Trump's plan was to tear down Biden with Obamagate. He already was lumping the media as co-conspirators so once they correct and fact check him, his base can just discredit the truth. How stupid Americans are (generally speaking) he might have been able to cling to power with this tactic and a few Biden gaffes like the you're-not-black-if-you-don't-vote-for-me stupidity he uttered last week. His plan B (like it was against Hillary) is to call the election a sham once the results comes in. Once again, people will believe him (and Fox who would parrot him).
These protests are a much needed distraction from his coronavirus results. So yes, he is going to continue to throw fire onto the situation and make it worse because he is not the poster boy for all this chaos like he is with the coronavirus and if he can throw a democrat mayor or two under the bus while the country burns, well all the better.
And that's the thing. People are still dying across the US from this virus. Cities are burning to the ground because of the racial and economical inequalities that have been highlighted the last 2 months. And Trump goes and watches a rocket launch, takes full credit for it getting off the ground and says everything is amazing. That's something that Kim Jong-un would do. This is all happening because the US does not have proper leadership or accountability. It use to be able to get away with not having accountability with strong leadership. This is the result of having neither.
The thing about Democratic mayors was useful when it was 2 or 3 cities. It doesn't really have the same punch when EVERY single city in the country is seeing the exact same thing happen to some degree. Like I said last night, when Fargo and Salt Lake City are seeing mass protests and rioting, some basic social fabric has unraveled.
That's why the message was switched to "The far-left are burning down the cities." Which maybe true, but it is also frustrated, unemployed, out of school/university students. Back to that looting video posted, I bet if you were to line up all the people that went into the store and asked them their opinion of Trump, at least half would be supporters of him because of his troll tactics.
It's opportunist that are burning down the country. They are doing it for the thrill. They aren't doing it for any other reason. There is no rhyme or reason for it.
DC tackle an Antifa rioter and hand him over to the police for trying to turn things violent.
Notice the Antifa Storm Trooper at the end.
Is there something I missed in the video? I don't see anything identifying either guy as Antifa.
You are right, they are not waving a flag or jumping up and down with a sign saying ' I'm Antifa come kick me'. He could be a Neo Nazis or White supremacist. Either way they are NOT part of the protest and they are only there to cause chaos. From my experience I can tell you that they are most likely Anarchists, Antifa of course, they are Anti Fascists.
These people are out there because they are Anti Fascists. They are against the state and any form of government. Whether they are called Antifa or 'The North American Progressive Group for Change By Any Means Necessary', they are there to stir shit up. Violence because they can. Now if we can find out if they are Nazis dressed and acting like Anarchists....
Neo Nazis or Fascists are of course the other side of the coin. They do not like change and base everything on law and order. Claiming that everything, that is not under their perception of reality, degenerate. Neo Nazis do not always push back on authority unless told to by their handlers or leaders. they always want to show they with the law and everyone else is against it. ( Blacks commit more crime...)
Not saying that they are not in there and dressing as Anarchists and sabotaging but I find it unlikely, I would not be surprised if proof came out the cops in general are doing this or the CIA. Then again who is to say that some cops and CIA aren't Fascists?
Antifa/Anarchists are not for positive change. They are leeches and parasites that wait to blend in and infect real movements. On this piece of shits face mask is what looks like a Anarchist symbol, might be someone dressed as a Anarchist too right? Also see how this coward looked off the Black guy and went straight to the Black girl and gave her the bullets.
Spoiled White Girl From the Suburbs Antifa Rioting Career Comes to a Quick End.
Anarchism has been glorified so much by Hollywood and the media that privileged kids in High School think it's cool and edgy. Not understanding that these type of actions take away from real organization and protest. You can even see the pink Louis Vuitton bag on here back. Daddy taking away the AMEX for sure.
