I'm sad to say that the President does not have the same high standards for respectful conduct as we do on this forum.
Lately the President has been on the kick of calling the Democratic party the "Democrat party". He's wrong as of 1860 or so but that's never stopped him before from running his mouth.
Today, during a press conference where he demanded the press only ask about trade formost of the thing he said he considers the media "part of the Democrat party".
It's another lie. What is the point of that? He considers people who support Democrats the enemy.
So Americans. The majority of Americans in America are his enemies. He wants to attack and punish (for being your perceived enemies) the majority of Americans. Got to win against the enemies. Break the law, pack the court with the worst people.
The message is: "Just do what I tell you because "we" got to win."
More people voted for Hillary. A non dictator without a Napoleon complex might say "ok, well now I've won the election I will win them over. I will convince them to support me and it won't be hard because I will do a good job."
Trump? Nah. "Enemies!". This is only an excuse. It's a strategy to boss Republicans around and get them to give away our Democratic Republic to an authoritarian crackpot narcissist. They are falling for it hook line and stinker.
I've gone over this before, and as someone who has listened to boatloads of right-wing media over the past 20 years, you can reasonably trust me on this subject.
Calling the Democratic Party the "Democrat" Party was started by right-wing media as a demeaning term. "Democratic" sounds good, so they purposefully shortened it to piss off liberals. It has now reached the point where those on the right (and even the middle) will say it without even thinking. But those of us who have been following this language trend for years know exactly where it comes from and why it is done. It is one-step above saying "libtard". I mean, I don't sit around and call the Republican Party the "Republic" Party:
In the past I have tried to correct people who do it. I will no longer do so. But hearing it is in most cases all I need to know about where they consume most of their media diet. It's a dead giveaway.
This is the second time we have seen Kavanaugh and his inner circle talking about allegations he would have had no business even knowing about. Unless he already knew the events described took place. "As early as July". NO one thought Brett Kavanaugh was open to allegations of sexual assault in July. Except, it seems, Brett Kavanaugh and his friends. How much more proof does anyone need?? He is putting himself in the frying pan MONTHS before any of this came out. It isn't a coincidence that people close to Kavanaugh were working to counter BOTH of the first two accusers before their stories ever became public. If Kavanaugh is innocent, it shouldn't even theoretically be possible. This isn't rocket science.
Well lets hope the Republican parties rigged FBI investigation somehow does it's job.
Otherwise we'll be stuck with another sexual assaulter GOP Supreme Court judge. One who seems genuinely unhinged, emotional and going by his decisions a guy who is completely bought off who will give away your rights in favor of big business.
To explain....most of the countries that are a part of the UN do not have legal same-sex marriage. The Trump Administration is now saying that domestic partners of gay diplomats will no longer be able to get visas to be with their partners without providing proof of marriage. The point being, if some of these diplomats even were to get married in the US (where it is legal), they could face serious persecution when they return home for doing so.
The Administration is arguing that it is only making this change because straight couples were not part of this exemption. But the reason they weren't part of it is because there isn't any country in the world where it is ILLEGAL for a man and woman to marry. This policy was in place to allow same-sex couples to stay together WITHOUT facing legal problems in their home country later on. But no, we can't have that. And hell, if they WANTED to extend the exemption to straight couples who aren't married, I doubt a single person would object to it. Instead they have gone with this option, which only hurts the same-sex couples while doing NOTHING to address the problem they are disingenuously pretending to care about. If you think the Republican Party has given up it's all-out war on the LGBT community, you are sadly, sadly mistaken. This is probably the most creative way they have found to do it yet, but it is still at the core of the social policy of the party. The dedication they have to making the lives of certain people total misery is a sight to behold. The pettiness and malice on display here is boundless.
To explain....most of the countries that are a part of the UN do not have legal same-sex marriage.
Yet you think the United States is the problem here? Shouldn't those other countries join us in the 21st Century and legalize non-heterosexual marriages?
I agree that it is a pointless and needless policy change, but, seriously, the *real* problem is the illegality of the marriages in those countries, not the policy shift.
To explain....most of the countries that are a part of the UN do not have legal same-sex marriage.
Yet you think the United States is the problem here? Shouldn't those other countries join us in the 21st Century and legalize non-heterosexual marriages?
I agree that it is a pointless and needless policy change, but, seriously, the *real* problem is the illegality of the marriages in those countries, not the policy shift.
