@Xhoblaim, will see what can happen with the shapechange problem.
Figured that the amulet was a bit OP so just had to ask Tried to find an item that had a 'on hit' effect that wasn't a weapon but had no success. If you are looking and find one, let me know and might be able to do something with it.
Mod is sitting at around 60% at the moment. For the next post, I could prob upload the near complete items for a test.
Hi @Xhoblaim, attached are the updated files for the VampireCoffinPack mod. All items are currently sitting with Vlad in the saved game file. I have changed the file names of the Armour and Sword to fit with the naming convention I have setup, so once you update and the old item files are gone, then any game with them will have problems... Have a look and see if they are what you are looking for and hopefully they test well . I expect there will be more to do, but that is the fun of fit all. Some of the items still being worked on:
- Belt: Death's Embrace - need to add immunity to Necromancy. For this to occur, I am listing all the necro spells as it is a case of immunity to each spell (unless you want specific spells only).
- Ring: Lichbone - you might want to look at this and see if you want any further effects.
- and the description for all items
Had a look at the Lich Touch overriding the shapechange. It does seem to be the spell which reverts the shape but there are a bunch of effects that it does and not sure which one it is or whether it is fixable. I am going to bring it (and the fist) into the mod pack so will have a better look then. Didn't want to hold up the rest while that happens.
@Xhoblaim, don't get too attached to the filenames in the above post either . I noticed some limitations when doing this yesterday so have spent the day correcting it and fine tuning the naming convention [will allow me to easily bring in the other components without the code becoming more like spaghetti]. All the filenames have been changed for the next update. On that updated, I will let you know which file names to delete just so that it doesn't get too confusing.
Deaths Embrace: If you can allow movement with the bone circle, keep that, otherwise scrap that ability. Also lose the Animate dead.. Be less OP with just imunity to death effects and life drain abilities and spells. Hmmm maybe add "Set STR to 20"
Treads of Darkness: Perfect. Only the ability doesnt work too well, casts but doesnt move lol.
Silent Night: Flawless
Nocturnal Vambrace: only thing i see not working is the fist bonus.
Ring of Blood: Charges dont work nor the Con bonus. Perfect otherwise.
Fangs Of Vlad: i like the idea of blood rage but not a fan of losing control. Is there a way to change that? If so, then keeep the ability. Otherwise change like this; remove blood rage, add Kai. Maybe have Kai make me glow purple-ish for the duration.
Castlevanias Influence/ aka Vampire Killer:
The item doesnt appear in the weapon slot to switch weps in game. Due to this i havent been able to test it out. The Rose ability works but, the confusion ability may not work on vampires..if it does, then keep it. Im thinking, since the Rose spell cannot be made into "on-hit", maybe take it out and add bonus dmg to vamps and give it Offensive Spin.
Last but not least LICHBONE!
+2 fist thaco +2 ac
If you can, add Shape: Doom(warlock spell) charges..like 3. If Doom dont work, can always put lich touch there instead ?
Now for the issue with the lich touch ability.......SCRAP IT! No need for you to go thru all that.. jus remove the fists from Vlad. Ill settle with the shapechange, makes life ez.
My next posts will be item descriptions..
(Ive been so sick recently, hard to stay awake for this lmao ??)
Thank you very much for the work you've done! Excellent as always.
Oh yeah, the on-hit item i was speaking of, i believe it was part of the HoF mod.
@GusindaFangs Of Vlad: The vampire Dracula, lord of vampires, once waged war against humanity. During this war, one of his generals name Vladamir became highly decorated for his achievements. As a reward for his efforts, lord Dracula fashioned magical fangs that can syphon blood from his victims instantly.
Noctunal Vambrace:
There was once a monk that sought to bring an end to the evil that plagued their lands. He traveled to Draculas castle with some companions, after a few days...only he returned. Shortly after his return, his hands would take the life of a fellow monk in training. Realizing his gauntlets had become cursed, he left his gauntlets with the priests of his monastery. The monk was never seen again..
