Trump just ORDERED American companies to start looking for an alternative to Chinese goods. His words, not mine. He literally said "I hereby order American companies". Free market, baby, amirite?? The market plunged 300 points within the hour of his Twitter rant.
I think that's what Trump still doesn't get about the presidency. He cannot force things to happen merely by fiat; policies require more work than a tweet to actually implement them. His background is a business owner and he's accustomed to giving orders and seeing them done--there aren't nearly as many checks and balances on a CEO-but the president's executive powers are much narrower and more limited.
Trump can't expect his order to be obeyed, but we can probably expect directives and an executive order supporting this tweet in the near future. That's what's happened with other policy directives from Trump in the past, after all
Executive Orders still cannot force a corporation not to buy goods from China. The Administration can try to levy extra fees or fines against those corporations who do continue to buy from China, but that won't last very long and it won't end well.
The upcoming election in 2020 was Trump's to lose, not some Democrat candidate's to win, and he appears to be trying to lose it. Perhaps this is how he bows out gracefully (well, as gracefully as he can)--if he does not run then he can't be labeled as a "loser".
Trump just ORDERED American companies to start looking for an alternative to Chinese goods. His words, not mine. He literally said "I hereby order American companies". Free market, baby, amirite?? The market plunged 300 points within the hour of his Twitter rant.
Anything Trump says on Twitter, I ignore now, especially things he can’t even implement.
I wish the media would also ignore it and go back to a platform where answering questions and concerns about what is said can be addressed in real-time.
Trump just ORDERED American companies to start looking for an alternative to Chinese goods. His words, not mine. He literally said "I hereby order American companies". Free market, baby, amirite?? The market plunged 300 points within the hour of his Twitter rant.
Anything Trump says on Twitter, I ignore now, especially things he can’t even implement.
I wish the media would also ignore it and go back to a platform where answering questions and concerns about what is said can be addressed in real-time.
I don't think they've held a formal press briefing in well over a year.
Trump has now on numerous occasions tanked the market simply by his statements. Isn't it reasonable to ask if members of his family or cabinet are using this to short stocks??
As for his reelection and the economy, look, he still has the electoral college in his favor. But there was an article today that the unemployment in the Rust Belt states has climbed nearly 5% since the trade war started, and is pushing things to the breaking point. The only question now is if Trump will somehow avoid responsibility for the downturn that is coming.
As I said probably a year ago now, he is painting the Federal Reserve as a villain when it comes to the market to have someone to blame once it does crash and head into a recession. (And quite literally as I just found out he asked who was the bigger enemy to America, Xi or Powell)
One thing he fails to realize (and everyone watching this trade war), China and its leaders can weather a recession. They don’t care if employment in their country tanks for a couple of years. They’re not going anywhere. Trump won’t win by playing chicken with them.
As for the electoral college. Depending on how much he loses by (if he loses), he’ll point to a state with enough electoral votes to have pushed him to the win and say it was due to illegals voting or fraudulent voting in that one state alone (first) and demand that state do a recount. If it’s a swing state like Florida, expect right wing media and politicians to back him up and the Supreme Court to follow through with it.
It's absolutely amazing how many times he has gone off on people he has PERSONALLY appointed to their positions as if he had no hand in how they got there. It's HIS Fed Chair. Appointed in February 2018 and confirmed by a Republican Senate. Even if you subscribe to the idea this is the fault of the Federal Reserve, how does this play as an excuse in any rational universe?? "The buck stops literally anywhere else" is now the motto of this Presidency.
As I said probably a year ago now, he is painting the Federal Reserve as a villain when it comes to the market to have someone to blame once it does crash and head into a recession. (And quite literally as I just found out he asked who was the bigger enemy to America, Xi or Powell)
One thing he fails to realize (and everyone watching this trade war), China and its leaders can weather a recession. They don’t care if employment in their country tanks for a couple of years. They’re not going anywhere. Trump won’t win by playing chicken with them.
