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*IMPORTANT* Regarding Intel Hardware! Driver issues, slow game performance



  • ShadowdemonShadowdemon Member Posts: 80

    @Allen63 I agree with you. And because of this I'm pretty sure that either they will find a workaround in a month or two, or the community will solve this. One of the great things about BG is that it has the single best community I've ever seen in a game. Both polite, interactive, persistent and constructive. It's the biggest reason this game is still alive, all these years later.

    Because of the poor support for OpenGL on Intel solutions I fear that the only thing they can do is impement DirectX. No matter how hard Beamdog or the community tries to circumvent the problem it is the poor Intel drivers that are responsible so it may not be fixable. DirectX may take a lot longer to do than 'a month or two' :(
  • ibitatoibitato Member Posts: 64

    @Allen63 I agree with you. And because of this I'm pretty sure that either they will find a workaround in a month or two, or the community will solve this. One of the great things about BG is that it has the single best community I've ever seen in a game. Both polite, interactive, persistent and constructive. It's the biggest reason this game is still alive, all these years later.

    Because of the poor support for OpenGL on Intel solutions I fear that the only thing they can do is impement DirectX. No matter how hard Beamdog or the community tries to circumvent the problem it is the poor Intel drivers that are responsible so it may not be fixable. DirectX may take a lot longer to do than 'a month or two' :(
    there is something odd about all this
    the patch implelemts hardware pointer, that im pretty sure they circumvent using either Windows API
    or DirectX
    BG2, PS:T,IceW,IceW II, all of them are OpenGL, and I have all of them working on my crappy 945 chipset on an old laptop (4:3 screen) that I use to play such games.
    Also I have all SiperWeb Software RPGs running there no problems, that are opengl ports from Mac
    All of them run very well.........
  • HoboJoe0858HoboJoe0858 Member Posts: 36
    I bet if you switch BG2 to 3D accelerated it wont run as well, I have a 945 as well.
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    K. @Nathan kindly pointed out a possible custom driver to be found at . After using this on my machine, it was unable to continue onwards to the game. i.e. The title screen with the options tutorial, baldur's gate, black pits appeared. Movie sound was heard (But just a mess of the original title screen haphazardly jumbled) before crashing when trying to play the game. (Do you still want crash .dmp data from a custom driver?)

    The current Intel 4 chipset driver seems to give best results... I switch everything to performance.

    Anyone else had a go using this custom driver? Can we officially call it a dead end? Let me know peoples...
  • MenalakMenalak Member Posts: 3
    You and your entire team should be wiped off the face of the Earth. Look at the support section. 95% of people have the same problem and is there any support or help from you guys? NO. This shouldn't even be a problem. You had the simple task of making a game run (which already runs on modern systems anyways) better and you completely failed.In fact, you have gone into the negative failure state considering the original works, this version doesn't even work. A round of applause for these limpdick fuckers.
  • ibitatoibitato Member Posts: 64

    I bet if you switch BG2 to 3D accelerated it wont run as well, I have a 945 as well.

    yep , thats right running only with 3d animations and no 3d acceleration,
    that on the other sde, its completely unnecesary nowdays for that games
  • ibitatoibitato Member Posts: 64
    Menalak said:

    You and your entire team should be wiped off the face of the Earth. Look at the support section. 95% of people have the same problem and is there any support or help from you guys? NO. This shouldn't even be a problem. You had the simple task of making a game run (which already runs on modern systems anyways) better and you completely failed.In fact, you have gone into the negative failure state considering the original works, this version doesn't even work. A round of applause for these limpdick fuckers.

    To be honest with you , I don't think that they should say anything (but hey we're working on it) until they are ready to fix it.

    I am not happy with the outcome on Intel GPUs, but I've tested on other machines running AMD and
    everyting goes snappy...... (and friends of mine on nVidia confirm, also my rig at the office no probs at all)

    The made a wrong asumtion, I think, that few ppl were going to be playing with low end lappys and pcs, where Intel GPUs are kinda king. They did not test on those platforms, that are easy and cheap to find.

