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  • BelleSorciereBelleSorciere Member Posts: 2,108
    edited April 2020
    Balrog99 wrote: »

    Our litigious society, exacerbated by the left is also a contributer to this shit. Companies can't take the chance that these 'personal masks' are adequate. They'd get their asses sued if anything bad happened because of a faulty, unauthorized 'personal mask'. You know it's true. There's plenty of blame to go around for our current situation...

    Are you talking about the real left or the centrist Democrats who only look left because the Overton window is so far to the right? Do you know which is which?

    Also, accountability is good, and litigation is a way to enact accountability. Eliminating it would essentially let corporations run roughshod over everyone even more than they do. Lawsuits are a deeply imperfect solution, but when it comes to litigation the problem isn't people suing because someone had a faulty mask and got sick.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    Balrog99 wrote: »

    Our litigious society, exacerbated by the left is also a contributer to this shit. Companies can't take the chance that these 'personal masks' are adequate. They'd get their asses sued if anything bad happened because of a faulty, unauthorized 'personal mask'. You know it's true. There's plenty of blame to go around for our current situation...

    Are you talking about the real left or the centrist Democrats who only look left because the Overton window is so far to the right? Do you know which is which?

    Also, accountability is good, and litigation is a way to enact accountability. Eliminating it would essentially let corporations run roughshod over everyone even more than they do. Lawsuits are a deeply imperfect solution, but when it comes to litigation the problem isn't people suing because someone had a faulty mask and got sick.

    You can't have it both ways. You can't allow your employees to bring their own masks and be liable for what happens with those masks. Things just don't work that way. Even having the employees who bring their own masks sign a waiver likely wouldn't work the way things are now. You folks on the left of the 'Overton window' just seem to live in some 'La La Land' where corporations are out to suck you dry, kill their customers on purpose, and hey, what the Hell, might as well kill their employees too while they're at it. That is the worst fucking business model I've ever heard of...
  • BelleSorciereBelleSorciere Member Posts: 2,108
    edited April 2020
    Balrog99 wrote: »
    You can't have it both ways. You can't allow your employees to bring their own masks and be liable for what happens with those masks. Things just don't work that way. Even having the employees who bring their own masks sign a waiver likely wouldn't work the way things are now. You folks on the left of the 'Overton window' just seem to live in some 'La La Land' where corporations are out to suck you dry, kill their customers on purpose, and hey, what the Hell, might as well kill their employees too while they're at it. That is the worst fucking business model I've ever heard of...

    I doubt anyone would sue Kaiser if their own masks were faulty, but they could certainly sue Kaiser for not providing or allowing sufficient PPE for them to do their jobs without putting themselves at risk, which is a subtle distinction.

    If you believe corporations don't do things that threaten the public health, then I'm not the one living in la la land. <-- abstract, but the text is very clear if you can find it

    And, finally, the entire insurance industry in the United States:

    I don't expect you to read all of those, but every one of them is clear that corporations care more for money than they do for human lives.

    If you think corporations wouldn't kill their employees if they could get away with it, I suggest googling radium girls, phossy jaw, and the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire. For a more recent example,

    And yes, capitalism is an extremely bad business model for approximately 99% of the population.
    Post edited by BelleSorciere on
  • BelleSorciereBelleSorciere Member Posts: 2,108
    edited April 2020
    The Supreme Court decided in 1919 that the primary duty of a corporation is profits to stockholders above all else.
    Post edited by BelleSorciere on
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited April 2020
    Hospitals wouldn't have to be making these decisions if we'd, you know, PLANNED ahead for the last two months when there was BEYOND ample warning what was headed our way. I'm not even going to bother posting the articles about the intelligence briefings about it in January. But since they weren't written in crayon or alphabet soup letters, Trump didn't understand or care about them. Hillary Clinton would have had a MASSIVE surplus of PPE gear ready for this 30 days ago. Fucking guaranteed.

    And now we have this. VA covering up massive outbreak and death in their hospital the past month. Why would the imagine they needed to do that??:

    They're either fucking this up on purpose, or are the most incompetent gang of fools who has ever been in charge of the government. Pick A or B. There is no option C.
  • MichelleMichelle Member Posts: 550
    Am I the only one who noticed that Trump declared war on drugs today? Like using the military. In the middle of all of the other stuff going on right now.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    Am I the only one who noticed that Trump declared war on drugs today? Like using the military. In the middle of all of the other stuff going on right now.

