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Cyberpunk 2077



  • kanisathakanisatha Member Posts: 1,308
    I think you guys are being too extreme in your portrayal of CDPR's fortunes. Sales of CP2077 are around 13 million even with refunds. People who bought the game on consoles are actually posting on social media that they are angry that their game is getting refunded, because what they wanted was a refund of their money but at the same time to keep their game because the game is "awesome." This is what (Western) society has come to.

    Both the game and the studio are doing just fine and will continue to do just fine. And when next-gen consoles become more widely used, console gamers will flock to this game in their millions. Why? Because it is indisputable that the game truly is awesome.
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    kanisatha wrote: »
    People who bought the game on consoles are actually posting on social media that they are angry that their game is getting refunded, because what they wanted was a refund of their money but at the same time to keep their game because the game is "awesome." This is what (Western) society has come to.

    I find it actually hillarious. I thought, at first, this is just a click bait, couldn't believe it really happened. But it's true and on the other hand a bit sad. It shows that hate is just a social media tool to vent your RL frustrstions or just to make yourself visible in social life.

  • kanisathakanisatha Member Posts: 1,308
    Cahir wrote: »
    kanisatha wrote: »
    People who bought the game on consoles are actually posting on social media that they are angry that their game is getting refunded, because what they wanted was a refund of their money but at the same time to keep their game because the game is "awesome." This is what (Western) society has come to.

    I find it actually hillarious. I thought, at first, this is just a click bait, couldn't believe it really happened. But it's true and on the other hand a bit sad. It shows that hate is just a social media tool to vent your RL frustrstions or just to make yourself visible in social life.
    Right on. It's why I hate social media and fully boycott it. Especially here in the U.S., social media is destroying civil society. But enough on this as I don't wish to derail the thread.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    i really hate twitter. have been since 2016. they just want to complain and cancel you for wrong think. gets really annoying.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    After 154 hours, I said goodbye to Night City. I enjoyed the game, a great journey to play through, and tons and tons of impressions. I'm full of emotions right now.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    I had uninstalled until it gets a few patches, but I trust the praise of two or three people here WAY more than endless Youtube videos declaring it's the biggest failure of the year. Technical problems are inevitable in a game of this scope, and the real sin here was ever releasing it on last-gen systems, not the game itself. I'm also happy to hear about the 150 hour playthrough. Exactly what I'm looking for from this type of game.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    Well, suffice to say I think Johnny Silverhand is the strongest performance i have seen in gaming, beating Sam and Cliff from Death Stranding for me.

    And the ending is... The way I understood it, it's easily the strongest ending I have seen.

    2 days passed since I finished the game but I just can't stop thinking about what I have experienced.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    edited January 2021

    It's such a shame everyone will remember this game for its launch problems and not for what's inside. Even with (what someone would call "all the PR talk in") that video, I 100% agree with Marcin Iwinski on the game's quality on PC. I played under 1.6 version, had some bugs which I was able to solve by reloading a save, but nothing major.

    Whenever I had a chance to read actual discussions about the story and characters, I saw only positive and very positive comments, similar to what I personally experienced.
    Post edited by JuliusBorisov on
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811

    It's such a shame everyone will remember this game for its launch problems and not for what's inside. Even with (what someone would call "all the PR talk in that") video, I 100% agree with Marcin Iwinski on the game's quality on PC. I played under 1.6 version, had some bugs which I was able to solve by reloading a save, but nothing major.

    Whenever I had a chance to read actual discussions about the story and characters, I saw only positive and very positive comments, similar to what I personally experienced.

    I am playing on PS4 and it isn’t that bad either. The biggest issue is that it takes a good chunk of time for assets to load and this gets amplified if you quickly race into an area or turn very quickly. There have been times I have found myself stuck in garbage bins because they weren’t loaded when I arrived making me have to reload.

    I’ve also experienced a good chunk of crashes but not as horrible as other people seem to be having. They usually happen either while I am pulling up to a quest, or there is too much going on around me that the console can’t manage it. It’d say I get a crash after 3-5 hours of playing, which I take as a reason to stop playing and doing something else.

    There is a good game there. The missions are phenomenal. I just did the Sinnerman quest line and another one (I forget it’s name but you confront a father and son about a BD they scrolled about a kids death) last night and both of them hit me hard. I am attempting to finish up all the side quests as the game warned me I am a point of no return in the story.