As for the electoral college. Depending on how much he loses by (if he loses), he’ll point to a state with enough electoral votes to have pushed him to the win and say it was due to illegals voting or fraudulent voting in that one state alone (first) and demand that state do a recount. If it’s a swing state like Florida, expect right wing media and politicians to back him up and the Supreme Court to follow through with it.
Haha, not going to happen. He's going to lose MULTIPLE states. This is going to go down like 2008 with a gloomy economy if not a true recession, with an unpopular Republican president. It may not be as much of a landslide as Obama's victory (365, 95 more than necessary) due to milquetoast (at present) Democratic enthusiasm, but it's not going to be a situation where Trump can point to a state and say "if not for X state, I'da won!"
Haha, not going to happen. He's going to lose MULTIPLE states. This is going to go down like 2008 with a gloomy economy if not a true recession, with an unpopular Republican president. It may not be as much of a landslide as Obama's victory (365, 95 more than necessary) due to milquetoast (at present) Democratic enthusiasm, but it's not going to be a situation where Trump can point to a state and say "if not for X state, I'da won!"
If the election were held today, right now, he would win because there are too many Democrats running on their side. By this time next year, though, the political landscape will be completely different and I would not disagree with your assessment here.
Jistraka34, why are you so pissed off about him returning an insult instead of her calling him an "rapist"?
Anyway, about the guardian "study", lets be real. If you let your house unlocked is easier to rob/invade, but doesn't means that is your guilty.
One of them is a head of government. One of them is a Brazilian reporter. Politicians are always held to a higher standard of scrutiny because of the power they wield. One would think an alleged libertarian would feel the same.
I refuse to buy into this inevitability of him losing. God only knows what he's going to unleash starting next June. He was massively unpopular the first time he won. He can conceivably be even MORE unpopular this time and win. As long as he holds Florida and Ohio, even if Pennsylvania and Michigan swing back, he can still hold on by winning by something as small as a hundred or a thousand votes in Wisconsin, even if nationwide he is rejected by 5-10 million. This is the first Presidential Election in history where one of the candidates is going into the election season with essentially NO chance of winning the popular vote. They are going to focus on the carving out just enough of a path needed to win. I don't know how this is possible with Trump seemingly hell-bent on quickening the coming of the recession when all indications initially give him at least a 50/50 shot of avoiding it until 2021. But maybe that is the entire point. Since all indicators are they know in private in the White House that it's coming despite their public statements, the strategy will be do what they do with everything else. Blame immigrants for the recession and ratchet up the hate to even more untold levels of paranoia and fear. You ain't seen nothing yet, folks.
Monopoly Socialism sounds like great fun. I will probably buy a copy this weekend before people complain so much that stores have to pull the product. At a quick glance I presume the win condition is either everyone goes broke or that the State/Bank owns everything or something equally ridiculous.
As I said probably a year ago now, he is painting the Federal Reserve as a villain when it comes to the market to have someone to blame once it does crash and head into a recession. (And quite literally as I just found out he asked who was the bigger enemy to America, Xi or Powell)
One thing he fails to realize (and everyone watching this trade war), China and its leaders can weather a recession. They don’t care if employment in their country tanks for a couple of years. They’re not going anywhere. Trump won’t win by playing chicken with them.
As for the electoral college. Depending on how much he loses by (if he loses), he’ll point to a state with enough electoral votes to have pushed him to the win and say it was due to illegals voting or fraudulent voting in that one state alone (first) and demand that state do a recount. If it’s a swing state like Florida, expect right wing media and politicians to back him up and the Supreme Court to follow through with it.
Haha, not going to happen. He's going to lose MULTIPLE states. This is going to go down like 2008 with a gloomy economy if not a true recession, with an unpopular Republican president. It may not be as much of a landslide as Obama's victory (365, 95 more than necessary) due to milquetoast (at present) Democratic enthusiasm, but it's not going to be a situation where Trump can point to a state and say "if not for X state, I'da won!"
