While I am not a fan of Soros, he seems to be mostly used as a boogey man. The Koch brothers I think have (or had, since one died recently) a profound negative impact on US politics, but I agree that they do not hate western civilization.
I go to bimonthly meetings for transgender people. I've actually met other trans people in real life, and I've spoken with medical professionals who specialize in transgender youth. No one in the transgender community was forced to be there. A lot of us suffered physical, verbal, and sexual abuse by family members trying to STOP us from transitioning.
I'm calling it. The notion that kids are being forced to transition is a full blown lie by people who want to repress the trans community. People are flat out making this up because it stokes hatred. Lynch mobs in the United States made up false allegations of rape by black men against white women to justify executions without trials, and while we're thankfully not being murdered at nearly the same rates, the underlying logic is the same:
If you make up enough fake accusations, people will start thinking they're true.
It frustrates us that we get so blatantly demonized, so incredibly often, and that so many people fall for the most ridiculously fake stories. People's perceptions of trans people are being shaped by some random transphobe's clickbait stories instead of actually going to a trans community and speaking with real people.
Ask any trans person who's come out of the closet and they will confirm that they and every trans person they know has encountered a world that is fundamentally hostile to their very existence. And yet, somehow, there's this idea that our world is actually TOO encouraging of trans people.
Does anyone remember all the bizarre paranoid fantasies that people came up with about gay people trying to force children to be gay? Because we've heard this story. It was homophobic falsehoods before and it's transphobic falsehoods now.
During the gay marriage debates in the aughts, there was serious concern raised by actual Senators in the Republican Party that the next step after gay marriage was an epidemic of men marrying dogs. Which is a not so roundabout way of saying gay people are akin to those who engage in beastiality. Shockingly enough, none of this ever came to pass. I saw a city council member in Tennessee the other day on video say, and I quote "there is a queer running for President" (Mayor Pete) as if the very IDEA that this would be ALLOWED is an affront to his personal freedom.
Now take the vitriol that used to be spewed at the gay community, and multiply the paranoid fear factor by about 10, and you get the current debate climate around trans rights. I cannot even FATHOM, given how hard growing up as what society defines as "normal" is, what it must be like to have to either hide your identity for all of your youth, or, if you have the courage to come out, be subject to what would inevitably be a never-ending bully campaign from your peers. Have people seen the amount of suicides that have taken place among high school students due to online bullying in recent years?? And you add being trans into that toxic mix??
I still think 7 years old is too young to be exposed to this. At 7 you're supposed to be enjoying being a kid, not worrying about whether or not you need some kind of gender reassignment. I am sorry I brought this up now though...
I'm calling it. The notion that kids are being forced to transition is a full blown lie by people who want to repress the trans community. People are flat out making this up because it stokes hatred.
It's dangerous to deny the possibility of it. Why wouldn't someone with Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy do so? What magic surrounding this issue prevents this as possibility? Do we know enough about every trans household that we know the parents have virtually no influence in virtually every case?
It's one thing to doubt a particular case, but to doubt even the possibility is closed minded, in my honest opinion.
But since most cases of gender dysphoria in kids is something they end up growing out of past puberty anyway (another reason I massively object to hormonal treatment at this time), I don't see any need for any sort of chemical or hormonal treatment, just give them therapy. When they are adults they can make medical decisions for themselves with full knowledge of the risks and an assurance that their dysphoria is something permanent.
Perhaps the system is broken; healthcare should not have a profit motive.
I've got kids and one of them has known a boy who has believed he should be a girl since at least age 7. His parents seem nice enough and protective of his choices/feelings. Was "Eric", prefers to be called "Erica".
There's a lot of assholes out there to her; she gets a lot of bullying. No idea about surgery or whatnot but I can call the kid what she wants.
Perhaps the system is broken; healthcare should not have a profit motive.
I've got kids and one of them has known a boy who has believed he should be a girl since at least age 7. His parents seem nice enough and protective of his choices/feelings. Was "Eric", prefers to be called "Erica".
There's a lot of assholes out there to her; she gets a lot of bullying. No idea about surgery or whatnot but I can call the kid what she wants.
