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The Politics Thread



  • QuickbladeQuickblade Member Posts: 957
    edited January 2019

    Balrog99 said:

    Balrog99 said:

    The high church of both-siderism strikes again.


    Elizabeth Warren has taken the first steps to declaring a run for President in 2020. What surfaced immediately were a myriad of articles by the national political press about her "likability". ... In the meantime, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell have approval numbers significantly lower than genital herpes, yet no one mentions a word about how "likable" they are in any context. No, that is reserved for people like Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and Elizabeth Warren. I wonder why..........

    This seems appropriate:
    I don't hate women candidates — I just hated Hillary and coincidentally I’m starting to hate Elizabeth Warren
    Coincidentally, they also probably hate Ocasio-Cortez.

    Nancy Pelosi was handed the speakers gavel and must have been featured on the cable news shows because Trump decided "whatabout me!!!!!" and held a press conference- where he was too cowardly to answer any questions so it wasn't a press conference. Apparently he was surrounded by skinheads crying about the need for a magic wall to solve all our problems with the current Republican distraction scapegoat - scary brown people.
    I actually like Ocasio-Cortez believe it or not. It's rather refreshing for somebody to be themselves in politics. She's young, passsionate and idealistic, kind of like I was years ago. I don't agree with her, but I like her! I don't know how long she'll last in Washington though...
    There are numerous reasons for this. #1 being that she clearly isn't bought and paid for by anyone. The 2nd is that unlike most Democrats, she doesn't turn tail and run at the first hint of being called too liberal by the right. The third is that even though right-wing media continues trying to catch her in some scandalous moment, they keep stepping on rakes when they try to do so. Take today for instance. The big story today on Twitter was that a video was circulated of her in high school dancing on a rooftop for a video that was obviously a Breakfast Club homage. It was initially presented as if it was supposed to be something negative, and 99% of the responses on Twitter were "so we're supposed to be upset she was dancing and having fun in high school??" It was quite honestly one of the most ridiculous self-owns I have ever seen. The video makes her seem extremely attractive, vibrant, fun and goofy, and there is absolutely no negative connotation that can be drawn from it.

    To be perfectly honest, she's probably farther left than even I am willing to go on some issues (I don't think free college is a fight worth having while so many other things go unsolved), but she is a goddamn textbook case of how you respond to right-wing attacks. She is what she is. She's an very attractive young women who managed to win a grass-roots primary against all odds, and since her district is nearly 100% safe, she can now stay as long as she wishes. And she was literally a bartender a year ago. The only attack against her is that she is too far left. #1, that doesn't matter in her district, and #2, it also matters a hell of alot less when you don't buy into your opponent's narrative about you. And she doesn't.
    Well, to be honest, don't mistake me liking her for me voting for her for president. I've voted for a lot of candidates I didn't like (including our current asshole in chief) and haven't voted for some I did like (Bush Sr. In 1992 and Bill Clinton in 1996). Liking somebody isn't a requirement for public office to me...

    I don't think she is anywhere near Presidential material at the moment nor do I think it's in her plans in the next 6-10 years. There are about 5 legitimate Democratic contenders at the moment: Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Corey Booker, and Beto O'Rourke. People will say Joe Biden, but I don't buy that he's actually going to run, and quite frankly, I'm not interested in nominating anyone who is pushing 80 years old. The job is too important. Bernie and Biden will be 79 and 78 by 2020. I think it's insane to put someone in office at that age. Just because the onset of Reagan's dementia was kept well-hidden in his second term doesn't mean it wasn't happening, because it was.
    I liked Sheldon Whitehouse when he spoke up during the Kavanaugh debacles.

    Balrog99 said:

    Well, I'm not a fan of Warren or Harris and Bernie is another suit and tie old man that I'm sick of the GOP nominating. Beto is interesting though. Don't know much about Booker but he looks like another elitist Ivy League yuppie to me. If Trump somehow survives until 2020 I might be tempted to vote for O'Roarke. He can't be too bad if he's Irish...

