ICE BLOCKS IMMIGRANTS FROM LAWYERS WITH DRACONIAN PHONE RULES IN CALIFORNIA, ACLU SAYS n immigration detention center in California has effectively worked to keep immigrants from contacting lawyers through phone rules, a lawsuit alleged last week. Advocate groups have said calls for those detained in the Adelanto Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Processing Center calls are prohibitively expensive. And if a detainee is able to scrounge together money for call, then they calls are recorded and it is required that someone answer the phone nearly immediately—voicemails are not an option. "Legal representation is fundamental to ensuring due process for immigrants facing removal, but when our detained clients can't effectively communicate with us, our abilities to be effective advocates are compromised," said Meeth Soni, co-legal director at the Immigrant Defenders Law Center, in a statement released by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Southern California. The lawsuit detailed allegations of how difficult it can be for a detained immigrant to reach a lawyer. The suit alleges that an asylum-seeker named Desmond Tenghe has not been allowed to access funds he brought with and previous earnings from a different detention center were not transferred to Adelanto. Making just $1 per day working at Adelanto and denied free calls, the suit alleges, Tenghe has to spend a week's earnings to make a call and has to hope he reaches a person immediately. It took him two months to get ahold of his sponsor in Maryland, the suit alleges. Reads the lawsuit: "Over the course of weeks, Plaintiff Tenghe tried to call at least seven different legal organizations, including Catholic Charities, El Rescate, and others. Due to Defendants’ “positive acceptance” requirement for telephone calls, the telephone calls have either disconnected after ringing once or twice or continued to ring without answer. Plaintiff Tenghe has also attempted to call Catholic Charities to obtain documents about current country conditions in his country of origin, but those telephone calls also have not connected because of Defendants’ “positive acceptance” requirement."
Migrant Baby Contracted Pneumonia After Five Days in a ‘Freezing’ Holding Cell This reminds me of what Joe Arpaio did with illegal immigrants in his prisons. When A. Portillo, a 23-year-old woman from Honduras, was taken into custody by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) in California earlier this month, her five-month-old was sick. The woman, who spoke to BuzzFeed News and asked to be identified by only her first initial and last name, was giving her baby an antibiotic but said she wasn’t allowed to keep the medication after she was detained. Her baby got sicker as they were held in “freezing” cells — migrants refer to these as hieleras, or iceboxes — and when she pleaded with CBP agents for a doctor, she says they refused. “The agents told me I wasn’t in a position to be asking for anything and that they didn’t tell me to come to the United States,” she said. They also called her an “invader,” she told NBC News.
At this point, these policies are designed out of sheer malice--there's simply no legal or practical value to these policies. We've already seen the Trump administration imprisoning legal asylum seekers without due process of law, deliberately waiving background checks and allowing migrant children to be raped (the tolerance for child molestation of all things still baffles me), and now we have detainees being restricted from legal representation and sick babies being kept in freezing cells.
We are also now up to two dead children. Whether or not they could have been saved once in the custody of the government is not really quantifiable, but when you take into account the waiving of background checks for workers, the stories reported above, and the general sense that this policy is not meant to deter immigration but to PUNISH those who would dare set foot in this country, it's pretty much impossible to give them any benefit of the doubt. It is not a large leap to think that people who don't care about leaving children in ice-cold cells and implement a policy of willful negligence in regards to worker background checks would also not really give a shit if a couple of them die along the way.
Think about it. It starts with the demonization. Then it's perfectly fine if we lock them up indefinitely without trial and steal their children for committing a misdemeanor. Then we are supposed to blame the parents for making the trip when some of them start dying while in government custody. And I guarantee we are just seeing the tip of the iceberg with these sexual assault stories. Multiple people in this thread correctly predicted this would start happening a LONG time ago. But waiving background checks?? Would anyone defend a bank if they waived a background check and the employee stole money?? Or if a police department did the same and the new recruit immediately went out and started shaking people down at gunpoint?? God, I would hope not. Yet somehow it's barely news that the Trump Administration thinks people working with vulnerable children don't need to be vetted. It's not only ridiculous, but it's bizarre.
"usually the specific special operations unit is not revealed to the American public, especially while U.S. service members are deployed.....
...posting the video was a break from traditional procedures that are usually strictly enforced and designed to safeguard the identities of U.S. special operation forces, especially when deployed to a combat zone....
The deployments of special operation forces, including Navy SEALs are almost classified events, as to protect those men and women that are on the front lines of every overt and covert conflict the United States is involved in,” a Defense Department official told Newsweek on condition of anonymity."
President signed "Make America Great Again" hats and an embroidered patch that read "Trump 2020."
Those guidelines say that "active duty personnel may not engage in partisan political activities and all military personnel should avoid the inference that their political activities imply or appear to imply DoD sponsorship, approval, or endorsement of a political candidate, campaign, or cause."
President signed "Make America Great Again" hats and an embroidered patch that read "Trump 2020."
Those guidelines say that "active duty personnel may not engage in partisan political activities and all military personnel should avoid the inference that their political activities imply or appear to imply DoD sponsorship, approval, or endorsement of a political candidate, campaign, or cause."
So in total, of course the orange clown managed to purposefully screw up the most basic presodental duty of visiting the troops.
It would have been like if Obama was handing out "Hope and Change" bumper stickers and t-shirts at a similar event, while encouraging everyone to buy his books. The heads of every conservative in the country would have spontaneously exploded in unison if this had taken place. What does Trump treat the visit as?? Nothing more than a infomercial for his brand, no different to him than a pitch for Trump Steaks.
There is also pretty solid evidence from the pool reports of this trip that Trump was basically scared shitless to be going into Iraq at all, and was complaining and whining about the security measures necessary to facilitate it.
Trump continues to lie to the face of military members nearly EVERY time he speaks before them, by continuing to tell them that last year was the first time they have gotten a raise in over a decade. Again, this is a 100% falsehood. They have gotten a pay raise every year since 1983. He has been telling this lie constantly for almost his entire Presidency:
"The former governor of the Holy Spirit Gerson Camata (MDB), from 77 years, He was shot to death on the afternoon of Wednesday (26), Praia do Canto, in Victoria. The Secretariat of Public Security of the Holy Spirit reported that he was the target of several shots and the Samu came to be fired but he succumbed to his injuries. The expertise is in place and traffic was forbidden."
For those who doesn't know, he was the guy who implemented the mexican style gun control who raised the criminalty to astronomic levels and made Brazil the most violent country in the Planet.
One of the key counter-arguments for over a year in regards to the Russia connection (and the supposed unreliability of the Steele dossier) is the rock-solid belief that Michael Cohen had never traveled to Prague in that time-frame to meet with Russian officials. Guess what?? Michael Cohen WAS in Prague at that time. Time for another shift of goalposts:
The shut down is over a wall, but a wall being built in an attempt to deny due process.
Edit: In Canada, if a government fails to pass a yearly budget bill, it is determined that the people have lost confidence in the government and elections are automatically called. It is called a confidence vote.
Government workers, who are unionized and have a agreed upon contract with the government, still get paid until a new government is sworn in.
It puts the negatives on the people who should be blamed for budgets not getting passed properly, the politicans, not the average civil servent.
The shut down is over a wall, but a wall being built in an attempt to deny due process.
Edit: In Canada, if a government fails to pass a yearly budget bill, it is determined that the people have lost confidence in the government and elections are automatically called. It is called a confidence vote.
Government workers, who are unionized and have a agreed upon contract with the government, still get paid until a new government is sworn in.
It puts the negatives on the people who should be blamed for budgets not getting passed properly, the politicans, not the average civil servent.
Trump also more than implied yesterday that he is perfectly fine with the shutdown because (and this is basically a direct quote) most of the workers not being paid are Democrats. Even if 100% of all federal workers WERE Democrats (which is an insane belief), what is the implication?? That Democrats don't deserve to be paid because they happen to 1.) Work for the federal government and 2.) Because they are of the wrong political party according to the President??
Again, this is something I have brought up multiple times. Trump doesn't believe it's his job to even PRETEND to represent the entire swath of the American population. If you don't support him, he views it as not supporting the country itself (this was reinforced in his tirade in the Oval Office on Christmas Day when he was supposed to be sending a nice message to the troops, and instead he started talking about James Comey out of nowhere). If you aren't on his side, you simply do not matter. And the only reason he even cares about the people who ARE on his side is so he can maintain power so his family can continue to loot the place in broad daylight as long as possible. Even his relationship with his base is entirely transactional.