Then he'll blame Google. Or Hillary Clinton. Or x, y, z.
People take him seriously for some reason and then we act as if it's our job to prove the truthfulness of the lie he just told. What he does is lie now to weather the next 30 seconds with his ego intact. Rinse and repeat.
I refuse to buy into this inevitability of him losing. God only knows what he's going to unleash starting next June. He was massively unpopular the first time he won. He can conceivably be even MORE unpopular this time and win. As long as he holds Florida and Ohio, even if Pennsylvania and Michigan swing back, he can still hold on by winning by something as small as a hundred or a thousand votes in Wisconsin, even if nationwide he is rejected by 5-10 million. This is the first Presidential Election in history where one of the candidates is going into the election season with essentially NO chance of winning the popular vote. They are going to focus on the carving out just enough of a path needed to win. I don't know how this is possible with Trump seemingly hell-bent on quickening the coming of the recession when all indications initially give him at least a 50/50 shot of avoiding it until 2021. But maybe that is the entire point. Since all indicators are they know in private in the White House that it's coming despite their public statements, the strategy will be do what they do with everything else. Blame immigrants for the recession and ratchet up the hate to even more untold levels of paranoia and fear. You ain't seen nothing yet, folks.
One key ingredient to recall is that the GOP raised relatively very few funds after Trump won the nomination. But this time around they are raising immense amounts of campaign funds. So we'll see what kind of difference that makes.
It would be darkly hilarious to me that we have a candidate as you describe, if I wasn't a gringo too. Someone who can't win the popular vote. Might even lose by an enormous margin. But could very much win the EC.
Executive Orders still cannot force a corporation not to buy goods from China. The Administration can try to levy extra fees or fines against those corporations who do continue to buy from China, but that won't last very long and it won't end well.
The upcoming election in 2020 was Trump's to lose, not some Democrat candidate's to win, and he appears to be trying to lose it. Perhaps this is how he bows out gracefully (well, as gracefully as he can)--if he does not run then he can't be labeled as a "loser".
I'm simply pointing out the standard trajectory these things take.
Sorry if this looks like an strawman, but the media is extremely dishonest and looks like some people take dis disinformation seriously...
Pretty bold of the media to do something quite so dishonest as quoting Jair Bolsonaro's own words and draw obvious conclusions about them.<...>
No, they often
Pick words out of contest, for eg, when he said about civil war, was during an time where the congress was completely under control of an "bribecracy"
Mistranslate his words on propose
Treat jokes like real discourse
Translate only partially about what he said
And the national media is not that different. I saw some guys calling him a nazi only because one of his ancestors fought for Hitler, despite him having more Italian ancestry than German ancestry and Bolsonaro being an Italian surname(Veneto to be specific)
Jistraka34, why are you so pissed off about him returning an insult instead of her calling him an "rapist"?
Anyway, about the guardian "study", lets be real. If you let your house unlocked is easier to rob/invade, but doesn't means that is your guilty.
One of them is a head of government. One of them is a Brazilian reporter. Politicians are always held to a higher standard of scrutiny because of the power they wield. One would think an alleged libertarian would feel the same.
She is a politician too. And note that Bolsonaro is a free speech supported. He did ZERO process against the lying media. The media is extremely dishonest. an is EXTREMELY dishonest. Level "lets accuse monarchists of being in favor of the return of slavery despite the fact that was monarchists who ended slavery in the first place" Even ignoring all human rights and moral factor. Slavery is extremely inefficient.
The irony is that Bolsonaro (much like Trump and even Maduro imo) is an obviously corrupt buffoon, who could have been written as caricature by Ayn Rand. He's already expressed anti-democratic, authoritarian desires in his past. His own past is dogged by numerous credible allegations of corruption. He's literally appointing members of his own family to positions in his administration. And as we can all see, he's a crude fratboy style sexist. I guess that appeals to some folks.