    His problem now is that the Bernie wing of the party (such as it is, since Bernie is still NOT a Democrat) hates him at the moment. Bernie's problem was, is and remains that he has no idea how to talk to black voters because he refuses to acknowledge that there may be problems that focusing 110% on economics can't solve. Booker won't win, because most of us feel he is a Wall Street sell-out as far as Dems go. Warren will be made into the next Hillary (as in turned into some kind of banshee caricature). Which leaves Kamala Harris, the female African-American former prosecutor who knows how to frame an argument and debate.
    As someone on the Bernie wing, I think we don't hate Beto. We just don't "like" his policies. His voting record is not good.

    The guy seems nice, he just votes for crap that Republicans and centrist Democrats vote for.

    " Beto O’Rourke’s voting record is more conservative than the average Democrat’s"

    "The truth, however, is it’s not just that O’Rourke’s voting record is more conservative than Sanders’s — you could say that about lots of people. It really is more conservative than that of most Democrats in Congress, including other main 2020 contenders. This can be shown in a systematic way."

    So how did O’Rourke vote? Well, in his first term in Congress, he voted somewhat more conservatively than the typical House Democrat. It was the same in his second term in Congress and the same again in his third term.

    In the 113th Congress, he was more conservative than 76 percent of Democrats.
    In the 114th Congress, he was more conservative than 79 percent of Democrats.
    In the 115th Congress, he was more conservative than 77 percent of Democrats.

    The guys basically a 90s Republican who lost to Ted Cruz. Bernie wing is not too excited about that.
    The guys basically a 90s Republican who lost to Ted Texas.

    C'mon. I live in the state. I nominally live on the southern border. I drive up to my parent's place in rural central Texas and spend 4 months there in summer+winter when out of school.

    These people are brainwashed that anyone with a D beside the name is short for "Demon". EVERYWHERE I go outside of my university in a 90%+ Hispanic area, ALL televisions in public play one of two things. A sports channel, or Fox News. Or both. Restaurants, hospitals (dad's a doctor), gas stations, you name it. Oh, CNN at DFW, which also is what's on at my University on TVs in public areas. That's as liberal as one can get.

    It's a frigging miracle he lost by only 1.5%.
  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    An interesting amazing video. I don't agree with everything but he is mostly right
  • AmmarAmmar Member Posts: 1,297
    I find both Pelosi and Clinton quite likeable. Perhaps we should think about how much perception to the contrary has to do with the constant complaining about their lack of likeability from right wing media. We can see them intensify their efforts to do the same with Warren now.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    I like Warren less than Beto but she is in my mind unquestionably better on the issues. She's always on the front lines fighting for Consumers against the influence of big business.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    The term "likeability" is almost exclusively used to describe female candidates. Ted Cruz, Scott Walker and Martin O'Malley were all about as likeable as sewer slugs, yet I can't recall anyone using this framing about them. Bernie isn't particularly "likeable", nor, for that matter, is Donald Trump. The worst you'll see going down this path about male candidates is asking if people would like to "have a beer with them" (truly the dumbest phrase in the political lexicon) or if they can "relate" to people. But their likeability is never even brought up.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @jjstraka34 Exactly!
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371

    The term "likeability" is almost exclusively used to describe female candidates. Ted Cruz, Scott Walker and Martin O'Malley were all about as likeable as sewer slugs, yet I can't recall anyone using this framing about them. Bernie isn't particularly "likeable", nor, for that matter, is Donald Trump. The worst you'll see going down this path about male candidates is asking if people would like to "have a beer with them" (truly the dumbest phrase in the political lexicon) or if they can "relate" to people. But their likeability is never even brought up.

    I'd have a beer with Ocasio-Cortez...
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    I can't think of a single politician that I'd ever have a beer with.

