[mod] Yeslick BG2 - now also available for BG2EE

Annother announcement from SHS!
Wait -- is that a Dwarven Sunday? Perhaps it is! Just after the release of Korgan Friendship comes the next important release - Yeslick BG2(EE) update is now here.
The original mod by great modders of SHS - Pixel Kaiser and K'aeloree - is now updated with ToB content but not just that. From now on the mod should also work just fine on new versions of the game - BG2EE and EET. Other changes: minor fixes, traification, banters with EE NPCs, Wilson dialogue fix and some additional proofreading.
About the character:
When asked about his past, Yeslick chuckles grimly. "There ain't nothin' there ye be wantin' to know, young 'un. Trust me." From what you have gleaned, Yeslick is peculiar for a dwarf; a follower of Vergadain, the Dwarven god of wealth and luck and Clangeddin, Dwarven god of war, he is an unassuming companion with an aversion to alcohol and the undead. You know little about his history beyond that he grew up in the Dales to the north and that heat makes him extremely irritable.
Version 2.0 team: Lava Del'Vortel, Rhaella and Artemius_I.
If you missed the first dwarven mod released on the "Dwarven Sunday" - Korgan Friendship - check the announcement here.
The original mod by great modders of SHS - Pixel Kaiser and K'aeloree - is now updated with ToB content but not just that. From now on the mod should also work just fine on new versions of the game - BG2EE and EET. Other changes: minor fixes, traification, banters with EE NPCs, Wilson dialogue fix and some additional proofreading.
About the character:
When asked about his past, Yeslick chuckles grimly. "There ain't nothin' there ye be wantin' to know, young 'un. Trust me." From what you have gleaned, Yeslick is peculiar for a dwarf; a follower of Vergadain, the Dwarven god of wealth and luck and Clangeddin, Dwarven god of war, he is an unassuming companion with an aversion to alcohol and the undead. You know little about his history beyond that he grew up in the Dales to the north and that heat makes him extremely irritable.
Version 2.0 team: Lava Del'Vortel, Rhaella and Artemius_I.
If you missed the first dwarven mod released on the "Dwarven Sunday" - Korgan Friendship - check the announcement here.
i only really used yeslick once during my first ever bg 1 run but it's nice to have more dwarves.
Thanks, @LavaDelVortel ! Good job!
He starts only with ~27000 XP. That's pretty low by SoA standards. I expected something around 250.000 XP.
Will try to remember about that if/when I'll be updating the mod!
Stopping installation because of error.
ERROR Installing [Yeslick NPC for BGII: SoA & ToB], rolling back to previous state
Will uninstall 197 files for [YESLICKNPC/YESLICKNPC.TP2] component 0.
Uninstalled 197 files for [YESLICKNPC/YESLICKNPC.TP2] component 0.
ERROR: Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "yeslicknpc/lk#yesEp.2da")
PLEASE email the file SETUP-YESLICKNPC.DEBUG to Pixel Kaiser, K'aeloree and Lava Del'Vortel
Using Language [English]
But Grum is very supportive of this measure! How can I get it on the phone?
You can mod your phone. Not easy - but it can be done thanks to Luke93 and Subtledoctor as well:
But modding your phone requires the content doesnt biff by it self. @LavaDelVortel can you elaborate on that perhaps?
@StummvonBordwehr - sorry, I missed your quesiton. To be honest, I have no idea how games work on phones and tablets, so... sorry. You will need to ask someone who knows more on the topic.
Have you considered a similar interaction/reaction between Yeslick and Korgan as we saw in BGEE with Yeslick and Kagain?
What was your inspiration for the Alaghor of Clangeddin kit? As I've seen several variations on the internet...
I've tinkered around with allowing Fighter/Clerics to use axes, and that would be fitting for this mod as Clangeddin Silverbeard wielded twin axes.
COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~^.+\.itm$~ ~override~ PATCH_IF (SOURCE_SIZE > 0x71) BEGIN READ_BYTE 0x1f usability2 READ_BYTE 0x1c category PATCH_IF (category = 25) BEGIN WRITE_BYTE 0x1F (usability2 & 0b10111111) END END BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES
Would you consider making the kit an option and allow the player to install this mod as a Fighter/Cleric?
The kit was designed long ago with consultation with Kaeloree. I don't remember the details because it was 6 years ago. Sorry.
As for the axes - that would go beyond the idea of the mod and it would influence other fighter/clerics and I can already say that sorry, but I won't implement that for the same reason I mentioned above.
I can, though, consider making his kit optional for those who would rather keep the BG1 and BG2 characters a bit more consistent.
Cheers and thanks for all the kind words! I believe most of them should go to the original authors!
@LavaDelVortel Sorry about the promoting; felt appropriate for the question presented.
"This is not a problem with the IPS Community Suite but rather with your SQL server. Please contact your host and copy the message shown above."
Is anyone else seeing this? I don't think I've ever seen a message like this before on any site I've visited.
Is there any other location that I can download the mod from?
And does this mod allow him to be summoned through the Fate Spirit for ToB-only playthroughs?
Any idea if/when the mod will be available for download again?