And this play about the international media being deeply dishonest is just false. Most reporting that arrives to the US or Western Europe about Latin America is filtered through the wire services -- AFP, Reuters, AP, etc. These outlets are just reporting the facts, as objectively as they can. As Smeagol says, they're just reporting Bolsonaro's words.
This playbook is the same one that the Castros used in Cuba. It's the same one that Noriega used in Panama. It's the same one Ortega and Maduro are using today in Nicaragua and Venezuela. Attacking the media and international watchdog organizations and calling up the specter of colonialism is just an obfuscating tactic. It's just kind of depressing, to me, to see people who say they are always skeptical of government at all times, drop that pretense and credulously repeat the words of the head of state as if they were facts.
A Mexican voted in 5 elections through identity theft. So far he's only looking at 2 yrs for aggravated identity theft. No mention if he will be deported that I see.
A Mexican voted in 5 elections through identity theft. So far he's only looking at 2 yrs for aggravated identity theft. No mention if he will be deported that I see.
Why the Hell would one person bother with fraudulently voting? Even local elections aren't decided by one vote for God's sake! This guy's elevator likely doesn't reach the top floor...
A Mexican voted in 5 elections through identity theft. So far he's only looking at 2 yrs for aggravated identity theft. No mention if he will be deported that I see.
Why the Hell would one person bother with fraudulently voting? Even local elections aren't decided by one vote for God's sake! This guy's elevator likely doesn't reach the top floor...
I can count the number of actual news stories about this on less than two hands. Incidentally, every single one of them has been someone voting multiple times FOR Trump, not against him. Statistically less than insignificant, but Alanis Morissette levels of ironic given what we usually hear about the issue.
A Mexican voted in 5 elections through identity theft. So far he's only looking at 2 yrs for aggravated identity theft. No mention if he will be deported that I see.
Why the Hell would one person bother with fraudulently voting? Even local elections aren't decided by one vote for God's sake! This guy's elevator likely doesn't reach the top floor...
I can count the number of actual news stories about this on less than two hands. Incidentally, every single one of them has been someone voting multiple times FOR Trump, not against him. Statistically less than insignificant, but Alanis Morissette levels of ironic given what we usually hear about the issue.
You'd be infinitely more likely to sway a school board or mayoral election than a US presidential election with multiple votes. Even that is nowhere near serving two years in prison for! The Michigan margin for Trump was about 10,000 votes which is BY FAR the closest my vote has ever been to making a real difference. And I was still only 0.01% of the victory margin. I guess I could have voted illegally 9 more times somehow to become 0.1% relevant...
Pick words out of contest, for eg, when he said about civil war, was during an time where the congress was completely under control of an "bribecracy"
Mistranslate his words on propose
Treat jokes like real discourse
Translate only partially about what he said
And the national media is not that different. I saw some guys calling him a nazi only because one of his ancestors fought for Hitler, despite him having more Italian ancestry than German ancestry and Bolsonaro being an Italian surname(Veneto to be specific)
I suspect they called him a Nazi because of his stated intentions and policies, just like everyone else who can see them right there in public.
Also, there is no context in which any of these are remotely okay, dude.
"it's all right if some innocent people die"
"Pinochet should have killed more people"
"I support torture"
"I defend torture."
"I will not fight against it nor discriminate, but if I see two men kissing on the street, I'll beat them up."
"The only mistake of the dictatorship was torturing and not killing."
"If one's son begins acting kind of gay, then when he is spanked he'll change his behavior."
"It's a mess. The next steps are the adoption of children and the legalization of pedophilia." After the Federal Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage.
"I would be incapable of loving a gay son. I wouldn't be a hypocrite. I prefer that he die in an accident than show up with some guy with a moustache."
"Yes, I’m homophobic – and very proud of it."