    (I don't like beer)
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @jjstraka34 Bush jr. and Obama went pretty far in part due to how likeable they are. Jeb Bush would probably be a very similar situation. I'm not much of a drinker, but I would probably would enjoy hanging out with them for a little bit, even though I think two of them failed as presidents to different degrees.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited January 2019
    This entire beer trope started in 2004, basically as a way if innoculating Bush from policy decisons it would become abundantly clear in short order were disasters. He may be incompetent, but he would be fun to have a Miller Lite with. Meanwhile, Kerry was painted as "out of touch, but not "unlikable". Come to think of it, that was reserved for (of course) his wife, Thersa Heinz.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811

    The term "likeability" is almost exclusively used to describe female candidates. Ted Cruz, Scott Walker and Martin O'Malley were all about as likeable as sewer slugs, yet I can't recall anyone using this framing about them. Bernie isn't particularly "likeable", nor, for that matter, is Donald Trump. The worst you'll see going down this path about male candidates is asking if people would like to "have a beer with them" (truly the dumbest phrase in the political lexicon) or if they can "relate" to people. But their likeability is never even brought up.

    Ted Cruz lost to Trump because he was unlikeable scuzz bucket IMO.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited January 2019
    What's more important than border security? To whiny baby Trump, it's the only thing he's yapping about "wah gimme US tax payer dollars to pay for a fraction of the cost of the wall that I lied and said Mexico would pay for." What's more important than "OMG BOARDER SECURITIE! BROWN PEOPLE AHH!!!"

    HEALTHCARE. Healthcare is way more important.

    Trump is breaking Obamacare and Republicans are suing to end it. Trump ordered the federal government to not defend the law in court so Democratic states, led by CA are forced to do the federal governments job. But it's not only Obamacare, healthcare is too expensive. Prescription drug prices are astronomical. Medicaid expansion is under attack in red states. Republicans are attacking pre-existing conditions. Republicans are kicking people off of healthcare with work requirements.

    This stupid border security stuff is clearly a distraction meant to slow down Mueller and the new House of Representatives.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    I read an interesting article this morning regarding the constitutional impact on Trump refusing to sign a bill that would reopen the government.

    Imagine if Obama played that card with Obamacare, or the next democratic president doing it with Medicaid for all?
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    What's else is more important than a fake border security distraction?

    Voting rights.


    Democracy. We have election fraud in North Carolina that the GOP is trying to cover up.

    Rigged elections. Stolen judiciary seats.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited January 2019
    deltago said:

    I read an interesting article this morning regarding the constitutional impact on Trump refusing to sign a bill that would reopen the government.

    Imagine if Obama played that card with Obamacare, or the next democratic president doing it with Medicaid for all?

    Trump just told Pelosi and Schumer he would keep the government shut down for "months or years". I'd like to point out that nearly a million workers aren't being paid. Let's say roughly 150 to 175 million people in this country are working adults. That means 1 out of every 150 people in this country has NO income right now. And I can speak from a PROFESSIONAL standpoint on this that if you think this isn't already causing serious harm to those people, you are just dead wrong.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    If it really did go on for more than a month, they'll be marching on the White House with Torches and Pitchforks. There's no way anyone will let it go on for years. If the Republicans tried, their own constituents would string them up.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited January 2019
    Trump just held another off the hinges press conference, in which this happened:

    Democrats have been in control of the House for roughly 24 hours and he is already talking about side-stepping Congress to build the wall.

    This would be like if Obama had just declared the ACA law and refused to have votes in the House and Senate. If he had done so, he would have rightly been called a tyrant. But of course, that was never suggested or even dreamed of.

    Oh, and TSA employees are starting to call in sick in mass numbers because they aren't being paid. Watch the airports as a sign of where this is headed.
    Post edited by jjstraka34 on
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    edited January 2019

    Trump just held another off the hinges press conference, in which this happened:

    Democrats have been in control of the House for roughly 24 hours and he is already talking about side-stepping Congress to build the wall.