    Big mistake.

    BUT, I still think the proyect has some good potential and sh1t happens, so I am ready to help over the forums, and to be patient. It's not like I don't have like other 450 games to game, lol

    Patience is a virtue.
  • QuaestorQuaestor Member Posts: 22

    Yep, that's pretty much what must have happened (c.f. quote below) - you can't blame them for not testing on EVERY machine possible, but a bit of market-analysis would have been a good idea. ;)
    Nathan said:

    @Quaestor no worries, it's a reasonable question.

    The problem is, as I'm sure you've noticed, there are some people here who have Intel chipsets that have it working more-or-less without issues. We did a bunch of work with a 3100ish Intel integrated solution and got it working, but, we didn't have a laptop with a 4500 in it - which, as it turns out, was apparently the integrated chipset of choice for a certain year or two of laptop sales. So now we have to find one and fix it, or look into a Direct3D renderer.

    By way of explanation, the biggest issue is that when dealing with which renderer we'd use, OpenGL fits for *every* platform, minus this issue which we didn't discover until way way way too late in the project. iOS, Android, Mac OSX and Windows were all fine... minus these Intel cards.

  • HuderonHuderon Member Posts: 4
    I hope they will fix this soon though I'm very happy about the patch they just released hopefully this will be fixed. If you are playing on the laptop and are trying didn't work for me although my laptop is crap. I did the properties thing checked everything i went into the folder and added what they wanted at the start of this topic. Here my system
    Manufacturer Toshiba
    Model Satellite C655
    Processor Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 900 @ 2.20GHz
    RAM 2GB
    OS Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit
    Video card Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family
    Video RAM 830MB
    Pixel sharder version 4.0
    Vertex sharder version 4.0
    Free disk space 6.6GB
    Well their are my crappy system specs. Luckily i have a desktop that I can run it fine on sometimes laggs a bit but only really on multiplayer hopefully this will get fixed soon.
  • Duomaxwell647Duomaxwell647 Member Posts: 3
    So after much tweaking I can now run it perfectly! (At least my speed run of Candlekeep went swimingly, even the full screen) unfortunately, ive tried so many things that I dont really know what helped the most. Keep trying guys, it is possible to wrestle this game into submission, good luck!
  • ibitatoibitato Member Posts: 64
    edited December 2012
    lol never mind late at night all day gaming im slow reading

  • ibitatoibitato Member Posts: 64
    edited December 2012
    i cant sleep so i was googling around and came to this :

    I am going to give it a try

    ill report later ,maybe there will be another workarund fot the choppines on Intel GMAs

    finally I used the modded drives from here:

    and the gmabooster from

    It does improve, combined with the other fixes but is not final
    they claim to have :
    - High definition audio.
    - Pipe optimization.
    - Sheared memory optimized.
    - Dynamic Processing
    - DirectX11 capable.
    - Higher performance for applications based on graphical calculations and
    - Optimized for specific graphical applications
    - Open GL 1.4 support and partial 1.5 & 2.0 OPENGL

    But if I take out opengl 1 fromthe ini te game wont run
    'Graphics', 'OpenGL Version', '1'
    1.5,1.makes no difference.
    2.0 0r 2 wont start

    I did check with GPU-z and it does changes the GPU clocks (gmabooster)

    maybe for the 3000 Intel users, this can make a bigger difference then to my system
    Post edited by ibitato on
  • marianespmarianesp Member Posts: 6
    Hi! The only file I can find on my computer for BGEE is at C:/Documents and Settings/[user]/My Documents/Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition/Baldur Configuation Settings.

    I am not a computer whiz, but having had an ini. file to edit for tweaks/cheats with my original game disks, I can say what I find on my computer now is not the same. When opened (wordpad), the file at the above location looks like it is only a partial file, that maybe is referred to by the computer when I start the Beamdog version. If this is what you are suggesting I edit, please confirm that the following is the correct file to change:

    CREATE TABLE options (
    section string,
    name string,
    value string
    INSERT INTO options ROWS (
    'Window', 'Full Screen', '1',
    'MOVIES', 'INTRO', '1'

    I have done all the other suggested changes/updates to get the game to not crash on my nvidia geforce laptop, and would really like to play this game again! I do not know why my laptop would suddenly not be looking at my graphics card in favor of the intel chipset, as I have other graphics intensive games running just fine on this laptop. However, I am willing to try what you suggest, if you will confirm that this is what I should edit.