"Your culture is different to ours. We're not ready for all this in Brazil because no father would ever take pride in having a gay son. Pride? Happiness? Celebrating if his son turns out gay? No way. Look, you have to have some sort of moral compass bearing in your life. They want to reach our children in order to turn the children into gay adults to satisfy their sexuality in the future. So these are the fundamentalist homosexual groups that are trying to take over society."
"I wouldn't hire them [women] with the same salary. But there are many women who are competent."
Anyway, the idea that the press as a monolithic entity (the press is not a monolithic entity) is part of a conspiracy to misrepresent Bolsonaro by, again, quoting his literal actual words, is completely absurd.
She is a politician too. And note that Bolsonaro is a free speech supported. He did ZERO process against the lying media. The media is extremely dishonest. an is EXTREMELY dishonest. Level "lets accuse monarchists of being in favor of the return of slavery despite the fact that was monarchists who ended slavery in the first place" Even ignoring all human rights and moral factor. Slavery is extremely inefficient.
You could just say "lügenpresse" and we'll all know what you really mean.
It's weird how so many dictators get obsessed with the idea that the press is lying about them when accurately reporting their words and actions. It's almost like they're desperate to reframe reality into an imaginary land where fascist dictators are good and caring about human life is bad.
Pick words out of contest, for eg, when he said about civil war, was during an time where the congress was completely under control of an "bribecracy"
Mistranslate his words on propose
Treat jokes like real discourse
Translate only partially about what he said
And the national media is not that different. I saw some guys calling him a nazi only because one of his ancestors fought for Hitler, despite him having more Italian ancestry than German ancestry and Bolsonaro being an Italian surname(Veneto to be specific)
I suspect they called him a Nazi because of his stated intentions and policies, just like everyone else who can see them right there in public.
Also, there is no context in which any of these are remotely okay, dude.
"it's all right if some innocent people die"
"Pinochet should have killed more people"
"I support torture"
"I defend torture."
"I will not fight against it nor discriminate, but if I see two men kissing on the street, I'll beat them up."
"The only mistake of the dictatorship was torturing and not killing."
"If one's son begins acting kind of gay, then when he is spanked he'll change his behavior."
"It's a mess. The next steps are the adoption of children and the legalization of pedophilia." After the Federal Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage.
"I would be incapable of loving a gay son. I wouldn't be a hypocrite. I prefer that he die in an accident than show up with some guy with a moustache."
"Yes, I’m homophobic – and very proud of it."
"Your culture is different to ours. We're not ready for all this in Brazil because no father would ever take pride in having a gay son. Pride? Happiness? Celebrating if his son turns out gay? No way. Look, you have to have some sort of moral compass bearing in your life. They want to reach our children in order to turn the children into gay adults to satisfy their sexuality in the future. So these are the fundamentalist homosexual groups that are trying to take over society."
"I wouldn't hire them [women] with the same salary. But there are many women who are competent."
Anyway, the idea that the press as a monolithic entity (the press is not a monolithic entity) is part of a conspiracy to misrepresent Bolsonaro by, again, quoting his literal actual words, is completely absurd.
She is a politician too. And note that Bolsonaro is a free speech supported. He did ZERO process against the lying media. The media is extremely dishonest. an is EXTREMELY dishonest. Level "lets accuse monarchists of being in favor of the return of slavery despite the fact that was monarchists who ended slavery in the first place" Even ignoring all human rights and moral factor. Slavery is extremely inefficient.
You could just say "lügenpresse" and we'll all know what you really mean.
It's weird how so many dictators get obsessed with the idea that the press is lying about them when accurately reporting their words and actions. It's almost like they're desperate to reframe reality into an imaginary land where fascist dictators are good and caring about human life is bad.
Bolsonaro NEVER got convicted by corruption. In decades as an officer and congressman, he never get any punishment for corruption.
But you guys seriously think that an guy that tells racist jokes and when provoked returns with insults is in the same "evil level" of Maduro or Fidel castro?