    This would be like if Obama had just declared the ACA law and refused to have votes in the House and Senate. If he had done so, he would have rightly been called a tyrant. But of course, that was never suggested or even dreamed of.

    Oh, and TSA employees are starting to call in sick in mass numbers because they aren't being paid. Watch the airports as a sign of where this is headed.
    What money is he going to use to build it? He doesn't have it, although at one point he said he did. He's flip-flopping harder than beach sandals.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    LadyRhian said:

    Trump just held another off the hinges press conference, in which this happened:

    Democrats have been in control of the House for roughly 24 hours and he is already talking about side-stepping Congress to build the wall.

    This would be like if Obama had just declared the ACA law and refused to have votes in the House and Senate. If he had done so, he would have rightly been called a tyrant. But of course, that was never suggested or even dreamed of.

    Oh, and TSA employees are starting to call in sick in mass numbers because they aren't being paid. Watch the airports as a sign of where this is headed.
    What money is he going to use to build it? He doesn't have it, although at one point he said he did. He's flip-flopping harder than beach sandals.
    His Administration hasn't even spent 94% of the money that has already been allocated for border security. If they did, maybe they could afford to screen child detention center employees for sex offenses.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    edited January 2019

    deltago said:

    I read an interesting article this morning regarding the constitutional impact on Trump refusing to sign a bill that would reopen the government.

    Imagine if Obama played that card with Obamacare, or the next democratic president doing it with Medicaid for all?

    Trump just told Pelosi and Schumer he would keep the government shut down for "months or years". I'd like to point out that nearly a million workers aren't being paid. Let's say roughly 150 to 175 million people in this country are working adults. That means 1 out of every 150 people in this country has NO income right now. And I can speak from a PROFESSIONAL standpoint on this that if you think this isn't already causing serious harm to those people, you are just dead wrong.
    It's another example of Trump's total absence of empathy. That's always been obvious in his treatment of women or indeed anyone who's critical of him. In relation to the shutdown how seriously can you take someone who says that most government workers shouldn't get paid because they're Democrats - and those that are not support the wall and willingly forgo their wages to get it :/.

    The problem comes of course that someone who has proved many times over his total unfitness for the job of president - is president. How much worse can he make things before enough people finally blink and realize the emperor doesn't have any clothes on ...

    Incidentally, even in the US I would be surprised if the courts don't ultimately rule that it's illegal to require 'emergency' workers to work without pay. Such a ruling might help a little bit towards ending the government shutdown circus in the future.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    LadyRhian said:

    Trump just held another off the hinges press conference, in which this happened:

    Democrats have been in control of the House for roughly 24 hours and he is already talking about side-stepping Congress to build the wall.

    This would be like if Obama had just declared the ACA law and refused to have votes in the House and Senate. If he had done so, he would have rightly been called a tyrant. But of course, that was never suggested or even dreamed of.

    Oh, and TSA employees are starting to call in sick in mass numbers because they aren't being paid. Watch the airports as a sign of where this is headed.
    What money is he going to use to build it? He doesn't have it, although at one point he said he did. He's flip-flopping harder than beach sandals.
    There are actually Flip Flops for this:

  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited January 2019
    Many government workers are still showing up for work because they are furloughed, which means they aren't receiving pay now, but are eligible to receive back pay later. That does NOT help when you owe your daycare $500 or you just piled up $150 in overdraft fees because you didn't get your direct deposit. There is no way to possibly explain this dynamic to someone who has been handed everything their entire life. Many of these workers will stop coming into work simply because they are likely going into part-time jobs to have SOME income.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Yeah. He wants $5B, when he still has all the other money unspent? Pff.

    Trump claims he needs money for ‘border security’ crisis — but he already has billions still unspent

    The GOP Refuses to Govern- So Why Not Step Aside>

    Trump considering declaring national emergency in an effort to secure wall funding

    Rep. Jennifer Wexton Flies Trans Pride Flag Outside Her Capitol Hill Office
    Go, Jennifer Wexton!