He is man devoid of normal human emotions. He has zero empathy, he doesn't even really know how to react normally in any kind of interaction with other people, he is a malignant narcissist and megalomaniac. I'm fairly sure he only sees his children as an extension of his brand. He seems to care about 3 things 1.) Being liked and fawned over (this is really the overriding psychological problem with this guy) 2.) Power and 3.) Money. There are no other driving forces to what he does. The decisions he makes are only viewed through the prism of how they best serve HIM personally in any given moment.
And make no mistake. You may not know any of them personally, but there are 10s of thousands of people who aren't going to see another paycheck until the government reopens. They are people who go into work everyday just like everyone else, who live paycheck to paycheck. And they have no idea when the next direct deposit is going to hit their rapidly dwindling bank account.
The shut down is over a wall, but a wall being built in an attempt to deny due process.
Edit: In Canada, if a government fails to pass a yearly budget bill, it is determined that the people have lost confidence in the government and elections are automatically called. It is called a confidence vote.
Government workers, who are unionized and have a agreed upon contract with the government, still get paid until a new government is sworn in.
It puts the negatives on the people who should be blamed for budgets not getting passed properly, the politicans, not the average civil servent.
Well, for one thing, Mueller is stll getting paid. And so are the investigators who work with him. Their funding doesn't get cutt off with the shutdown.
Mueller investigation will not stall in government shutdown Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election will continue unimpeded despite the partial government shutdown that went into effect at midnight Friday. The special counsel’s office is “funded from a permanent indefinite appropriation and would be unaffected in the event of a shutdown,” a Justice Department spokesman told The Hill. Lawmakers in Congress remained in a standoff Friday afternoon over $5 billion in funds for President Trump’s border wall, raising the odds of a partial government shutdown at the midnight deadline.
Also, Gnus
Sister Wendy Beckett, Nun Who Became a BBC Star, Dies at 88
Trump told two ‘flagrant lies’ to American troops’ faces about the pay raise he said he gave them During his surprise visit to troops deployed in Iraq, President Donald Trump appeared to tell two large fibs to service members about their pay — and it wasn’t the first time he’d done so. ABC News producer and reporter Ali Rogin noted on Twitter Wednesday that the president told “two flagrant lies in a row” during the hour-long speech. “He said the US military got its first pay raise in 10 years,” Rogin wrote before linking to a May PolitiFact analysis from the first time the president made the claim that found the lie “Pants on Fire” egregious. “You haven’t gotten [a raise] in more than ten years,” Trump told troops. “More than ten years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one.” The ABC News producer noted, however, that “the military has received a pay increase each year except for [1983] and that was a technical glitch.” Rogin added that Trump also “said he raised the military’s pay by ten percent” — another lie given that military pay was raised 2.8 percent in 2018 and another 2.6 percent in the August National Defense Authorization Act. “You had plenty of people that came up and said, you know, we can make it smaller,” the president said. “I said no. Make it ten percent. Make it more than ten percent. Because it’s been a long time.” “Both those quotes are lies that the president has been called out on before,” Rogin concluded.
Probe of Trump's charity could crash 'like a Mack Truck' into his real estate empire
MSNBC beats Fox in key ratings for first time in 17 years MSNBC beat out Fox News last week in key ratings for first time in 17 years, topping its competitor in total viewers for the first time since 2000, according to a news release from MSNBC. MSNBC averaged 1.56 million total viewers during the "sales day" (6 a.m. to 2 a.m.) between Dec. 17-21, making it the top cable news network in the key 25-54 age demographic. Fox News averaged 1.54 million total viewers while CNN averaged 975,000. In prime time (8 p.m. to 11 p.m.), MSNBC continued to lead Fox News and CNN in total viewers and among that key age group for the fourth week in a row. MSNBC prime time last week averaged 2.58 million total viewers, compared to Fox's 2.24 million and CNN’s 1.398 million. Of those viewers, 471,000 were between the ages of 25 and 54 for MSNBC. Fox saw 355,000 viewers in that demographic, while CNN saw 415,000 viewers.
Appeals Court Grants Trump Request To Halt Emoluments Case Over Shutdown The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals froze a lawsuit accusing Trump of violating the constitution’s emoluments clause, after DOJ attorneys asked for a halt to their appeal, saying that the ongoing government shutdown will prevent them from doing their work. “The Department does not know when funding will be restored by Congress,” DOJ attorneys representing Trump in the case wrote in a Wednesday filing. The appeals court approved the request the same day. “The briefing schedule is suspended pending further order of the court,” the order reads.
And, guaranteed to give certain people heartburn...
Gallup: The Obamas are America's most admired man and woman
Switzerland votes to send people to prison for homophobia and transphobia I'm not sure how I feel about this one. People feel how they feel, acting on it is the real crime. which is what Switzerland has done. And this is the same way it treats racist crimes. The National Council voted to criminalise homophobic and transphobic acts, putting it on a par with the way the country treats racism. The council voted 118 for and 60 against to introduce a prison sentence for homophobia and transphobia. The initiative was put forward by councillor Mathias Reynard. (MathiasReynard/Twitter) However, the motion still needs to be passed by the Council of States before it can become law. Speaking to Shorlist, Reynard said: “The Swiss Parliament’s decision is great news because it sends the powerful message that homophobia is not an opinion; as for racism, it’s a violation of the law.”
O'Reilly accusers prevail in court and now we see why he wanted to keep the settlements sealed
x he judge's ruling means that certain terms of the settlements are coming to light for the first time. A motion filed Wednesday by Neil Mullin and Nancy Erika Smith, the attorneys representing the three plaintiffs, claims that the settlement reached with Andrea Mackris, a former Fox News producer who filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against O'Reilly in 2004, required her to "lie -- even in legal proceedings or under oath -- if any evidence becomes public, by calling evidence 'counterfeit' or 'forgeries.'" Apparently the women had "audio and video tapes recording O'Reilly's harassment and abuse" that they were forced to turnover to O'Reilly as part of the settlement. Incredibly, the unsealed records show outrageously unethical behavior from the lawyer representing Andrea Mackris in the original case. He abruptly switched sides in the middle of negotiations and went to work for O’Reilly!
Fox mistakenly shows embarrassing graphic: ‘Take that down, please!’
Another Fox News Sleazeball Has Been Caught in a Sex Scandal with a 25 Year Old Co-Worker If you thought Watters World was a documentary about Donald Trump's adventures with hookers in a Moscow hotel, you're mistaken, but understandably so. In fact, it's a program on Fox News featuring Jesse Watters, who is also a co-host of the daily afternoon program The Five. Watters is best known for being a smug, smartass who did ambush interviews for Bill O'Reilly and allegedly humorous segments that were overtly racist. Now the New York Daily News is reporting that Watters' wife has filed for divorce due to his ongoing adulterous affair with a twenty-five year old co-worker, Emma DiGiovine. Watters has admitted his infidelity which he only reported to Fox News human resources after the divorce papers were filed. He and his now-estranged wife have twin six year old daughters.
Bombshell: The Atlantic Has Probably Found The Reason Hannity Consulted Cohen And That Ain't All On May 25, 2017, KFAQ, a radio station based in Tulsa, Oklahoma, received a cease-and-desist letter signed by two lawyers for Hannity: Victoria Toensing and Jay Alan Sekulow. Toensing’s signature sits above her name and that of her husband Joseph E. diGenova, the members of diGenova and Toensing LLP, who are identified as “Counsel for Sean Hannity,” according to a copy of the letter obtained by The Atlantic. Sekulow is also identified in the letter page as a “Counsel for Sean Hannity.” The letter was sent in response to accusations against Hannity made by the controversial conservative activist Debbie Schlussel. During an appearance on the Pat Campbell show on KFAQ last April, Schlussel said Hannity had been “creepy” towards her and had invited her to his hotel room. Hannity responded at the time by calling the allegations “100 percent false and a complete fabrication,” and said that he had hired lawyers to plan a response. “This letter provides notice that Ms. Schlussel’s statements are false and defamatory,” the letter read. “Continued publication will result in further exposure to liability because of continued harm to Mr. Hannity’s impeccable reputation.”