Deaths Embrace:
Death himself fashioned these sashes for Dracuals generals for the coming war. There were 4 in all, where the others remain is still a mystery.
Treads of Darkness:
These are the personal greaves of Dracula. Said to be able to give the wearer the ability to travel through shadows and move with the speed and tenacity of the vampire lord himself. No one knows how Vlad became the owner of these...
Ring of Blood:
These rings were issued to the generals of Dracula. It gives the wearer the ability to store syphoned blood to increase regeneration or be released as a weapon of great power...
Ok..i sleep now lmao...
If you feel the need to add to the descriptions above, be my guest ?
@Gusinda hey gus im kinda havin an issue.. my fire priest keeps crashing my game when loading him. From what i gather, when making a new character and it comes down to do his skills, it crashes. Never happened before. Imma reinstall the modfile..try that.
@Gusinda yo i think i found the item with an on-hit effect from earlier. Its the Lin Mei gloves.. they allow fire dmg on hit.. a bit different than a skill..but its something lol. I think thats the reason i had the idea for the on-hit skill to begin with.
Hi @Xhoblaim, hope all is well and you have recovered quickly from your bout of illness.
Attached is the latest in the mod. It contains files named in accordance with the refined naming convention.
The saved game has Vlad with all the items (which are recharged to their capacity). To remove any confusion, can you delete the following files from your override folder:
They have returned just in the updated form... Give 'em a go and see if the changes are what you are after. The descriptions provided have been entered, some sightly modified.
Edit: Had a look at the on-hit items (found another set of gloves) and will play around to see what happens.
@Gusinda Thnx brother! Im actually doing alot better. Id say bout 85-90% ??
Ok so everything is functioning, the Shape spell is delayed (which is awesome btw, not sure if it was intentional lol) but works great. Heres a rundown of what next along with a few changes:
*I see i still owe you some item desciptions, will get on that asap.
*Can we make the helm invis when worn?
*Tested the flail. Its great! Can we make it 1h tho? Lack of animation withered my enthusiasim lol. Besides, now that i think about it ? the vampire killer is a whip, which is 1hnded.. makes sense i guess ?
*Curious, are you able to disable Vlads spells? I like the turn undead part...but he need no spells.
*Are there any better looking vanilla icons for the item set? Something demonic looking perhaps ??? (Curiosity yet again! ?)
*Deaths Embrace icon looks good btw. But the description page has some strange stuff goin on...like the fact it says imune to crit hits ?. Also says necromancy immune but doesnt say which. Should say the deaths spells and the life drain spells like Larlochs right? Does changing his race to vampire give bonuses/immunities?
*Change race to Vampire ?
*Give Vlad Viper strike (ninja skill) and Lich Touch (give lich touch increased duration) for an innate. ??
*The Vampire Killer whip is for the next class/mod (forgot to mention this, forgive me)
*The Ring of Blood icon is great btw. The skill casts but the damage doest register.
Edit: Did some PT and came across more funny stuff.. Vlads Shapechange casts Vampiric touch on hit right? May have to change it to Larlochs minor drain bcuz the effect scales with magic, meaning it hits with mage power ?, on top of that vamp touch HP bonus doesnt cap... I gain up to 900+HP in one fight ???. There is also the small issue of the shapechange increasing in charges as its used. The icon for reverting back to normal increases as well.
Im also thinking Soul Reaver should also casts Larlochs...what do you think?
Would balance it much better imo. Take your time cuz this is alot of stuff lol
@GusindaSilent Night:
The tattered vestments of Death. Vlad aquired this after he defeated the god during the assault on Draculas castle. It is said to give the wearer the ability to control the shadows themselves and quell the radiance of light with nightfall..
This ring of bone was fashioned by Draculas disciple, the undead sorcerer Shaft. Shaft created this in an attempt to become closer to his dark lord and attain immortality. He gained his immortality at the cost of his humanity, a worthy sacrafice is his eyes. Vlad obtained this after defeating him in Draculas castle.