    U.S. court rules for Trump on transgender military limits

    Hillary Clinton’s 2016 prognosis of ‘puppet’ Trump proves true

    Why Is Trump Spouting Russian Propaganda?

    Stocks surge after blowout jobs report, Powell’s comments

    New Dem Bill Aims to Eliminate Electoral College

    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Reveals Powerful Portrait Of A New Wave Of Congresswomen

    Transgender Asylum-Seeker Who Died In ICE Custody Was Beaten, Autopsy Shows
    Bloody great. :P
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited January 2019
    LadyRhian said:
    The border security crisis - why is it a crisis? Why now? Why wasn't it a crisis at any time the last two years while the GOP controlled all branches of government? How have we somehow managed to survive over 240 years without a wall on the Southern border? Why don't we need a wall on our northern border?

    If you look beyond the surface this stupid wall thing just doesn't hold up.

    It is a political stunt. A diversion.

    And Trump threatening to declare a national emergency and build the wall - where are all the freedom and liberty conservatives arming up for this big government power grab? This is exactly the sort of overreach they have been fearing for years. This is a Hitler's reichstag fire type of power grab with the executive branch overruling the congressional branch.

    Hello? Is anyone there? No? You're distracted by Ocasio-Cortez' dance moves? Talk about dropping the ball when the games on the line.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    edited January 2019
    It's a crisis because Trump promised to build the wall for his base. When it looked like he was going to renege, conservative commentators like Rush Limbaugh and Laura Ingraham said he was betraying his base by *not* building it. His base also listens to them, and he's afraid he will lose their support. And if he loses the support of his base, his ass is grass with the Republicans. They will drop him faster than week-old garbage.

    In reality, the longer he can dangle "building the wall" before his base, the better it will be for him. If he builds it, and it's a spectacular failure, his reputation and the support of his base will die. Leaving it as a promise rather than something realized prevents him from looking bad if and when it doesn't help.

    That's the crisis. He'd damned if he builds it. He's damned if he doesn't. He's terrified of losing support and being impeached. He's terrified of being a failure. He keeps claiming he's the best. He needs to be loved, to be idolized, even. It feeds his narcissism, and there can never be enough praise for him. It's what he lives for. By going either way, he's gonna lose, and he hates being a loser and looking weak more than anything. And if he doesn't get his funding, he's gonna look weak and might lose that small amount of base he retains. And if he loses the support of Rush and Laura, they, too could tear his base support away.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694

    He put in his $.02.

    A federal court just ruled in favor of Trump’s transgender military ban


    Benghazi Pay Scandal Just Came Back to Bite Trey Gowdy
    Republican Congressman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) became a right-wing media darling almost overnight when he was named Chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi in 2014.
    As the head of this committee, the former prosecutor from South Carolina became the face of the GOP’s years-long campaign to pin the terrorist attack against the American annex in that beleaguered Libyan city – one that resulted in the death of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens – on then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the run-up to the 2016 presidential election.
    On Tuesday afternoon, a complaint was filed with the Office of Congressional Ethics against Rep. Gowdy, requesting an investigation into the South Carolina congressman “…for accepting $6,000 in political action committee contributions from Anti-Hillary Clinton groups while investigating her.”
    The ethics complaint, filed by the Democratic Coalition Against Trump, details how the three $2,000 contributions came from conservative groups affiliated with Stop Hillary PAC – a group that also “…spent [an additional] $10,000 directly in support of Rep. Gowdy.”
    What goes around comes around...

