Trump and his family have been taking what are essentially bribes when any foreign leader or official stays at a Trump property anywhere around the world. It's not some kind of secret. For whatever reason he has simply been immune from the consequences. There has never been anything remotely like it, and it's insane. He should be impeached for his business conflicts of interest alone.
I wonder if he will appeal the ruling to the rigged Supreme Court. Nah he probably will accept that he "lost" right? He always admits when he's wrong. /S
I wonder if he will appeal the ruling to the rigged Supreme Court. Nah he probably will accept that he "lost" right? He always admits when he's wrong. /S
@jjstraka34 that is what this lawsuit is about. The Trump’s have just been attempting to block it and stall it as much as possible. If this court case goes through he will start facing the consequences regarding not liquidating his assets or putting it in a blind trust like he was told to legally do.
The reason why this has never happened before is because all other presidents followed that protical. Trump knew though if a blind trust took over his business operations, all those shady business dealings he’s hiding in plain sight would have been easier to access and confirm.
Well there is this tidbit from the article:
The president could seek to have the appeal heard by a higher court, an “extraordinary remedy”, according to the justice department’s website, that “should only be used in exceptional circumstances of peculiar emergency or public importance”.
So when he can claim national security reasons for importing products from the countries closest allies, he will vaguely say this is of “public importance,” and ask the Supreme Court to rule on it.
I personally will be appalled if they rule against the lower courts here if Trump plays that card. I hope, even the right leaning judges that have been sitting for awhile, will put partisan politics aside and allow this legal action to continue.
But I also don’t have a care here as it isn’t my country’s norms being ripped apart at the seams.
the thing to remember with the "philosophy" of proscribing speech is that it is not the content of the speech that maters, but the effects of it
- lying under oath: the content of what's being expressed is not proscribed (in another context you can lie as much as you like), but causing potential injustice by interfering with a necessary procedure of justice - yelling fire in a crowded theater: saying fire is not proscribed in itself, but an action to cause the effect of saying "fire" in this context, i.e. creating a very serious danger to other people. - incitement to imminent lawless action: since crime is proscribed, speech that imminently leads to crime is also proscribed, regardless of the uttered words in themselves, or the underlying ideas (saying "rob a pharmacy to treat poor sick people!" may be something that's actually forbidden) - threat: what you say doesn't really matter in itself (if you don't finish your homework i will kill you), what matters is that you act in such a way as to effectively reduce another person's freedom and sense of security; so it's this effect which is the grounds for banning treats, not violent-sounding speech - defamation: what really matters is the harm it causes to another's reputation, not the actual content of what's being said (and not even whether it's true or false)
so with *hate speech* there a massive problem with semantics (yeah, really) - it places the emphasis not on the effect but the cause of speech that is to be prohibited. people wonder if hating is something that would be banned. that's why i never use the phrase hate speech, but incitement to hostility or something similar (incitement to violent intolerance for example)
under this logic, it's not forbidden to hate, to say that you hate, to say you aren't tolerant, etc, but only to objectively cause such a situation where it's fairly believable that someone will take your words to heart and cause some sort of criminal wrongdoing to the members of a certain group.
this wrongdoing may have a greater scope than with regular incitement to imminent lawless action. these are the worst evils in society (terrorism, ethnic or sectarian violence, genocide, apartheid etc.). hate speech is basically incitement to generally non-imminent and potential lawlessness of the worst kind imaginable. so you take something on one end but add on another.
it's up to the people of usa to determine if that's something that should be allowed or not. it's a fair democratic question. it's not a dogmatic issue of what the constitution says, but what the people really want.
edit: basically the effect of "hate speech" and why it is technically proscribable is "crappy society with more violence"
- defamation: what really matters is the harm it causes to another's reputation, not the actual content of what's being said (and not even whether it's true or false)
Actually, it does matter if it's true or false. It's NOT defamation if it's true.
yeah... i meant to say: "and not even that it's false", meaning that it's not the fact that it is false which makes it prohibited, since lying is generally not prohibited, but the fact that it causes some sort of harmful effect. a false statement is just a means to achieve this effect.
I wonder if he will appeal the ruling to the rigged Supreme Court. Nah he probably will accept that he "lost" right? He always admits when he's wrong. /S
@jjstraka34 that is what this lawsuit is about. The Trump’s have just been attempting to block it and stall it as much as possible. If this court case goes through he will start facing the consequences regarding not liquidating his assets or putting it in a blind trust like he was told to legally do.