That sucks but what happens to him/her when puberty starts? Does the testosterone boost change the dynamics? I don't know for sure. Do you?
That sucks but what happens to him/her when puberty starts? Does the testosterone boost change the dynamics? I don't know for sure. Do you?
That hasn't happened yet. I just know the kid now prefers to be called "Erica" (name changed because it's a kid). It's her preference. She's not hurting anybody.
I saw the kid at school and asked her "Would you prefer to be called Eric or Erica?". The kid said "Erica."
That sucks but what happens to him/her when puberty starts? Does the testosterone boost change the dynamics? I don't know for sure. Do you?
That hasn't happened yet. I just know the kid now prefers to be called "Erica" (name changed because it's a kid). It's her preference. She's not hurting anybody.
@Balrog99: The kid couldn't get hormones until she's in her mid-teens at earliest. She could only get puberty blockers, but those don't stunt your growth; they just delay it.
@WarChiefZeke: The majority of trans folks who identify as the other gender in childhood continue to do so into adulthood--not the minority. It's less true for kids before puberty, but yes. People who view themselves as profoundly ugly and hate the roles assigned to them generally don't decide everything is okay until they've actually treated themselves.
I still keep my driver's license upside-down in my wallet just so I don't have to look at it. That dysphoria didn't go away when I got older; it only got worse.
There are tons of people in this world who want to force their child to be a different gender. Thus far, every single case has always been a parent forcing a cisgender identity onto their child; not a transgender identity. The question is not whether the latter is theoretically possible--the question is how much credibility we place on the father's claim.
This father claims that his child--who willingly uses a female name and female pronouns even when her mother is not around, when she's at school--is actually male, and the mother is forcing her to be a girl for absolutely no reason. There has never been a documented case of this happening.
The alternative story is that this father is forcing a cis identity on his daughter. That's the story of one of the first trans women I ever met, a six-foot trucker with a voice like Morgan Freeman and a Christlike dedication to nonviolence. She's one of the contacts in my phone. She wears a pink hat and bright flowery shirts.
Her father beat her every time he found her crossdressing because he wanted her to be a boy. He put her in the emergency room at least once.
As if that weren't depressing enough, she's not even the only person I've met whose father tried to force them to be a boy and emotionally crippled them for decades, with only their mother to protect them. I have lost count of the number of times I've heard this story.
I think the life experience of countless real trans people outweigh a single, groundless, hypothetical fantasy by a man who hasn't even cared for the child in four years. She's seven years old--custody decision or no, he hasn't even known this girl for more than half her life!
Unfortunately, a court has ruled in his favor and Luna's father has apparently gained partial custody.
He's already made it explicitly clear that he would not be letting Luna choose how to live her life. He said he would only allow his daughter to dress as female when she turned 18--as if it were some sort of concession to release his hold only when he no longer has parental control over her anyway. If her father gets his way, she'll be forced to live as a boy for the next 11 years with no treatment whatsoever. She can't even wear a shirt without his approval.
There's the rub. The father campaigned on letting his child choose their own life, but that was never his plan to begin with. He just told us it wasn't.
I can only pray her mother will find support and treatment for her. I've heard these stories before, and they have a long-running habit of ending with a dead child. I don't want her to see another trans person suffer because of an intolerant parent.
Too many people have lost their childhoods and grew up with bodies that made them hate themselves. Too many people have committed suicide as it is.
He's projecting the attitudes of a few ivory tower intellectuals onto the entirety of western civilization.
I agree, but I find the analysis having some value nonetheless. The type he described wields a whole lot of cultural and political power. A tiny elite they may be, but one holding the reigns of power.
Really, I can't think of any in actual positions of power. Can you name a few?
They don't dirty their hands, they pull the strings. The Koch brothers and George Soros are a couple of names I hear people call out a lot. There are more that I can find with minimal effort but I think I already made my point. When the mega-rich do decide to take the reigns, you get China...
I've never heard anything from Soros or the Kochs that I would consider evidence that they hate western civilization.
I love to see people taking their first steps toward their first rabbit hole. Oh Alice, have a nice trip, you may find something that will rock your world.
