
Not the kind of reaction you want to have to a horror film.
Best ghost story I ever heard is about this guy who has friends in Scotland who live in an actual castle. They invite him to visit them whenever he's in Scotland, and when he does go, they tell him they have other guests and that the only bedroom left is supposedly haunted.
So, he thinks they are setting him up to jump out at him and scare him in the middle of the night. So he accepts the room, and that night, before he goes to bed, he checks under the bed, under all the tapestries on the walls and the curtains at the windows. When there is no one hiding there, he locks the door and checks the wardrobe, chest and the other pieces of furniture where someone might be able to hide. When they prove to be empty as well, he locks all of them up, too.
He checks under the bed once more and all the bed curtains. There is no one there. He climbs into bed, closes the bed curtains, blows out the candle....
And in the darkness, a spidery little voice whispers in his ear. "Now we're locked in together for the night."
The End
Both Ringu and The Ring are some of my favourite movies, for different reasons. If you like them all and got nothing else better to do, you might as well check out Sadako 3D and Sadako 3D 2 too. First one is awful but the second is decent enough.
And hell, you can also give Sadako vs Kayako a try. It's cheesy and downright dumb, but it's a fun movie to watch.
Now I feel like doing a Ringu marathon... I can still remember the original well enough, but the sequels have been erased from my mind, though I remember I enjoyed them. Ju-On is pretty good, certainly worth a watch.
I watched all of them, there's quite a few... So my memory is somewhat muddy about details on the individual movies, but I think I enjoyed most of them.
"...I saw her face."
*closet scene*
That one freaked me out. It still scares me when I think about it.
Sadako's climb out of the TV is also very effective though.
I really can't pick a favourite.
I also really want to watch the Korean version, just to compare it to the others.
In a side note, apparently a substitute teacher in Ohio actually received jail-time for showing this movie to students.
That being said... I'm more than certain the horror anthology was not part of the approved curriculum.
Getting back to intentional horror, I found this short a little while ago. Personally I find it more awesome than horrific, it has a distinct art style and is worth a look. Its only 5 min long.
Apparently it was almost banned in Japan at the time because the mushroom people bore a resemblance to victims of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Now that's referring to the of work a director that already had a few Godzilla movies under his belt, Ishirō Honda.
October can't come fast enough!
I am honestly somewhat pissed...
As a long time fan of the Alien series, I have come to realize that regardless of how bad the remakes, reboots, prequels, and spin-offs are... They can't take away the original. So getting upset only means that you are upset. It changes nothing.