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Cyberpunk 2077



  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    Just give it some time for proton/wine. It's been pretty rare up until very recently a title could run on linux right at release and even then a lot of them still require time. I remember back in the day when every time a game got updated I'd have to wait for a new release of wine to fix it. I just broke down and keep a dual boot solely for running games that lack native linux support, which I realize you might hate the idea of, but I got fed up with waiting and glitches awhile ago. I've got a few friends who've said it runs fine on older hardware in windows, too. And ya, when I said PC, I meant windows. Yes I know linux and macs are technically PCs, but they generally use PC to mean windows with game compatability and call out mac and linux specifically when they mean those.

    I am kind of having buyer's remorse of going nvidia over AMD, too. Opensource drivers and actually being able to run wayland would be nice. Ray tracing's way overrated and costs way too much in performance, although at least ray tracing at 4k is possible with the card I got. The last Radeon card I had left such a bad taste in my mouth from my Linux experience, I still haven't bought another one more than 15 years later.

    Still, on windows, the game's not much worse off than any of Bethesda's games at release. I've only encountered one bugged quest that reloading from a few minutes earlier couldn't fix. I've had only 2 crashes with over 50 hours in the game. The visual glitches are kind of annoying, but tend to go away fast, asides from being bald looking in the mirror or cigarettes disappearing or duplicating in the air.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    edited December 2020
    I am afraid that I will definitely not wait. At least not for the near, forseeable future. Too much distasteful things currently happening within that company as of late for me to give them any more money. And I don't only mean the fiasco with Cyberpunk 2077. But how they have handled things with the Taiwanese indie developer RedCandleGames as well.

    Maybe I will give Cyberpunk 2077 another chance in two or three years. But before that CD Project Red needs to change a whole lot more for the better. As a developer, a storefront and a company.
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    I am afraid that I will definitely not wait. At least not for the near, forseeable future. Too much distasteful things currently happening within that company as of late for me to give them any more money. And I don't only mean the fiasco with Cyberpunk 2077. But how they have handled things with the Taiwanese indie developer RedCandleGames as well.

    Would you risk your shop to be completely banned in the biggest market in the world over the one game if you were in their shoes? Because you know, Chinese government can do that without even blinking. I understand the argument of bowing before the authoritarian oppressive system being a bad thing, but I also understand the fear of losing this insanely big market.

  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    I'm not refunding it. I am use to janky FPS, and besides some graphical bugs am not having any issues with it and am actually enjoying the game play (the only other FPS I liked on console was Metro Last Light and Bioshock Infinite) as I hone my skills doing open world quests before continuing with the story.

    I also want to think that I am in the majority with this. Both the Sony and Microsoft thing is for PR purposes. They want to offer refunds to everyone who wants one to save face and probably negotiated with Sony to have it pulled. After the January patch it'll be back in the store with the refund policy back the way it was prior.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    The thing with FPS is, before you know about it and what it is, you don't care. After you do and download Fraps for the first time, you view any drop below 58 fps as a failure (assuming decent hardware). I wish I'd never taken the pill.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    Not to mention, there are a lot of indie titles that would lose the opportunity to sell their game in that storefront to Chinese consumers if CDPR chose to keep the game on its storefront.

    It's not a good situation, and I dont particularly love their approach, but I'm not convinced there isnt a larger material harm if they kept the game - both tot hem and others.

    Read quite recently that they're releasing a new patch very soon. Should help AMD chipsets with fewer cores, and targets some bigger bugs in the main questline.

    1.05 is out now. A good 17.343 gb on PS.
  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    Wow, managed to actually clear the map of all the side quests except one or 2. I've been pretty much running like how I play Deus Ex and just stealth kill my way around, but bust out the katana or sniper rifle if I need to. Kind of wish I could've had more hacking, but realized I need to specialize more and went all in on reflexes and cool. I've maxed reflexes and am about to do the same with cool, I can get one other close to max, and haven't decided which. Early on I spread points around too thin, so I've got about 7-8 points in all the others. I can't decide whether to push Intelligence or Technical ability.