He's projecting the attitudes of a few ivory tower intellectuals onto the entirety of western civilization.
I agree, but I find the analysis having some value nonetheless. The type he described wields a whole lot of cultural and political power. A tiny elite they may be, but one holding the reigns of power.
Really, I can't think of any in actual positions of power. Can you name a few?
They don't dirty their hands, they pull the strings. The Koch brothers and George Soros are a couple of names I hear people call out a lot. There are more that I can find with minimal effort but I think I already made my point. When the mega-rich do decide to take the reigns, you get China...
I've never heard anything from Soros or the Kochs that I would consider evidence that they hate western civilization.
I love to see people taking their first steps toward their first rabbit hole. Oh Alice, have a nice trip, you may find something that will rock your world.
That sucks but what happens to him/her when puberty starts? Does the testosterone boost change the dynamics? I don't know for sure. Do you?
That hasn't happened yet. I just know the kid now prefers to be called "Erica" (name changed because it's a kid). It's her preference. She's not hurting anybody.
How old is she right now?
prefer not to say (also I don't know exactly), but as semiticgod guessed she hasn't gone through puberty "until mid teens" so she's younger than that. I can update everyone if we still care about this one particular kid in a couple years once she gets old enough to start growing a beard or maybe she'll start taking pills or get surgery or something. That hasn't happened yet.
My feeling is she means it, of her own free will. Her parents seem to support her and be protective of her. A couple years ago, my kid invited this kid to a birthday party and while the other kids just dropped off their kids, her parents stayed nearby. I told them they could just come back and pick the kid up later but they wanted to stay by to make sure none of the other kids picked on the kid. Of course, things went totally fine. So anyway, this kid has meant it for a couple three years; will that change? I have no idea. Just trying to point out that these people exist and things like this happens.
Perhaps the system is broken; healthcare should not have a profit motive..
Poor people in developing world and in poor areas of the developed world has access to things produced with profit intended but not security, not healthcare, nor anything that the state promises. Healthcare is too important to be in the state hands(same with everything else), nothing is more important than food to the human survival and the "collectivization" of food always resulted in mass starvation. Same with socialized healthcare. Will fail.
Healthcare is too important to be in the state hands(same with everything else), nothing is more important than food to the human survival and the "collectivization" of food always resulted in mass starvation. Same with socialized healthcare. Will fail.
About trans people
Keep in mind that some countries put restrictions on vasectomy to adult people due a regret rate of 5%.
The federalist is a fake news propaganda website.
Healthcare is to important to be in private hands. In America, the US pays twice as much and gets half the results of other countries. The US also ranks last in satisfaction among developed countries.
With private healthcare you are funding needless middle men - insurance agents, CEOs, claims adjusters to deal with insurance agents, executives CEOs.
That's why we overpay
The US was once a leader for healthcare and education — now it ranks 27th in the world.
Also, obviously you didn’t read what I said or actually read the study. If you had you would see that even this outdated and incomplete study does state that gender reassignment improves quality of life and gender dysphoria.
I did read it, and that's how I know you aren't telling the whole story.
While it does say that some studies say that, it mentions others say the exact opposite, and most importantly, as I have been saying this entire time, the evidence for it is extremely weak.
Which is the same mantra you find anywhere these studies are done. It's all very weak, and we know next to nothing for certain.
I wasn’t telling a story, I was asking you not to use that study. You were the one who quoted the study to begin with! I said it was a crap study and didn’t say what you thought it did, that it even says the opposite at some point. You circled your wagons with the enemy inside the circle, I just pointed that out. Your, wagons, your enemy and your circle. I think that I will get some popcorn, should be a good show.
It’s not weak, it works. It is THE course of care for any part of the world that wants to help the people suffering from this, instead of trying to eliminate them. All is well, your beliefs and point of view and it’s not my job, or even desire to change them. If I wasn’t concerned for my safety I would be of the opinion of, live and let live. Using the plural you, not you you now. So don’t take this personally, Kay? I live next door to you, I have a job, I pay my taxes, I have served my country, you’ve checked me out when you are buying your groceries, may have even hit on me, I am not a threat to anyone, I am not trying to change you or your way of life, yet I have to be afraid.