    Trump Just Got Caught Pretending He Was Getting Calls From His Supporters; This Will Be So Humiliating For Him
    A hell of a lot of insanity happened yesterday because of Donald Trump, as the president had a major meltdown in front of everyone, unable to handle the fact that Democrats were taking over the House and his impeachment now seems closer than ever.
    As part of the chaos that the president caused yesterday, Trump made a ridiculous appearance in the press briefing room yesterday to rant about how much his supporters wanted his racist border wall. During this rant, the president lied about how his supporters have been calling him and sending him tweets and letters about how badly they want it. And as usual, this was a lie — at least the calling part of it. Trump said:
    "The people of our country want it. I have never had so much support as I have in the last week over my stance for border security, for border control and for frankly the wall or the barrier. I have never had anything like it in terms of calls coming in, in terms of people writing in and tweeting and doing whatever they have to do. I have never had this much support and we’ve done some things as you know that have been very popular.”
    However, conservative CNN commentator Bill Kristol pointed out that Trump couldn’t possibly have gotten any calls from his supporters — because thanks to his own government shutdown, the White House switchboard is closed! Therefore, the everyday American has absolutely no way to reach their president.
    At this point, Trump will say basically anything to make his wall idea look better. According to a CBS poll, the majority of Americans have stated they do NOT want the border wall — especially if Mexico isn’t going to foot the bill, which was one of Trump’s major promises. Trump knows he’s on thin ice and as usual, he must resort to pathetic lies to save himself.
  • QuickbladeQuickblade Member Posts: 957
    edited January 2019

    Trump just held another off the hinges press conference, in which this happened:

    Democrats have been in control of the House for roughly 24 hours and he is already talking about side-stepping Congress to build the wall.

    This would be like if Obama had just declared the ACA law and refused to have votes in the House and Senate. If he had done so, he would have rightly been called a tyrant. But of course, that was never suggested or even dreamed of.

    Oh, and TSA employees are starting to call in sick in mass numbers because they aren't being paid. Watch the airports as a sign of where this is headed.
    Oh look, just a couple short steps away from having martial law declared and Trump turned into a dictator, straight out of his own mouth. I SAW that video clip, not just a tweet transcript.

    I guess I should work out my arm to get ready to punch my father in the face like I vowed I would because he said Obama would TOTALLY do this rather than step down at the end of his second term.
    LadyRhian said:

    It's a crisis because Trump promised to build the wall for his base. When it looked like he was going to renege, conservative commentators like Rush Limbaugh and Laura Ingraham said he was betraying his base by *not* building it. His base also listens to them, and he's afraid he will lose their support. And if he loses the support of his base, his ass is grass with the Republicans. They will drop him faster than week-old garbage.

    In reality, the longer he can dangle "building the wall" before his base, the better it will be for him. If he builds it, and it's a spectacular failure, his reputation and the support of his base will die. Leaving it as a promise rather than something realized prevents him from looking bad if and when it doesn't help.

    That's the crisis. He'd damned if he builds it. He's damned if he doesn't. He's terrified of losing support and being impeached. He's terrified of being a failure. He keeps claiming he's the best. He needs to be loved, to be idolized, even. It feeds his narcissism, and there can never be enough praise for him. It's what he lives for. By going either way, he's gonna lose, and he hates being a loser and looking weak more than anything. And if he doesn't get his funding, he's gonna look weak and might lose that small amount of base he retains. And if he loses the support of Rush and Laura, they, too could tear his base support away.

    And the longer it goes on, the less likely it will to keep going on. He CAN'T dangle it forever. Although history shows he can dangle it for a really long time.

    But as long as he does, it fires up BOTH sides.

    Watch, probably something like 50 miles of it gets built and victory is declared, all talk of the wall is dropped and...this subject is never, ever, EVER touched again.

    That's the only way Republicans and especially Trump can possibly come out this even breaking even.
    LadyRhian said:

    Trump uses federal funds to bypass the shutdown and open federal property connected to his hotel
    While many federal employees are furloughed or out of work, one agency found funds to keep the Old Post Office Tower at the Trump International Hotel in DC open during the government shutdown.
    Also, a bit late. But how is THIS not impeachable?
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