    I love the way the game made melee viable without wrecking guns. Too many games make guns weak to have viable melee. There's a perk in the blades tree that gives you extra armor while you're moving and another in the cold blood tree that gives you armor for making kills, plus another (I forget which tree it was in) that gives you health back for kills. Stacking all these you can just rush from enemy to enemy and ginsu them.

    Next run I'm definitely doing a corpo slime bag completely out for themself. I'll probably stick to hand guns with occasional rifles, but push Intelligence and Technical ability way up so I can break into anything. I'll put just enough into cool to get the perks that make it take longer to be noticed. I'll probably give the mono wire a run, since I went gorilla arms this game. This character will probably not be able to do the boxing matches or bring in the cyber psychos alive, though.

    Looks like it'll be January or February for any big performance increase
    Definitely sucks to be running it on a console. Strange it's normally the PC that gets the shitty console port.
  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited December 2020
    Heads up for any PC users

    "If your Cyberpunk 2077 save file becomes too big, it might get corrupted"
  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    elminster wrote: »
    Heads up for any PC users

    "If your Cyberpunk 2077 save file becomes too big, it might get corrupted"

    That's mainly from people using item duping bugs that people have bumped into that limit. It might be possible to hit it if you go crazy on crafting, but not terribly likely for most players. Maybe if you go nuts on the crafting you could trigger it. It's pretty amazing the save files wind up at under 8MBs for such a huge game. I've had saves from Pathfinder: Kingmaker that were like a gig by the end of the game.

    I actually finished my first run and already started up a second. Overall pretty good, definitely the best thing I played all year, but there hasn't been much this year that I could get into. I think I went in with the right expectations, though. It's not anything super ground breaking, just mash up Deus Ex, Grand Theft Auto and Fallout. I do dig the setting a lot, being a huge fan of Neuromancer and Max Headroom and Deus Ex.

    Even including refunds up to this point, the game's sold over 13 million copies and set the steam record for most concurrent players in a single player game. There's a PC Gamer article that's optimistic about the game's future.
  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    A small patch is about to drop, Steam didn't have it yet when I was playing earlier, but the >8MB save file bug is fixed.
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    Not to mention, there are a lot of indie titles that would lose the opportunity to sell their game in that storefront to Chinese consumers if CDPR chose to keep the game on its storefront.

    I'm not convinced by that; it should be sufficient to implement an IP block for the PRC. Giving in to these sort of outrageous demands creates a terrible precedent.

  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    It's good the 8GB fix was implemented. Bloated save files made Skyrim nearly unplayable at a certain point on PS3. If you are gonna make an open-world game, you have to understand many people are going to play a save in near perpetuity for hundreds of hours.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited December 2020
    jjstraka34 wrote: »
    It's good the 8GB fix was implemented. Bloated save files made Skyrim nearly unplayable at a certain point on PS3. If you are gonna make an open-world game, you have to understand many people are going to play a save in near perpetuity for hundreds of hours.

    The issue was the limit was 8 mb. Definitely no 8gb saves happening here :)

    Which is good because save files definitely become huge space hogs on some games.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Sort of seems like we're getting away from talking about Cyberpunk here.
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    Yeah, agreed. It's a fascinating topic though; maybe it should be split off into its own thread?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    Zaxares wrote: »
    Yeah, agreed. It's a fascinating topic though; maybe it should be split off into its own thread?

    Here you go:

    On-topic: I've put 30 hours into Cyberpunk 2077 over the last few days and while I'm still not ready to provide a full review (I need to finish the game for that), I'm really impressed. I had high expectations about the game (coming from the Witcher 3) and so far I'm surprised to say that certain aspects of the game actually top the Witcher 3.

    Yes, there are not many NPCs to be interacted with in Act 1. But you're in the city. Imagine reaching, say, Moscow, from one of the countryside areas, and getting acquainted with tons of NPCs. I can't imagine that. But the NPCs you can interact with are all distinct, feel like real human beings. A lot of work has been put into them.

    I think the story (so far) and emotions you feel from it are the strongest aspects of this game. The game feels so immersive. I would dare say it's the biggest immersive feel I had in gaming. This has all the reasons to top even my FemShep from Mass Effect 1-3, on the emotional scale.

    Directing in the cut-scenes is as if I am watching a great film.