Chalice of Nosferatu
Nosferatu was once a powerful general in the Dracuals dark army. His ambitions to Usurp the throne from his master would get the best of him though, his treachery was discovered and Dracula had him eliminated at the hands of Valen. Vlad was given this by Valen as a gift for his promotion to General.
Heart of Dracula
This armor was worn by Dracula himself. After Draculas fall against Vlad, his soul essence was said to be imbued within the armor granting control over the powers of darkness, it gives the wearer increased regeneration along with the indomitable spirit of Dracula enabling one to resist mental attacks along with the focus to cast spells uninterrupted.
@Xhoblaim, with Death's Embrace, the 'strangeness' is that it is incomplete. I haven't yet applied any Necro Immunities to it. So I have put a couple of lines there to remind me. Did you want the entire spell set immunity (of those that are there) or only specific spells? The I say this is that immunity, from what I can see, has to be done for each spell.
Will have a look at the notes and see what can be fixed/changed.
@Gusinda ahh ok belts unfinished, gotcha. Sorry.
The spells to be immune from are Death Spell, finger of death etc. Just those insta-death spells
The life drain spells are Larlochs minor, vamp touch (i think thats it no?)
I coulda sworn there was a ring (maybe bg2ee) that gave immunity to death effects or something..
Hi @Xhoblaim, yeah, I fogot to explain that in the post (about the belt). I will have a look and see if I can find the ring as that may solve the prob.
@Xhoblaim, about ready for another test. Made the following changes:
Flail: now One Handed
Vlad's Spells: Now disabled when wearing the armour (I figured this was the easiest way)
Demonic Looking Icons: Not really in-game however, if you see one you like, we can change it to that.
Death's Embrace: Immunity to necromancy has now been setup.
Vlad's race now is Vampire.
Viper Strike: I hope you mean Vampire Strike as I couldn't find Viper Strike in this game and Vampire Strike is a Ninja inate spell.
Ring of Blood: I tested this with a bunch of wolves; all killed in the one spell. It is party friendly so there would be no effect against your party members. What were you testing with? Perhaps they were immune to the spell.
Armour to Chain Mail: I left the armour as Full Plate but changed the look of the amour when worn to Chain.
Soul Reaver: Wasn't sure whether you wanted both spells or just Larlochs, so I placed both in. If you only wanted the one, let met know and I will remove the other.
Vlad's Shapechange prob. Still working on this.
I think that was it. Give it a test anyway and let me know how it all goes.
The Viper strike or whatever was the ninja HLA ability that gave the purple aura, the one we put on Valen in BG2EE. The skill you gave him is good also, keep that too (maybe increase the duration a bit).
For Soulreaver just Larlochs is fine. Drop the Vamp touch.
The armor, can you color the "jewelery" of the armor the same color as his hair (Vlad)? Its like a purple color..
If you look at the armor on the paperdoll, you will notice 2 clasps that look like it would hold a cape, when wearing chain. I think they are colored jet blk at the moment.
All the changes you made are flawless.
Im uploading a save with some heroes that need a lil "editing" if you would ? primarily some clean up with the chars.
All these guys need UAI if they dnt have it already.
-Sylvanna: She needs an innate skill clean up. Remove all the skills cept these: GWW, Critical strike buff, Smite, and the wolf shapechange. Speaking of which, can you make the wolf look like Guenhyvaar? No other changes needed, jus the cosmetic change. Oh yea, increase the number charges a lil.
-Deacon: This guy jus needs a new burning hands spell. The one he got sucks....you will see lol. Curious, is it possible to make his touch ability (innate) the same way we did the fists for Vlad?
-Kenshi: Id say this guy needs the most touch up. His stats are outa wack from the HoF mod. Can we normalize(lower) his INT and WIS a bit and reset his lvls? Hes damn near a god with just his fists ? and then jus make him look like Drizzt.
-Tera: Only reason she is here because it seems her giant spider form aint working right.. i also think shes able to summon one too, but they all look the same. Its her innate shapechange skill. When used she has multiple forms to choose from, 3 are spider forms. The first form i think is supposed to poison and the 3rd as well. Also the 3rd form looks like a ghost lol.
