I'm sorry, I just don't get what you people see in Biden. He's not as unlikable as Clinton? He's not 'scary' like Crazy Bernie? What the Hell is it? To me he's just an old man with some obvious old man issues and not very charismatic to boot. I'd love to hear what makes this guy worth voting for because, "At least I'm better than Trump" is not a great slogan...
He was/is the most 'normal' candidate that Trump feared. America tried the 'fringe' candidate in Trump and it blew up in everyone's face. Even if Biden is dimwitted, and slow and sleepy, he'll surround himself with people he can rely on to give sound solid advice. He isn't trying to change anything drastically either. Change can be scary. It's why it's been 2 termers since Clinton.
I'm sorry, I just don't get what you people see in Biden. He's not as unlikable as Clinton? He's not 'scary' like Crazy Bernie? What the Hell is it? To me he's just an old man with some obvious old man issues and not very charismatic to boot. I'd love to hear what makes this guy worth voting for because, "At least I'm better than Trump" is not a great slogan...
He was/is the most 'normal' candidate that Trump feared. America tried the 'fringe' candidate in Trump and it blew up in everyone's face. Even if Biden is dimwitted, and slow and sleepy, he'll surround himself with people he can rely on to give sound solid advice. He isn't trying to change anything drastically either. Change can be scary. It's why it's been 2 termers since Clinton.
I think it's exactly this. He's safe. He's a known quantity. He's not on the cutting edge of anything. Frankly, he's also a white man. You put it all together and you get a recipe for a safe dude to make president.
If Trump is actively denying ventilators to ANY state right now, he is nothing but a flat-out mass murderer. He "doesn't believe it". Another quote, added to the list. I have it all saved. Yeah, Andrew Cuomo is just asking for a certain amount because he likes to stick his dick in the tubing, not because that is how many he is ANTICIPATING HE NEEDS TO SAVE LIVES!!!!!
I actually didn't know this until this week, but my sister passed her nursing boards and just started at a smaller hospital in Wisconsin within the last two weeks. She is, already, been given one mask. Everyone in the nursing field is well aware of the shortage of supplies everywhere. They don't know what's coming, they just know that they're nervous and don't know what's going to happen. But she told me "this is what I signed up for, we took an oath." Never been more proud of her, and never been more disgusted in any person than Donald J. Trump. As someone who is somewhere between and agnostic and an atheist, I fully hope there is a hell so he can rot in it for all eternity. He has states bidding for protective gear and supplies against each other like contestants on The Apprentice. He derives pleasure from this. It gets him off. And our nurses and doctors, who right now are as important as soldiers in World War II, are being sent into battle without armor and guns.
I'm sorry, I just don't get what you people see in Biden. He's not as unlikable as Clinton? He's not 'scary' like Crazy Bernie? What the Hell is it? To me he's just an old man with some obvious old man issues and not very charismatic to boot. I'd love to hear what makes this guy worth voting for because, "At least I'm better than Trump" is not a great slogan...
He was/is the most 'normal' candidate that Trump feared. America tried the 'fringe' candidate in Trump and it blew up in everyone's face. Even if Biden is dimwitted, and slow and sleepy, he'll surround himself with people he can rely on to give sound solid advice. He isn't trying to change anything drastically either. Change can be scary. It's why it's been 2 termers since Clinton.
Trump's on tape saying he was only worried if out of everyone (including Biden) that Sanders was going to be VP candidate for clinton. And polling has consistently shown for the first 2 1/2 years that Sanders is more of a threat.
But the last few months, all the stress of the primary and negative attacks by Biden, Bloomberg, Fox, CNN, MSNBC and Republicans took a toll. All those sources are monied interests that don't want us to have nice things.
Finally, when all the centrists ganged up and dropped out that convinced black Southerners (whose states probably won't be blue anyway as far as the electoral college goes) that Biden was the "safe bet" or something.
Oh yeah, you guys hear about Biden's rape allegations? No?