    The truth is, over its development period CDPR over promised on what it was capable of doing and a lot of the negativity revolves around this and the bugs. That overpromising is there own fault and hopefully they learn from it as they move on to the next instalment of the franchise.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    Yeah, the Sinnerman story is a hard one. And the BD with kids revelation left me angry
    So I killed those BD creators
    relations with Panam from a different quest sequence feel as if she's my real sis, my best friend.

    Seems Forbes agrees with that.

    "In truth, Panam has the best storyline in Cyberpunk, < .... >, and is probably one of the best NPCs I’ve met in a game this entire generation in a way that reminds me of some of my closest Mass Effect crew members, who felt like genuine friends in the end."

    Don't read the article if you haven't finished the game, though, it's spoilery

    @deltago Make sure to complete all the quests about Johnny Silverhand and his band before going to that elevator.

    "The next instalment of the franchise" sounds like a dream to me. It would be amazing to get it one day.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    So I killed those BD creators

    The voice acting for that quest was phenomenal.
    I reloaded it three times because, I wanted to kill them, but I didn't know if there was going to be immediate repercussions such as cops spawning in. I killed the son first, and the father broke down sobbing about his only son and how he didn't want to be left alone doing this. It was really powerful but all I could think of was 'what about all the sons you killed? What you're feeling now is what all those parents feel because of your actions.'

    Killing the father first has the son break down in a similar way. The voice acting is good, but not as impactful as killing the son first due to the quest's storyline.[/quote]

    And ya, I am attempting to finish off all the quests before moving forward and am currently doing the Silverhand ones. Game just crashed on me, so time for a break ;)
  • kanisathakanisatha Member Posts: 1,308
    Sorry, but for me society today is the problem. There really isn't anything about this game that justifies all of the complaining. I'm so very tired of the entitled, self-centered, and whiny crybabies far too many people in the West have become in recent years. This is why we can't have good things anymore.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    Patch 1.1 just dropped.

    hopefully this will fix the CTD PS4 users were/are having. I also hope they fix the temp UI (such as beat the brat health bars) not going away in some instances. Biggest reason why I am forced to reload is having floating message bars not going away in my field of vision.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    So finally at the last boss with the secret ending and the game is now starting to annoy me.

    Wall of text and spoilers following:
    Lets start with the zero choices a person makes affects the game outcome except the one quest to get the secret ending (which I actually did right without metagaming it). Regardless of your actions through out the game, you are still left with the exact same choose-the-ending-you-want BS.

    That quest that was giving me a hard time as I didn't know which way to go. Doesn't matter. Nothing came of it. I checked recently to see if I missed anything if I chose the other option, and nope I didn't. After that quest, those NPCs are just forgotten about, much like every other NPC in the game.

    The main NPC interaction could have been so much better if they just put in some more time developing story arcs for them. Instead we are left with filler content that doesn't mean anything, that really isn't rewarding at all.

    Near the end of the game, I was basically walking into encounters and one-shotting everything. The game became too easy. There was no difficulty in anything I faced except maybe one or two of the cyberpsychos and that is due to me attempting to keep them alive. Anything that might have been able to give me trouble, I could just quickhack a suicide and one hit them that way. Most of the times, I could do this from stealth and not have to worry a thing. The game was no longer challenging me for the last half of it, except when attempting to perform stealth missions.

    Which leads to the last mission. First off it brings the player right there. There is no way to prepare properly if you're not. Low on ammo or grenades? Too bad. A player can craft them once they reach the second level and there is a pause in combat, but on the first floor, conserving ammo becomes a priority and unloading a smart gun (hello Skippy) clip at enemies isn't a practical tactic anymore.

    Enemies are also no longer able to be one-shotted. Which is fine, really, last level should have a spike. They also tend to do more damage, once again also fine. What isn't fine is the player's inability to heal at all through out the mission for .... reasons? First annoying part. Have all these healing pots I have been saving (actually never been needing to be used) but can't use them when I need them the most because NOW the game wants to give the player a challenge.

    Fine, I can be less reckless in playing style and start playing how I was playing for the first half of the game. But this leads to the second annoying part of the last mission. you can't save. From what I can tell, there are two autosaves (so far) in this mission. So if an enemy got the drop on you, you lose health that you can not get back, and with the game deciding to just swarm enemies at you for a 'challenge' they never presented anywhere else outside of the 'heist' mission at the beginning of the game (and that one you could approach it stealthily) the player was no way prepared for it, nor could they go back and attempt to redo it for a better outcome. Which is fine, until the final boss.