Last is the Shadow robes, if you look at the mages chest, you will noticed a slight reddish glow, can you drop that from the robes? That should do it with these guys... Including Vlad.
Next, if your are up for it, i wanna make a beefy Barbarian! And also see what can be done to making the vampire killer class. I still havent figured out what class it should piggyback off of..
@Gusinda yo gus i was wondering.. not sure if i asked you this before but, do you have any idea as to why bg2ee isnt in the playstore? I been pondering this for a while now lol. I was guessing it was maybe due to a patch/update thats supposed to be comin soon.
IWD is missin too ?
Nooooooooooooo! Does this mean the end for mobile ??
Hi @Xhoblaim, sorry about that/this. At short notice, I was whip out of the ether... The problem is still ongoing and unlikely to see a solution until near the beginning of Jun. Not a bad thing, just not time friendly and keeps me away from the Interwebs! This has been the first time, since the beginning of Easter I think, where I have had a chance to get back and see whats happening. There will be a period of time (about mid May) where I sharn't be near a keyboard for about 10 days when I will be on the road (again not a bad thing, just something that needs to be done).
When I am not away, I shall be playing with the mod and making some updates, so it shouldn't be stagnant.
As for BG2EE and IWDEE, there is a problem where it was removed from Google and it is trying to be put back on. If you want to read more, there is a discussion about it here.
I will have a look at the post and see what can be done.
For the Vampire Killer, my thinking would have it start as a Human Fighter. We should be able to give the particular innate powers you would be looking for and you sort of start from a clean slate with no interfering attributes, with the benefit have the additional attacks and proficiencies etc that come with the fighter.
@Gusinda Oh wow! Seems you have alot on the plate! Fair enough, i shall await your return. Be safe on that road trip, i needs you back in one piece man ?.
Human fighter it is. Will have to give him an elf body tho. Ill be sure to have everything worked out for the other class by time you return (jun). Maybe have a few other ideas to present as well. (After the road trip) ?
@Xhoblaim, thanks for that.
For the Vamp Killer, we can start the char as an Elf Fighter. Only said a Human one because I thought you were chasing a bulky avatar. This way, you also get the built in resistances.
I will be in and out throughout (except for the 'On th eRoad' bit of course).
@Xhoblaim, did some tweaking of the save game. Not all is yet complete but here is a starter.
What should be done is:
All party members with UAI
Sylvanna - reduced her innate spells to the four, but still have the wolf/Guen thing to do.
Deacon - Are you aware of what the Burning Palms spell is supposed to do or which mod it came from ?
Kenshi - I have reduced his stats down as well as his godly fists. If I have taken it too far, or not far enough, just let me know. Will have a look at giving him the colour scheme of Drizzt.
Tera - Had a quick look but it isn;t a quick fix, so I shal lhave a play when I can.
Shadow Robes - The red seems to be part of the glow pulse range. It may not be doable, but will have a look.
The burning palm spell that Deacon has is the IWD version (looks like a flamethrower), the one im after is the BG2 version where it shoots a spread of fire. How i originaly aquired it was that i imported the scroll from bg2ee (made a char in bg2ee then saved and imported to IWD). The easiest way to see what i mean, use the Lin Mei monk gloves item ability. They have the spell im talking about.
Kenshi is great. I should probably upload the character with his avatar (Drizzt). That way it may be earier to apply it on Kenshi.
For the rest, i shall wait patiently.
Hi @Xhoblaim, the spell that Deacon has is called Burning Palm. I think the spell you are referring to is called Burning Hands. Found the Burning Palm spell, it belongs to Drats_Kits. I could do either but just want to make sure which spell you were chasing. If it is Burning Hands, I have attached a copy of the BG Burning Hands, just unpack into the override folder.
Figured that the amulet was a bit OP so just had to ask
Mod is sitting at around 60% at the moment. For the next post, I could prob upload the near complete items for a test.
- Belt: Death's Embrace - need to add immunity to Necromancy. For this to occur, I am listing all the necro spells as it is a case of immunity to each spell (unless you want specific spells only).