    And I like gameplay. I like that I can use stealth (my favourite style after the Assassin's Creed games), I like that I can use guns openly. I can hack devices. Gameplay is great and diverse. Yes, small side quests are about killing bandits-- but I expect that from a game with guns. The main story and its twists and characters are like nothing else.

    I'm playing on PC (haven't encountered any major problems yet).
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    I’m enjoying it more than I thought I would, but I also didn’t come into the game hyped. As others have said, it’s a mix of Fallout 4 and GTA5, but not as good as either, but still an entertaining game.

    I do, surprisingly like the game play and the stealth mechanics and it’s the best part of this game and allows a player to approach the game strategically instead of just twitch pixel hunting that most FPS are.

    After chapter 1, the story has a nice hook to it although there is a lot that could have been improved on. The player’s relationship with Jackie could have improved greatly with a quest or two prior to the time jump. As it stands, it feels really shoehorned in and the relationship with him isn’t as strong as it should be. Other relationships from Chapter 1 could have also been improved on such as:
    having another character kill off Dexter DeShawn during a cut scene robbed the player of enacting revenge, or mercy, themselves. Same with T-Bug. A better story element would have been her bugging out once the heist went wrong and having the player find their own way out instead of killing her off screen.
    Not to mention the Heist as a quest was a major letdown. I was able to get through the entire building without alerting a guard and was disappointed I wasn’t rewarded in any manner for taking the harder path through. Unlike the previous quest where the player can see the potential of different pathways, this one felt extremely linear from start to finish.

    It also would have been a very cool feature if the player could join one of the random gangs that roam the street instead of hunting them all down but the NPC interactions is bare minimum at most outside of the main quest.

    The voice acting, or at least the direction is subpar IMO and is also very jarring at times. There are a couple of quest NPCs whose voice changes as if the first actor didn’t have the proper lines and they had to quickly record new ones. Female V (which I am currently playing) voice acting is also all over the place and is worse than Cole from L.A. Noire. There are times when she nails it, cool collected, witty and other times she sounds like an emotional wreck, all during the same conversation. I don’t blame the VO actor, but the direction she was given. I am hoping the male V is better in this regard when I do replay it.

    Inventory management is a complete disaster. I do wish companies would figure this out. Selling off useless weapons is a chore as there is no quick sell for anything except for junk.

    ATM, I am still just running around doing the open world quests and some side gigs and then going back to do a main quest. Even though it’s shallow, there is a lot there and borrows a lot fleshing out it’s open world from Fallout 4 by having it all written in the shards of the areas one visits.
  • BallpointManBallpointMan Member Posts: 1,659
    Just goes to show you how different opinions can be. I think V's voice actor (female version) is phenomenal. It's one of the best and most immersive voice acting outputs I can remember from a female protagonist in a long, long time.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited December 2020
    Yea I noticed that voice actors changing mid way through dialog issue as well. I don't think I've seen that in an RPG. The closest is maybe Oblivion.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    Just goes to show you how different opinions can be. I think V's voice actor (female version) is phenomenal. It's one of the best and most immersive voice acting outputs I can remember from a female protagonist in a long, long time.

    Yeah, same. To me, only FemShep (phenomenal Jennifer Hale) can be compared to that.
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    Just goes to show you how different opinions can be. I think V's voice actor (female version) is phenomenal. It's one of the best and most immersive voice acting outputs I can remember from a female protagonist in a long, long time.

    Yeah, same. To me, only FemShep (phenomenal Jennifer Hale) can be compared to that.

    Yeah, from watching various video clips of CP2077, I think that Valerie (that's female V! The male V is Victor) has the better voice actor. It's more nuanced, more emotional. I think Victor's VA is trying to strike a balance between the stereotypical "hardass mercenary" and more complex emotional work, and they kind of work at cross purposes.

    No arguments about Jennifer Hale's talent either. Fun fact! I actually didn't know that it was her voicing Dynaheir all those years ago when I played BG1, so hearing her again in SoD made me do a double-take and go "Wait, that's Jennifer Hale!" XD

    I do think that there was one line in ME3 that Mark Meer nailed better than Jennifer though. It comes right at the very end of the Citadel DLC, "The best..." line. Mark's delivery makes it sound like he was genuinely on the verge of becoming emotional, thinking back on the last 5 years and everything he's (the player) been through. Jennifer's delivery was great too, but it comes across as being more wistful.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited December 2020
    The game really needs a clearer way of explaining thresholds for opening things and dialog options. I was just in the middle of trying to sneak into a base but i can't because my tech ability is 8 instead of 9. And this was after I snuck through a sewer pipe to get to this door. So it's not like it's out in the open.