    The final boss: gets the jump on you so no way to stealth it (taking away one playstyle); is immune to the most crippling quickhacks (taking away another playstyle). Two out of the four of my quickhacks aren't even an option when highlighting him. Why? Reasons. And once again, it is impossible to heal before him (my V is sitting at half health at this point). The player is in a prone position when the battle starts with him charging at you.

    Fine, challenge accepted with this insane difficulty spike. Death. Obviously expected. But let me retry. But now another annoying part. Straight to the credits. Wouldn't be a problem if they didn't take the same amount of time to load as it does for the idiot to kill me and then being forced back to the main screen to load the save again taking more time.

    So retrying: Want to change tactics? Equip different quick hacks? Maybe try some consumables or different grenades? Sure no problem, except the player needs to redo all of this every time they have to reload since one cannot save after changing the loadout, taking even more time to actually get to attempt to redo the fight.

    I don't mind the challenge (finally). One of my biggest gripes near the end was the easy mode the game was on for the last 30 character levels that I was thinking of ways to challenge myself in my next playthrough, such as a literal naked run (maybe using only Sir John Phallustiff as a weapon) but I kinda don't want to replay it anymore because I realize nothing will actually be different. Lets say I run around and kill the cyberpsychos instead of keeping them alive, I doubt nothing will change with Regina. I'll just get less eddies. Whoopi-do. Relationships are non existent in this game. You can't piss people off. It's all railroaded and doing a complete naked run would probably do that.

    What I do mind, at the moment, is that this game is adding annoyances and calling it a challenge. I am annoyed that there wasn't anything remotely close to the difficulty I am facing now to have prepared me for this. I am annoyed I can't heal and tactics which I have been using from the beginning of the game are now null and void because the game does not want me to play that way anymore. I am annoyed I can't save my progress and quickly go back to a point to reattempt an encounter. I am annoyed I have to go through two slow loading screens to even attempt it again. I am annoyed to the point where I do not even want to finish the game because I don't see the point in doing so.

    I am now disappointed in this game. I held onto it, hoping there would be a payoff somewhere, but there doesn't seem to be one. I may just reload and choose another ending to do just so I can finish it and play something else.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    edited January 2021
    Not sure. That was "a secret ending", after all, so complaining about the challenge seems a bit strange. But I didn't play it so can't tell for sure.

    I finished with the Sun ending and 2 weeks later I'm still under the impression. I felt the story personally. I have so, so many emotions regarding that, and no game have affected me that way. I felt the main message personally.

    I'm still getting a tear in my eye when I think about it.

    Panam is the best sister (to my female V), Jackie and Johnny are best friends, Judy's romance quest is the best romance quest I've ever observed. The final message in the game is very deep. And all the game leading up to that makes sense. Everything makes sense.

    Great characters: Misty, Rogue, Viktor, Kerry, Claire, Takemura-san, all the nomads. They all feel like real people.

    Johnny is probably the best character, VO and motion-capture wise.

    Oh, and absolute stunners of a quest. The rock gig, you're playing a rock star and perfomancing on the stage. An investigation of the mayor house. The sinner quest. The Heist. The Pyramid Song.

    And what an amazing city. It would be so great to have another game in that setting. The atmosphere, the level of detail, all the bands, the styles, the colors.

    And music. It's just hard to find a better soundtrack for me in another game.

    An extra point for Alt's VO. Yay!

    @deltago Maybe - I don't know for sure - the fact you went for a secret ending on the first try was wrong, maybe they shouldn't have let that happen.
    Post edited by JuliusBorisov on
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    I replayed and went with the Arasaka ending and it was better with less of a difficulty curb and enjoyed the ending, even of IMO, it was stretched out too long for what it is. The message about what is actually ‘life’ was well played. I will say one choice I did make did affect that ending (saving Goro) and it felt good having a ‘choom’ I trusted as I delved into the tower.

    The messaging in some of the quests, like this ending and some of the others that you mentioned was a highlight of the game and it’s writing. However, the choices out of it were meaningless and manufactured. Take the ending of Sinnerman. Through out the dialog, I wish washed my answers to say ‘you’re being exploited don’t do this’ to ‘you are making the right choice’ and it just played out the way it was meant to play out. The player’s commentary meant less than the commentary that the game was making.

    I still need to test my naked run theory. If zero characters tell me to put one some damn clothes man, I’ll be disappointed.

    My main issue with the secret ending is the difficulty curb is manufactured. The difficulties are things the player never had to face before. It’s cheap. I still have the save so I might try to reattempt it, just not now.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    Sometimes, games are more than just having fun. Sometimes, it feels real. Characters you meet in games feel like your real friends. Events touch you as if they happen in real.