- Ring: Lichbone - you might want to look at this and see if you want any further effects.
- and the description for all items
Had a look at the Lich Touch overriding the shapechange. It does seem to be the spell which reverts the shape but there are a bunch of effects that it does and not sure which one it is or whether it is fixable. I am going to bring it (and the fist) into the mod pack so will have a better look then. Didn't want to hold up the rest while that happens.
Edit: Files deleted, update below.
Deaths Embrace: If you can allow movement with the bone circle, keep that, otherwise scrap that ability. Also lose the Animate dead.. Be less OP with just imunity to death effects and life drain abilities and spells. Hmmm maybe add "Set STR to 20"
Treads of Darkness: Perfect. Only the ability doesnt work too well, casts but doesnt move lol.
Silent Night: Flawless
Nocturnal Vambrace: only thing i see not working is the fist bonus.
Ring of Blood: Charges dont work nor the Con bonus. Perfect otherwise.
Fangs Of Vlad: i like the idea of blood rage but not a fan of losing control. Is there a way to change that? If so, then keeep the ability. Otherwise change like this; remove blood rage, add Kai. Maybe have Kai make me glow purple-ish for the duration.
Castlevanias Influence/ aka Vampire Killer:
The item doesnt appear in the weapon slot to switch weps in game. Due to this i havent been able to test it out. The Rose ability works but, the confusion ability may not work on vampires..if it does, then keep it. Im thinking, since the Rose spell cannot be made into "on-hit", maybe take it out and add bonus dmg to vamps and give it Offensive Spin.
Last but not least LICHBONE!
+2 fist thaco +2 ac
If you can, add Shape: Doom(warlock spell) charges..like 3. If Doom dont work, can always put lich touch there instead ?
Now for the issue with the lich touch ability.......SCRAP IT! No need for you to go thru all that.. jus remove the fists from Vlad. Ill settle with the shapechange, makes life ez.
My next posts will be item descriptions..
(Ive been so sick recently, hard to stay awake for this lmao ??)
Thank you very much for the work you've done! Excellent as always.
Oh yeah, the on-hit item i was speaking of, i believe it was part of the HoF mod.
Noctunal Vambrace:
There was once a monk that sought to bring an end to the evil that plagued their lands. He traveled to Draculas castle with some companions, after a few days...only he returned. Shortly after his return, his hands would take the life of a fellow monk in training. Realizing his gauntlets had become cursed, he left his gauntlets with the priests of his monastery. The monk was never seen again..
Deaths Embrace:
Death himself fashioned these sashes for Dracuals generals for the coming war. There were 4 in all, where the others remain is still a mystery.
Treads of Darkness:
These are the personal greaves of Dracula. Said to be able to give the wearer the ability to travel through shadows and move with the speed and tenacity of the vampire lord himself. No one knows how Vlad became the owner of these...
Ring of Blood:
These rings were issued to the generals of Dracula. It gives the wearer the ability to store syphoned blood to increase regeneration or be released as a weapon of great power...
Ok..i sleep now lmao...
If you feel the need to add to the descriptions above, be my guest ?
Edit: ok fixed it.
Attached is the latest in the mod. It contains files named in accordance with the refined naming convention.
The saved game has Vlad with all the items (which are recharged to their capacity). To remove any confusion, can you delete the following files from your override folder:
They have returned just in the updated form... Give 'em a go and see if the changes are what you are after. The descriptions provided have been entered, some sightly modified.
Edit: Had a look at the on-hit items (found another set of gloves) and will play around to see what happens.
Ok so everything is functioning, the Shape spell is delayed (which is awesome btw, not sure if it was intentional lol) but works great. Heres a rundown of what next along with a few changes:
*I see i still owe you some item desciptions, will get on that asap.
*Can we make the helm invis when worn?
*Tested the flail. Its great! Can we make it 1h tho? Lack of animation withered my enthusiasim lol. Besides, now that i think about it ? the vampire killer is a whip, which is 1hnded.. makes sense i guess ?