Some help - did a single video in that bunch actually address antifa? The first guy did, but he was just in his back yard talking into a video camera. I can do the same thing, and it doesnt mean that Antifa was doing anything. The titles all mentioned antifa, but the content of the videos did not, as far as I could tell.
You continue to post videos as though they advance your argument in the slightest. They havent. If anything, they're detrimental to your overall point because not one of them includes any meaningful or credible evidence that Antifa is involved.
Honestly, it seems like you've just decided to conflate "White violent protesters" with antifa.
I am not arguing with anyone. I am not fighting with anyone. You have the right to say what you want. I am not addressing your bait. Well, not anymore anyways.
You don’t need to be arguing with anyone in order to be making an argument. You don’t need to be arguing with anyone to be told if the argument you are putting forward is problematic. You also said you’re not addressing my “bait”... and then one post later - cited a video that referenced a protest started by anti fascists (the topic of my reply)
First - your video doesn’t suggest antifa was looting or rioting. Just that they started the protest. As before: no one is suggesting antifa isn’t present at some of the protests, just no evidence that they’re masterminding them into violent riots.
Second - didn’t you less than a page ago suggest media is just running a script and cannot be trusted? That video was... local media.
The only thing problematic is your aggressive behaviour towards me. I am not to be held responsible for someone being triggered by the posts I make. I speak in general terms with my opinions. I also have been putting video and links up of what is going on, on the ground and what I am hearing from people close to me and the riots. From my experience dealing with Anarchists, I know what I am talking about. What your beliefs are, are yours. I do feel that you may be involved with these low lifes Anarchists hence the aggressive behaviour towards me, or maybe with a white supremacist group because most Anarchists are white. If I'm wrong on that assumption I apologize, just if the shoe fits.
Consider this formal, I am asking you to stop tunneling me in the comments. I will not argue or debate with you. Please move on, the next personal attack/comment towards me will be reported.
I havent insulted you once. I've only pointed out the holes in your arguments. You've just now suggested that I "may be involved with these lowlifes". You're the only one making personal comments.
Is there something I missed in the video? I don't see anything identifying either guy as Antifa.
As far as I can see, there's nothing directly linking antifa. Or white supremacists. Or neo nazis. Or anything. Literally could be anyone in the protests doing this.
My personal opinion is that it relates mostly to white allies who dont really know how to be a good ally. They believe that by supporting BLM in the most extreme way possible that they are helping tear down the systemic racism incumbent in the system. In reality, they're just prompting backlash and making it easier for the system to write off the protests.
I'm sure there are the occasional opportunist or provocateur in there as well. Add in the border/frustrated/unemployed factor and you get a combustion.
There is a rumour on the internet that jail records have been destroyed in many cities. Any inmate whom have had their records destroyed will have to be let go after the riots are over. Don't know about this but it is circulating on the ground as well.
Antifa/Anarchists are not for positive change. They are leeches and parasites that wait to blend in and infect real movements. On this piece of shits face mask is what looks like a Anarchist symbol, might be someone dressed as a Anarchist too right? Also see how this coward looked off the Black guy and went straight to the Black girl and gave her the bullets.
You do not understand what antifa or anarchist means. It's plainly evident in every post you make. You're insistent upon a caricature as if it were reality.
Antifa means "anti-fascist," and that's it. Antifa have protested and fought back against fascist demonstrations all over the US in the past few years, that's what they do. But they're not an organization with a single coherent ideology, they aren't all anarchists, and they don't want to tear everything down and watch the world burn. They want to defend their communities from fascist violence. Antifa is an ideology, not an organization. It has no members, no dues, no meeting halls, nothing at all like that. Antifa is what you do, not who you are.
Anarchists aren't about lawlessness, chaos, disorder, and violence. Anarchists are about eliminating hierarchies and building functional communities. Both governments and businesses are all about hierarchy, which is why anarchists oppose them, and why it's impossible for ancaps to be real anarchists.