How are we going to force those countries to change their marriage policy?? With the voice of moral authority this country commands at this point in history?? We can't even convince 40% of this country it should be OUR policy. It was being done as a courtesy to those UN workers who couldn't get married in their own country yet wanted to be able to, you know, LIVE with their partners like normal people do without fear of repercussions in their home country. Needless and pointless doesn't even begin to describe it. Of course it is a problem that those countries don't recognize same-sex marriage. How in the world is the solution to that problem to send the same-sex partners of current diplomats packing?? The Administration isn't even making the argument that they are trying to make some kind of statement to pressure those countries to do that. Their stated reason is that straight couples who weren't married and were in a partnership couldn't get the same visa. So the solution to that problem (if that was actually what they cared about, which it isn't) would be to simply extend that visa courtesy to straight couples of the same legal distinction. But that is not what is at play here. What is at play is another gesture to the religious right, just like the effort to ban transgender soldiers from the military. I said it was creative, but it's not hard to see through. As far as THIS country is concerned, the policy shift is the only thing we can control and the only thing that matters in regards to OUR decision.
And trust me, I would love to live in a country where I didn't have to assume that one political party was being openly hostile to 10% of the population, but unfortunately I DON'T live in that country. The Vice President of the United States when Governor of Indiana was poised to sign a law that was nothing less than the legalized discrimination of homosexuals, and the only thing that stopped him was a complete revolt by the businesses and corporations.
To explain....most of the countries that are a part of the UN do not have legal same-sex marriage.
Yet you think the United States is the problem here? Shouldn't those other countries join us in the 21st Century and legalize non-heterosexual marriages?
I agree that it is a pointless and needless policy change, but, seriously, the *real* problem is the illegality of the marriages in those countries, not the policy shift.
I want to give you a like here. Really can't stress enough that this was needlessly done just to be a dick. But yes other countries should recognize same sex relationships legally.
There's been gay people for more than what five six years, right (kidding its been thousands of years - look up the Sacred Band of Thebes and plenty of other examples throughout the entirety of human history). Humankind might as well let them do what is natural and be proud of themselves and be a part of the society.
Some key findings from the article @jjstraka34 linked:
1. The evidence for the article's conclusions consists of tens of thousands of pages of financial records, tax returns, and depositions that were previously confidential, as well as 100,000 non-confidential documents and interviews with Trump associates. 2. The Trump family used a variety of methods, some illegal and some potentially illegal, to evade taxes when passing money from Fred Trump to his children, including Donald Trump. When Fred Trump began suffering from dementia, Donald Trump took over these processes. Some of this involved funneling money through special channels; some of it involved undervaluing their properties in order to pay a smaller portion in taxes. Sometimes it involved simply failing to report transfers to the IRS. All of this allowed the family to avoid paying hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes. 3. Donald Trump received money from his father from age 3, and got the equivalent of over a million dollars a year by the time he graduated from college, or 5 million dollars a year in his 40s and 50s. 4. Fred Trump gave his children money by giving them salaries from multiple jobs and offering them loans, some of which were never repaid, as well as directly paying for Donald Trump's expenses when building his empire. 5. Fred Trump constructed his empire through a combination of typical business skills and large loans from the federal government from the New Deal. Fred Trump forged close contacts with the Democratic party to defend his business interests. 6. Fred Trump passed on over 1,000 apartments to his children without paying taxes. It's not known how he avoided paying taxes on this. 7. Fred Trump continuously gave his son gifts of free money throughout his life. This increased when Trump's own businesses began to fail. 8. When Fred Trump was 85 and seemingly approaching death, Donald Trump attempted to change his father's will to transfer the whole empire to his own personal control. This attempt failed. 9. As Fred Trump's health grew worse, he found a new way to transfer money without paying taxes: artificially inflating maintenance costs, with the padding acting as a means of giving free money to his children. 10. The "one million dollar loan" from Fred Trump to Donald Trump was actually $60.7 million, or $140 million in today's dollars.
In a word, Fred Trump made his money from a combination of government assistance and his own business acumen. Donald Trump made his money from Fred Trump.
The poison ricin has been found in letters sent to the Pentagon, but so far we don't know who was behind it or what their motive was. No one has been hurt.