EDIT : I an not against same sex """marriage""" in civil courts(but i an against force churches to realize the marriage) or think that homossexuality is immoral, but this is not the average view that people have here.
"it's all right if some innocent people die"
No, he said that the cost of maintaining an bribecracy is far stronger in human lifes than the cost of taking it down via military.
"Pinochet should have killed more people"
More terrorists. An a lot of Chileans supported Pinochet.
"I support torture"
"I defend torture."
He siad when is the unique way to extract an information. Imagine that terrorists plans to bomb an city and the unique way to extract information about where the bombs are is via torture?
"I will not fight against it nor discriminate, but if I see two men kissing on the street, I'll beat them up." "
He was JOKING about media attributing to him contradictory statements
The only mistake of the dictatorship was torturing and not killing."
Again, he was defending death penalty for terrorists.
"If one's son begins acting kind of gay, then when he is spanked he'll change his behavior."
Never heard
"It's a mess. The next steps are the adoption of children and the legalization of pedophilia." After the Federal Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage. "
He was joking with he power of the supreme court to legislate, supreme court should't be allowed to make X legal or illegal in any democracy.
"Yes, I’m homophobic – and very proud of it."
"Your culture is different to ours. We're not ready for all this in Brazil because no father would ever take pride in having a gay son. Pride? Happiness? Celebrating if his son turns out gay? No way. Look, you have to have some sort of moral compass bearing in your life. They want to reach our children in order to turn the children into gay adults to satisfy their sexuality in the future. So these are the fundamentalist homosexual groups that are trying to take over society."
And he is right. Most Brazilians are conservative in this aspect, but guess what Russians and Argentines are far more "traditionalists" than Brazilians.
"I wouldn't hire them [women] with the same salary. But there are many women who are competent."
he was talking about benefits that woman get on workplace and the fact that false accusations are very common
As Smeagol says, they're just reporting Bolsonaro's words.
Technically speaking, I said that first. Unless I missed an earlier post of Smeagol's.
I think my post was closer is all, we've both posted plenty on this Bolsanaro guy.
This is a great video about the guy before the eleciton and it shows his own words which unfortunately people ignored because they wanted a "tough guy" *eye roll*
Trump can't expect his order to be obeyed, but we can probably expect directives and an executive order supporting this tweet in the near future. That's what's happened with other policy directives from Trump in the past, after all
The upcoming election in 2020 was Trump's to lose, not some Democrat candidate's to win, and he appears to be trying to lose it. Perhaps this is how he bows out gracefully (well, as gracefully as he can)--if he does not run then he can't be labeled as a "loser".
Anything Trump says on Twitter, I ignore now, especially things he can’t even implement.
I wish the media would also ignore it and go back to a platform where answering questions and concerns about what is said can be addressed in real-time.
I don't think they've held a formal press briefing in well over a year.
Trump has now on numerous occasions tanked the market simply by his statements. Isn't it reasonable to ask if members of his family or cabinet are using this to short stocks??
As for his reelection and the economy, look, he still has the electoral college in his favor. But there was an article today that the unemployment in the Rust Belt states has climbed nearly 5% since the trade war started, and is pushing things to the breaking point. The only question now is if Trump will somehow avoid responsibility for the downturn that is coming.
One thing he fails to realize (and everyone watching this trade war), China and its leaders can weather a recession. They don’t care if employment in their country tanks for a couple of years. They’re not going anywhere. Trump won’t win by playing chicken with them.
As for the electoral college. Depending on how much he loses by (if he loses), he’ll point to a state with enough electoral votes to have pushed him to the win and say it was due to illegals voting or fraudulent voting in that one state alone (first) and demand that state do a recount. If it’s a swing state like Florida, expect right wing media and politicians to back him up and the Supreme Court to follow through with it.