The reason why this has never happened before is because all other presidents followed that protical. Trump knew though if a blind trust took over his business operations, all those shady business dealings he’s hiding in plain sight would have been easier to access and confirm.
Well there is this tidbit from the article:
The president could seek to have the appeal heard by a higher court, an “extraordinary remedy”, according to the justice department’s website, that “should only be used in exceptional circumstances of peculiar emergency or public importance”.
So when he can claim national security reasons for importing products from the countries closest allies, he will vaguely say this is of “public importance,” and ask the Supreme Court to rule on it.
I personally will be appalled if they rule against the lower courts here if Trump plays that card. I hope, even the right leaning judges that have been sitting for awhile, will put partisan politics aside and allow this legal action to continue.
But I also don’t have a care here as it isn’t my country’s norms being ripped apart at the seams.
I hope it ends up holding him accountable too. Shit, even Dick Cheney got rid of his personal Haliburton stock before assuming the Vice Presidency. It would be crazy to allow ANY sitting President to have these kind of business conflicts, but Trump?? He views this as nothing more than a chance to loot the country. Say what you will about former Presidents, but Bill and Hillary were not still practicing at their law firms. W. sold his interests in the oil business and the Texas Rangers. Obama didn't keep writing books while in office. And Trump's potential conflicts are f'n EVERYWHERE.
Conflicts are everywhere with Trump. He supposedly owes Russia a lot of money and he's always bending over backwards to do Russia's bidding. Saudi has invested millions in Trump and the Crown Prince supposedly owns Jared Kushner, Trump's son in law. Trump goes easy on Saudi and lets them murder a jounalist and goes out of his way to find excuses to cover for them.
smeagolheart You said about caravans coming from brazil after Bolsonaro got elected. I question, how many caravans did you received from Argentina? Macri was the first non peronist president after decades of peronism, fell of Argentina into a military dictatorship, then more peronism...
Good to mention Argentina, Argentina was very rich on 1900
And the media used the same attacks that they used against Bolsonaro, against Macri. Like accusing him of being racist(note that there are a lot of castizos/mestizos on his staff) only because he is against mass immigration from Venezuela, Bolivia, etc to Argentina, a country who have unemployment problems and think that people need to adapt to local culture.
Argentina's President Gets Backlash for Immigration Policy President Mauricio Macri blamed rising crime rates on migrants
And no, just because someone speak Spanish, doesn't means that he will understand Argentine Spanish. Mexican and Argentine Spanish are different just like Singaporean English and USA English are different. Macri din't managed to pass his necessary reforms. Argentine peso is losing value, Argentina have most common problems of third world like economic instability, endemic corruption, crime and most first world problems like obesity and mass immigration.
The Republican controlled Senate judiciary committee just released a fake report clearing Kavanaugh of the credible sexual assualt allegations he faced. It's full of lies and distortions and released oh so conveniently just before the midterms.
I am sad to say I'm not shocked at how low these Republicans have gone to smear a victim of sexual assault and to sweep under the rug the things he has done. There is no bottom to the Republican party in the age of Trump.
They are completely lawless as well. The Republican Chief Justice of the Supreme Court personally sat on misconduct allegations against Kavanaugh for a month instead of acting on them to help Kavanaugh get confirmed. Not to mention the blatant theft of democracy via voter suppression and gerrymandering and the indoctrination of people via Fox News lies.
Republicans will use every loophole and twist everything in order to steal more power from the American people.
If you feel like discussing let me know but I'm just severely dissapointed yet again in the Republican party.
I hope it ends up holding him accountable too. Shit, even Dick Cheney got rid of his personal Haliburton stock before assuming the Vice Presidency. It would be crazy to allow ANY sitting President to have these kind of business conflicts, but Trump?? He views this as nothing more than a chance to loot the country. Say what you will about former Presidents, but Bill and Hillary were not still practicing at their law firms. W. sold his interests in the oil business and the Texas Rangers. Obama didn't keep writing books while in office. And Trump's potential conflicts are f'n EVERYWHERE.
When I joined an accountancy firm in 1984 I was required to sell about a £1,000 of shares I had in an audit client of the firm. That firm wasn't even handled by my office and even if they were it would have been highly unlikely I could have had much impact on the audit of a multi-million company. However, it wouldn't have been impossible - there certainly were potential major issues I came across when doing audits even as a junior - and I agreed it was right to avoid any possible conflict of interest when I was reporting on such things.