Betsy DeVos attacks teachers on Twitter—so teachers absolutely demolish her on Twitter
Trump's morning twitter tantrum shows a man who is deeply afraid Today is the day when Hope Hicks—the person who supposedly acts as a proxy for Trump when it comes to email messages, the person who has been there for the campaign, the transition, and the White House, the person who White House staff consider Trump’s “real daughter,” is slated to testify before the House Intelligence Committee. And by using detailed, careful evaluation, it may be possible that this is causing Trump some stress. Trump's tweet: WITCH HUNT!
New York Daily News Front Cover Sums Up Trump’s Vicious Racist Slur Against Immigrants
Teacher Confronts Paul Ryan At Fundraiser: "You’re here celebrating the death of 17 children." The Miami Herald. In recalling her exchange with Ryan, Thorne said she introduced herself as a teacher to the House Speaker, who responded, "Nice.” The teacher, Maria Thorne, and another protester were escorted out of the Ritz-Carlton in Key Biscayne by security Friday, according to The Miami Herald. In recalling her exchange with Ryan, Thorne said she introduced herself as a teacher to the House Speaker, who responded, "Nice." "Nice?" she questioned. "You’re here celebrating the death of 17 children." After Ryan said he didn't want to discuss the issue, Thorne and a friend chanted "No more guns" and were ejected from the event.
Donald Trump's Nobel Peace Prize nomination being investigated for fraud
Republican who took inspiration from the Taliban now whines about negative ads used to beat him Gee, I can't figure out WHY. (Heavy sarcasm) But Sessions is truly one of the last people on the planet who should be complaining about how mean negative campaigning can get. The Texan ran the NRCC from 2009 to 2012, and Sessions certainly did not play by Marquess of Queensberry rules during those four years. Sessions foreshadowed his strategy early in his tenure with a startling analogy. “Insurgency, we understand perhaps a little bit more because of the Taliban,” he offered, favorably describing how Afghanistan’s murderous totalitarian rulers “went about systematically understanding how to disrupt and change a person's entire processes.” Sessions quickly added that he was “not trying to say the Republican Party is the Taliban,” though he didn’t really back off his comparison.
‘Every 30 seconds’: Study confirms the gendered online abuse that black women have long reported
People may not know it yet, but Iowa and New Hampshire won't matter in 2020 Iowa and New Hampshire have justified their unjustified “first in the nation” status by claiming it gives underdog candidates a chance to compete against deep-pocket establishment types. If that ever mattered before, it sure doesn’t matter now. And certainly, we can point to the demographics of those states and make a compelling argument why their lily-white complexion makes them grossly out-of-step with the modern Democratic Party. But no need for that now.
Trump's big mouth comes back to bite him, shatters his defense for felony campaign-finance fraud
Christians Celebrate Trump’s Government Shutdown As Sign Of Christ’s Return The stupid, it burns: Some Christians are celebrating the government shutdown because it’s supposedly bringing the world closer to the second coming of Jesus Christ. Earlier this week a caller identified as “Scott” called into the C-SPAN show Washington Journal to proclaim the good news that Trump’s partial government shutdown is “just getting us closer” to the supposed return of Christ. While talking to host John McArdle, who was accepting public comments about the shutdown, Scott said: I’m in support of it because I’m waiting for the second coming. We just celebrated the first coming of Jesus, but Jesus is coming back. And as crazy as the government is, it’s just getting us closer. Scott continued: Now the solution to having a bill pay for the wall, Trump can do this by going after every business in America that got a tax break if they have any ties to any sister, baby companies…that have hired any illegal alien in the past. We take that tax break back, and we could build us a golden wall across both the Mexican and the Canadian border. Scott added: I want it shut down because I can’t wait for when Jesus comes back and gets the righteous real people and takes them to heaven, and then we have a real big mess on this Earth. At that point host McArdle had heard enough and cut Scott off, declaring “Got your point, Scott,” before moving on to the next caller. "if they have any ties to any sister, baby companies…that have hired any illegal alien in the past." That would put Trump on the line as well...
This was back in April. But let's see how this old news weathered the future past.
"We are well and truly f**ked in November. Kevin [McCarthy] is already circling like a green fly circling sh*t trying to take Paul's [Ryan] job because nobody thinks he's sticking around for Nancy [Pelosi]. She's going to f**k up the cafeteria again too."
Yes, you were. Ryan did leave. Pelosi's back. I have no idea what's up with the cafeteria.
"We're going to lose the House, lose the Senate, and lose a bunch of states because of him. All his supporters will blame us for what we have or have not done, but he hasn't led."
Lost the House, unfortunately held the Senate, and lost a bunch of states.
""Judiciary is stacked with a bunch of people who can win re-election so long as they don't piss off Trump voters in the primary. But if we get to summer and most of the primaries are over, they just might pull the trigger if the President fires Mueller. The sh*t will hit the fan if that happens and I'd vote to impeach him myself. Most of us would, I think. Hell, all the Democrats would and you only need a majority in the House. If we're going to lose because of him, we might as well impeach the motherf**ker. Take him out with us and let Mike [Pence] take over. At least then we could sleep well at night,""
We'll see.
A lot of the links here are old, from February to April.
Republicans privately admit Democrats’ leverage only increases as shutdown goes on: report As President Donald Trump’s shutdown continued in its sixth day, some Republican leaders are privately admitting the Democrats’ power will only grow and the closure continues, Politico reported Thursday. “House Democrats — increasingly convinced they’re winning the shutdown fight with President Donald Trump — are plotting ways to reopen the government while denying the president even a penny more for his border wall when they take power Jan. 3,” Politico reported.
Trump may skip his NYE party to avoid uncomfortable questions during shutdown: Maggie Haberman
A power plant transponder seems to have exploded in New York City, and it seems to have produced a legitimate "War of the Worlds" situation on the internet, with people thinking aliens have landed. Or at least the coming of Zuul. Then again, this pretty much does look like something biblical is about to go down:
While Mueller and crew are funded during the shutdown, the government agencies he relies on such as courts, government workers, and other things necessary processes to continue the investigation are not funded.
So make no mistake this shutdown is directly impacting the Mueller investigation.
Trump thinks he can't be charged in court with treason or emoluments violations if he shuts down the courts *taps forehead*
Transformer explosion at Con Ed plant lights up sky in NYC
It happened at the Astoria East and North Queens Con Ed plant. New Yorkers reported seeing massive blue lights in the city following the explosion and took to social media to share photos and videos. This link shows the fire, along with other videos: Con Ed says LaGuardia Airport is running on a backup generator. Airport officials say many flights are departing but some are not, and travelers are advised to check with their carriers. No customer outages have been reported.
The Real-Life Effects of Trump’s Environmental Rollbacks: 5 Takeaways From Our Investigation
A power plant transponder seems to have exploded in New York City, and it seems to have produced a legitimate "War of the Worlds" situation on the internet, with people thinking aliens have landed. Or at least the coming of Zuul. Then again, this pretty much does look like something biblical is about to go down:
I saw that some people were calling it the "Astoria Borealis". When the NYPD posted a tweet that said it was a transformer explosion and not extraterrestrials, someone pointed out that the Transformers are extraterrestrials. Most of the aliens tweets seem pretty tongue in cheek.
So in today's "GOP being a corrupt and evil anti-democracy organization" we have the Republican candidate who committed election fraud incident being covered up and we have Missouris GOP governor trying to undo a anti-corruption state constitutional ammendment overwhelmingly passed by voters.
In NC, the Republican appointed courts are saying the state election board should be dissolved and the Republican guy who cheated in the election should be seated in the House of Representatives.
In the legislature, meanwhile, Republican lawmakers on Thursday overrode Gov. Roy Cooper’s veto of an elections law bill allowing a new Republican primary in the cheated election, it also splits the election board into two partisan bodies (instead of independents, reps, and dems), and makes it easier to hide campaign bribes
The Associated Press is reporting Missouri Gov. Mike Parson could repeal and replace a state constitutional amendment that supporters called "Clean Missouri." The amendment was approved by 62 percent of voters in November. It covers a range of changes, including the redrawing of the state's legislative maps. He said the Constitutional ammendment passed by voters was "unconstitutional". He like many Republicans enjoys gerrymandering where politicians pick their voters and the unregulated legalized bribery system of unlimited campaign donations.