I'm not going to debate you on this because going back and forth over exactly the same argument isn't my idea of fun, but I thought you should know that you clearly do not understand the slightest bit of what you're trying to speak authoritatively about.
It's worth noting the White House has literally shut off it's lights tonight. Trump has (just like with COVID-19) basically abdicated his role as President. He has no interest in doing the job, only holding the office. It's such a symbolically cowardly act you'd think it was satire. Trump, hiding in a bunker while the entire country burns amidst a pandemic he ushered right in our front door. Frankly, this moment is exactly where alot of us saw this going the moment he was elected. Towards total chaos and to the precipice of falling apart completely. Every part of Washington DC is on fire and the President is scurrying like a rat to his basement. Meanwhile, Biden was on the streets today actually talking to people (even though you'd never know it based on the "where's Joe" media coverage).
When the inevitable moment of truth came in 2020, his failure has been total. A catastrophic failure to anticipate the virus led to a historic economic downturn, which created the conditions where such societal fire could spread unchecked. Utterly unfit for his position, a complete incompetent, and a craven to boot.
Antifa/Anarchists are not for positive change. They are leeches and parasites that wait to blend in and infect real movements. On this piece of shits face mask is what looks like a Anarchist symbol, might be someone dressed as a Anarchist too right? Also see how this coward looked off the Black guy and went straight to the Black girl and gave her the bullets.
You do not understand what antifa or anarchist means. It's plainly evident in every post you make. You're insistent upon a caricature as if it were reality.
Antifa means "anti-fascist," and that's it. Antifa have protested and fought back against fascist demonstrations all over the US in the past few years, that's what they do. But they're not an organization with a single coherent ideology, they aren't all anarchists, and they don't want to tear everything down and watch the world burn. They want to defend their communities from fascist violence. Antifa is an ideology, not an organization. It has no members, no dues, no meeting halls, nothing at all like that. Antifa is what you do, not who you are.
Anarchists aren't about lawlessness, chaos, disorder, and violence. Anarchists are about eliminating hierarchies and building functional communities. Both governments and businesses are all about hierarchy, which is why anarchists oppose them, and why it's impossible for ancaps to be real anarchists.
I'm not going to debate you on this because going back and forth over exactly the same argument isn't my idea of fun, but I thought you should know that you clearly do not understand the slightest bit of what you're trying to speak authoritatively about.
This is wrong and it is coming from a biased point of view.
Antifa from what it was at inception has changed. They do stand for Anti-Fascism but have evolved into an Anarchist group. Cops are fascist, government are fascist and everyone who they want to riot against are fascist. I do understand exactly what they are now, I was one. Saying what you think they are or what twitter thinks they are is irrelevant, I walked away because they are NOT about change in a positive way. Of course your opinions are your own and you have a right to them but mine are from being in it. if you or anyone else is part of this group then good on you and I wish you the best. I made a mistake some time ago and I regret it every day, hopefully other will see their mistake they have made as well.
It's like saying all wiccans are witches but not all witches are wiccan.
I also do not want to argue this, it has become monotonous over the last couple of days, but when you say 'Anarchists aren't about lawlessness, chaos, disorder, and violence. Anarchists are about eliminating hierarchies and building functional communities. Both governments and businesses are all about hierarchy, which is why anarchists oppose them, and why it's impossible for ancaps to be real anarchists.' You are talking about communism or you don't understand that the universe is built on a Hierarchy. As Hierarchy, law and order 'As above so below' or as Anarchists chaotic change 'Do as thou wilt'. Apollonian or Dionysian.
I've erased three previous messages before I posted this because I didn't know how to express my disgust at what's going on in this country. I still don't know, but after watching cops taze a dude in a car in Atlanta at least 3 or 4 times for no apparent reason, I'm just going to go to bed, get a few hours of sleep and go to work in the morning. I'm done. I have 5 1/2 months to decide between Trump and Biden. The utter disgust I feel about having to choose between two candidates I absolutely have no faith in, yet again, is giving me a headache...