That might be a bigger deal than (allegedly) saying a woman wasn't going to be President this time. Which is true at this point since all the women have dropped out now.
It doesn't matter if course because people are going to believe whatever and dumb old man is going to be up against mean dumb as a rock old man.
If you say so. Recall, though, that socialism got exposed as a scam a long time ago and people are still trying to accomplish it, so...I guess we are all just stubborn beasts.
How you figure lol? Social security, Medicare etc are insanely popular. That's the type of stuff the people you call socialists are pushing for. Stuff that will benefit you.
Yeah your strawman has been proven a failure or something sure.
Speaking of stubborn socialist beasts....Ocasio-Cortez is complaining that the stimulus bill doesn't guarantee money to immigrants. They aren't citizens so they don't deserve any extra money, but I suppose she has no choice but to keep trying to push her agenda. I am simply glad that she won't get what she wants.
Well apparently she did get what she wants because green card holders (immigrants) ARE getting the check. Stubborn sOcIALIzm for the win. She's not really a socialist either but whatever bro.
Libertarian dumbass Rand Paul ran around infecting people with Corona virus for 6 days after his test.
Ultimately, I always knew that modern society--not just us, but everywhere--was only a thin veil. It took only one virus to tear it to shreds and now here we are, treating every random person we might meet as a pariah since they may be an asymptomatic carrier.
There is indeed a fine line between libertarian dog eat dog anarachy and civil society.
Christian pastor who thought COVID-19 is just ‘mass hysteria’ is among the first in Virginia to die from virus. My co-worker who listens to Rush Limbaugh used that same phrase.
On March 13, Spradlin shared a meme that compared coronavirus deaths to swine flu deaths and parroted Trump's lies about how the media is playing up the pandemic to hurt Trump.
I am doubtful that this is a good thing right now. Drug cartels losing money I can get behind, but this may be a very bad time for addicts to go into withdrawal.
Both substances have legitimate medical purposes - I know that legitimate vs drug cartels are different markets and supply lines, but there may be links such as drug addicts and dealers stealing from pharmacies and hospitals instead.
China knows who it sells to. They get a kick back from the cartels in Mexico, it is a totally different supply chain. I do understand the timing and how fiends may start causing trouble but with the impending Martial Law order I'm sure the soldiers will make quick work of them.
Imperial College London, whose modelling was partially responsible for persuading the UK government they had to tighten social distancing restrictions, have updated their modelling in line with worldwide experiences to date.
The new model predicts that, in the unrealistic scenario where no action was taken, a large majority of the population of the planet would be infected during the remainder of 2020 and over 40m would die. Taking substantial action early could reduce that enormously to less than 2m, but the slower the action taken the greater the death toll.
Comparing these figures with their previous modelling, they have significantly reduced the expected mortality rates. That's presumably because the new data available is primarily sourced from high income countries and the report notes that "differences in underlying health conditions and healthcare system capacity will likely result in different patterns in low income settings."
Note that, as with their earlier modelling, this is certainly not a worse case scenario. In particular, the death toll is predicated on treatment being available for everyone. However, the report notes that this is unlikely to be the case even where actions are quickly introduced to reduce transmission - due to the limited capacity available even in high income countries. While the report doesn't speculate on the numerical impact of a lack of capacity, it states that this "is likely to significantly increase overall mortality."
The report makes no attempt to quantify the costs associated with measures to reduce transmission. However, any countries considering not taking (or abandoning) such measures because of those costs should seriously consider both the financial and human costs of the increased infections and deaths that would result.
Trump Campaign Threatens Lawsuit Over Political Ad Featuring President Labeling Coronavirus a' Hoax'
President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign is threatening legal action against local TV stations in Florida, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin if they don’t pull a anti-Trump commercial that uses clips of the president talking about the coronavirus outbreak. The campaign says the ad is false. But it's his words? Maybe they mean what he was saying was false? Anyway the number on the video is only like 5k cases were over 80k now. What a triggered snowflake that needs a safe space.