Overly pious Hawkins County Board of Education member needs to go | Opinion Tecky Hicks is a Baptist preacher first, and an American second. He claims that his religion trumps the law and, as a result, he needs to resign from public office. Hicks sits on the Hawkins County Board of Education, and recently he was the sole vote against allowing a Gay-Straight Alliance to form at Volunteer High School, even though this is required by the law (a law, incidentally, pushed by Christian lobbyists and law firms). But to Hicks, the rule of law didn’t matter. He declared that his Bible “supersedes the Constitution of the United States, the Bill of Rights, the Magna Carta, the Mayflower Compact, our board policies, the state constitution, and everything else.” Hicks is absolutely wrong, but he’s free to believe this. He lacks such a basic understanding of the American system of government and the Founders’ unique contributions to political science — a godless Constitution, power coming from the people rather than deities, and a separation of state and church — that he is unfit to oversee the education of children on those grounds alone. But he’s also unfit because he has openly declared that his oath of office — in which he promised “to support the constitutions of Tennessee and the United States and to faithfully perform the duties of the office” — is subservient to what he believes his god has said. Hicks put his hand on a Bible and swore to uphold the Constitution; he did not put his hand on the Constitution and swear to uphold his Bible. But if he truly believes this — and again, he is free to — he must resign. He has admitted that he cannot fulfill the duties of public office.
Giraffes just silently went to the list of endangered animals facing extinction
Amber Heard: I Spoke Up Against Sexual Violence and Faced Our Culture's Wrath WEB18-AmberHeard-1160x768.jpg I was exposed to abuse at a very young age. I knew certain things early on, without ever having to be told. I knew that men have the power — physically, socially and financially — and that a lot of institutions support that arrangement. I knew this long before I had the words to articulate it, and I bet you learned it young, too. Like many women, I had been harassed and sexually assaulted by the time I was of college age. But I kept quiet — I did not expect filing complaints to bring justice. And I didn’t see myself as a victim. Then two years ago, I became a public figure representing domestic abuse, and I felt the full force of our culture’s wrath for women who speak out. Friends and advisers told me I would never again work as an actress — that I would be blacklisted. A movie I was attached to recast my role. I had just shot a two-year campaign as the face of a global fashion brand, and the company dropped me. Questions arose as to whether I would be able to keep my role of Mera in the movies “Justice League” and “Aquaman.” I had the rare vantage point of seeing, in real time, how institutions protect men accused of abuse. Imagine a powerful man as a ship, like the Titanic. That ship is a huge enterprise. When it strikes an iceberg, there are a lot of people on board desperate to patch up holes — not because they believe in or even care about the ship, but because their own fates depend on the enterprise.
The EPA is making a change to an Obama-era rule limiting the amount of mercury that can be emitted from coal-burning power plants. Previously, the basis of the rule was two-fold: that the standards reduced the amount of mercury in the air, and that the standards also reduced other particulate matter in the air. If both of those things are put together as a dollar value, they outweigh the costs saved by coal-burning power plants.
Now, the EPA is not supposed to factor in the issue of particulate matter, which is the larger problem. To clarify: the lowered mercury levels saved an estimated $8 million (million with an "M"), while the other benefits saved an estimated $80 billion (billion, with a "B"), partly due to avoiding 11,000 deaths. Because it's more difficult to quantify the value of the other benefits, the EPA will no longer be considering them at all for the purposes of the cost-benefit analysis. This means that the standards will be easier to undo if a corporation challenges them in court.
These standards, implemented in 2011, cut mercury pollution from power plants by 80% and saved an estimated 11,000 American lives over the past 7 years. Now the administration is trying to undo them.
I do not think the profit margins of a coal-burning power plant should outweigh American lives.
And one last headline:VIDEO: CNN'S DON LEMON SHOWS 'PRICELESS' 2013 CLIP OF TRUMP CALLING FOR OBAMA TO BE FIRED OVER GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN CNN has aired an old clip in which Donald Trump said that then-President Barack Obama should be fired over a government shutdown. In a segment on CNN Tonight, Don Lemon described how Trump’s demand for $5 billion to pay for a Mexican border wall means that hundreds of thousands of workers will not be paid because of the partial government shutdown. As the deadlock threatens to spill over into the new year, Lemon played a phone interview that Trump did with Fox News in 2013 when the government faced a similar situation under Obama. Lemon said on Thursday night, “This is what Donald Trump said to Fox News ahead of a government shutdown when Barack Obama was still president.” In the clip from five years ago, Trump is asked who is “going to bear the brunt of the responsibility if indeed there is a shutdown of the government.” On the phone, Trump replied: “Well, if you say who gets fired, it always has to be the top. I mean, problems start from the top, and they have to get solved from the top. And the president’s the leader. And he’s got to get everybody in a room. And he’s got to lead.” Lemon then reacts by repeating Trump’s words, followed by a “hmmmmm.” He then added, “Donald Trump suggesting that President Barack Obama should have been fired for a government shutdown. Priceless.”
Overly pious Hawkins County Board of Education member needs to go | Opinion Tecky Hicks is a Baptist preacher first, and an American second. He claims that his religion trumps the law and, as a result, he needs to resign from public office. Hicks sits on the Hawkins County Board of Education, and recently he was the sole vote against allowing a Gay-Straight Alliance to form at Volunteer High School, even though this is required by the law (a law, incidentally, pushed by Christian lobbyists and law firms). But to Hicks, the rule of law didn’t matter. He declared that his Bible “supersedes the Constitution of the United States, the Bill of Rights, the Magna Carta, the Mayflower Compact, our board policies, the state constitution, and everything else.” Hicks is absolutely wrong, but he’s free to believe this. He lacks such a basic understanding of the American system of government and the Founders’ unique contributions to political science — a godless Constitution, power coming from the people rather than deities, and a separation of state and church — that he is unfit to oversee the education of children on those grounds alone. But he’s also unfit because he has openly declared that his oath of office — in which he promised “to support the constitutions of Tennessee and the United States and to faithfully perform the duties of the office” — is subservient to what he believes his god has said. Hicks put his hand on a Bible and swore to uphold the Constitution; he did not put his hand on the Constitution and swear to uphold his Bible. But if he truly believes this — and again, he is free to — he must resign. He has admitted that he cannot fulfill the duties of public office.
One thing that always gets me about these stories is the way they try to make their allegiance so general. He's "following god's law", he's doing this for "christianity". It's all bullshit. He's not putting the law of god first, he's putting the rules and regulations of the baptist church first. I remember reading how conservative protestants lost their shit when John Kennedy ran for president, saying how he was going to be more loyal to the pope than the American people. He had to give a speech where he swore up and down that he was an American first and catholic second. Now those guys' spiritual descendants proudly proclaim that they care more about the collection plate a their church than the people they were elected to represent.
So Trump keeps talking about the wall in Israel and how it is 99.9% effective. I just want to clarify some points regarding that wall:
1. Parts of it are considered illegal as they encroaches into the West Bank. The International Court of Justice has said it is a violation of international law
2. It was built for a security reason. Suicide bombings decreased once the wall was first put up, however the wall has continued to expand since first being erected in 2000. Suicide bombers and people looking for a better life are pretty much on the opposite side of the scale.
3. It’s not a wall per say, but a barrier. The same type of barrier you see people climbing over in photographs.
4. Upon completion, the barrier is 440 miles. The US-Mexico border is 1,954 miles.
So Trump keeps talking about the wall in Israel and how it is 99.9% effective. I just want to clarify some points regarding that wall:
1. Parts of it are considered illegal as they encroaches into the West Bank. The International Court of Justice has said it is a violation of international law
2. It was built for a security reason. Suicide bombings decreased once the wall was first put up, however the wall has continued to expand since first being erected in 2000. Suicide bombers and people looking for a better life are pretty much on the opposite side of the scale.
3. It’s not a wall per say, but a barrier. The same type of barrier you see people climbing over in photographs.
4. Upon completion, the barrier is 440 miles. The US-Mexico border is 1,954 miles.
Also worth mentioning, the two sides are still at war with each other and there's noone on the Israeli side actively enticing people to come over the border to pick strawberries or hang drywall. If there was an active migrant labor market operating across that border, the "wall" would be completely ineffective.