Patricia Torres Ray, Minnesota State Senator calls rioters Anarchists and white supremacists starts at 3:00. she also calls out the tactics used. When the government tells you to stay home that means the tactics have worked.
This video shows a cop putting his knee on a protesters neck and his partner physically moving it onto the protesters back as others look on. Not trying to give an excuse but why would this cop do this knowing that is exactly why these protests started. Maybe this is from their training and if it is, must change.
This video shows a cop putting his knee on a protesters neck and his partner physically moving it onto the protesters back as others look on. Not trying to give an excuse but why would this cop do this knowing that is exactly why these protests started. Maybe this is from their training and if it is, must change.
Their training teaches them to take zero risks, which sort of defeats the purpose of being a cop. The "risk" (which isn't even in the top-10 most dangerous jobs by the way, driving a cab is more dangerous, so is bartending for that matter) is why you are given guns and nearly unlimited power. It's the trade-off. "Protect and serve" is bullshit. They should put "occupy and abuse" on the side of cars.
But the main problem here is that a LARGE number of these guys are nothing more than the worst, stupidest, cruelest people you knew in high school. They grew up, realized they couldn't bully people in the real world that way, and sought out a profession that would let them. That happens to give them lethal weaponry and absolute control over anyone they come in contact with. Not a good combo.
This video shows a cop putting his knee on a protesters neck and his partner physically moving it onto the protesters back as others look on. Not trying to give an excuse but why would this cop do this knowing that is exactly why these protests started. Maybe this is from their training and if it is, must change.
There training teaches them to take zero risks, which sort of defeats the purpose of being a cop. The "risk" (which isn't even in the top-10 most dangerous jobs by the way, driving a cab is more dangerous, so is bartending for that matter) is why you are given guns and nearly unlimited power. It's the trade-off. "Protect and serve" is bullshit. They should put "occupy and abuse" on the side of cars.
But the main problem here is that a LARGE number of these guys are nothing more than the worst, stupidest, cruelest people you knew in high school. They grew up, realized they couldn't bully people in the real world that way, and sought out a profession that would let them. That happens to give them lethal weaponry and absolute control over anyone they come in contact with. Not a good combo.
I tend to agree with this assessment. To me it would be appropriate to have to pass some kind of psychological assessment before being allowed into a police academy. I'm pretty sure they do this for the FBI. Whatever they do there seems to work.
The thing about Democratic mayors was useful when it was 2 or 3 cities. It doesn't really have the same punch when EVERY single city in the country is seeing the exact same thing happen to some degree. Like I said last night, when Fargo and Salt Lake City are seeing mass protests and rioting, some basic social fabric has unraveled.
It's opportunist that are burning down the country. They are doing it for the thrill. They aren't doing it for any other reason. There is no rhyme or reason for it.
Notice the Antifa Storm Trooper at the end.
You are right, they are not waving a flag or jumping up and down with a sign saying ' I'm Antifa come kick me'. He could be a Neo Nazis or White supremacist. Either way they are NOT part of the protest and they are only there to cause chaos. From my experience I can tell you that they are most likely Anarchists, Antifa of course, they are Anti Fascists.
Not saying that they are not in there and dressing as Anarchists and sabotaging but I find it unlikely, I would not be surprised if proof came out the cops in general are doing this or the CIA. Then again who is to say that some cops and CIA aren't Fascists?
Anarchism has been glorified so much by Hollywood and the media that privileged kids in High School think it's cool and edgy. Not understanding that these type of actions take away from real organization and protest. You can even see the pink Louis Vuitton bag on here back. Daddy taking away the AMEX for sure.
I havent insulted you once. I've only pointed out the holes in your arguments. You've just now suggested that I "may be involved with these lowlifes". You're the only one making personal comments.
As far as I can see, there's nothing directly linking antifa. Or white supremacists. Or neo nazis. Or anything. Literally could be anyone in the protests doing this.