Healthcare is too important to be in the state hands(same with everything else), nothing is more important than food to the human survival and the "collectivization" of food always resulted in mass starvation. Same with socialized healthcare. Will fail.
About trans people
Keep in mind that some countries put restrictions on vasectomy to adult people due a regret rate of 5%.
The federalist is a fake news propaganda website.
Healthcare is to important to be in private hands. In America, the US pays twice as much and gets half the results of other countries. The US also ranks last in satisfaction among developed countries.
With private healthcare you are funding needless middle men - insurance agents, CEOs, claims adjusters to deal with insurance agents, executives CEOs.
The US was once a leader for healthcare and education — now it ranks 27th in the world.
Maybe due the state? Maybe all regulations, obamacare, affirmative action, etc ruined the education and healthcare?
Another sad news. Macri lost and the result? Fall of 30% of Agentine Stocks
Note that was in 1950, that Peronism started to ruin Argentina. Now Argentina manages to have most first world problems, like mass immigration, obesity, aging population and most third world problems, instability, inflation, corruption, etc. Macri was the unique non peronist president in decades but he failed to do anything...
'In filmmaker Sarah Fodey's Canadian Screen Awards nominated documentary, survivors of a decades-long homosexual witch-hunt recount their personal stories of dedication and betrayal at the hands of the Canadian government. Some softened by age and sadness, others loud and angry, the voices of the former public servants targeted in the purge are now united, and determined.'
Based on what? Either it has been well researched or it hasn't. All indications point towards the state of the evidence being very limited and flawed. Nothing seems to suggest otherwise. I think it's important to base decisions on information and not evangelism.
Note that was in 1950, that Peronism started to ruin Argentina. Now Argentina manages to have most first world problems, like mass immigration, obesity, aging population and most third world problems, instability, inflation, corruption, etc. Macri was the unique non peronist president in decades but he failed to do anything...
Interesting. I don't know much at all about Argentinian politics. I started following the politics of Europe closely in the past few years though, watching the rise of the German AFD, La Lega, etc. It makes me hopeful for the future.
Note that was in 1950, that Peronism started to ruin Argentina. Now Argentina manages to have most first world problems, like mass immigration, obesity, aging population and most third world problems, instability, inflation, corruption, etc. Macri was the unique non peronist president in decades but he failed to do anything...
Interesting. I don't know much at all about Argentinian politics. I started following the politics of Europe closely in the past few years though, watching the rise of the German AFD, La Lega, etc. It makes me hopeful for the future.
There are a big difference between the left on Argentina and on Brazil/Most of Europe. On Argentina, they wanna a state controlling everything in economic therms, public healthcare, price control and other awful things who never worked. But they don't wanna affirmative action programs, throw in jail comedians that do "racist jokes" while barely punishes a underage rapists, also don't believe that owning a unregistered 9mm pistol should be more severely punished than permanently blinding someone. In fact according to a Argentine, there are six times more illegal firearms than legal ones. And certain Patagonian regions depends a lot of tourism and legal hunting, so i don't believe that they will pass a harsher gun control. I visited they(Bariloche) in 2018 June, unfortunately i din't had money to hunt Boars legally(you can't lawfully hunt native species like Penguins but Boar hunting is legal and is not that bureaucratic if compared to other countries, mainly because Boars are a invasive foreign specie that destroys the natural ambient), despite the ARG currency devalorization, skiing, hunting and other things are still expensive.
Turns out the so called Transcript (really just a memo) of the Ukraine call released by Donald Trump was a mischaracterization of facts intended to deceive you and me (and Congress), in order to cover up crime committed by the President. So it was the Barr letter trick again - get the wrong narrative out there first before the truth can come out.
Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, told House impeachment investigators on Tuesday that the White House transcript of a July call between President Trump and Ukraine’s president omitted crucial words and phrases, and that his attempts to include them failed, according to his testimony.