    Nope, you're certainly not. Because what everyone is worried about at this point is the status of Mexican and South American drug cartels. It's like being concerned about the construction status of a new school halfway across the state the morning after a tornado ripped through your hometown.
  • MichelleMichelle Member Posts: 550
    I have been waiting for his, the crap has hit the fan and my poll numbers are going down, distraction. He may actually be the most predictable person I have ever heard of. People don’t like me much now, cue distraction.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    The Supreme Court decided in 1919 that the primary duty of a corporation is short-term profits to stockholders, above all else.

    The primary duty of a corporation is to make profits for shareholders, but that's not limited to the short term. In the cited case, Ford were required to pay out part of their huge accumulated profits to shareholders, but the plaintiffs' argument that they should run the business to make more profits in the short term was rejected. The Supreme Court specifically stated that they would only intervene in business decisions where there was clear evidence of a lack of good faith - otherwise the business itself should determine the best balance between short and long term.

    The interesting thing about the case is that the Dodge brothers were the plaintiffs (who owned 10% of Ford) and were direct competitors in the business. They therefore had a strong incentive to get Ford to maximize dividends - funding an expansion of their own business, while reducing the capacity of Ford to expand its business. Conversely, Ford had an incentive to hold on to a large cash pile, even without any specific plans on how to use it. The court decision aimed to strike a balance on the use of the accumulated surplus, which would not put any constraints on Ford's future operations.
  • AyiekieAyiekie Member Posts: 975

    Yes he told the truth. You interpreted it to fit his lies (the 'logic' of the stories he tells (which is not based on reality)).

    He creates a false reality with buzzwords and dog whistles. "Democrat Hoax"or whatever. You were kinda taking his statement and attaching it to one of his alternative realities to make it sound more plausible or as if there was more to it.

    I said "Trump is referring to a lie he's frequently used before."

    You said "He lies", but then also "He inadvertantly told the truth!", even though the "truth" in this case is something no Republican actually believes (correctly, since they would still win plenty of elections even with full enfranchisement).

    My explanation is not "more plausible", because it's a dumb lie. But it is more consistent with things Trump has said before, and it avoids the convoluted logic of "He lies, and that's why he told the truth (that is at best gross hyperbole) inadvertently even though there is no benefit to him saying so and no indication he believes it!"

    Just because taking a certain interpretation of something Trump says makes lefties feel smug does not mean it is the correct interpretation.

    But like all the other dumb things Trump says, nobody will remember it in a week and we'll be off the the outrage races about something else.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    edited April 2020
    I have been waiting for his, the crap has hit the fan and my poll numbers are going down, distraction. He may actually be the most predictable person I have ever heard of. People don’t like me much now, cue distraction.

    I agree it's intended as a distraction from Covid-19, though we noted recently that Trump's poll numbers have risen to levels not seen since the start of his presidency (so he's worrying about future poll numbers, rather than current ones).

    As distractions go though, I would be much more concerned about him rekindling a conflict with Iran ...
  • BelleSorciereBelleSorciere Member Posts: 2,108
    edited April 2020
    Grond0 wrote: »
    The Supreme Court decided in 1919 that the primary duty of a corporation is short-term profits to stockholders, above all else.

    The primary duty of a corporation is to make profits for shareholders, but that's not limited to the short term. In the cited case, Ford were required to pay out part of their huge accumulated profits to shareholders, but the plaintiffs' argument that they should run the business to make more profits in the short term was rejected. The Supreme Court specifically stated that they would only intervene in business decisions where there was clear evidence of a lack of good faith - otherwise the business itself should determine the best balance between short and long term.

    The interesting thing about the case is that the Dodge brothers were the plaintiffs (who owned 10% of Ford) and were direct competitors in the business. They therefore had a strong incentive to get Ford to maximize dividends - funding an expansion of their own business, while reducing the capacity of Ford to expand its business. Conversely, Ford had an incentive to hold on to a large cash pile, even without any specific plans on how to use it. The court decision aimed to strike a balance on the use of the accumulated surplus, which would not put any constraints on Ford's future operations.

    Ah, thanks. I confused the reality of the current situation with what the court said in Dodge vs. Ford.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited April 2020
    Am I the only one who noticed that Trump declared war on drugs today? Like using the military. In the middle of all of the other stuff going on right now.

    The distraction is "VenEZuELa!". He wants to kill Venezuelans so he can run an ad and give an interview some afternoon on state TV to say "aha, see VenEZuELa failed and that's bekause sOcIALIzm never works!"