Imperial College London, whose modelling was partially responsible for persuading the UK government they had to tighten social distancing restrictions, have updated their modelling in line with worldwide experiences to date.
The new model predicts that, in the unrealistic scenario where no action was taken, a large majority of the population of the planet would be infected during the remainder of 2020 and over 40m would die. Taking substantial action early could reduce that enormously to less than 2m, but the slower the action taken the greater the death toll.
Comparing these figures with their previous modelling, they have significantly reduced the expected mortality rates. That's presumably because the new data available is primarily sourced from high income countries and the report notes that "differences in underlying health conditions and healthcare system capacity will likely result in different patterns in low income settings."
Note that, as with their earlier modelling, this is certainly not a worse case scenario. In particular, the death toll is predicated on treatment being available for everyone. However, the report notes that this is unlikely to be the case even where actions are quickly introduced to reduce transmission - due to the limited capacity available even in high income countries. While the report doesn't speculate on the numerical impact of a lack of capacity, it states that this "is likely to significantly increase overall mortality."
The report makes no attempt to quantify the costs associated with measures to reduce transmission. However, any countries considering not taking (or abandoning) such measures because of those costs should seriously consider both the financial and human costs of the increased infections and deaths that would result.
It's worth noting that the entire right-wing online has latched onto their update and is now saying the entire study was a lie and a hoax, and are using this revision based on discernible government actions to argue for the EXACT thing that would make the worst-case scenario come about. Regardless, no city in the US has anything as strict in place as the UK does now. Johnson was DEAD WRONG about how to deal with it initially, but he made a stark and decisive move to at least try correct that mistake. The US is engaging in a scattershot suicide pact, with Governors in Mississippi and Alabama refusing to really close anything at all.
Last night, we didn't need ventilators. Now, this morning, he is (sorta, kinda, maybe??) invoking the Defense Production Act by......sending out code words on Twitter. Invoke P??. Maintaining any defense of this guy at this point must cause so much mental whiplash that it actually kills significant portions of the brain. A monkey shaking a Magic 8-Ball would, on average, be making better decisions:
How exactly does he imagine an abandoned plant is going to "immediately" start producing ventilators?? Is Willy Wonka gonna send in the Oompa Loompas to take care of it?? I guess the whole "pretty please with sugar on top" request to corporate America didn't work out so well. Who could have guessed. Now we're ANOTHER week behind because you were worried about have a surplus. And apparently screaming on Twitter about it will get the ball rolling. Instead of, you know, picking up a phone and calling the relevant people.
Gretchen Whitmer is now on the record as saying that suppliers have been told not to sell to Michigan. One guess as to where that directive is coming from. Understand this: if you are a conservative in a state that currently has a Democratic Governor, Donald Trump will sacrifice every single one of you to infict punishment. Trump is holding his own Hunger Games over medical supplies. It's not hyperbole, it's happening. We are basically back to the Articles of Confederation.
Edit: it appears, this afternoon, that he has finally put the act into actual use. A least a WEEK after he said he would. When hours are precious. And only after his son-in-law fucked up negotiations with General Motors. The Romanovs had a better grip on things.
Edit 2: Trump, when just asked what the Governors of Washington and Michigan can do to get more help answers "be more appreciative". Translation: "kiss the ring, bend the knee, or the residents of your state can drop dead." Everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) I have ever said about him is true. He admits it from his own mouth. He is a mob boss.
Gretchen Whitmer is saying that suppliers have been told not to sell to Michigan. One guess as to where that directive is coming from. Understand this: if you are a conservative in a state that currently has a Democratic Governor, Donald Trump will sacrifice every single one of you to infict punishment. Trump is holding his own Hunger Games over medical supplies. It's not hyperbole, it's happening. We are basically back to the Articles of Confederation.