Such rules on conflicts of interest are now standard across the legal and financial professions. I see similar sorts of provisions all the time in my current job with a local council where we require anyone bidding for contracts to disclose whether they have any financial ties or other links with any members or officers of the council. Just the idea that any President could possibly be above such conflicts seems pretty unbelievable to me, let alone this particular President. Why that's almost as ridiculous as, say, a candidate for governor being responsible for the conduct of the election for that governorship ...
On the topic of the limits of free speech and public demonstration, police are investigating a parade in KKK uniforms in Northern Ireland as a potential hate crime:
Looks like Brian Kemp (He, the Secretary of State in Georgia and Governor candidate) is alleging that there was an attempt to hack the Georgia voter registration system, and that the Democratic party of Georgia is "under investigation" for "Cyber Crimes".
Can it be any clearer how big of a conflict of interest it is for someone to be both the Secretary of State in a state (And thus, in charge of overseeing the election as well as any recounts) and also be a Candidate for higher office?
Whether he's right or wrong (and given his history with voter suppression, I'm inclined to say he's wrong) - he shouldnt be involved in this AT ALL.
Ugh. We're really screwing up this "grand experiment".
He isn't even willing to say why the Democratic Party is being investigated. There is no reason not to believe this isn't a stunt. Kemp has been trying to steal the election in a myriad of ways for the last couple of months. That anyone would take anything he is saying seriously is laughable. Someone got some horrendous looking internal polling or early-vote numbers and wanted a 48-hour headline. If this is true, I'll eat my hat.
If Kemp can't produce the goods here (and he won't) he himself should be looked into for whether he is engaged in a criminal attempt to subvert democracy by abuse of his office.
How is anyone supposed to combat this kind of bullshit if the people who engage in it suffer no consequences?? There isn't a single shred of evidence that is being presented. The Secretary of State's office doesn't even have criminal jurisdiction. He is using the official page of the Secretary of State of Georgia to spread (at best) unproven allegations against his opponents about 48 hours before an election.
Looks like Brian Kemp (He, the Secretary of State in Georgia and Governor candidate) is alleging that there was an attempt to hack the Georgia voter registration system, and that the Democratic party of Georgia is "under investigation" for "Cyber Crimes".
Can it be any clearer how big of a conflict of interest it is for someone to be both the Secretary of State in a state (And thus, in charge of overseeing the election as well as any recounts) and also be a Candidate for higher office?
Whether he's right or wrong (and given his history with voter suppression, I'm inclined to say he's wrong) - he shouldnt be involved in this AT ALL.
Ugh. We're really screwing up this "grand experiment".
That sad part is that republicans will believe and forever more bring this up as an example of Democrat voter fraud. There was a poll that showed that something crazy like 30% or so of republicans believe Trumps claim that 3.5 million illegal immigrants voted for Hillary. I tried finding it again by googling it, but google these days have started to show only the most popular webpages or something. My experience is that google is becoming worse by the day but that is another discussion.
How is anyone supposed to combat this kind of bullshit if the people who engage in it suffer no consequences?? There isn't a single shred of evidence that is being presented. The Secretary of State's office doesn't even have criminal jurisdiction. He is using the official page of the Secretary of State of Georgia to spread (at best) unproven allegations against his opponents about 48 hours before an election.
His grand scheme is probably accuse his politicial opponents of cybercrimes, flip a few voters, then win the election then say gee nevermind my bad but I'm now governor.
Jimmy Carter, nicest ex-president ever, basically Mr. Rogers, said hey it's not right you being in charge of the election while running for governor. Lo and behold he was right and Kemp instead of resigning and winning or losing fair and square decided the only way he was going to win was to CHEAT.
More info on Georgia, I'll link the article referenced in this quote from TPM below. The bottom line is, what Kemp did is basically the same as referring someone for investigation for reporting a fire-code violation:
It turns out the backstory to Brian Kemp’s accusation against the Georgia Democratic party is about as stupid as you could imagine. According to this report, a voter found the vulnerability, alerted an attorney for the plaintiff’s in one of the on-going lawsuits against Kemp’s office. That lawyer alerted the attorneys for Kemp’s office. There were apparently a couple lines of communication. See the details here. But the gist is this. There was a security vulnerability in the system Kemp is responsible for securing. His office was alerted the vulnerability. Then instead of focusing on fixing it he put out a press release accusing the state Democratic party of trying to “hack” the state system. Shocking and awful and about as bad as you can imagine.
Tomorrow night is Super Bowl Sunday for American political junkies. The major races to watch are the Florida and Georgia Guveratorial races and the Texas and North Dakota Senate, but even early returns from East coast House districts will start giving a clear sign of where the night is going.