    Biden probably wishes he'd thought if that first. Say where is the Democrat hero anyway? Anyone figure out why they voted for him yet in primary? He seems pretty confused, absent, and worthless. And rapey. And corrupt. Reality has endorsed Bernie Sanders. It's not too late.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    Well, the chemical corporation that I work for is gearing up to supply local hospitals with free hand sanitizer and the Ford plant by my house will be making respirators soon. I'm sure all of us citizens banding together could do all of that without 'evil' corporations though, if they weren't so busy battling each other for toilet paper. Seriously, I still have around 10 rolls (good for a month or so maybe) but the shelves have been empty for weeks now. I knew a lot of people were asswipes, but I didn't realize that term was a metaphor...
  • jonesr65jonesr65 Member Posts: 66
    edited April 2020
    jjstraka34 one thing about the Veteran's Home it is a State run home and not part of the Federal VA system. Which doesn't let the state and local health people of the hook for not looking after it's veterans in their care. It seem even when there is not a crisis, State Vet Homes do not get managed well at all. The one here in Arkansas was condemned a few years ago and it took an investigation and the state to fund for a new facility for the Vets. Luckily they found property right across from the VA hospital so if they are receiving VA benefits it's just a short walk across the street to get them.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited April 2020
    As much of a moron as Ron Desantis is, I am at least glad he came to the realization that staying home was the right thing to do during the outbreak BUT there's a pretty big loophole.

    HE SPECIFICALLY EXEMPTED CHURCH SERVICES! This new order SUPERSEDED COUNTIES WHO HAD ALREADY BANNED CHURCH SERVICES. The sociopath who got arrested for holding his megachurch service last week in Tampa has got to be so happy!
    To be fair to Floridaman governor here, he's not the only state to do so but this is definitely the wrong move here and elsewhere.

    The state of Florida likes to meddle in county and city-level policy making to make an ideological point. A few years ago, some cities started making rules relating to environmental concerns like straws and the state legislature just dropped down and said nope, not doing that, it makes too many people on our facebook page mad.

    This time its keeping churches open during the lockdown, even though it has been shown that religious gatherings were a launching point for the virus in Italy and Iran. Just total numbskulls.

    You can't contain the virus when you do dumb stuff like this. It puts everyone in danger these assholes aren't just putting themselves in danger.

    Pastor sorry after service caused wave of coronavirus infections in France: Thiebault Geyer wanted to say “sorry to God for my selfishness” after officials confirmed that around 2,500 of his parishioners have contracted coronavirus. At least 17 of those have died.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited April 2020
    We really need to stop giving people credit for doing things anyone with any sense was telling them to do 18 days ago, when every day (according to experts) can mean an extra 10-15% of cases that didn't have to happen. It's like giving someone credit for finally calling the fire department when the house is engulfed in flames after they've been attempting to put it out with a water pistol.

    10 million unemployed in 2 weeks. #1 the $1200 ain't gonna cut it. #2, if we'd been prepared like South Korea, we would be looking at maybe another 30 days of this. As is, I can't see anything returning to even a semblance of normalcy until July at best. The country was not leveled with in advance, and it was not prepared to meet the challenge. That is on one man.

    Oh, and look at that. Illegitimate Governor of Georgia Brian Kemp didn't know until 24 hours ago (by his own admission) that asymptomatic people can trasmit the virus. Well that's reassuring.

    Still want your health care tied to your jobs, folks?? Show of hands?? No one?? I didn't think so.
    Post edited by jjstraka34 on
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Got an email from our bank about the corona stimulus. They say that benefits would be based on tax returns, which would mean my family gets nothing. I thought that was negotiated to be based on scoial security?
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited April 2020
    ThacoBell wrote: »
    Got an email from our bank about the corona stimulus. They say that benefits would be based on tax returns, which would mean my family gets nothing. I thought that was negotiated to be based on scoial security?

    They tried, that was the Democratic proposal. They didn't get it. If you didn't file (or have to file) in 2018, you can STILL get it as long as you file for 2019 before July, to me current understanding. Mind you, that means the check is months away at best, but you can still make sure you receive the money for both you and your spouse and the $500 for your child. You should be able to get $2900 for the three of you as long as you both file for 2019.

    But, again, I shouldn't have to be telling people this to help them. Of COURSE it should have been tied to Social Security numbers rather than tax returns. The only reason not to is to punish the poorest people. The confusion over this is going to be massive. It didn't have to be.