Think about it. It starts with the demonization. Then it's perfectly fine if we lock them up indefinitely without trial and steal their children for committing a misdemeanor. Then we are supposed to blame the parents for making the trip when some of them start dying while in government custody. And I guarantee we are just seeing the tip of the iceberg with these sexual assault stories. Multiple people in this thread correctly predicted this would start happening a LONG time ago. But waiving background checks?? Would anyone defend a bank if they waived a background check and the employee stole money?? Or if a police department did the same and the new recruit immediately went out and started shaking people down at gunpoint?? God, I would hope not. Yet somehow it's barely news that the Trump Administration thinks people working with vulnerable children don't need to be vetted. It's not only ridiculous, but it's bizarre.
He revealed a clandestine navy seal operation in a war zone.
"usually the specific special operations unit is not revealed to the American public, especially while U.S. service members are deployed.....
...posting the video was a break from traditional procedures that are usually strictly enforced and designed to safeguard the identities of U.S. special operation forces, especially when deployed to a combat zone....
The deployments of special operation forces, including Navy SEALs are almost classified events, as to protect those men and women that are on the front lines of every overt and covert conflict the United States is involved in,” a Defense Department official told Newsweek on condition of anonymity."
President signed "Make America Great Again" hats and an embroidered patch that read "Trump 2020."
Those guidelines say that "active duty personnel may not engage in partisan political activities and all military personnel should avoid the inference that their political activities imply or appear to imply DoD sponsorship, approval, or endorsement of a political candidate, campaign, or cause."
So in total, of course the orange clown managed to purposefully screw up the most basic presodental duty of visiting the troops.
There is also pretty solid evidence from the pool reports of this trip that Trump was basically scared shitless to be going into Iraq at all, and was complaining and whining about the security measures necessary to facilitate it.
"The former governor of the Holy Spirit Gerson Camata (MDB), from 77 years, He was shot to death on the afternoon of Wednesday (26), Praia do Canto, in Victoria. The Secretariat of Public Security of the Holy Spirit reported that he was the target of several shots and the Samu came to be fired but he succumbed to his injuries. The expertise is in place and traffic was forbidden."
For those who doesn't know, he was the guy who implemented the mexican style gun control who raised the criminalty to astronomic levels and made Brazil the most violent country in the Planet.
"Camata was the author of the Senate Bill 292/1999, later approved by the Federal Congress and transformed into Ordinary Law 10826/2003, known as the Disarmament Statute." Source (in portuguese > )
It’s hurting Mueller’s investigation as a judge denied a request to delay a hearing regarding Roger Stone
While another judge grants a delay in the enoluments cases regarding his hotels...
The shut down is over a wall, but a wall being built in an attempt to deny due process.
Edit: In Canada, if a government fails to pass a yearly budget bill, it is determined that the people have lost confidence in the government and elections are automatically called. It is called a confidence vote.
Government workers, who are unionized and have a agreed upon contract with the government, still get paid until a new government is sworn in.
It puts the negatives on the people who should be blamed for budgets not getting passed properly, the politicans, not the average civil servent.
Again, this is something I have brought up multiple times. Trump doesn't believe it's his job to even PRETEND to represent the entire swath of the American population. If you don't support him, he views it as not supporting the country itself (this was reinforced in his tirade in the Oval Office on Christmas Day when he was supposed to be sending a nice message to the troops, and instead he started talking about James Comey out of nowhere). If you aren't on his side, you simply do not matter. And the only reason he even cares about the people who ARE on his side is so he can maintain power so his family can continue to loot the place in broad daylight as long as possible. Even his relationship with his base is entirely transactional.
He is man devoid of normal human emotions. He has zero empathy, he doesn't even really know how to react normally in any kind of interaction with other people, he is a malignant narcissist and megalomaniac. I'm fairly sure he only sees his children as an extension of his brand. He seems to care about 3 things 1.) Being liked and fawned over (this is really the overriding psychological problem with this guy) 2.) Power and 3.) Money. There are no other driving forces to what he does. The decisions he makes are only viewed through the prism of how they best serve HIM personally in any given moment.
And make no mistake. You may not know any of them personally, but there are 10s of thousands of people who aren't going to see another paycheck until the government reopens. They are people who go into work everyday just like everyone else, who live paycheck to paycheck. And they have no idea when the next direct deposit is going to hit their rapidly dwindling bank account.
Mueller investigation will not stall in government shutdown counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election will continue unimpeded despite the partial government shutdown that went into effect at midnight Friday.
The special counsel’s office is “funded from a permanent indefinite appropriation and would be unaffected in the event of a shutdown,” a Justice Department spokesman told The Hill.
Lawmakers in Congress remained in a standoff Friday afternoon over $5 billion in funds for President Trump’s border wall, raising the odds of a partial government shutdown at the midnight deadline.
Also, Gnus
Sister Wendy Beckett, Nun Who Became a BBC Star, Dies at 88 was the Nun who talked about paintings, for those who don't remember.
Did a Queens Podiatrist help Donald Trump Avoid Vietnam?, he diagnosed Donald with bone spurs as a favor to Fred Trump, Donald's father.
The Threat in the White House TRUMP TWITTER ACCOUNT VIDEO REVEALS COVERT U.S. NAVY SEAL DEPLOYMENT DURING IRAQ VISIT told two ‘flagrant lies’ to American troops’ faces about the pay raise he said he gave them his surprise visit to troops deployed in Iraq, President Donald Trump appeared to tell two large fibs to service members about their pay — and it wasn’t the first time he’d done so.
ABC News producer and reporter Ali Rogin noted on Twitter Wednesday that the president told “two flagrant lies in a row” during the hour-long speech.
“He said the US military got its first pay raise in 10 years,” Rogin wrote before linking to a May PolitiFact analysis from the first time the president made the claim that found the lie “Pants on Fire” egregious.
“You haven’t gotten [a raise] in more than ten years,” Trump told troops. “More than ten years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one.”
The ABC News producer noted, however, that “the military has received a pay increase each year except for [1983] and that was a technical glitch.”
Rogin added that Trump also “said he raised the military’s pay by ten percent” — another lie given that military pay was raised 2.8 percent in 2018 and another 2.6 percent in the August National Defense Authorization Act.
“You had plenty of people that came up and said, you know, we can make it smaller,” the president said. “I said no. Make it ten percent. Make it more than ten percent. Because it’s been a long time.”
“Both those quotes are lies that the president has been called out on before,” Rogin concluded.
Probe of Trump's charity could crash 'like a Mack Truck' into his real estate empire"There seems to be entanglements in terms of people and probably in terms of money," said Mimi Rocah, a former federal prosecutor and NBC News/MSNBC legal analyst.
Even Fox News is losing...
MSNBC beats Fox in key ratings for first time in 17 years beat out Fox News last week in key ratings for first time in 17 years, topping its competitor in total viewers for the first time since 2000, according to a news release from MSNBC.
MSNBC averaged 1.56 million total viewers during the "sales day" (6 a.m. to 2 a.m.) between Dec. 17-21, making it the top cable news network in the key 25-54 age demographic.
Fox News averaged 1.54 million total viewers while CNN averaged 975,000.
In prime time (8 p.m. to 11 p.m.), MSNBC continued to lead Fox News and CNN in total viewers and among that key age group for the fourth week in a row.
MSNBC prime time last week averaged 2.58 million total viewers, compared to Fox's 2.24 million and CNN’s 1.398 million. Of those viewers, 471,000 were between the ages of 25 and 54 for MSNBC. Fox saw 355,000 viewers in that demographic, while CNN saw 415,000 viewers.
Appeals Court Grants Trump Request To Halt Emoluments Case Over Shutdown 4th Circuit Court of Appeals froze a lawsuit accusing Trump of violating the constitution’s emoluments clause, after DOJ attorneys asked for a halt to their appeal, saying that the ongoing government shutdown will prevent them from doing their work.
“The Department does not know when funding will be restored by Congress,” DOJ attorneys representing Trump in the case wrote in a Wednesday filing. The appeals court approved the request the same day.
“The briefing schedule is suspended pending further order of the court,” the order reads.
And, guaranteed to give certain people heartburn...
Gallup: The Obamas are America's most admired man and woman Four-Step Process Of How School Coaches Get Banned From Praying With Their Teams America, this is a violation of Church/State separation.
Switzerland votes to send people to prison for homophobia and transphobia'm not sure how I feel about this one. People feel how they feel, acting on it is the real crime. which is what Switzerland has done. And this is the same way it treats racist crimes.
The National Council voted to criminalise homophobic and transphobic acts, putting it on a par with the way the country treats racism.
