If Beamdog would make a new D&D game, where should it be set?

Good day!
After getting some D&D news, I was kinda hyped for new settings (especially Ravnica later this year) and then remembered that it was quite a while since we last had a D&D game, especially one not in Ferûn..
So, if Beamdog would make a D&D game, which setting would you like?
Since I assume that Wizards would demand that a completly new game I gave the current setting, as well as Ravenloft and Greyhawk.
Thank you for your time!
After getting some D&D news, I was kinda hyped for new settings (especially Ravnica later this year) and then remembered that it was quite a while since we last had a D&D game, especially one not in Ferûn..
So, if Beamdog would make a D&D game, which setting would you like?
Since I assume that Wizards would demand that a completly new game I gave the current setting, as well as Ravenloft and Greyhawk.
Thank you for your time!
- If Beamdog would make a new D&D game, where should it be set?72 votes
- Forgotten Realms47.22%
- Eberron  4.17%
- Ravenloft13.89%
- Ravnica  2.78%
- Greyhawk11.11%
- Older setting which is not in 5E yet (Dark Sun, Mystara etc...)19.44%
- A new homebrew setting  1.39%
But, if I may ask, why do you want Dark Sun?
And how do you think the unique atmosphere can be used in a game?
If I remember corectly it is rather hard to survive in that world and it is rather exotic..
I admit, I have limited knowledge about the world =/
Can you guys stop not-voting in Ravenloft?
While I personally would be fine with most options, I have to admit I would be kinda unhappy with Spelljammer. I think that setting (or the idea behind it) is kinda ..weird. Then Again, I find D&D + ST not
really appealing at all...
Mystara would be nice, I really like some of that mythology there, but I think most people would be confused by that setting..
So far, most people want FR and Ravenloft, with Dark Sun being in the third place..
No love for Eberron here, or Greyhawk?
I mean, I'm not surprised that Ravnica is ranking so low, I fear that setting is (yet) unknown outside the MtG fandom, but it is awesome and I can't wait to see how it will impact D&D wenn the book comes out in november.. *_*
Space (not starwars and / or opera*) however - like Escape Velocity, but more RP elements - have not really been done much. At least lately.
*Yes, that excludes Mass Effect.
But RPG instead of adventure game. And no time travel, only space. And MOAR sexual innuendo, I mean was this game made by nuns or something?
I'd say Kyrnn for a second choice.
"When a member of the Scarlet Brotherhood kills one of that organization's "great enemies", they are often rewarded with this sword. How this sword made its way from the world of Greyhawk (where the Brotherhood is based) to Faerûn is a mystery. When unsheathed, the ninjatō will glow blood red."
The Brotherhood was an interesting and rather dangerous organization of monks, assassins, and thieves (and a few others) that had even had a genetic breeding program (IIRC) set up to get the best of the best as they saw it. I remember Brother/Sister monks at the top, followed by Uncles, and then Cousins. In old school D&D monks had to challenge and defeat the next highest lvl monk in whatever order they were in to get past certain lvls. Druids were like that to in that edition even before hitting 14th.
Anyway fun stuff, we ran into those guys a few times in adventures.
I mean... I could understand it if people want to have a game in South or East Faerun. Such as Mulhorand and Unther. Given that we haven't seen anything from these regions yet in video games. But still... why choose Faerun all the time even though it's just a small part of the planet Toril?
Would it hurt that much to have a new game located in Maztica, Zakhara, Kara-Tur or Osse for that matter? It's mind boggling, I tell ya!
But I fear that from all the games I listed seperatly, Greyhawk will have the lowest chance to become real..
Forgotten Realms is the most likely, but I think a Planescape/Spelljammer game would have a decent chance.. Why? Well they remembered the "all in one universe"-idea and even created an explanation for Eberron in such a setting. So, a game which would visit multiple planes could be pitched to WotC, especially if the game would visit old planes (Greyhawk, Mystara) could be even sold through the nostalgia market..
It would be awesome to explore the methods to switch settings..
Especially since one of the Dragon streams explained that most teleportspells work, since all settings are in the Prime, thus you would not actually change your "plane". You would only need some sort of idea where to go (and maybe a magic passcode) and then use a portal, a spell or a spark and done.. ^^
From Most Likely to Least Likely:
Forgotten Realms: Familiarity is an easier sell. One of the reasons why I had a hard time getting into the Temple of Elemental Evil game was due to it other another setting I knew or cared nothing about. That said:
Greyhawk: ToEE:EE would be kinda cool with better writing and voice acting and (a lot) fewer bugs. BUT:
Ravnica: With WotC releasing DMs guide to Ravnica (read it the next issue of Wild Surge, out soon - shameless plug over) it'd make sense to release a non magic the gathering game based in that world for some fancy cross promotion. Beamdog would of had to be working on this for awhile though and perhaps they have been. We don't know really what they've been working on for the last 2 years and it would explain all the secrecy, BUT:
Spelljammer: I would play a Boo Origins story to death.