Did anyone really believe the small one million dollar loan bs? Furthermore, how can anyone believe a word he says about anything? Almost without exception, anything he claims, that can be independently verified, turns out to not be what Trump said. Either the truth is the exact opposite or he's lying about major aspects in his claim. He's just gross, regardless of politics, as a human being he's gross.
This has been reported before but Greg Miller, a Washington Post reporter, just released a book about Putin and Trump and the rigging of the 2016 election. McConnell said he wouldn’t sign on to any condemnation of Russia’s actions and that if the administration went public with the intelligence, McConnell would in turn call out Brennan as a partisan intervening on behalf of Hillary Clinton, Miller said in a CNN interview Tuesday. Reminder: McConnell is a straight up traitor.
The main issue is not how much money he got from his father (besides the fact that he has lied about it for his entire life). The issue is how that money was made, which includes tax fraud. If what is said in the article is true about what Trump was trying to do in regards to his father's estate at the end of his life when he was sick, it could also be seen as elder abuse. Trying to manipulate sick parents into moving the details of their estate around is the very definition of it.
I wonder what would happen if they find evidence of crimes. I guess he'd just go on wrecking the country and have that hanging over his head - a criminal trial for state crimes - for once he leaves office.
The President is claiming that men are the true victims of sexual assault claims.
President Trump continued his line of argument that men are under attack in America, not once mentioning the victims of sexual assault.
“Think of your son. Think of your husband,” Trump said, noting that he, too, has had “many false allegations” against him. “It’s a damn sad situation,” Trump said.
He also mocked Dr. Ford because he has no decency.
This comes after Trump said earlier in the day at the White House: “it’s a very scary time for young men in America.”
A political rally where someone who has come forward claiming to be a victim of sexual assault is flat-out MOCKED and the person who is accused of perpetrating the assault is cheered to the refrain of "We want Kavanaugh". That happened about an hour ago. This isn't normal behavior, and this really has nothing to do with what could even be considered conventional political beliefs. His rallies are nothing but ravenous hatred. This is a cult. And cults never, ever end well. Trump doesn't worry me half as much as the people at his rallies do. These type of people would usher in an authoritarian government with rose petals and a parade. By all accounts, they seem to crave it. There is nothing going on at Trump rallies that has anything to do with policy (and certainly not the truth). It is 100% focused on destroying the "enemy" which is Democrats and anyone who supports or votes for them. I just watched a video of the crowd on their feet while "God Bless the USA" played at deafening volume. Reminds me of Nuremberg. When Trump is onstage, he is preening wanna-be fascist, and anyone who can't see it is blind. When this all falls apart (and it will), I will spend the rest of my life reminding people what party enabled this.
By the way, that NY Times story from earlier?? That would be enough to probably END any other Presidency. With Trump, it isn't even a blip on the radar. We are so far down the rabbit-hole at this point it isn't even funny.
A political rally where someone who has come forward claiming to be a victim of sexual assault is flat-out MOCKED and the person who is accused of perpetrating the assault is cheered to the refrain of "We want Kavanaugh". That happened about an hour ago. This isn't normal behavior, and this really has nothing to do with what could even be considered conventional political beliefs. His rallies are nothing but ravenous hatred. This is a cult. And cults never, ever end well. Trump doesn't worry me half as much as the people at his rallies do. These type of people would usher in an authoritarian government with rose petals and a parade. By all accounts, they seem to crave it. There is nothing going on at Trump rallies that has anything to do with policy (and certainly not the truth). It is 100% focused on destroying the "enemy" which is Democrats and anyone who supports or votes for them. I just watched a video of the crowd on their feet while "God Bless the USA" played at deafening volume. Reminds me of Nuremberg. When Trump is onstage, he is preening wanna-be fascist, and anyone who can't see it is blind. When this all falls apart (and it will), I will spend the rest of my life reminding people what party enabled this.
By the way, that NY Times story from earlier?? That would be enough to probably END any other Presidency. With Trump, it isn't even a blip on the radar. We are so far down the rabbit-hole at this point it isn't even funny.
I wonder what would happen if they find evidence of crimes. I guess he'd just go on wrecking the country and have that hanging over his head - a criminal trial for state crimes - for once he leaves office.
Oh shit. That's bad (for Trump).
The normal statue of limitations for the IRS on auditing federal tax returns is 3 years.
But there is NO statute of limitations for failing to file a return, or filing a fraudulent return.
30+ years of assessments and compounding interest could be...bad.