If you haven't voted early, please consider voting tomorrow. Many people in this current climate are being denied that right.
Translation : And the show of "new feminism" continues. Men, fearing false accusations, do not want to be mentors of women in companies and companies are beginning to stop hiring women for fear of millionaire lawsuits. Congratulations to those involved. We moved back 60 years.
Translation : And the show of "new feminism" continues. Men, fearing false accusations, do not want to be mentors of women in companies and companies are beginning to stop hiring women for fear of millionaire lawsuits. Congratulations to those involved. We moved back 60 years.
Found this in Forbes. Sounds like there is somethin to what @SorcererV1ct0r is saying. It took me all of 20 seconds to find this btw...
Thanks, anyway, i had a awful experience with false accusation. Was little before the "high school", i refused an colleague that i have no interest, she accused me of attacking her while i was on a excursion and without 2 friends saying that i was with then every time and a professor confining that saw me with this then, i will probably got expelled.
This is the inversion of Presumption of innocence, i don't know why we are "evolving" into a world where you have no right of be innocent until proven guilty but have the "right" to not be offended...
Really interesting the history of Lincoln as compared to Trump's Republican Party. They are trying to undo Lincoln's legacy - literally - seeing as how the GOP is against birthright citizenship that was a product of Abraham Lincoln's GOP.
"And there you have it. The Republican Party was once aligned against the wealthy and the bigots and alongside African-Americans and workers. Unfortunately, they’ve now chosen to align themselves with bigots, billionaires, and the belligerent. It’s sad how far they’ve fallen, but Lincoln wouldn’t recognize his party today, and they should really keep his name out of their mouths."
The reason why this has never happened before is because all other presidents followed that protical. Trump knew though if a blind trust took over his business operations, all those shady business dealings he’s hiding in plain sight would have been easier to access and confirm.
Well there is this tidbit from the article:
The president could seek to have the appeal heard by a higher court, an “extraordinary remedy”, according to the justice department’s website, that “should only be used in exceptional circumstances of peculiar emergency or public importance”.
So when he can claim national security reasons for importing products from the countries closest allies, he will vaguely say this is of “public importance,” and ask the Supreme Court to rule on it.
I personally will be appalled if they rule against the lower courts here if Trump plays that card. I hope, even the right leaning judges that have been sitting for awhile, will put partisan politics aside and allow this legal action to continue.
But I also don’t have a care here as it isn’t my country’s norms being ripped apart at the seams.
the thing to remember with the "philosophy" of proscribing speech is that it is not the content of the speech that maters, but the effects of it
- lying under oath: the content of what's being expressed is not proscribed (in another context you can lie as much as you like), but causing potential injustice by interfering with a necessary procedure of justice
- yelling fire in a crowded theater: saying fire is not proscribed in itself, but an action to cause the effect of saying "fire" in this context, i.e. creating a very serious danger to other people.
- incitement to imminent lawless action: since crime is proscribed, speech that imminently leads to crime is also proscribed, regardless of the uttered words in themselves, or the underlying ideas (saying "rob a pharmacy to treat poor sick people!" may be something that's actually forbidden)
- threat: what you say doesn't really matter in itself (if you don't finish your homework i will kill you), what matters is that you act in such a way as to effectively reduce another person's freedom and sense of security; so it's this effect which is the grounds for banning treats, not violent-sounding speech
- defamation: what really matters is the harm it causes to another's reputation, not the actual content of what's being said (and not even whether it's true or false)
so with *hate speech* there a massive problem with semantics (yeah, really) - it places the emphasis not on the effect but the cause of speech that is to be prohibited. people wonder if hating is something that would be banned. that's why i never use the phrase hate speech, but incitement to hostility or something similar (incitement to violent intolerance for example)
under this logic, it's not forbidden to hate, to say that you hate, to say you aren't tolerant, etc, but only to objectively cause such a situation where it's fairly believable that someone will take your words to heart and cause some sort of criminal wrongdoing to the members of a certain group.
this wrongdoing may have a greater scope than with regular incitement to imminent lawless action. these are the worst evils in society (terrorism, ethnic or sectarian violence, genocide, apartheid etc.). hate speech is basically incitement to generally non-imminent and potential lawlessness of the worst kind imaginable. so you take something on one end but add on another.
it's up to the people of usa to determine if that's something that should be allowed or not. it's a fair democratic question. it's not a dogmatic issue of what the constitution says, but what the people really want.
edit: basically the effect of "hate speech" and why it is technically proscribable is "crappy society with more violence"
He's a totally conflicted angry Republican.