Edit: it appears, this afternoon, that he has finally put the act into actual use. A least a WEEK after he said he would. When hours are precious. And only after his son-in-law fucked up negotiations with General Motors. The Romanovs had a better grip on things.
He's been farting around for months but now he's yelling at GM to make ventilators like it's important. Hmm isn't it a hoax or not? What a worthless guy.
He signed the Coronavirus stimulus bill. Nancy Pelosi was not invited to the signing because he's a pretty little child.
Gretchen Whitmer is saying that suppliers have been told not to sell to Michigan. One guess as to where that directive is coming from. Understand this: if you are a conservative in a state that currently has a Democratic Governor, Donald Trump will sacrifice every single one of you to infict punishment. Trump is holding his own Hunger Games over medical supplies. It's not hyperbole, it's happening. We are basically back to the Articles of Confederation.
Edit: it appears, this afternoon, that he has finally put the act into actual use. A least a WEEK after he said he would. When hours are precious. And only after his son-in-law fucked up negotiations with General Motors. The Romanovs had a better grip on things.
He's been farting around for months but now he's yelling at GM to make ventilators like it's important. Hmm isn't it a hoax or not? What a worthless guy.
He signed the Coronavirus stimulus bill. Nancy Pelosi was not invited to the signing because he's a pretty little child.
People are dying over this little tiny man.
Glad they weren't invited. Take a look at the picture. Two dozen people standing right next to each other in a closed office.
Gretchen Whitmer is saying that suppliers have been told not to sell to Michigan. One guess as to where that directive is coming from. Understand this: if you are a conservative in a state that currently has a Democratic Governor, Donald Trump will sacrifice every single one of you to infict punishment. Trump is holding his own Hunger Games over medical supplies. It's not hyperbole, it's happening. We are basically back to the Articles of Confederation.
Edit: it appears, this afternoon, that he has finally put the act into actual use. A least a WEEK after he said he would. When hours are precious. And only after his son-in-law fucked up negotiations with General Motors. The Romanovs had a better grip on things.
He's been farting around for months but now he's yelling at GM to make ventilators like it's important. Hmm isn't it a hoax or not? What a worthless guy.
He signed the Coronavirus stimulus bill. Nancy Pelosi was not invited to the signing because he's a pretty little child.
People are dying over this little tiny man.
Glad they weren't invited. Take a look at the picture. Two dozen people standing right next to each other in a closed office.
Was Rand Paul there?
edit: Just take a look at his press conference photos and how the journalist there aren't practising social distancing. There is a trust that people don't have the virus and I bet every single one of the people there has been tested lately to see if they are a carrier. Trump the germaphobe wouldn't allow it any other way.
The MOMENT the layoff and furlough provisions tied to their bailout money expire, they are gonna lay people off anyway. Burn this system to the ground:
The MOMENT the layoff and furlough provisions tied to their bailout money expire, they are gonna lay people off anyway. Burn this system to the ground:
Let's hear them be candid and upfront about how much of their profit margin went to stock buybacks. Or how much their CEO makes in an hour.
That doesn't make them evil. The last time I checked I was paid to do a job. No job, no check. Simple as that. If there wasn't a bailout they'd be laying people off now instead of October.
The MOMENT the layoff and furlough provisions tied to their bailout money expire, they are gonna lay people off anyway. Burn this system to the ground:
Let's hear them be candid and upfront about how much of their profit margin went to stock buybacks. Or how much their CEO makes in an hour.
That doesn't make them evil. The last time I checked I was paid to do a job. No job, no check. Simple as that. If there wasn't a bailout they'd be laying people off now instead of October.
No, laying off people during a disaster where are prohibited from working is pretty evil. This isn't "business as usual". Everyone is having to make sacrifices for survival, its going to get worse before it gets better.
The MOMENT the layoff and furlough provisions tied to their bailout money expire, they are gonna lay people off anyway. Burn this system to the ground:
Let's hear them be candid and upfront about how much of their profit margin went to stock buybacks. Or how much their CEO makes in an hour.