*Curious, are you able to disable Vlads spells? I like the turn undead part...but he need no spells.
*Are there any better looking vanilla icons for the item set? Something demonic looking perhaps ??? (Curiosity yet again! ?)
*Deaths Embrace icon looks good btw. But the description page has some strange stuff goin on...like the fact it says imune to crit hits ?. Also says necromancy immune but doesnt say which. Should say the deaths spells and the life drain spells like Larlochs right? Does changing his race to vampire give bonuses/immunities?
*Change race to Vampire ?
*Give Vlad Viper strike (ninja skill) and Lich Touch (give lich touch increased duration) for an innate. ??
*The Vampire Killer whip is for the next class/mod (forgot to mention this, forgive me)
*The Ring of Blood icon is great btw. The skill casts but the damage doest register.
Edit: Did some PT and came across more funny stuff.. Vlads Shapechange casts Vampiric touch on hit right? May have to change it to Larlochs minor drain bcuz the effect scales with magic, meaning it hits with mage power ?, on top of that vamp touch HP bonus doesnt cap... I gain up to 900+HP in one fight ???. There is also the small issue of the shapechange increasing in charges as its used. The icon for reverting back to normal increases as well.
Im also thinking Soul Reaver should also casts Larlochs...what do you think?
Would balance it much better imo. Take your time cuz this is alot of stuff lol
The tattered vestments of Death. Vlad aquired this after he defeated the god during the assault on Draculas castle. It is said to give the wearer the ability to control the shadows themselves and quell the radiance of light with nightfall..
This ring of bone was fashioned by Draculas disciple, the undead sorcerer Shaft. Shaft created this in an attempt to become closer to his dark lord and attain immortality. He gained his immortality at the cost of his humanity, a worthy sacrafice is his eyes. Vlad obtained this after defeating him in Draculas castle.
Chalice of Nosferatu
Nosferatu was once a powerful general in the Dracuals dark army. His ambitions to Usurp the throne from his master would get the best of him though, his treachery was discovered and Dracula had him eliminated at the hands of Valen. Vlad was given this by Valen as a gift for his promotion to General.
Heart of Dracula
This armor was worn by Dracula himself. After Draculas fall against Vlad, his soul essence was said to be imbued within the armor granting control over the powers of darkness, it gives the wearer increased regeneration along with the indomitable spirit of Dracula enabling one to resist mental attacks along with the focus to cast spells uninterrupted.
Feel free to add to or edit like before ???
Will have a look at the notes and see what can be fixed/changed.
The spells to be immune from are Death Spell, finger of death etc. Just those insta-death spells
The life drain spells are Larlochs minor, vamp touch (i think thats it no?)
I coulda sworn there was a ring (maybe bg2ee) that gave immunity to death effects or something..
Happy Easter
Flail: now One Handed
Vlad's Spells: Now disabled when wearing the armour (I figured this was the easiest way)
Demonic Looking Icons: Not really in-game however, if you see one you like, we can change it to that.
Death's Embrace: Immunity to necromancy has now been setup.
Vlad's race now is Vampire.
Viper Strike: I hope you mean Vampire Strike as I couldn't find Viper Strike in this game and Vampire Strike is a Ninja inate spell.
Ring of Blood: I tested this with a bunch of wolves; all killed in the one spell. It is party friendly so there would be no effect against your party members. What were you testing with? Perhaps they were immune to the spell.
Armour to Chain Mail: I left the armour as Full Plate but changed the look of the amour when worn to Chain.
Soul Reaver: Wasn't sure whether you wanted both spells or just Larlochs, so I placed both in. If you only wanted the one, let met know and I will remove the other.
Vlad's Shapechange prob. Still working on this.
I think that was it. Give it a test anyway and let me know how it all goes.
The Viper strike or whatever was the ninja HLA ability that gave the purple aura, the one we put on Valen in BG2EE. The skill you gave him is good also, keep that too (maybe increase the duration a bit).
For Soulreaver just Larlochs is fine. Drop the Vamp touch.