Haha, not going to happen. He's going to lose MULTIPLE states. This is going to go down like 2008 with a gloomy economy if not a true recession, with an unpopular Republican president. It may not be as much of a landslide as Obama's victory (365, 95 more than necessary) due to milquetoast (at present) Democratic enthusiasm, but it's not going to be a situation where Trump can point to a state and say "if not for X state, I'da won!"
If the election were held today, right now, he would win because there are too many Democrats running on their side. By this time next year, though, the political landscape will be completely different and I would not disagree with your assessment here.
One of them is a head of government. One of them is a Brazilian reporter. Politicians are always held to a higher standard of scrutiny because of the power they wield. One would think an alleged libertarian would feel the same.
Then he'll blame Google. Or Hillary Clinton. Or x, y, z.
People take him seriously for some reason and then we act as if it's our job to prove the truthfulness of the lie he just told. What he does is lie now to weather the next 30 seconds with his ego intact. Rinse and repeat.
One key ingredient to recall is that the GOP raised relatively very few funds after Trump won the nomination. But this time around they are raising immense amounts of campaign funds. So we'll see what kind of difference that makes.
It would be darkly hilarious to me that we have a candidate as you describe, if I wasn't a gringo too. Someone who can't win the popular vote. Might even lose by an enormous margin. But could very much win the EC.
I'm simply pointing out the standard trajectory these things take.
No, they often
And the national media is not that different. I saw some guys calling him a nazi only because one of his ancestors fought for Hitler, despite him having more Italian ancestry than German ancestry and Bolsonaro being an Italian surname(Veneto to be specific)
She is a politician too. And note that Bolsonaro is a free speech supported. He did ZERO process against the lying media. The media is extremely dishonest. an is EXTREMELY dishonest. Level "lets accuse monarchists of being in favor of the return of slavery despite the fact that was monarchists who ended slavery in the first place" Even ignoring all human rights and moral factor. Slavery is extremely inefficient.
Or use technology to predict fire and make combat fire more efficient.
Maybe it's because he says dumb stuff and has to pretend he didn't by claiming 'no it's not me that's dumb, it's you for writing what I said'.
And it works because people that want to believe him don't care about the truth.
But it looks like he's going to destroy Brazil's economy. I don't think you can eat "fake news".
And this play about the international media being deeply dishonest is just false. Most reporting that arrives to the US or Western Europe about Latin America is filtered through the wire services -- AFP, Reuters, AP, etc. These outlets are just reporting the facts, as objectively as they can. As Smeagol says, they're just reporting Bolsonaro's words.
This playbook is the same one that the Castros used in Cuba. It's the same one that Noriega used in Panama. It's the same one Ortega and Maduro are using today in Nicaragua and Venezuela. Attacking the media and international watchdog organizations and calling up the specter of colonialism is just an obfuscating tactic. It's just kind of depressing, to me, to see people who say they are always skeptical of government at all times, drop that pretense and credulously repeat the words of the head of state as if they were facts.
A Mexican voted in 5 elections through identity theft. So far he's only looking at 2 yrs for aggravated identity theft. No mention if he will be deported that I see.
Why the Hell would one person bother with fraudulently voting? Even local elections aren't decided by one vote for God's sake! This guy's elevator likely doesn't reach the top floor...
I can count the number of actual news stories about this on less than two hands. Incidentally, every single one of them has been someone voting multiple times FOR Trump, not against him. Statistically less than insignificant, but Alanis Morissette levels of ironic given what we usually hear about the issue.
You'd be infinitely more likely to sway a school board or mayoral election than a US presidential election with multiple votes. Even that is nowhere near serving two years in prison for! The Michigan margin for Trump was about 10,000 votes which is BY FAR the closest my vote has ever been to making a real difference. And I was still only 0.01% of the victory margin. I guess I could have voted illegally 9 more times somehow to become 0.1% relevant...
I suspect they called him a Nazi because of his stated intentions and policies, just like everyone else who can see them right there in public.
