Which class do you think is the best Mage Killer?

The other day we were having an interesting debate about shamans and druids and mages, and their relative strengths and weaknesses. In that, there was some discussion about the various ways of disabling mages and killing them, in which we got many interesting points.
How about we discuss this topic of mage killing in detail? Which class do you think is the best for this purpose, and what are your favourite strategies for disabling, dispelling and destroying mages? Let me know your opinions.
The poll below enumerates the most likely candidates for this role, though you may suggest any other classes if you think so. (Please select the "Something else" option in the latter case.)
I believe this will prove to be an interesting discussion.
How about we discuss this topic of mage killing in detail? Which class do you think is the best for this purpose, and what are your favourite strategies for disabling, dispelling and destroying mages? Let me know your opinions.
The poll below enumerates the most likely candidates for this role, though you may suggest any other classes if you think so. (Please select the "Something else" option in the latter case.)
I believe this will prove to be an interesting discussion.

- Which class do you think is the best Mage Killer?54 votes
- Inquisitor31.48%
- Monk (may be kitted)  5.56%
- Assassin or Blackguard  3.70%
- Wizard Slayer  9.26%
- Druid or Shaman11.11%
- A Mage itself11.11%
- Something else27.78%
For instance, an assassin with cloak of non-detection can take out in one hit most mages in the game with 0 risk. Nothing can beat that. But if he can't take out the mage in one hit, then he better have boots of speed, because it smells like rotten fish, even with poison.
For BG1 and half of BG2, an inquisitor can dispel almost everything with no bother, but then...
Druids can disable a mage momentarily, but will take a sweet long time to kill him and may prove useless against most mages with contingencies (most powerful mages usually), which makes their utility in this regard limited if they are alone.
Mages can consistently disable any mage, regardless of contingencies, however they would require loads of self-buffing and contingencies themselves to have the time to both disable a mage and kill it before ending on the grill.
Wizard Slayers are a joke.
In the end, the only fully consistent way to disable mages, through protections and contingencies is to involve several classes. Most mages in the game can be wiped with a mage and a fighter: breach + slash ya face before you cast. It's hard to cast with a blade through the head.
Another good way to answer your question would be: who among the ones you mentioned can solo the game with no cheese? (No scrolls, no waiting 10mins protections and contingencies wear off etc.). Which leaves us with F/M (all kinds), sorcerers (requires very good player however), F/M/T and F/T (half-orc with BG1 tomes).
Heck i often plop up a Spell Trap later in the game just to refresh some spell levels and save myself a rest/wish dice roll, lol.
Gotta love mislead with the cloak of non-detection. And improved haste...
This is not going to work on liches and demi-liches, but otherwise sounds like a nice mage-killing combo...
My runner's up would be Bard with Timestop traps. They have no set traps score, so the game counts it as guaranteed. This also requires set up ahead of time.
Inquisitor's dispel ability.
And Wizard Slayer. They are MONSTERS for mages. Even if damage is blocked, the spell failure will still apply.
Common contingencies in the game include: protection from magical weapons, mislead and some spell protection. IP and Nature's beauty are nice and all, but you still gotta kill the mage. Which is gonna take a while for you... And is not even guaranteed: mages often cast dispel magic on you, and if you are too close (for Nature's beauty for instance), sometimes blindness will be dispelled... As for IP it is temporary, you're gonna have to cast another one, and another one. Geez, that is NOT efficient.
EDIT: on top of spending 20mins to kill a mage, there are mages you just won't touch much: fire shield and spell turning can block IP, which leaves you solely with Nature's beauty, some mages in the game are immune to (same who have spell turning or fire shield in contingencies, interestingly, like in the twisted rune).
And yes, you can block IP with some defensive spells, I know these two but I think spell reflection and some lvl 7+ spells also work. Which are more and more common as you progress in the game.
Assuming I'm solo and unmodded I would say that in BG1 a berserker is probably the safest option - he has the HPs and immunities to soak up any spells taken while beating up the mage. A wizard slayer will win encounters without taking any spells 90% of the time, but will need an escape plan for the other 10%. Most other classes will also need a back-up plan. Druids have the option though to use nymph confusion from out of sight, as well as a targeted insect plague and mages can also use disablers like web from a safe distance. Clerical skeletons are also very effective against mage enemies caught on their own.
Deeper into BG2, with high APR, good THAC0 and low saving throws I reckon it's hard to beat a dwarven wizard slayer. They will make mincemeat of any mage and get a decent advantage as well against other spell-using creatures like dragons (though it's easy to get caught out there by dragons using spell-like special abilities).
One factor that I think should be taken into account is that some mages can cast finger of death, one of the few things that Berserk does not protect against. Mages can also dispell magical protections, such as Death Ward..
I'm inclined to vote for druid because Insect Plague disrupts their casting and kills them too.. so it serves as a great offense and defense at the same time. But it is hard to decide, there are so many factors to consider.
Not the best IMO though, any Multi/dual-class Mage is great but FMT is my pick.
Most mages in the game have contingencies with defensive spells that will protect against everything else than IP (18 damage), that you cannot prevent. How is a shaman supposed to deal the rest of thz damage to finish off the mage? No spell, no weapon, no summon will work until the defensive spells are disabled. Now what?
Again, the question is: who is the best mage *killer*. How can you pretend to be one if it takes you 20mins to kill a mage?