That doesn't make them evil. The last time I checked I was paid to do a job. No job, no check. Simple as that. If there wasn't a bailout they'd be laying people off now instead of October.
No, laying off people during a disaster where are prohibited from working is pretty evil. This isn't "business as usual". Everyone is having to make sacrifices for survival, its going to get worse before it gets better.
That's why there is unemployment insurance. Schools are closed so I am able to stay home with pay, others I work with who are part-time or non-union have to go on EI. It's not full pay but they do get something.
In order for them to get EI though they were given their ROE (Record of Employment) so they can collect. A short term layoff for the system to pay them. They have been reassured that when the school boards reopen they would be taken back with full pay.
Dems got the best bill they could but UNFORTUNATELY Republicans...
Trump won't comply with the terms in the bill he just signed. The bill he just signed into law.
Remember this moment, Republicans, and remember what you said and did. Which will be nothing because you are scared of him and also you like blatant corruption.
Trump's decided to steal $500bn from the bailout for himself and the corporate elites because of course he did he's another Republican crook.
he won’t comply with key transparency measures in the coronavirus stimulus bill
The administration says it won’t provide documentation for audits into $500 billion in corporate bailout funds.l
If he somehow wins this next election there won't be another legitimate election in this country again unless it's supervised by occupying forces. Hell this coming election may not be legitimate either since that's the goal for Trump and the Republican organization.
The virus is already everywhere. This talk of "quarantining" states is pointless at this juncture. The point of a quarantine is to completely stop the virus from leaving a small area. The cat is out of the bag, the cows already left the barn, use whatever analogy or phrase you want. Trump is saying that the major problem in Florida is people from NY fleeing south. I have a plethora of pictures and videos that proves the emerging problem in Florida was dipshits on spring break crowding beaches that shouldn't have been open and senior citizens packing airports and going on cruises. And the way he is pitting states against each other is obscene. If this is how we are going to handle this we might as well not even be a country. The excuses for the Governors of Mississippi and Alabama (who are overruling mayors who shut their cities down) are gonna be alot harder to come by. Just like "It's 15 cases, and it will soon be zero", the "Mississippi isn't China" and "Alabama isn't California" quotes are forever in my memory bank.
He was/is the most 'normal' candidate that Trump feared. America tried the 'fringe' candidate in Trump and it blew up in everyone's face. Even if Biden is dimwitted, and slow and sleepy, he'll surround himself with people he can rely on to give sound solid advice. He isn't trying to change anything drastically either. Change can be scary. It's why it's been 2 termers since Clinton.
I think it's exactly this. He's safe. He's a known quantity. He's not on the cutting edge of anything. Frankly, he's also a white man. You put it all together and you get a recipe for a safe dude to make president.
If Trump is actively denying ventilators to ANY state right now, he is nothing but a flat-out mass murderer. He "doesn't believe it". Another quote, added to the list. I have it all saved. Yeah, Andrew Cuomo is just asking for a certain amount because he likes to stick his dick in the tubing, not because that is how many he is ANTICIPATING HE NEEDS TO SAVE LIVES!!!!!
I actually didn't know this until this week, but my sister passed her nursing boards and just started at a smaller hospital in Wisconsin within the last two weeks. She is, already, been given one mask. Everyone in the nursing field is well aware of the shortage of supplies everywhere. They don't know what's coming, they just know that they're nervous and don't know what's going to happen. But she told me "this is what I signed up for, we took an oath." Never been more proud of her, and never been more disgusted in any person than Donald J. Trump. As someone who is somewhere between and agnostic and an atheist, I fully hope there is a hell so he can rot in it for all eternity. He has states bidding for protective gear and supplies against each other like contestants on The Apprentice. He derives pleasure from this. It gets him off. And our nurses and doctors, who right now are as important as soldiers in World War II, are being sent into battle without armor and guns.