    Edit: this is the best information I have at the moment. I'd call a tax professional to see if they can give you a quick rundown over the phone.
    Post edited by jjstraka34 on
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    So, he was fired for alerting the rest of the Navy command to an untenable situation with the virus in the middle of nowhere?? Why do I get the feeling he was fired because it was bad press for the Administration??:

  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    jjstraka34 wrote: »
    So, he was fired for alerting the rest of the Navy command to an untenable situation with the virus in the middle of nowhere?? Why do I get the feeling he was fired because it was bad press for the Administration??:

    In this case I have to agree with the decision to fire this captain. Broadcasting information like this on an unsecured channel could have had serious ramifications for national security. It's a frickin' aircraft carrier for God's sake, not some minesweeper or destroyer!
  • bleusteelbleusteel Member Posts: 523
    ThacoBell wrote: »
    Got an email from our bank about the corona stimulus. They say that benefits would be based on tax returns, which would mean my family gets nothing. I thought that was negotiated to be based on scoial security?

    If you’re receiving social security benefits, you should be able to receive the impact payment without filing a return according to this press release from the Treasury Dept:

  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited April 2020
    If one can stand to listen to Jared Kushner and Trump this afternoon, the only assumption one can come to is that we aren't a country anymore, and no states have any right to expect federal assistance at all. If that is the case, then what the fuck is he the President of?? Why is the President's moron son-in-law the point person for the biggest crisis in 80 years?? This is the biggest abdication of duty I have ever seen. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were more loyal to the country than these people. Kushner is up there saying the ventilator stockpile is for the federal government, and not the states. If that's the case, then we might as well not have a federal government, because ALL IT IS is a government that effects all 50 states. Without the existence of the states, there is nothing to be President of. This is so mind-blowingly stupid it's hard to even put into words. The idea that the President of the UNITED States of America (emphasis on a key word there, because ostensibly it means something) would pit all 50 states against each other in some kind of macabre version of Survivor is like something out of a bad sci-fi movie:

    Post edited by jjstraka34 on
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    edited April 2020
    Balrog99 wrote: »
    jjstraka34 wrote: »
    So, he was fired for alerting the rest of the Navy command to an untenable situation with the virus in the middle of nowhere?? Why do I get the feeling he was fired because it was bad press for the Administration??:

    In this case I have to agree with the decision to fire this captain. Broadcasting information like this on an unsecured channel could have had serious ramifications for national security. It's a frickin' aircraft carrier for God's sake, not some minesweeper or destroyer!

    The story in the San Francisco Chronicle is here.

    The unsecured channel in question was email - and he used unsecured email because he wanted to alert people in the Pentagon beyond his chain of command to what was happening on his ship. I think the reason he did that is pretty obvious - he felt that the concerns he'd been expressing for some time through his chain of command were not being listened to.

    The captain noted in the letter that the policy of the military is to avoid unnecessary danger to its people during peace time and felt that policy was not being followed in the case of his ship - so this is really an instance of whistleblowing. I'm sure the captain was well aware of the likely fate of a whistleblower, whether or not they go through established channels, but in this instance it looks like his frustration and concern for his crew made him act anyway.

    You could argue that his perception of the risk associated with Covid-19 was distorted. Given the experience of what happens on cruise ships he's clearly correct about the very high risk of sailors getting the disease, but he may be considering the impact of the disease would be greater than the reality. Without knowing the history of his communications I can't form a view on that.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited April 2020
    jjstraka34 wrote: »
    .... Kushner is up there saying the ventilator stockpile is for the federal government, and not the states....

    The idea that the President of the UNITED States of America (emphasis on a key word there, because ostensibly it means something) would pit all 50 states against each other..

    He's told the states to fend for themselves and bid against each other and foreign countries then he's having the federal government outbid the states. Now he's saying those supplies the federal government gets are not for the states.

    Oh and he's apparently "accidentally" stolen medical supplies routed to France and Canada. Shipments have been rerouted to the US.
    Here it is:

    The PM in Politispeak

    Quebec, confirmed, a "hijack" by the US.


    Confirmed by the Canadian PM when asked by a reporter (in Politispeak)

    Confirmed twice by the Quebec Primiere two hours later.

    Trump doesn't want to work with anyone, he wants to steal their stuff and he wants people dead in America if you are in a "disloyal" state or whatever.

    This guy's straight up evil.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    jjstraka34 wrote: »
    .... Kushner is up there saying the ventilator stockpile is for the federal government, and not the states....

    The idea that the President of the UNITED States of America (emphasis on a key word there, because ostensibly it means something) would pit all 50 states against each other..

    He's told the states to fend for themselves and bid against each other and foreign countries then he's having the federal government outbid the states. Now he's saying those supplies the federal government gets are not for the states.

    Oh and he's apparently "accidentally" stolen medical supplies routed to France and Canada. Shipments have been rerouted to the US.
    Here it is:

    The PM in Politispeak

    Quebec, confirmed, a "hijack" by the US.


    Confirmed by the Canadian PM when asked by a reporter (in Politispeak)

    Confirmed twice by the Quebec Primiere two hours later.