    Had I known how useful this was (and it was included in the description) I would have just invested the extra point.
    Post edited by elminster on
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    elminster wrote: »
    The game really needs a clearer way of explaining thresholds for opening things and dialog options. I was just in the middle of trying to sneak into a base but i can't because my tech ability is 8 instead of 9. And this was after I snuck through a sewer pipe to get to this door. So it's not like it's out in the open.

    Had I known how useful this was (and it was included in the description) I would have just invested the extra point.

    Was this the
    Saul rescue

    If so, I just completed that quest and
    what you actually found was the quick exit out. :tongue: That leads right to where he is without having to sneak by any guards. If it wasn't high tech locked, it'd be an too easy bypass. Although, keep it in mind for next play throughs to get it over with quick. I have been finding that there are multiple ways to get to an area, you just have to look for them.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited January 2021
    Yea I didn't realize that before doing it :)

    But yea my issue was more with how the checks were conveyed in the description for it. If I knew that putting tech up to 8 wasn't going to let me open any (or very few) fences I probably would have just given myself an extra point in it (at the expense of something else).

    Most fences/doors seem to require at least 9. Though I think I saw a few that were 7.
    Post edited by elminster on
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    edited January 2021
    Now when I completed the Pyramid Song quest (what a title btw, for me as a Radiohead fan), I officially say:

    This is the strongest romance sequence I have ever experienced, it beats all Dragon Age and Mass Effect romance quests/episodes which I held close to my heart.

    This game has been worth for the emotions and the feeling of intimacy and connection to your partner during their sequence alone.

    And relations with Panam from a different quest sequence feel as if she's my real sis, my best friend.
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    And relations with Panam from a different quest sequence feel as if she's my real sis, my best friend.

    Could I perhaps interest you in the Imoen Romance mod? ;)

    Hehe, jokes aside, yes I have heard that the characterization in CP2077 is very good, albeit a bit brief. Here's hoping CDPR will continue to work on and expand the game moving forward though. There's a lot of stuff in the game that hints at much content that was cut, probably for time constraints. I feel like we've only scratched the surface for what Night City could be like with additional content packs or mods.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    Yeah, absolutely, my only wish at the moment is so that the Cyberpunk and the Night City content would never stop. I'm interested in the world and the stories it can tell and want to play more so that all I could learn more about the gangs, the mayor, the companies and everything else.

    It would be cool to get another Cyberpunk game from them.
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    Yeah, absolutely, my only wish at the moment is so that the Cyberpunk and the Night City content would never stop. I'm interested in the world and the stories it can tell and want to play more so that all I could learn more about the gangs, the mayor, the companies and everything else.

    It would be cool to get another Cyberpunk game from them.

    Read about some leak, that CDPR is planning to fix CP2077 in the "No Man's Sky" way, adding the cut content and fixing bugs over the course of next couple of months. And apparently there is a LOT of cut content there to be brought back. I'm actually curious if the ever going to win back their lost respect the way Hello Games did. Hell, from what I've read even Bethesda managed to fix Fallout76 to the state it's (supposedly) enjoyable.
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    Cahir wrote: »
    Read about some leak, that CDPR is planning to fix CP2077 in the "No Man's Sky" way, adding the cut content and fixing bugs over the course of next couple of months. And apparently there is a LOT of cut content there to be brought back. I'm actually curious if the ever going to win back their lost respect the way Hello Games did. Hell, from what I've read even Bethesda managed to fix Fallout76 to the state it's (supposedly) enjoyable.

    I heard about that too. If CDP doesn't take too long about it (say, frequent/regular content updates throughout the year), it's still salvageable. No Man's Sky is (apparently, I've never played it as it just didn't seem my type of game) now a respectable game that's pretty close to what Hello Games initially promised, but 4 years on the gaming wave has already moved on and the crowds just aren't going to come back.
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