The omissions, Colonel Vindman said, included Mr. Trump’s assertion that there were recordings of former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. discussing Ukraine corruption, and an explicit mention by Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, of Burisma Holdings, the energy company whose board employed Mr. Biden’s son Hunter.
There are many people complicit in this perversion of justice, and we are literally witnessing the executive branch and GOP collude to commit additional crimes to cover up their previous crimes.
The Republican party is completely gone - it's the "are you loyal to Trump?" party. Not loyal to the United States - loyalty to one man.
It wasn't just a deception. It was doctored on purpose, which is, again, consciousness of guilt. So now, even the ground the Administration was demanding the debate take place on has fallen out from under then. They insisted everything was fine because a.) there was no quid pro quo and b.) they released a full transcript. Both have now been proven to be flat-out lies based on testimony of members of his own Administration, who magically become "Never-Trumpers" the moment they talk to Congress. The truth is, they aren't willing to perjure themselves to help Trump when the chips are down. No one is.
So where does the right go now?? It doesn't matter, because anyone who has believed what they've been selling up to this point would believe them even if they said the entire incident was really just a simulation that took place in the Holodeck on the Enterprise.
Texas state representative Matt Krause has announced his intention to outlaw puberty blockers for people under 18. That's essentially a total ban on puberty blockers for transgender children to buy time to consider their options (puberty blockers ain't gonna do much when you're already 18). Another Texas state representative, Steve Toth, has also announced his intention to classify allowing a child to transition to a different gender to constitute child abuse--if the government did so, any parent in Texas would be FORCED by law to repress their own child's gender identity.
These are early proposals, and they already look incredibly repressive and authoritarian. The first law would make it nearly impossible for trans kids to make their own decisions about their bodies, forcing them to grow up with the wrong balance of hormones (who says we get to decide how their bodies are supposed to grow?). The second law would flat-out criminalize transgender tolerance by requiring parents to actively suppress their transgender children and stop any child who wants to transition! All of this is motivated by Jeffry Younger's false claims against his ex-wife and his campaign to force his daughter to live as a boy.
This is why trans tolerance is so important. Because when people demonize transgender identity, politicians will gleefully call for full-blown bans on being transgender, just to pounce on a wedge issue and gain votes. These proposals don't offer any freedom of choice to either trans kids or their parents; they actively restrict American families' own freedoms by forcing trans kids to live as the wrong gender and even IMPRISONING parents who support the choices of their own children. God forbid Krause and Toth get their way, or trans kids aren't going to have any real freedoms over their bodies.
This isn't protecting children or individual liberty. These politicians are explicitly calling for the government to criminalize transitioning. They want to make being transgender, or even tolerating your own transgender children, into a crime.
This is why I'm so suspicious of attempts to impose stricter regulations on transitioning: Because there are plenty of powerful politicians who will try to flat-out ban our existence if they gain enough support for an anti-trans agenda.
You're not going to get moderate legislation from people who demonize their fellow American. You're going to get extremist legislation and repression of civil liberties, and we're already seeing two powerful people explicitly announcing their intent to do just that.
As long as we're talking about these religious zealots being ascendant again, they are literally tracking the menstrual cycles of Planned Parenthood patients in Missouri:
This is the party who "hates government ruling our lives". It's a sham, it's always been a sham, and if lawmakers like the ones @semiticgod mentioned above and this health director in Missouri had their way, we would be living in "The Handmaid's Tale". And the Republican party can no longer exist on any functional level without the votes of people who support these type of policies.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. The left may be snobbish, condescending smart-asses, but there are elements on the right that don't even believe certain people should be allowed to EXIST.
Any case, just one of a trans children who din't resulted in a awful case??
I'm calling it. The notion that kids are being forced to transition is a full blown lie by people who want to repress the trans community. People are flat out making this up because it stokes hatred. Lynch mobs in the United States made up false allegations of rape by black men against white women to justify executions without trials, and while we're thankfully not being murdered at nearly the same rates, the underlying logic is the same:
If you make up enough fake accusations, people will start thinking they're true.
It frustrates us that we get so blatantly demonized, so incredibly often, and that so many people fall for the most ridiculously fake stories. People's perceptions of trans people are being shaped by some random transphobe's clickbait stories instead of actually going to a trans community and speaking with real people.