    Trump doesn't want to work with anyone, he wants to steal their stuff and he wants people dead in America if you are in a "disloyal" state or whatever.

    This guy's straight up evil.

    ...not really how it is happening:

    In short, no one really knows who is paying off the Chinese workers to divert supplies and blaming Trump is just an easy out. The real issue is the corruption involved regarding the Chinese.

    If you actually listen to Trudeau's response (roughly around the 24 minute mark of the posted video) he says that his government is investigating the claims but still working with the US government to the response of this pandemic - and right now, that it is what it is, unverified claims.

    The FBI (from my link above) are working to thwart price gougers looking to take advantage of the situation and we will probably see more stories like this in the coming weeks.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited April 2020
    deltago wrote: »
    ...not really how it is happening:

    In short, no one really knows who is paying off the Chinese workers to divert supplies and blaming Trump is just an easy out. The real issue is the corruption involved regarding the Chinese.

    If you actually listen to Trudeau's response (roughly around the 24 minute mark of the posted video) he says that his government is investigating the claims but still working with the US government to the response of this pandemic - and right now, that it is what it is, unverified claims.

    The FBI (from my link above) are working to thwart price gougers looking to take advantage of the situation and we will probably see more stories like this in the coming weeks.

    The FBI thwarted an individual price gougers. But the whole system is rigged (of course by the Trump administration).

    The whole process is being mishandled and set up to encourage price gouging by corporations.

    We are getting supplies from overseas. The Trump Administration's so called 'air bridge' of foreign medical supplies are being sent not to hospitals or states or by need, but to private companies who can distribute and profit as they please.

    We’ve heard different governors complaining that it’s like bidding on eBay, with the different governors have to bid against each other to get access to these live saving products that are in desperately short supply. That only doesn’t distribute them according to need. It also makes the price for everyone higher.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    Republicans in Florida made unemployment nearly impossible to navigate under Rick Scott, on purpose. Now the system is collapsing under the weight of it's own design:
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    bleusteel wrote: »
    ThacoBell wrote: »
    Got an email from our bank about the corona stimulus. They say that benefits would be based on tax returns, which would mean my family gets nothing. I thought that was negotiated to be based on scoial security?

    If you’re receiving social security benefits, you should be able to receive the impact payment without filing a return according to this press release from the Treasury Dept:

    We've been trying to get social security for 6 years now. according to every single proffesional we talk to, we not only qualify, but we are MORE qualified for it than most people that receive it. Nothing like getting screwed over.

    @jjstraka34 Considering that we have 0 income. I don't even know HOW we'd file taxes...
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited April 2020
    deltago wrote: »
    ...not really how it is happening:

    In short, no one really knows who is paying off the Chinese workers to divert supplies and blaming Trump is just an easy out. The real issue is the corruption involved regarding the Chinese.

    If you actually listen to Trudeau's response (roughly around the 24 minute mark of the posted video) he says that his government is investigating the claims but still working with the US government to the response of this pandemic - and right now, that it is what it is, unverified claims.

    The FBI (from my link above) are working to thwart price gougers looking to take advantage of the situation and we will probably see more stories like this in the coming weeks.

    The FBI thwarted an individual price gougers. But the whole system is rigged (of course by the Trump administration).

    The whole process is being mishandled and set up to encourage price gouging by corporations.

    We are getting supplies from overseas. The Trump Administration's so called 'air bridge' of foreign medical supplies are being sent not to hospitals or states or by need, but to private companies who can distribute and profit as they please.

    We’ve heard different governors complaining that it’s like bidding on eBay, with the different governors have to bid against each other to get access to these live saving products that are in desperately short supply. That only doesn’t distribute them according to need. It also makes the price for everyone higher.

    Let's just break this down simply: instead of the Federal Government just straight up purchasing as much PPE and other equipment as we need directly and allocating it where the need is greatest (for now, as Andrew Cuomo repeats EVERY DAY that New York is ready to ship everything out to the next hotspot when they come out of the woods), it is being routed to private companies who are then acting an auctioneer between the 50 states. And there is, without question, the equivalent of war profiteering going on here. And when we find out who is getting that money and what the mark-up is, it will be.......well, to be honest, it will be another scandal that doesn't even last 24 hours, because literally nothing matters anymore.

    There isn't any need to get into the weeds on messaging here. Trump is not only pitting every state against each other, but whoever is in possession of this equipment when it comes from overseas is basically printing money because states just keep watching the bids go up, even when they think they have the shipment locked down at a certain price. There aren't even words to describe how obscene this is. The Administration is essentially aiding and abetting profiteering.
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