Trump's on tape saying he was only worried if out of everyone (including Biden) that Sanders was going to be VP candidate for clinton. And polling has consistently shown for the first 2 1/2 years that Sanders is more of a threat.
But the last few months, all the stress of the primary and negative attacks by Biden, Bloomberg, Fox, CNN, MSNBC and Republicans took a toll. All those sources are monied interests that don't want us to have nice things.
Finally, when all the centrists ganged up and dropped out that convinced black Southerners (whose states probably won't be blue anyway as far as the electoral college goes) that Biden was the "safe bet" or something.
Oh yeah, you guys hear about Biden's rape allegations? No?
That might be a bigger deal than (allegedly) saying a woman wasn't going to be President this time. Which is true at this point since all the women have dropped out now.
It doesn't matter if course because people are going to believe whatever and dumb old man is going to be up against mean dumb as a rock old man.
How you figure lol? Social security, Medicare etc are insanely popular. That's the type of stuff the people you call socialists are pushing for. Stuff that will benefit you.
Yeah your strawman has been proven a failure or something sure.
Well apparently she did get what she wants because green card holders (immigrants) ARE getting the check. Stubborn sOcIALIzm for the win. She's not really a socialist either but whatever bro.
Libertarian dumbass Rand Paul ran around infecting people with Corona virus for 6 days after his test.
There is indeed a fine line between libertarian dog eat dog anarachy and civil society.
On March 13, Spradlin shared a meme that compared coronavirus deaths to swine flu deaths and parroted Trump's lies about how the media is playing up the pandemic to hurt Trump.
Both substances have legitimate medical purposes - I know that legitimate vs drug cartels are different markets and supply lines, but there may be links such as drug addicts and dealers stealing from pharmacies and hospitals instead.
The new model predicts that, in the unrealistic scenario where no action was taken, a large majority of the population of the planet would be infected during the remainder of 2020 and over 40m would die. Taking substantial action early could reduce that enormously to less than 2m, but the slower the action taken the greater the death toll.
Comparing these figures with their previous modelling, they have significantly reduced the expected mortality rates. That's presumably because the new data available is primarily sourced from high income countries and the report notes that "differences in underlying health conditions and healthcare system capacity will likely result in different patterns in low income settings."
Note that, as with their earlier modelling, this is certainly not a worse case scenario. In particular, the death toll is predicated on treatment being available for everyone. However, the report notes that this is unlikely to be the case even where actions are quickly introduced to reduce transmission - due to the limited capacity available even in high income countries. While the report doesn't speculate on the numerical impact of a lack of capacity, it states that this "is likely to significantly increase overall mortality."
The report makes no attempt to quantify the costs associated with measures to reduce transmission. However, any countries considering not taking (or abandoning) such measures because of those costs should seriously consider both the financial and human costs of the increased infections and deaths that would result.
President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign is threatening legal action against local TV stations in Florida, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin if they don’t pull a anti-Trump commercial that uses clips of the president talking about the coronavirus outbreak. The campaign says the ad is false. But it's his words? Maybe they mean what he was saying was false? Anyway the number on the video is only like 5k cases were over 80k now. What a triggered snowflake that needs a safe space.
It's worth noting that the entire right-wing online has latched onto their update and is now saying the entire study was a lie and a hoax, and are using this revision based on discernible government actions to argue for the EXACT thing that would make the worst-case scenario come about. Regardless, no city in the US has anything as strict in place as the UK does now. Johnson was DEAD WRONG about how to deal with it initially, but he made a stark and decisive move to at least try correct that mistake. The US is engaging in a scattershot suicide pact, with Governors in Mississippi and Alabama refusing to really close anything at all.
This next one is a real gem. Ties into his bullshit about "magically" making factories come back. This is epic-level crazy:
How exactly does he imagine an abandoned plant is going to "immediately" start producing ventilators?? Is Willy Wonka gonna send in the Oompa Loompas to take care of it?? I guess the whole "pretty please with sugar on top" request to corporate America didn't work out so well. Who could have guessed. Now we're ANOTHER week behind because you were worried about have a surplus. And apparently screaming on Twitter about it will get the ball rolling. Instead of, you know, picking up a phone and calling the relevant people.