Ask any trans person who's come out of the closet and they will confirm that they and every trans person they know has encountered a world that is fundamentally hostile to their very existence. And yet, somehow, there's this idea that our world is actually TOO encouraging of trans people.
Does anyone remember all the bizarre paranoid fantasies that people came up with about gay people trying to force children to be gay? Because we've heard this story. It was homophobic falsehoods before and it's transphobic falsehoods now.
Now take the vitriol that used to be spewed at the gay community, and multiply the paranoid fear factor by about 10, and you get the current debate climate around trans rights. I cannot even FATHOM, given how hard growing up as what society defines as "normal" is, what it must be like to have to either hide your identity for all of your youth, or, if you have the courage to come out, be subject to what would inevitably be a never-ending bully campaign from your peers. Have people seen the amount of suicides that have taken place among high school students due to online bullying in recent years?? And you add being trans into that toxic mix??
It's dangerous to deny the possibility of it. Why wouldn't someone with Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy do so? What magic surrounding this issue prevents this as possibility? Do we know enough about every trans household that we know the parents have virtually no influence in virtually every case?
It's one thing to doubt a particular case, but to doubt even the possibility is closed minded, in my honest opinion.
But since most cases of gender dysphoria in kids is something they end up growing out of past puberty anyway (another reason I massively object to hormonal treatment at this time), I don't see any need for any sort of chemical or hormonal treatment, just give them therapy. When they are adults they can make medical decisions for themselves with full knowledge of the risks and an assurance that their dysphoria is something permanent.
Perhaps the system is broken; healthcare should not have a profit motive.
I've got kids and one of them has known a boy who has believed he should be a girl since at least age 7. His parents seem nice enough and protective of his choices/feelings. Was "Eric", prefers to be called "Erica".
There's a lot of assholes out there to her; she gets a lot of bullying. No idea about surgery or whatnot but I can call the kid what she wants.
That sucks but what happens to him/her when puberty starts? Does the testosterone boost change the dynamics? I don't know for sure. Do you?
That hasn't happened yet. I just know the kid now prefers to be called "Erica" (name changed because it's a kid). It's her preference. She's not hurting anybody.
I saw the kid at school and asked her "Would you prefer to be called Eric or Erica?". The kid said "Erica."
How old is she right now?
@WarChiefZeke: The majority of trans folks who identify as the other gender in childhood continue to do so into adulthood--not the minority. It's less true for kids before puberty, but yes. People who view themselves as profoundly ugly and hate the roles assigned to them generally don't decide everything is okay until they've actually treated themselves.
I still keep my driver's license upside-down in my wallet just so I don't have to look at it. That dysphoria didn't go away when I got older; it only got worse.
There are tons of people in this world who want to force their child to be a different gender. Thus far, every single case has always been a parent forcing a cisgender identity onto their child; not a transgender identity. The question is not whether the latter is theoretically possible--the question is how much credibility we place on the father's claim.
This father claims that his child--who willingly uses a female name and female pronouns even when her mother is not around, when she's at school--is actually male, and the mother is forcing her to be a girl for absolutely no reason. There has never been a documented case of this happening.
The alternative story is that this father is forcing a cis identity on his daughter. That's the story of one of the first trans women I ever met, a six-foot trucker with a voice like Morgan Freeman and a Christlike dedication to nonviolence. She's one of the contacts in my phone. She wears a pink hat and bright flowery shirts.
Her father beat her every time he found her crossdressing because he wanted her to be a boy. He put her in the emergency room at least once.
As if that weren't depressing enough, she's not even the only person I've met whose father tried to force them to be a boy and emotionally crippled them for decades, with only their mother to protect them. I have lost count of the number of times I've heard this story.
I think the life experience of countless real trans people outweigh a single, groundless, hypothetical fantasy by a man who hasn't even cared for the child in four years. She's seven years old--custody decision or no, he hasn't even known this girl for more than half her life!
Unfortunately, a court has ruled in his favor and Luna's father has apparently gained partial custody.