    If you played Cyberpunk 2077, check out this amazing tribute by Charles Liu (HUGE SPOILERS, don't watch if you haven't played):
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    edited February 2021
    Some fun trivia. CP2077 has music from 20+ bands from all over the world, many of them are indie groups at the start of their journey. So the producers listened to their songs and greenlighted them for the game, thus giving the start to many excellent careers in music.

    There is a musician in the game, one of the characters. He plays the guitar.
    All the mocap is recorded based on the real guitarist from Poland - Piotr Lewandowski. This is his YT channel:

    You can see his videos from 2 years ago got ~2k views.
    Now, his short tracks where he's showing the real guitar play for the CP2077 music, get 10-20 times more than that. And actual in-game tracks with his songs on YT got millions of views.

    And this is so cool. It's amazing how a video game can make a musician popular.

    I have a few friends in Moscow who struggled to get any recognition because it's difficult. Such projects as CP2077 are unique. And kudos to all music producers and designers there for spotting raw talent.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    The 1.2 Patch is delayed. From Steam:

    While we dearly wanted to deliver Patch 1.2 for Cyberpunk 2077 in the timespan we detailed previously, the recent cyber attack on the studio’s IT infrastructure and extensive scope of the update mean this unfortunately will not happen — we’ll need some additional time.

    Our goal for Patch 1.2 goes beyond any of our previous updates. We’ve been working on numerous overall quality improvements and fixes, and we still have work to do to make sure that’s what you get. With that in mind, we’re now aiming for release in the second half of March.

    It’s not the news we enjoy sharing, but we want to make sure we launch this update properly. Stay tuned for more information as the time draws closer. Thank you for your continued patience and support.

    How about launching the game properly? Want to do that?

    Once again, they are overpromising and underdelivering and everything here reads like an excuse. They knew how extensive this update was going to be prior to making the announcement and the cyberattack, while ironically horrible, really shouldn't have taken that many resources away from the studio, unless the hackers sabotaged files, but neither the hackers nor the studio claimed that was the case. Don't give a timeline if you aren't a 100% sure you can hit it, and the only way to be 100% sure is to have everything done before announcing.

    I've been waiting for this patch to start a new playthrough and record it to show how it actually looks on PS4 - which isn't as dire as many make it out to be, but stuff like this is just irksome. Learn lessons.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    The cyberattack is a valid excuse and totally understandable.
  • kanisathakanisatha Member Posts: 1,308
    The cyberattack is a valid excuse and totally understandable.
    Not only this in a general sense but the attack included locking many CDPR employees out of their workstations.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    edited March 2021
    Those of us who have been enjoying the voice of Female V - rejoice!

    Cherami Leigh is nominated for the Performer in a Leading Role award at

    She's the lone first-person character in the nominees-- a pure voice role with no character on the screen to anchor the performance. How they didn't also include Johnny Silverhand is beyond me, however.

    CP2077 got a few other nominations there, including Narrative and Artistic Achievement.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    Patch 1.2 is now live on PC and consoles.
  • kanisathakanisatha Member Posts: 1,308
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    kanisatha wrote: »

    The console was a disaster, but the PC version is absolutely no more buggy than your average Bethesda release, which people have proven time and again they are willing to put up with. The game has never even had a "Mixed" rating on Steam.
  • fluke13fluke13 Member Posts: 399
    Finally took the plung over Christmas and enjoying it so far, although it still seems to be in early access with all the crashes. I haven't seen many bugs, just lots of outright crashes, sometimes to desktop and sometimes the whole pc shuts down which is a bit worrying. The funny thing is the technical issues I've seen are very immersive. Without spoiling too much, virtually all my game crashes have occurred during cutscenes when something disastrous is occurring to the PC. I also got a glitch (someone sitting a bar with no stool under them), right after the PC had an eye modification and the guy warned about potentially seeing glitches heh. Let's hope the game is ready to play in which point I'll probably be the only one left playing it and wanting to chat about it. :#
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    I put Cyberpunk down after about two hours. Maybe I should have looked into the game more, but it only seemed "open world" in the GTA sort of way, and i'm simply not interested in the railroaded story.
  • spacejawsspacejaws Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 389
    I've played about 20 hours on PS5 and set it aside for the next-gen release when it comes. I...really really enjoyed it. Exploring the city, getting pulled into side quests and just handling it your own way was a ton of fun. Way more fun than I had with Fallout 4 for sure. I've missed this kinda game for so long.

    Plus the music is so good.
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