My personal opinion is that it relates mostly to white allies who dont really know how to be a good ally. They believe that by supporting BLM in the most extreme way possible that they are helping tear down the systemic racism incumbent in the system. In reality, they're just prompting backlash and making it easier for the system to write off the protests.
I'm sure there are the occasional opportunist or provocateur in there as well. Add in the border/frustrated/unemployed factor and you get a combustion.
You do not understand what antifa or anarchist means. It's plainly evident in every post you make. You're insistent upon a caricature as if it were reality.
Antifa means "anti-fascist," and that's it. Antifa have protested and fought back against fascist demonstrations all over the US in the past few years, that's what they do. But they're not an organization with a single coherent ideology, they aren't all anarchists, and they don't want to tear everything down and watch the world burn. They want to defend their communities from fascist violence. Antifa is an ideology, not an organization. It has no members, no dues, no meeting halls, nothing at all like that. Antifa is what you do, not who you are.
Anarchists aren't about lawlessness, chaos, disorder, and violence. Anarchists are about eliminating hierarchies and building functional communities. Both governments and businesses are all about hierarchy, which is why anarchists oppose them, and why it's impossible for ancaps to be real anarchists.
I'm not going to debate you on this because going back and forth over exactly the same argument isn't my idea of fun, but I thought you should know that you clearly do not understand the slightest bit of what you're trying to speak authoritatively about.
When the inevitable moment of truth came in 2020, his failure has been total. A catastrophic failure to anticipate the virus led to a historic economic downturn, which created the conditions where such societal fire could spread unchecked. Utterly unfit for his position, a complete incompetent, and a craven to boot.
This is wrong and it is coming from a biased point of view.
Antifa from what it was at inception has changed. They do stand for Anti-Fascism but have evolved into an Anarchist group. Cops are fascist, government are fascist and everyone who they want to riot against are fascist. I do understand exactly what they are now, I was one. Saying what you think they are or what twitter thinks they are is irrelevant, I walked away because they are NOT about change in a positive way. Of course your opinions are your own and you have a right to them but mine are from being in it. if you or anyone else is part of this group then good on you and I wish you the best. I made a mistake some time ago and I regret it every day, hopefully other will see their mistake they have made as well.
It's like saying all wiccans are witches but not all witches are wiccan.
I also do not want to argue this, it has become monotonous over the last couple of days, but when you say 'Anarchists aren't about lawlessness, chaos, disorder, and violence. Anarchists are about eliminating hierarchies and building functional communities. Both governments and businesses are all about hierarchy, which is why anarchists oppose them, and why it's impossible for ancaps to be real anarchists.' You are talking about communism or you don't understand that the universe is built on a Hierarchy. As Hierarchy, law and order 'As above so below' or as Anarchists chaotic change 'Do as thou wilt'. Apollonian or Dionysian.
White privilege from outta town driving daddy's car.
My head hurts...
Mayor Bill De Blasio's Daughter Arrested
You got your wish, Susan Rice has stepped up.
Their training teaches them to take zero risks, which sort of defeats the purpose of being a cop. The "risk" (which isn't even in the top-10 most dangerous jobs by the way, driving a cab is more dangerous, so is bartending for that matter) is why you are given guns and nearly unlimited power. It's the trade-off. "Protect and serve" is bullshit. They should put "occupy and abuse" on the side of cars.
But the main problem here is that a LARGE number of these guys are nothing more than the worst, stupidest, cruelest people you knew in high school. They grew up, realized they couldn't bully people in the real world that way, and sought out a profession that would let them. That happens to give them lethal weaponry and absolute control over anyone they come in contact with. Not a good combo.
I tend to agree with this assessment. To me it would be appropriate to have to pass some kind of psychological assessment before being allowed into a police academy. I'm pretty sure they do this for the FBI. Whatever they do there seems to work.