He's already made it explicitly clear that he would not be letting Luna choose how to live her life. He said he would only allow his daughter to dress as female when she turned 18--as if it were some sort of concession to release his hold only when he no longer has parental control over her anyway. If her father gets his way, she'll be forced to live as a boy for the next 11 years with no treatment whatsoever. She can't even wear a shirt without his approval.
There's the rub. The father campaigned on letting his child choose their own life, but that was never his plan to begin with. He just told us it wasn't.
I can only pray her mother will find support and treatment for her. I've heard these stories before, and they have a long-running habit of ending with a dead child. I don't want her to see another trans person suffer because of an intolerant parent.
Too many people have lost their childhoods and grew up with bodies that made them hate themselves. Too many people have committed suicide as it is.
I love to see people taking their first steps toward their first rabbit hole. Oh Alice, have a nice trip, you may find something that will rock your world.
Blah, blah, blah. SSDD.
prefer not to say (also I don't know exactly), but as semiticgod guessed she hasn't gone through puberty "until mid teens" so she's younger than that. I can update everyone if we still care about this one particular kid in a couple years once she gets old enough to start growing a beard or maybe she'll start taking pills or get surgery or something. That hasn't happened yet.
My feeling is she means it, of her own free will. Her parents seem to support her and be protective of her. A couple years ago, my kid invited this kid to a birthday party and while the other kids just dropped off their kids, her parents stayed nearby. I told them they could just come back and pick the kid up later but they wanted to stay by to make sure none of the other kids picked on the kid. Of course, things went totally fine. So anyway, this kid has meant it for a couple three years; will that change? I have no idea. Just trying to point out that these people exist and things like this happens.
Poor people in developing world and in poor areas of the developed world has access to things produced with profit intended but not security, not healthcare, nor anything that the state promises. Healthcare is too important to be in the state hands(same with everything else), nothing is more important than food to the human survival and the "collectivization" of food always resulted in mass starvation. Same with socialized healthcare. Will fail.
About trans people
"regret 20 percent, attempted suicides 41 percent, mental illness 60-90 percent among transgendered population." source : https://thefederalist.com/2015/08/19/transgender-regret-is-real-even-if-the-media-tell-you-otherwise/
Keep in mind that some countries put restrictions on vasectomy to adult people due a regret rate of 5%.
The federalist is a fake news propaganda website.
Healthcare is to important to be in private hands. In America, the US pays twice as much and gets half the results of other countries. The US also ranks last in satisfaction among developed countries.
With private healthcare you are funding needless middle men - insurance agents, CEOs, claims adjusters to deal with insurance agents, executives CEOs.
That's why we overpay
The US was once a leader for healthcare and education — now it ranks 27th in the world.
It’s not weak, it works. It is THE course of care for any part of the world that wants to help the people suffering from this, instead of trying to eliminate them. All is well, your beliefs and point of view and it’s not my job, or even desire to change them. If I wasn’t concerned for my safety I would be of the opinion of, live and let live. Using the plural you, not you you now. So don’t take this personally, Kay? I live next door to you, I have a job, I pay my taxes, I have served my country, you’ve checked me out when you are buying your groceries, may have even hit on me, I am not a threat to anyone, I am not trying to change you or your way of life, yet I have to be afraid.
Take care. Hope you find your answers.
Maybe due the state? Maybe all regulations, obamacare, affirmative action, etc ruined the education and healthcare?
Another sad news. Macri lost and the result? Fall of 30% of Agentine Stocks
The main Argentine stock market plunged more than 30% on Monday, marking the second-biggest one day slump anywhere since 1950, Reuters reported. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/08/12/argentina-election-macri-suffers-setback-as-analysts-warn-of-peso-depreciation.html
Note that was in 1950, that Peronism started to ruin Argentina. Now Argentina manages to have most first world problems, like mass immigration, obesity, aging population and most third world problems, instability, inflation, corruption, etc. Macri was the unique non peronist president in decades but he failed to do anything...
To even think this happened in Canada.
Based on what? Either it has been well researched or it hasn't. All indications point towards the state of the evidence being very limited and flawed. Nothing seems to suggest otherwise. I think it's important to base decisions on information and not evangelism.