Good to mention Argentina, Argentina was very rich on 1900
And the media used the same attacks that they used against Bolsonaro, against Macri. Like accusing him of being racist(note that there are a lot of castizos/mestizos on his staff) only because he is against mass immigration from Venezuela, Bolivia, etc to Argentina, a country who have unemployment problems and think that people need to adapt to local culture.
Argentina's President Gets Backlash for Immigration Policy
President Mauricio Macri blamed rising crime rates on migrants
And no, just because someone speak Spanish, doesn't means that he will understand Argentine Spanish. Mexican and Argentine Spanish are different just like Singaporean English and USA English are different. Macri din't managed to pass his necessary reforms. Argentine peso is losing value, Argentina have most common problems of third world like economic instability, endemic corruption, crime and most first world problems like obesity and mass immigration.
I am sad to say I'm not shocked at how low these Republicans have gone to smear a victim of sexual assault and to sweep under the rug the things he has done. There is no bottom to the Republican party in the age of Trump.
I'll let you read all about it here.
They are completely lawless as well. The Republican Chief Justice of the Supreme Court personally sat on misconduct allegations against Kavanaugh for a month instead of acting on them to help Kavanaugh get confirmed. Not to mention the blatant theft of democracy via voter suppression and gerrymandering and the indoctrination of people via Fox News lies.
Republicans will use every loophole and twist everything in order to steal more power from the American people.
If you feel like discussing let me know but I'm just severely dissapointed yet again in the Republican party.
Remember that
Such rules on conflicts of interest are now standard across the legal and financial professions. I see similar sorts of provisions all the time in my current job with a local council where we require anyone bidding for contracts to disclose whether they have any financial ties or other links with any members or officers of the council. Just the idea that any President could possibly be above such conflicts seems pretty unbelievable to me, let alone this particular President. Why that's almost as ridiculous as, say, a candidate for governor being responsible for the conduct of the election for that governorship ...
The history of people marching in uniform in NI is very complex & contentious- see the Orange Order if you're not familar with it and are interested.
Looks like Brian Kemp (He, the Secretary of State in Georgia and Governor candidate) is alleging that there was an attempt to hack the Georgia voter registration system, and that the Democratic party of Georgia is "under investigation" for "Cyber Crimes".
Can it be any clearer how big of a conflict of interest it is for someone to be both the Secretary of State in a state (And thus, in charge of overseeing the election as well as any recounts) and also be a Candidate for higher office?
Whether he's right or wrong (and given his history with voter suppression, I'm inclined to say he's wrong) - he shouldnt be involved in this AT ALL.
Ugh. We're really screwing up this "grand experiment".
Turns out (of course) he has done this before:
If Kemp can't produce the goods here (and he won't) he himself should be looked into for whether he is engaged in a criminal attempt to subvert democracy by abuse of his office.
See if he gets the message.
How is anyone supposed to combat this kind of bullshit if the people who engage in it suffer no consequences?? There isn't a single shred of evidence that is being presented. The Secretary of State's office doesn't even have criminal jurisdiction. He is using the official page of the Secretary of State of Georgia to spread (at best) unproven allegations against his opponents about 48 hours before an election.
And he thinks he can get away with it.
It turns out the backstory to Brian Kemp’s accusation against the Georgia Democratic party is about as stupid as you could imagine. According to this report, a voter found the vulnerability, alerted an attorney for the plaintiff’s in one of the on-going lawsuits against Kemp’s office. That lawyer alerted the attorneys for Kemp’s office. There were apparently a couple lines of communication. See the details here. But the gist is this. There was a security vulnerability in the system Kemp is responsible for securing. His office was alerted the vulnerability. Then instead of focusing on fixing it he put out a press release accusing the state Democratic party of trying to “hack” the state system. Shocking and awful and about as bad as you can imagine.
If you haven't voted early, please consider voting tomorrow. Many people in this current climate are being denied that right.
Tweeted from a volley professional player
Related article
Found this in Forbes. Sounds like there is somethin to what @SorcererV1ct0r is saying. It took me all of 20 seconds to find this btw...
This is the inversion of Presumption of innocence, i don't know why we are "evolving" into a world where you have no right of be innocent until proven guilty but have the "right" to not be offended...
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"And there you have it. The Republican Party was once aligned against the wealthy and the bigots and alongside African-Americans and workers. Unfortunately, they’ve now chosen to align themselves with bigots, billionaires, and the belligerent. It’s sad how far they’ve fallen, but Lincoln wouldn’t recognize his party today, and they should really keep his name out of their mouths."