Trump was also removed as executor by his father who was suspicious when he told him to "sign immediately!".
So far AFAIK the IRS is not doing anything it's NY state that is investigating. Wonder what the state laws are and statutes of limitations. You know they took down another famous crook with tax evasion as well.
And as always there's a Trump tweet to throw back in his face.
I didn't imagine that my opinion of Trump could sink any lower, but once more he's found a way to make that happen. From this story it appears that the FBI have been told not to interview Ford as part of their investigation (and even if they now were to do so, it's too late to properly follow up leads from the information she provides). In itself that makes a total mockery of the investigation and if I'd been the head of the FBI I would have resigned rather than agree to such a thing. Trump, incidentally, has said repeatedly in public that the FBI can interview anyone they wish to for the investigation. That therefore leaves three options: - the FBI are institutionally stupid - the FBI wish to trash their own reputation for competence - Trump is lying and the FBI have been given very clear and specific orders to ignore whatever Trump says in public and only investigate what McGahn says they can. For me it's no contest which of these is correct.
To add insult to injury though, Trump has been mocking Ford for her inability to remember details from the party, such as where it was held. The point of course is that such details would be very likely to be discovered by a genuine investigation - in fact there's a good chance that the location of the party would take all of about a half hour's work. Kavanaugh put his calendar into evidence before the Senate and stated that it supported his claim that he never went to a party on a weekday. His contempt for other people's intelligence (or possibly his belief that the Senate would not make the evidence public) is such he apparently thought that no-one would notice that there is a gathering recorded on July 1st (a weekday) with a very similar list of attendees to the list given by Ford. That calendar entry says where the party is going to be - so how long would it take to find the house and check its floor plan with the details Ford gave?
A political rally where someone who has come forward claiming to be a victim of sexual assault is flat-out MOCKED and the person who is accused of perpetrating the assault is cheered to the refrain of "We want Kavanaugh". That happened about an hour ago. This isn't normal behavior, and this really has nothing to do with what could even be considered conventional political beliefs. His rallies are nothing but ravenous hatred. This is a cult. And cults never, ever end well. Trump doesn't worry me half as much as the people at his rallies do. These type of people would usher in an authoritarian government with rose petals and a parade. By all accounts, they seem to crave it. There is nothing going on at Trump rallies that has anything to do with policy (and certainly not the truth). It is 100% focused on destroying the "enemy" which is Democrats and anyone who supports or votes for them. I just watched a video of the crowd on their feet while "God Bless the USA" played at deafening volume. Reminds me of Nuremberg. When Trump is onstage, he is preening wanna-be fascist, and anyone who can't see it is blind. When this all falls apart (and it will), I will spend the rest of my life reminding people what party enabled this.
I agree this is worrying behavior. One of the characteristics of authoritarian regimes is to create enemies both internally and externally to provide a focus for grievances that might otherwise be blamed on the regime. As the evidence for Trump's illegalities continues to mount it seems entirely possible (in fact likely) that he will push further in this direction. Before the end of his presidency I suspect we will see Clinton charged with something or other and some sort of military adventure against Iran. The attitude that we just need to wait until Trump's presidency comes to an end and everything will go back to normal seems dangerously complacent to me. This is not a man who is likely to bow out quietly.
‘My mind’s made up’: Lindsey Graham says he will vote for Kavanaugh even if FBI links him to sexual assault
https://www.rawstory.com/2018/09/minds-made-lindsey-graham-says-will-vote-kavanaugh-even-fbi-links-sexual-assault/As a teen, Kavanaugh was never a legal drinker in Maryland
https://apnews.com/e4a48c01f3bf4094b9faea33cd049729The Latest: Yale friend says Kavanaugh was a heavy drinker
https://apnews.com/8d75b9fa97114ef28b9fbd96bf7d9f0e/The-Latest:-Yale-friend-says-Kavanaugh-was-a-heavy-drinker?utm_medium=AP&utm_campaign=SocialFlow&utm_source=Twitter&__twitter_impression=trueThe Latest: Bush advocating for Kavanaugh with senators
https://apnews.com/c8f0b49d2e9049699d48f9a2fcfa1569fToday, during a press conference where he demanded the press only ask about trade formost of the thing he said he considers the media "part of the Democrat party".
It's another lie. What is the point of that? He considers people who support Democrats the enemy.