Gretchen Whitmer is now on the record as saying that suppliers have been told not to sell to Michigan. One guess as to where that directive is coming from. Understand this: if you are a conservative in a state that currently has a Democratic Governor, Donald Trump will sacrifice every single one of you to infict punishment. Trump is holding his own Hunger Games over medical supplies. It's not hyperbole, it's happening. We are basically back to the Articles of Confederation.
Edit: it appears, this afternoon, that he has finally put the act into actual use. A least a WEEK after he said he would. When hours are precious. And only after his son-in-law fucked up negotiations with General Motors. The Romanovs had a better grip on things.
Edit 2: Trump, when just asked what the Governors of Washington and Michigan can do to get more help answers "be more appreciative". Translation: "kiss the ring, bend the knee, or the residents of your state can drop dead." Everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) I have ever said about him is true. He admits it from his own mouth. He is a mob boss.
He's been farting around for months but now he's yelling at GM to make ventilators like it's important. Hmm isn't it a hoax or not? What a worthless guy.
He signed the Coronavirus stimulus bill. Nancy Pelosi was not invited to the signing because he's a pretty little child.
People are dying over this little tiny man.
Glad they weren't invited. Take a look at the picture. Two dozen people standing right next to each other in a closed office.
Was Rand Paul there?
edit: Just take a look at his press conference photos and how the journalist there aren't practising social distancing. There is a trust that people don't have the virus and I bet every single one of the people there has been tested lately to see if they are a carrier. Trump the germaphobe wouldn't allow it any other way.
Let's hear them be candid and upfront about how much of their profit margin went to stock buybacks. The answer?? 80% of their free cash flow:
That doesn't make them evil. The last time I checked I was paid to do a job. No job, no check. Simple as that. If there wasn't a bailout they'd be laying people off now instead of October.
No, laying off people during a disaster where are prohibited from working is pretty evil. This isn't "business as usual". Everyone is having to make sacrifices for survival, its going to get worse before it gets better.
That's why there is unemployment insurance. Schools are closed so I am able to stay home with pay, others I work with who are part-time or non-union have to go on EI. It's not full pay but they do get something.
In order for them to get EI though they were given their ROE (Record of Employment) so they can collect. A short term layoff for the system to pay them. They have been reassured that when the school boards reopen they would be taken back with full pay.
Trump won't comply with the terms in the bill he just signed. The bill he just signed into law.
Remember this moment, Republicans, and remember what you said and did. Which will be nothing because you are scared of him and also you like blatant corruption.
Trump's decided to steal $500bn from the bailout for himself and the corporate elites because of course he did he's another Republican crook.
If he somehow wins this next election there won't be another legitimate election in this country again unless it's supervised by occupying forces. Hell this coming election may not be legitimate either since that's the goal for Trump and the Republican organization.
The virus is already everywhere. This talk of "quarantining" states is pointless at this juncture. The point of a quarantine is to completely stop the virus from leaving a small area. The cat is out of the bag, the cows already left the barn, use whatever analogy or phrase you want. Trump is saying that the major problem in Florida is people from NY fleeing south. I have a plethora of pictures and videos that proves the emerging problem in Florida was dipshits on spring break crowding beaches that shouldn't have been open and senior citizens packing airports and going on cruises. And the way he is pitting states against each other is obscene. If this is how we are going to handle this we might as well not even be a country. The excuses for the Governors of Mississippi and Alabama (who are overruling mayors who shut their cities down) are gonna be alot harder to come by. Just like "It's 15 cases, and it will soon be zero", the "Mississippi isn't China" and "Alabama isn't California" quotes are forever in my memory bank.
Funny you should mention states bickering...
As usual, there's more to the story...