Interesting. I don't know much at all about Argentinian politics. I started following the politics of Europe closely in the past few years though, watching the rise of the German AFD, La Lega, etc. It makes me hopeful for the future.
There are a big difference between the left on Argentina and on Brazil/Most of Europe. On Argentina, they wanna a state controlling everything in economic therms, public healthcare, price control and other awful things who never worked. But they don't wanna affirmative action programs, throw in jail comedians that do "racist jokes" while barely punishes a underage rapists, also don't believe that owning a unregistered 9mm pistol should be more severely punished than permanently blinding someone. In fact according to a Argentine, there are six times more illegal firearms than legal ones. And certain Patagonian regions depends a lot of tourism and legal hunting, so i don't believe that they will pass a harsher gun control. I visited they(Bariloche) in 2018 June, unfortunately i din't had money to hunt Boars legally(you can't lawfully hunt native species like Penguins but Boar hunting is legal and is not that bureaucratic if compared to other countries, mainly because Boars are a invasive foreign specie that destroys the natural ambient), despite the ARG currency devalorization, skiing, hunting and other things are still expensive.
Macri din't did any reform promised.
Everything that he tried to do failed...
Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, told House impeachment investigators on Tuesday that the White House transcript of a July call between President Trump and Ukraine’s president omitted crucial words and phrases, and that his attempts to include them failed, according to his testimony.
The omissions, Colonel Vindman said, included Mr. Trump’s assertion that there were recordings of former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. discussing Ukraine corruption, and an explicit mention by Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, of Burisma Holdings, the energy company whose board employed Mr. Biden’s son Hunter.
There are many people complicit in this perversion of justice, and we are literally witnessing the executive branch and GOP collude to commit additional crimes to cover up their previous crimes.
The Republican party is completely gone - it's the "are you loyal to Trump?" party. Not loyal to the United States - loyalty to one man.
So where does the right go now?? It doesn't matter, because anyone who has believed what they've been selling up to this point would believe them even if they said the entire incident was really just a simulation that took place in the Holodeck on the Enterprise.
His response and tirade after the revelation makes even Trump seem measured, but their tactics are exactly the same.
These are early proposals, and they already look incredibly repressive and authoritarian. The first law would make it nearly impossible for trans kids to make their own decisions about their bodies, forcing them to grow up with the wrong balance of hormones (who says we get to decide how their bodies are supposed to grow?). The second law would flat-out criminalize transgender tolerance by requiring parents to actively suppress their transgender children and stop any child who wants to transition! All of this is motivated by Jeffry Younger's false claims against his ex-wife and his campaign to force his daughter to live as a boy.
This is why trans tolerance is so important. Because when people demonize transgender identity, politicians will gleefully call for full-blown bans on being transgender, just to pounce on a wedge issue and gain votes. These proposals don't offer any freedom of choice to either trans kids or their parents; they actively restrict American families' own freedoms by forcing trans kids to live as the wrong gender and even IMPRISONING parents who support the choices of their own children. God forbid Krause and Toth get their way, or trans kids aren't going to have any real freedoms over their bodies.
This isn't protecting children or individual liberty. These politicians are explicitly calling for the government to criminalize transitioning. They want to make being transgender, or even tolerating your own transgender children, into a crime.
This is why I'm so suspicious of attempts to impose stricter regulations on transitioning: Because there are plenty of powerful politicians who will try to flat-out ban our existence if they gain enough support for an anti-trans agenda.
You're not going to get moderate legislation from people who demonize their fellow American. You're going to get extremist legislation and repression of civil liberties, and we're already seeing two powerful people explicitly announcing their intent to do just that.
This is the party who "hates government ruling our lives". It's a sham, it's always been a sham, and if lawmakers like the ones @semiticgod mentioned above and this health director in Missouri had their way, we would be living in "The Handmaid's Tale". And the Republican party can no longer exist on any functional level without the votes of people who support these type of policies.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. The left may be snobbish, condescending smart-asses, but there are elements on the right that don't even believe certain people should be allowed to EXIST.