Also, there is no context in which any of these are remotely okay, dude.
"it's all right if some innocent people die"
"Pinochet should have killed more people"
"I support torture"
"I defend torture."
"I will not fight against it nor discriminate, but if I see two men kissing on the street, I'll beat them up."
"The only mistake of the dictatorship was torturing and not killing."
"If one's son begins acting kind of gay, then when he is spanked he'll change his behavior."
"It's a mess. The next steps are the adoption of children and the legalization of pedophilia." After the Federal Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage.
"I would be incapable of loving a gay son. I wouldn't be a hypocrite. I prefer that he die in an accident than show up with some guy with a moustache."
"Yes, I’m homophobic – and very proud of it."
"Your culture is different to ours. We're not ready for all this in Brazil because no father would ever take pride in having a gay son. Pride? Happiness? Celebrating if his son turns out gay? No way. Look, you have to have some sort of moral compass bearing in your life. They want to reach our children in order to turn the children into gay adults to satisfy their sexuality in the future. So these are the fundamentalist homosexual groups that are trying to take over society."
"I wouldn't hire them [women] with the same salary. But there are many women who are competent."
Anyway, the idea that the press as a monolithic entity (the press is not a monolithic entity) is part of a conspiracy to misrepresent Bolsonaro by, again, quoting his literal actual words, is completely absurd.
You could just say "lügenpresse" and we'll all know what you really mean.
It's weird how so many dictators get obsessed with the idea that the press is lying about them when accurately reporting their words and actions. It's almost like they're desperate to reframe reality into an imaginary land where fascist dictators are good and caring about human life is bad.
Technically speaking, I said that first. Unless I missed an earlier post of Smeagol's.
Dictators have been doing that for millennia...
But you guys seriously think that an guy that tells racist jokes and when provoked returns with insults is in the same "evil level" of Maduro or Fidel castro?
EDIT : I an not against same sex """marriage""" in civil courts(but i an against force churches to realize the marriage) or think that homossexuality is immoral, but this is not the average view that people have here.
"it's all right if some innocent people die"
No, he said that the cost of maintaining an bribecracy is far stronger in human lifes than the cost of taking it down via military.
"Pinochet should have killed more people"
More terrorists. An a lot of Chileans supported Pinochet.
"I support torture"
"I defend torture."
He siad when is the unique way to extract an information. Imagine that terrorists plans to bomb an city and the unique way to extract information about where the bombs are is via torture?
"I will not fight against it nor discriminate, but if I see two men kissing on the street, I'll beat them up."
He was JOKING about media attributing to him contradictory statements
The only mistake of the dictatorship was torturing and not killing."
Again, he was defending death penalty for terrorists.
"If one's son begins acting kind of gay, then when he is spanked he'll change his behavior."
Never heard
"It's a mess. The next steps are the adoption of children and the legalization of pedophilia." After the Federal Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage.
He was joking with he power of the supreme court to legislate, supreme court should't be allowed to make X legal or illegal in any democracy.
"Yes, I’m homophobic – and very proud of it."
"Your culture is different to ours. We're not ready for all this in Brazil because no father would ever take pride in having a gay son. Pride? Happiness? Celebrating if his son turns out gay? No way. Look, you have to have some sort of moral compass bearing in your life. They want to reach our children in order to turn the children into gay adults to satisfy their sexuality in the future. So these are the fundamentalist homosexual groups that are trying to take over society."
And he is right. Most Brazilians are conservative in this aspect, but guess what Russians and Argentines are far more "traditionalists" than Brazilians.
"I wouldn't hire them [women] with the same salary. But there are many women who are competent."
he was talking about benefits that woman get on workplace and the fact that false accusations are very common
I think my post was closer is all, we've both posted plenty on this Bolsanaro guy.
This is a great video about the guy before the eleciton and it shows his own words which unfortunately people ignored because they wanted a "tough guy" *eye roll*
NSFW language