The council voted 118 for and 60 against to introduce a prison sentence for homophobia and transphobia.
The initiative was put forward by councillor Mathias Reynard. (MathiasReynard/Twitter)
However, the motion still needs to be passed by the Council of States before it can become law.
Speaking to Shorlist, Reynard said: “The Swiss Parliament’s decision is great news because it sends the powerful message that homophobia is not an opinion; as for racism, it’s a violation of the law.”
Local turd is broke as hell's the actual title on the article, which is about George Zimmerman. Yes, the killer of Trayvon Martin.
In One Tweet, Former Obama Speechwriter Sums Up Why Conor Lamb Won #PA18 Lamb campaigned:
1. For universal health care
2. Against Trump’s tax cut
3. For expanded background checks
4. For stronger unions
5. Against cuts to Social Security
6. For a woman’s right to choose
7. For medical marijuana
“Conservative Democrat.” Ok. Cool.
In front of an international audience, Trump delivered the single most embarrassing moment thus far's treating him like a child.
Unnamed Republican congressman goes off in profane rant: 'We might as well impeach the *******' of cursing in this one.
Former congressman says he's had enough, publicly resigns from the Republican party over Trump,-publicly-resigns-from-the-Republican-party-over-Trump?detail=emaildkreAnd he's not the only one...
Women Overboard! Kansas Sen. Dinah Sykes and Rep. Stephanie Clayton abandon Republican ship, sad news for FOX
O'Reilly accusers prevail in court and now we see why he wanted to keep the settlements sealed
x judge's ruling means that certain terms of the settlements are coming to light for the first time. A motion filed Wednesday by Neil Mullin and Nancy Erika Smith, the attorneys representing the three plaintiffs, claims that the settlement reached with Andrea Mackris, a former Fox News producer who filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against O'Reilly in 2004, required her to "lie -- even in legal proceedings or under oath -- if any evidence becomes public, by calling evidence 'counterfeit' or 'forgeries.'"
Apparently the women had "audio and video tapes recording O'Reilly's harassment and abuse" that they were forced to turnover to O'Reilly as part of the settlement.
Incredibly, the unsealed records show outrageously unethical behavior from the lawyer representing Andrea Mackris in the original case. He abruptly switched sides in the middle of negotiations and went to work for O’Reilly!
Fox mistakenly shows embarrassing graphic: ‘Take that down, please!’ people believe in them than the President or other News Channels.
Another Fox News Sleazeball Has Been Caught in a Sex Scandal with a 25 Year Old Co-Worker you thought Watters World was a documentary about Donald Trump's adventures with hookers in a Moscow hotel, you're mistaken, but understandably so. In fact, it's a program on Fox News featuring Jesse Watters, who is also a co-host of the daily afternoon program The Five. Watters is best known for being a smug, smartass who did ambush interviews for Bill O'Reilly and allegedly humorous segments that were overtly racist.
Now the New York Daily News is reporting that Watters' wife has filed for divorce due to his ongoing adulterous affair with a twenty-five year old co-worker, Emma DiGiovine. Watters has admitted his infidelity which he only reported to Fox News human resources after the divorce papers were filed. He and his now-estranged wife have twin six year old daughters.
Bombshell: The Atlantic Has Probably Found The Reason Hannity Consulted Cohen And That Ain't All May 25, 2017, KFAQ, a radio station based in Tulsa, Oklahoma, received a cease-and-desist letter signed by two lawyers for Hannity: Victoria Toensing and Jay Alan Sekulow. Toensing’s signature sits above her name and that of her husband Joseph E. diGenova, the members of diGenova and Toensing LLP, who are identified as “Counsel for Sean Hannity,” according to a copy of the letter obtained by The Atlantic. Sekulow is also identified in the letter page as a “Counsel for Sean Hannity.”
The letter was sent in response to accusations against Hannity made by the controversial conservative activist Debbie Schlussel. During an appearance on the Pat Campbell show on KFAQ last April, Schlussel said Hannity had been “creepy” towards her and had invited her to his hotel room.
Hannity responded at the time by calling the allegations “100 percent false and a complete fabrication,” and said that he had hired lawyers to plan a response. “This letter provides notice that Ms. Schlussel’s statements are false and defamatory,” the letter read. “Continued publication will result in further exposure to liability because of continued harm to Mr. Hannity’s impeccable reputation.”
Betsy DeVos attacks teachers on Twitter—so teachers absolutely demolish her on Twitter tweets again, and again puts McConnell squarely in the middle of Russia's election meddling occupier of the Oval Office woke up cranky again, and is taking it out on the rest of the nation. Again. We’re back to the Russia investigation and how collusion didn’t happen, it was all just a plot by the Democrats and President Obama, but while it was happening why didn’t Obama do anything about it.
Don Jr.'s wife reportedly hired a criminal attorney to represent her in their divorce case criminal attorney? This is very unusual...
The former couple say the divorce will be uncontested, which makes this hire even more curious. Only days ago, Page Six reported the pair were living separate lives and she was fed up with his obnoxious social media:
Roseanne tweets 'NAZI SALUTE' to Parkland survivor, gets a call from a ratings-obsessed Trump why Trump tweeted and then deleted this embarrassing photo (we've got the screenshots!) appears not to be thrilled with Trumps's Cabinet meeting.
Trump's morning twitter tantrum shows a man who is deeply afraid is the day when Hope Hicks—the person who supposedly acts as a proxy for Trump when it comes to email messages, the person who has been there for the campaign, the transition, and the White House, the person who White House staff consider Trump’s “real daughter,” is slated to testify before the House Intelligence Committee. And by using detailed, careful evaluation, it may be possible that this is causing Trump some stress.
Trump's tweet: WITCH HUNT!
New York Daily News Front Cover Sums Up Trump’s Vicious Racist Slur Against Immigrants comment? S**T for Brains!
Bette Midler tramples Trump—once again several Tweets by Trump on Twitter, she responded: “Trump doesn’t start work til 11AM & takes ‘executive time’ breaks all day. Thank god he’s lazy & not devoted to fucking things up
Furious backlash forces Huckabee to resign from country music foundation after only 1 day Confronts Paul Ryan At Fundraiser: "You’re here celebrating the death of 17 children." Miami Herald. In recalling her exchange with Ryan, Thorne said she introduced herself as a teacher to the House Speaker, who responded, "Nice.” The teacher, Maria Thorne, and another protester were escorted out of the Ritz-Carlton in Key Biscayne by security Friday, according to The Miami Herald. In recalling her exchange with Ryan, Thorne said she introduced herself as a teacher to the House Speaker, who responded, "Nice."
"Nice?" she questioned. "You’re here celebrating the death of 17 children." After Ryan said he didn't want to discuss the issue, Thorne and a friend chanted "No more guns" and were ejected from the event.
Donald Trump's Nobel Peace Prize nomination being investigated for fraud are a few reasons why the committee might consider Trump’s nomination a fake. At the top of the list is because he’s Donald Trump and has yet to speak a word that was not filled with belligerence toward anyone not named Donald Trump.
New census data projects which states could gain or lose congressional seats in 2020 reapportionment York loses 2, Texas gains 3. California may lose 1 or none.
GOP representative is only person blocking bill to address violence against Native American women who took inspiration from the Taliban now whines about negative ads used to beat him, I can't figure out WHY. (Heavy sarcasm)
But Sessions is truly one of the last people on the planet who should be complaining about how mean negative campaigning can get. The Texan ran the NRCC from 2009 to 2012, and Sessions certainly did not play by Marquess of Queensberry rules during those four years. Sessions foreshadowed his strategy early in his tenure with a startling analogy. “Insurgency, we understand perhaps a little bit more because of the Taliban,” he offered, favorably describing how Afghanistan’s murderous totalitarian rulers “went about systematically understanding how to disrupt and change a person's entire processes.”
Sessions quickly added that he was “not trying to say the Republican Party is the Taliban,” though he didn’t really back off his comparison.
‘Every 30 seconds’: Study confirms the gendered online abuse that black women have long reported may not know it yet, but Iowa and New Hampshire won't matter in 2020 and New Hampshire have justified their unjustified “first in the nation” status by claiming it gives underdog candidates a chance to compete against deep-pocket establishment types. If that ever mattered before, it sure doesn’t matter now. And certainly, we can point to the demographics of those states and make a compelling argument why their lily-white complexion makes them grossly out-of-step with the modern Democratic Party. But no need for that now.