So Americans. The majority of Americans in America are his enemies. He wants to attack and punish (for being your perceived enemies) the majority of Americans. Got to win against the enemies. Break the law, pack the court with the worst people.
The message is: "Just do what I tell you because "we" got to win."
More people voted for Hillary. A non dictator without a Napoleon complex might say "ok, well now I've won the election I will win them over. I will convince them to support me and it won't be hard because I will do a good job."
Trump? Nah. "Enemies!". This is only an excuse. It's a strategy to boss Republicans around and get them to give away our Democratic Republic to an authoritarian crackpot narcissist. They are falling for it hook line and stinker.
Calling the Democratic Party the "Democrat" Party was started by right-wing media as a demeaning term. "Democratic" sounds good, so they purposefully shortened it to piss off liberals. It has now reached the point where those on the right (and even the middle) will say it without even thinking. But those of us who have been following this language trend for years know exactly where it comes from and why it is done. It is one-step above saying "libtard". I mean, I don't sit around and call the Republican Party the "Republic" Party:
In the past I have tried to correct people who do it. I will no longer do so. But hearing it is in most cases all I need to know about where they consume most of their media diet. It's a dead giveaway.
This is the second time we have seen Kavanaugh and his inner circle talking about allegations he would have had no business even knowing about. Unless he already knew the events described took place. "As early as July". NO one thought Brett Kavanaugh was open to allegations of sexual assault in July. Except, it seems, Brett Kavanaugh and his friends. How much more proof does anyone need?? He is putting himself in the frying pan MONTHS before any of this came out. It isn't a coincidence that people close to Kavanaugh were working to counter BOTH of the first two accusers before their stories ever became public. If Kavanaugh is innocent, it shouldn't even theoretically be possible. This isn't rocket science.
Otherwise we'll be stuck with another sexual assaulter GOP Supreme Court judge. One who seems genuinely unhinged, emotional and going by his decisions a guy who is completely bought off who will give away your rights in favor of big business.
To explain....most of the countries that are a part of the UN do not have legal same-sex marriage. The Trump Administration is now saying that domestic partners of gay diplomats will no longer be able to get visas to be with their partners without providing proof of marriage. The point being, if some of these diplomats even were to get married in the US (where it is legal), they could face serious persecution when they return home for doing so.
The Administration is arguing that it is only making this change because straight couples were not part of this exemption. But the reason they weren't part of it is because there isn't any country in the world where it is ILLEGAL for a man and woman to marry. This policy was in place to allow same-sex couples to stay together WITHOUT facing legal problems in their home country later on. But no, we can't have that. And hell, if they WANTED to extend the exemption to straight couples who aren't married, I doubt a single person would object to it. Instead they have gone with this option, which only hurts the same-sex couples while doing NOTHING to address the problem they are disingenuously pretending to care about. If you think the Republican Party has given up it's all-out war on the LGBT community, you are sadly, sadly mistaken. This is probably the most creative way they have found to do it yet, but it is still at the core of the social policy of the party. The dedication they have to making the lives of certain people total misery is a sight to behold. The pettiness and malice on display here is boundless.
Friends of Ramirez and Kavanaugh anxious to come forward with evidence:
Jeff Flake continues to put pressure on the White House
I agree that it is a pointless and needless policy change, but, seriously, the *real* problem is the illegality of the marriages in those countries, not the policy shift.
And trust me, I would love to live in a country where I didn't have to assume that one political party was being openly hostile to 10% of the population, but unfortunately I DON'T live in that country. The Vice President of the United States when Governor of Indiana was poised to sign a law that was nothing less than the legalized discrimination of homosexuals, and the only thing that stopped him was a complete revolt by the businesses and corporations.
There's been gay people for more than what five six years, right (kidding its been thousands of years - look up the Sacred Band of Thebes and plenty of other examples throughout the entirety of human history). Humankind might as well let them do what is natural and be proud of themselves and be a part of the society.
Hmm. Maybe he was lying.?
1. The evidence for the article's conclusions consists of tens of thousands of pages of financial records, tax returns, and depositions that were previously confidential, as well as 100,000 non-confidential documents and interviews with Trump associates.
2. The Trump family used a variety of methods, some illegal and some potentially illegal, to evade taxes when passing money from Fred Trump to his children, including Donald Trump. When Fred Trump began suffering from dementia, Donald Trump took over these processes. Some of this involved funneling money through special channels; some of it involved undervaluing their properties in order to pay a smaller portion in taxes. Sometimes it involved simply failing to report transfers to the IRS. All of this allowed the family to avoid paying hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes.