The armor, can you color the "jewelery" of the armor the same color as his hair (Vlad)? Its like a purple color..
If you look at the armor on the paperdoll, you will notice 2 clasps that look like it would hold a cape, when wearing chain. I think they are colored jet blk at the moment.
All the changes you made are flawless.
Im uploading a save with some heroes that need a lil "editing" if you would ? primarily some clean up with the chars.
All these guys need UAI if they dnt have it already.
-Sylvanna: She needs an innate skill clean up. Remove all the skills cept these: GWW, Critical strike buff, Smite, and the wolf shapechange. Speaking of which, can you make the wolf look like Guenhyvaar? No other changes needed, jus the cosmetic change. Oh yea, increase the number charges a lil.
-Deacon: This guy jus needs a new burning hands spell. The one he got sucks....you will see lol. Curious, is it possible to make his touch ability (innate) the same way we did the fists for Vlad?
-Kenshi: Id say this guy needs the most touch up. His stats are outa wack from the HoF mod. Can we normalize(lower) his INT and WIS a bit and reset his lvls? Hes damn near a god with just his fists ? and then jus make him look like Drizzt.
-Tera: Only reason she is here because it seems her giant spider form aint working right.. i also think shes able to summon one too, but they all look the same. Its her innate shapechange skill. When used she has multiple forms to choose from, 3 are spider forms. The first form i think is supposed to poison and the 3rd as well. Also the 3rd form looks like a ghost lol.
Last is the Shadow robes, if you look at the mages chest, you will noticed a slight reddish glow, can you drop that from the robes? That should do it with these guys... Including Vlad.
Next, if your are up for it, i wanna make a beefy Barbarian! And also see what can be done to making the vampire killer class. I still havent figured out what class it should piggyback off of..
IWD is missin too ?
Nooooooooooooo! Does this mean the end for mobile ??
I figured you might get bored soon.
When I am not away, I shall be playing with the mod and making some updates, so it shouldn't be stagnant.
As for BG2EE and IWDEE, there is a problem where it was removed from Google and it is trying to be put back on. If you want to read more, there is a discussion about it here.
I will have a look at the post and see what can be done.
For the Vampire Killer, my thinking would have it start as a Human Fighter. We should be able to give the particular innate powers you would be looking for and you sort of start from a clean slate with no interfering attributes, with the benefit have the additional attacks and proficiencies etc that come with the fighter.
Human fighter it is. Will have to give him an elf body tho. Ill be sure to have everything worked out for the other class by time you return (jun). Maybe have a few other ideas to present as well. (After the road trip) ?
Till then..
safe journey ?✌️
For the Vamp Killer, we can start the char as an Elf Fighter. Only said a Human one because I thought you were chasing a bulky avatar. This way, you also get the built in resistances.
I will be in and out throughout (except for the 'On th eRoad' bit of course).
What should be done is:
All party members with UAI
Sylvanna - reduced her innate spells to the four, but still have the wolf/Guen thing to do.
Deacon - Are you aware of what the Burning Palms spell is supposed to do or which mod it came from ?
Kenshi - I have reduced his stats down as well as his godly fists. If I have taken it too far, or not far enough, just let me know. Will have a look at giving him the colour scheme of Drizzt.
Tera - Had a quick look but it isn;t a quick fix, so I shal lhave a play when I can.
Shadow Robes - The red seems to be part of the glow pulse range. It may not be doable, but will have a look.
The burning palm spell that Deacon has is the IWD version (looks like a flamethrower), the one im after is the BG2 version where it shoots a spread of fire. How i originaly aquired it was that i imported the scroll from bg2ee (made a char in bg2ee then saved and imported to IWD). The easiest way to see what i mean, use the Lin Mei monk gloves item ability. They have the spell im talking about.
Kenshi is great. I should probably upload the character with his avatar (Drizzt). That way it may be earier to apply it on Kenshi.
For the rest, i shall wait patiently.
Palm vs hand, cant belive i missed that. Yea buring HANDS was what i was after lol