Trump's big mouth comes back to bite him, shatters his defense for felony campaign-finance fraud's plan for Trump: Have more rallies. Lots and lots of rallies. honestly doubt that will help. It might make Trump feel better, but in actuality.... eh.
This Week in Statehouse Action: The 12 Days of Session, Part 2 edition Year Old Posts anti.trump.cartoons on Instagram and They Are Today's Best Thing! strong gust of wind provided a breathtaking video of Donald Trump's hair ... situation had an operation, where they cut out the bald spot and pulled up the rest of his hairline to cover the former bald spot. Trump has never been happy about the results. It also leaves a huge bald area at the back of his head.
Just Read FBI Deputy Director McCabe's Statement Regarding His Firing By Trump... Just Read It.
Holy cow. That's all I can say.
Paul Ryan hopes to leave office unscathed and ready to run again someday. Let's not let that happen
What exactly did he do but pass a tax cut that created a huge deficit for America?
This PSA from the Sandy Hook families will stop you in your tracks—and that's the point made me ugly cry, with snot and everything.
Feinstein requests Senate hearing after 2 migrant children die in US custody!
Christians Celebrate Trump’s Government Shutdown As Sign Of Christ’s Return stupid, it burns: Some Christians are celebrating the government shutdown because it’s supposedly bringing the world closer to the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Earlier this week a caller identified as “Scott” called into the C-SPAN show Washington Journal to proclaim the good news that Trump’s partial government shutdown is “just getting us closer” to the supposed return of Christ.
While talking to host John McArdle, who was accepting public comments about the shutdown, Scott said:
I’m in support of it because I’m waiting for the second coming. We just celebrated the first coming of Jesus, but Jesus is coming back. And as crazy as the government is, it’s just getting us closer.
Scott continued:
Now the solution to having a bill pay for the wall, Trump can do this by going after every business in America that got a tax break if they have any ties to any sister, baby companies…that have hired any illegal alien in the past.
We take that tax break back, and we could build us a golden wall across both the Mexican and the Canadian border.
Scott added:
I want it shut down because I can’t wait for when Jesus comes back and gets the righteous real people and takes them to heaven, and then we have a real big mess on this Earth.
At that point host McArdle had heard enough and cut Scott off, declaring “Got your point, Scott,” before moving on to the next caller.
"if they have any ties to any sister, baby companies…that have hired any illegal alien in the past." That would put Trump on the line as well...
"We are well and truly f**ked in November. Kevin [McCarthy] is already circling like a green fly circling sh*t trying to take Paul's [Ryan] job because nobody thinks he's sticking around for Nancy [Pelosi]. She's going to f**k up the cafeteria again too."
Yes, you were. Ryan did leave. Pelosi's back. I have no idea what's up with the cafeteria.
"We're going to lose the House, lose the Senate, and lose a bunch of states because of him. All his supporters will blame us for what we have or have not done, but he hasn't led."
Lost the House, unfortunately held the Senate, and lost a bunch of states.
""Judiciary is stacked with a bunch of people who can win re-election so long as they don't piss off Trump voters in the primary. But if we get to summer and most of the primaries are over, they just might pull the trigger if the President fires Mueller. The sh*t will hit the fan if that happens and I'd vote to impeach him myself. Most of us would, I think. Hell, all the Democrats would and you only need a majority in the House. If we're going to lose because of him, we might as well impeach the motherf**ker. Take him out with us and let Mike [Pence] take over. At least then we could sleep well at night,""
We'll see.
A lot of the links here are old, from February to April.
2018’s big victory: NRA ‘hasn’t figured out what hit them’ after Parkland students fought back privately admit Democrats’ leverage only increases as shutdown goes on: report President Donald Trump’s shutdown continued in its sixth day, some Republican leaders are privately admitting the Democrats’ power will only grow and the closure continues, Politico reported Thursday.
“House Democrats — increasingly convinced they’re winning the shutdown fight with President Donald Trump — are plotting ways to reopen the government while denying the president even a penny more for his border wall when they take power Jan. 3,” Politico reported.
Trump may skip his NYE party to avoid uncomfortable questions during shutdown: Maggie Haberman Former federal prosecutors explain Rudy Giuliani’s ‘desperation’ tactics to defend Trump Americans blame Trump for government shutdown: Reuters/Ipsos poll Blame Trump, 33% blame Democrats.
These were the most borrowed books from the Boston Public Library in 2018 top 10 most borrowed titles of 2018
“Little Fires Everywhere” by Celeste Ng
“Into the Water” by Paula Hawkins
“The Woman in the Window” by A.J. Finn
“Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House” by Michael Wolff
“The Underground Railroad” by Colson Whitehead
“Origin” by Dan Brown
“Truly Madly Guilty” by Liane Moriarty
“Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis” by J.D. Vance
“Small Great Things” by Jodi Picoult
“A Gentleman in Moscow” by Amor Towles
So make no mistake this shutdown is directly impacting the Mueller investigation.
Trump thinks he can't be charged in court with treason or emoluments violations if he shuts down the courts *taps forehead*
Transformer explosion at Con Ed plant lights up sky in NYC
It happened at the Astoria East and North Queens Con Ed plant.New Yorkers reported seeing massive blue lights in the city following the explosion and took to social media to share photos and videos.
This link shows the fire, along with other videos:
Con Ed says LaGuardia Airport is running on a backup generator. Airport officials say many flights are departing but some are not, and travelers are advised to check with their carriers.
No customer outages have been reported.
The Real-Life Effects of Trump’s Environmental Rollbacks: 5 Takeaways From Our Investigation misleads about military pay raises again's gotten to the point of that old joke about politicians. "How can you tell when a politician is lying? Their lips are moving."
In NC, the Republican appointed courts are saying the state election board should be dissolved and the Republican guy who cheated in the election should be seated in the House of Representatives.
In the legislature, meanwhile, Republican lawmakers on Thursday overrode Gov. Roy Cooper’s veto of an elections law bill allowing a new Republican primary in the cheated election, it also splits the election board into two partisan bodies (instead of independents, reps, and dems), and makes it easier to hide campaign bribes
The Associated Press is reporting Missouri Gov. Mike Parson could repeal and replace a state constitutional amendment that supporters called "Clean Missouri." The amendment was approved by 62 percent of voters in November. It covers a range of changes, including the redrawing of the state's legislative maps. He said the Constitutional ammendment passed by voters was "unconstitutional". He like many Republicans enjoys gerrymandering where politicians pick their voters and the unregulated legalized bribery system of unlimited campaign donations.
So now the plan is to hold American citizens who may want to travel abroad to Mexico hostage in their own country??
Canada will issue new $1 coin to commemorate end of laws against gay sex’ New Year’s resolution: Stiff Trump on the wall and reopen the government leaders think the president is playing a losing hand and will be under pressure to relent.
Trump threatens to close 'Southern Border entirely' if Dems don't fund wall that most illegal immigrants come in through Canada, not Mexico!
Trump Administration Suggests Furloughed Workers Do Chores for Landlords to Help Pay Rent insult to injury, if you ask me. :P
42,000 Coast Guardsmen Are Getting Screwed On Pay Because Of The Government Shutdown Stephen Miller, the 32-year-old White House adviser who convinced Trump to start separating migrant children from their parents at the border pious Hawkins County Board of Education member needs to go | Opinion Hicks is a Baptist preacher first, and an American second. He claims that his religion trumps the law and, as a result, he needs to resign from public office.
Hicks sits on the Hawkins County Board of Education, and recently he was the sole vote against allowing a Gay-Straight Alliance to form at Volunteer High School, even though this is required by the law (a law, incidentally, pushed by Christian lobbyists and law firms).
But to Hicks, the rule of law didn’t matter. He declared that his Bible “supersedes the Constitution of the United States, the Bill of Rights, the Magna Carta, the Mayflower Compact, our board policies, the state constitution, and everything else.”
Hicks is absolutely wrong, but he’s free to believe this. He lacks such a basic understanding of the American system of government and the Founders’ unique contributions to political science — a godless Constitution, power coming from the people rather than deities, and a separation of state and church — that he is unfit to oversee the education of children on those grounds alone.