3. Donald Trump received money from his father from age 3, and got the equivalent of over a million dollars a year by the time he graduated from college, or 5 million dollars a year in his 40s and 50s.
4. Fred Trump gave his children money by giving them salaries from multiple jobs and offering them loans, some of which were never repaid, as well as directly paying for Donald Trump's expenses when building his empire.
5. Fred Trump constructed his empire through a combination of typical business skills and large loans from the federal government from the New Deal. Fred Trump forged close contacts with the Democratic party to defend his business interests.
6. Fred Trump passed on over 1,000 apartments to his children without paying taxes. It's not known how he avoided paying taxes on this.
7. Fred Trump continuously gave his son gifts of free money throughout his life. This increased when Trump's own businesses began to fail.
8. When Fred Trump was 85 and seemingly approaching death, Donald Trump attempted to change his father's will to transfer the whole empire to his own personal control. This attempt failed.
9. As Fred Trump's health grew worse, he found a new way to transfer money without paying taxes: artificially inflating maintenance costs, with the padding acting as a means of giving free money to his children.
10. The "one million dollar loan" from Fred Trump to Donald Trump was actually $60.7 million, or $140 million in today's dollars.
In a word, Fred Trump made his money from a combination of government assistance and his own business acumen. Donald Trump made his money from Fred Trump.
This has been reported before but Greg Miller, a Washington Post reporter, just released a book about Putin and Trump and the rigging of the 2016 election. McConnell said he wouldn’t sign on to any condemnation of Russia’s actions and that if the administration went public with the intelligence, McConnell would in turn call out Brennan as a partisan intervening on behalf of Hillary Clinton, Miller said in a CNN interview Tuesday. Reminder: McConnell is a straight up traitor.
I wonder what would happen if they find evidence of crimes. I guess he'd just go on wrecking the country and have that hanging over his head - a criminal trial for state crimes - for once he leaves office.
President Trump continued his line of argument that men are under attack in America, not once mentioning the victims of sexual assault.
“Think of your son. Think of your husband,” Trump said, noting that he, too, has had “many false allegations” against him. “It’s a damn sad situation,” Trump said.
He also mocked Dr. Ford because he has no decency.
This comes after Trump said earlier in the day at the White House: “it’s a very scary time for young men in America.”
By the way, that NY Times story from earlier?? That would be enough to probably END any other Presidency. With Trump, it isn't even a blip on the radar. We are so far down the rabbit-hole at this point it isn't even funny.
I suspect some of the people at Trump's campaign are ringers to start whatever chant that he wants for whatever political point he wants to push.
What's scary is that the other people joining along anyway. A cult.
The normal statue of limitations for the IRS on auditing federal tax returns is 3 years.
But there is NO statute of limitations for failing to file a return, or filing a fraudulent return.
30+ years of assessments and compounding interest could be...bad.
So far AFAIK the IRS is not doing anything it's NY state that is investigating. Wonder what the state laws are and statutes of limitations. You know they took down another famous crook with tax evasion as well.
And as always there's a Trump tweet to throw back in his face.
And he was convicted and took a plea deal lol. Totally 'WRONG' as he would say.
- the FBI are institutionally stupid
- the FBI wish to trash their own reputation for competence
- Trump is lying and the FBI have been given very clear and specific orders to ignore whatever Trump says in public and only investigate what McGahn says they can.
For me it's no contest which of these is correct.
To add insult to injury though, Trump has been mocking Ford for her inability to remember details from the party, such as where it was held. The point of course is that such details would be very likely to be discovered by a genuine investigation - in fact there's a good chance that the location of the party would take all of about a half hour's work. Kavanaugh put his calendar into evidence before the Senate and stated that it supported his claim that he never went to a party on a weekday. His contempt for other people's intelligence (or possibly his belief that the Senate would not make the evidence public) is such he apparently thought that no-one would notice that there is a gathering recorded on July 1st (a weekday) with a very similar list of attendees to the list given by Ford. That calendar entry says where the party is going to be - so how long would it take to find the house and check its floor plan with the details Ford gave?
Kavanaugh and his team were scrambling to get out ahead of the allegations against him
Republican leaders say FBI only has days to complete the investigation
Brett Kavanaugh's nickname in High School was Bart