Other than that, there's always the option of casting 9 Insect Plagues and 7 Creeping Dooms (I'm exaggerating, even a lot less would easily do), as the helpless mage stands and dies an inevitable death.
So an Assassin/Blackguard with the Cloak of Stars can easily neutralize any wizard.
The power of mages, even with SCS, is overstated. You can design all kinds of convoluted strategies to try to debuff them, but really all you need to do is force them to use up their PFMWs/Mantles* and then whack them with some kind of disabling weapon. Every other defensive spell they cast is for naught.
One caveat: you need space or ability to disappear to leverage this. Otherwise the 4-12 rounds that mages typically buy themselves with their spells are often enough to hurt you badly
It still does not make the shaman/druid the best mage killer in the context of this thread, but it most certainly gives it a big + in my mind.
Do not get me wrong, druids/shamans are still not the best mage killers, it would be foolish to say so when an assassin for instance can one shot a mage with 0% risk. They are still not top tier class either, but if they can actually get past through most mages in the game, including liches, then they definitely deserve more attention than what I was giving them so far. Considering the contenders, I believe the question comes down to: who is capable of consistently taking out mages in less than 1 turn? Not x.
How do you think an assassin can kill a mage with 0% risk?
As a demonstration: a half-orc with no STR bonus, backstabbing a mage with a +3 staff for instance (so, very much below what you would actually have and do), at lvl 15 (so with only 5x backstab multiplier, I let you imagine with 7x), would deal: 72.5 damage on average, which is enough to 1-hit kill a lvl22 mage (7 levels higher) with 25 CON.
At lvl 17, the multiplier becomes 6x and at 21 it becomes 7x. With staff of the ram fully upgraded and 23STR, this means 210 damage per hit. With Assassination on and Improved haste, the numbers just do not make sense anymore, 210 is already enough to 1-hit kill pretty much anything in the game.
The key here to the 0% risk is the cloak of non-detection (to counter true sight), available as soon as chapter 2 in SoA (so before you start encountering mages in the first place...) and in Cloakwood in BG1 (although in BG1, mages do not use true sight). From there, contingencies are not even triggered, so the mage is left helpless.
Again, still not enough to be best mage killer. It is a neat little spell, most certainly not the best in the game and is really useful only against mages (arguably not even all), but it can make life easier now and then, especially if you do not have a mage with breach. If you have breach available, then do not bother with IP, just cast breach, and slash that mage in tiny bits. The best way to take care of a mage is still to kill him.
Conversely I pretty much never use the cloak of non-detection. Typically I actually want a mage to sense my character and start casting true sight (or another detection spell at lower levels) as that gives an opportunity to backstab while he's casting - meaning he then can't immediately try something dangerous if the backstab fails to kill him.
However in BG2EE vanilla, with cloak of non-detection, you're 95% guaranteed a 1-hit kill (fear the 1 on your D20), which makes it better than the following choices from the list given:
Wizard Slayer
Druid or Shaman
So it narrows the list to mage and something else, my preference going for "something else", namely the F/M. I cannot think of a single mage in the game the F/M cannot just stomp upon. So for F/M, that would definitely be a 100%, however not in 1-hit (you are likely to require an entire turn, which I know is long, but it is still much faster than everything else but the assassin).
OR, you can use the cloak (or the corresponding spell) on a M/T with mislead, then critical misses just do not matter anymore. You will deal less damage (which is further hindered by a lower level progression), but it is still much more than enough to butcher mages of the same level in 1 hit. But you have to wait until you have access to mislead... Until then, F/M all the way, baby!
In the unmodded game, all of these classes are roughly equally capable of taking down a mage with little time and little risk. I'd say the druid is best because Inquisitors need a few levels to take down the strongest mages, while Insect Plague works on all mages with 100% effectiveness the moment you hit level 9. You'll want to cast it close to the mage, though, if you're trying to prevent a Time Stop.
The modded game is different. In SCS, mages will block Dispel Magic with SI: Abjuration, Insect Plague with Fire Shield, backstabs with pre-cast Stoneskin, Arrows of Dispelling with weapon immunity spells, poison attacks with saving throws (or lich or MINHP1.itm immunities), and magic attacks like Pierce Magic with other abjuration spells like Spell Shield and Spell Deflection (often using contingencies and triggers). All of the normal anti-mage options can be thwarted.
Wizard Slayer spell failure, applied via Fire Seeds, can bypass all of these defenses as well as with weapon immunities. A lich with PFMW and a full suite of mage buffs, which normally would take a high-level character and/or multiple characters to beat, can be locked down by a Wizard Slayer(7)->Druid(8), which requires very little XP. You can beat any mage in the game very shortly after leaving Chateau Irenicus. I brought down Kangaxx and the Athkatla liches using a Wizard Slayer/Druid very early in the game.
So, in the unmodded game, druids get a 100% lockdown on all mages basically the moment they leave the starting dungeon. In the modded game, a Wizard Slayer/Druid hits that point very early in Chapter 2.
You do not even have to be that specific dual. A druid can give his seeds to a wizard slayer in a team.
His fire seeds, I mean.
That being said the best way to kill a mage is the safe way. I have no problem letting summons absorb a full spell list if it keeps me out of harms way.
I have intentionally left all mods out of my arguments, as literally anything can happen with mods.