But he’s also unfit because he has openly declared that his oath of office — in which he promised “to support the constitutions of Tennessee and the United States and to faithfully perform the duties of the office” — is subservient to what he believes his god has said. Hicks put his hand on a Bible and swore to uphold the Constitution; he did not put his hand on the Constitution and swear to uphold his Bible.
But if he truly believes this — and again, he is free to — he must resign. He has admitted that he cannot fulfill the duties of public office.
Giraffes just silently went to the list of endangered animals facing extinction Heard: I Spoke Up Against Sexual Violence and Faced Our Culture's Wrath
I was exposed to abuse at a very young age. I knew certain things early on, without ever having to be told. I knew that men have the power — physically, socially and financially — and that a lot of institutions support that arrangement. I knew this long before I had the words to articulate it, and I bet you learned it young, too.
Like many women, I had been harassed and sexually assaulted by the time I was of college age. But I kept quiet — I did not expect filing complaints to bring justice. And I didn’t see myself as a victim.
Then two years ago, I became a public figure representing domestic abuse, and I felt the full force of our culture’s wrath for women who speak out.
Friends and advisers told me I would never again work as an actress — that I would be blacklisted. A movie I was attached to recast my role. I had just shot a two-year campaign as the face of a global fashion brand, and the company dropped me. Questions arose as to whether I would be able to keep my role of Mera in the movies “Justice League” and “Aquaman.”
I had the rare vantage point of seeing, in real time, how institutions protect men accused of abuse.
Imagine a powerful man as a ship, like the Titanic. That ship is a huge enterprise. When it strikes an iceberg, there are a lot of people on board desperate to patch up holes — not because they believe in or even care about the ship, but because their own fates depend on the enterprise.
Now, the EPA is not supposed to factor in the issue of particulate matter, which is the larger problem. To clarify: the lowered mercury levels saved an estimated $8 million (million with an "M"), while the other benefits saved an estimated $80 billion (billion, with a "B"), partly due to avoiding 11,000 deaths. Because it's more difficult to quantify the value of the other benefits, the EPA will no longer be considering them at all for the purposes of the cost-benefit analysis. This means that the standards will be easier to undo if a corporation challenges them in court.
These standards, implemented in 2011, cut mercury pollution from power plants by 80% and saved an estimated 11,000 American lives over the past 7 years. Now the administration is trying to undo them.
I do not think the profit margins of a coal-burning power plant should outweigh American lives.
Canadian teacher Sarah McIver who was detained in China has been released this sailor kissed his husband, conservatives erupted in anger Don't care about Conservatives feelings.
Jared Kushner's Harvard Class Issued Its 15th Anniversary Report. See What They Wrote about Him! choice line, "I, for one, am actually glad that our Class of ‘03 finally has a real, live fascist among us. Who says Harvard isn’t diverse?”
Kelly Clarkson refuses to lead ‘moment of silence’ at Billboard Awards—and her reason is stunning it's not working. That's her reason. A Moment of Silence isn't helping.
Michael Cohen sent letter to The Onion regarding his 'Client Donald Trump,' The Onion publishes it trolled him. Hard.
The New Yorker Cover On Trump: “The Swamp” May. Trump in a swamp.
Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. about everything. He also lied, putting words in his Doctor's mouth. From May.
Dan Rather fires veracious cannonball at Trump—on Trump’s own stomping ground June. He punched at Trump via Twitter.
Rob Reiner lights up Twitter with dead-on tweet about Michelle Wolf, Trump and the WHCD"I attended the WHCD last night. Donald Trump has so poisoned the atmosphere by attacking the disabled, gold star parents, Muslims, Mexicans, Blacks, women, the press, the rule of law that a comedian who simply tells the truth is offensive? She’s joking. He’s not."
Leaked White House video is the latest proof that Donald Trump should not tweet without supervision May. Donlad calls something a lie that happened right in front of him and was caught on tape.
DC Billboards Thrilling Tourists Sending GOP Into A Tizzy May. That is some billboard!
Republican senator weeps for shooter who murdered eight classmates and two teachers from May. "As always, when there is a mass shooting in America, Republicans go out of their way to blame everything except guns. And last week’s mass murder (that left eight students and two teachers dead at a Texas high school) was no exception. But this may be a first: a Republican senator seems to be blaming … the victims?"
Rob Reiner baits Trump with ‘Catch-22’ challenge after ABC fires Roseanne for racist remark May. Reiner has created a sort of ‘Catch 22’ challenge for Trump—a virtual damned if you do—damned if you don’t:
If Trump condemns Roseanne Barr or applauds ABC, he’ll upset his racist, white supremacist, KKK and Nazi base.
If Trump doesn’t condemn Barr’s disgusting comment or doesn’t applaud ABC, he’ll further allienat even more Americans.
Trump starts the morning by admitting obstruction and threatening the Inspector General June. "Had Sessions not recussed himself, Trump would have simply told Sessions to kill any investigation. This open admissions is not just a message that Trump no longer feels any need to disguise his obstruction of the investigation—after all, his attorneys have declared that he can’t be charged with obstruction, or anything else—but a message to any other official thinking they should step away from an issue in which they have a personal interest."
Message to my history teacher, whom I once asked why no one stopped concentration camps: NEVER MIND June. This one can stand on its own.
Pelosi mocks Trump over his Wall, Steel Slats, or 'beaded curtain or something' the insurance commercial said, "Sick burn!"
Homeland Security secretary issues nasty, peeved statement after death of second child in US custody "how dare you hold us accountable!"
As more information leaks out, the 'nothing' Trump Tower meeting looks like it was really something>/h2>
Honestly, I can't say I'm surprised.
'The Trump brand has lost its mojo,' as condos lose value and golf business drops
This is the world's tiniest violin....
Trump says 'many' federal workers are happy to work without pay until he gets his wall How many? What are their names? How can we contact them?
Parks employees contemplate selling belongings to pay for living during Trump's shutdown, not THESE workers.
In TED Talk, Stacey Abrams asks three important questions that everyone needs to hear the talk, she specifically explores three important questions that anyone should ask themselves about everything they do: What do I want? Why do I want it? And how do I get it? She answers these questions for herself, and also addresses the common obstacles that tend to get in our way.
What would Cohen's Prague trip show? Conspiracy against the United States on behalf of Donald Trump not worried about his government shutdown: 'Most of the people not getting paid are Democrats' guess, for him, that makes it okay.
Explained: The Russian effort to help Donald Trump whole enchilada, as far as it is known.
Michelle Obama Ends Hillary Clinton’s 17-Year Streak as Most Admired Woman in U.S. US government may be shut down, but taxpayers are footing the bill for Mar-a-Lago party tents makes me annoyed. Very, very annoyed.
The war in Afghanistan isn’t a ‘stalemate.’ The U.S. has lost United States is seeking to end the war by coming to terms with the Taliban. That is a de facto admission of failure.
CNN has aired an old clip in which Donald Trump said that then-President Barack Obama should be fired over a government shutdown.
In a segment on CNN Tonight, Don Lemon described how Trump’s demand for $5 billion to pay for a Mexican border wall means that hundreds of thousands of workers will not be paid because of the partial government shutdown.
As the deadlock threatens to spill over into the new year, Lemon played a phone interview that Trump did with Fox News in 2013 when the government faced a similar situation under Obama.
Lemon said on Thursday night, “This is what Donald Trump said to Fox News ahead of a government shutdown when Barack Obama was still president.”
In the clip from five years ago, Trump is asked who is “going to bear the brunt of the responsibility if indeed there is a shutdown of the government.”
On the phone, Trump replied: “Well, if you say who gets fired, it always has to be the top. I mean, problems start from the top, and they have to get solved from the top. And the president’s the leader. And he’s got to get everybody in a room. And he’s got to lead.”
Lemon then reacts by repeating Trump’s words, followed by a “hmmmmm.”
He then added, “Donald Trump suggesting that President Barack Obama should have been fired for a government shutdown. Priceless.”
1. Parts of it are considered illegal as they encroaches into the West Bank. The International Court of Justice has said it is a violation of international law
2. It was built for a security reason. Suicide bombings decreased once the wall was first put up, however the wall has continued to expand since first being erected in 2000. Suicide bombers and people looking for a better life are pretty much on the opposite side of the scale.
3. It’s not a wall per say, but a barrier. The same type of barrier you see people climbing over in photographs.
4. Upon completion, the barrier is 440 miles. The US-Mexico border is 1,954 miles.