  • CoflashCoflash Member Posts: 5
    I can't believe in this day and age with so many Intel chips out there that this wasn't tested. Especially with the amount of laptops out there alone that ship with Sandy/Ivy bridge with no dedicated GPU. Even killer PCs have it built in.

    Calling this an oversight would be an understatement. It's pure laziness/ignorance. I'm betting I can guess which new platform it will work perfectly on.
  • GloomfrostGloomfrost Member Posts: 275
    edited December 2012
    should of looked at the min requirements...
    Post edited by Gloomfrost on
  • JoeWalkerJoeWalker Member Posts: 75
    When we get a crash report where do we send it and what else do they require?
  • RecilRecil Member Posts: 46

    Fred said:

    Unfortunately the suggested solutions doesnt work at all. The game is still unplayable. This is very disappointing. So, is there any way to get my money back?

    Whats you're config?
    You need to surpass the requirements to get a refund.

    Now, I'm not arguing with you. I understand that the notion is 'caveat emptor' and all...but do you think they'd make a few (one might say needed) brownie points by giving refunds to the foolish or inattentive?
  • FloaterukFloateruk Member Posts: 4
    I've got it working on my samsung series 5 with the intel 4 chip out of the box. It's glitchy though. I can't see the green box when you select your group as one, and the avatars on the right showing party members disappears regularly. Things can get very confusing....

    Gonna try the latest intel drivers tonight. Hopefully that should clear it up?

    As much as people are angry with the developers, I'm still happy that they have got it this far. And I'm more impressed with the community for showing how they are getting best results. Thanks everyone.
  • BanskoBansko Member Posts: 3
    edited December 2012
    After Reading the /Posting in Thread *IMPORTANT* 3 days ago, since Yesterday(Sunday 02.12.12) I'm able to play BGEE without ANY worries on my WinXPSP3(Dell with Intel Chipset)! After several failed attempts to launch in the past days since Launch, suddenly there was a) an Update available and b) a Message I gotta install openGL(a file of some KB) what I did, and after that NO problems with Single-Player! Tutorial went fine, and Leave-Candlekeep-Gorion-gets-killed-be-with-Imoa was fun, Im heading now to Friendly Arm Inn), no lags etc. Will try this eve after work on win7-32Bit (also a Dell with Intel Chipset)...didnt yet try coz its my wife's laptop, neither did I try Multiplayer, so can't comment about that right now.....

    Anyway Thx to Baldur's Gate Team, keep the good work up! And lets forget the fact that(my feeling)+65% of all computers Worldwide are Intel-based(Rest is AMD?)....How pathetic that a Computer Game Company did NOT think about that earlier, only to find out AFTER Launch....HAHAHAHA.

    Community: Why all the Hate/Bashing/Money-Back-Threads? Come on, the Game costs little 20(twenty)USD, ....and if we forgo the Intel-Thingy.....if there's now no BGEE, there will never be Expansions.....:)
  • ibitatoibitato Member Posts: 64
    Bansko said:

    Anyway Thx to Baldur's Gate Team, keep the good work up! And lets forget the fact that(my feeling)+65% of all computers Worldwide are Intel-based(Rest is AMD?)....How pathetic that a Computer Game Company did NOT think about that earlier, only to find out AFTER Launch....HAHAHAHA.

    ummm not really

    NVIDIA: 57% ATI: 36% Intel: 7% Other: 0%

    And the problem is located only at:
    4000 series with old drivers (update drivers and you're fine)
    some batch of the 3000 series
    945GMA old chips
    nVidia/Ati/Intel combos (just set high perf GPU and you're all set)

    Still, they overlooked, specially when everybody wants this game on *crappy* lappys on the go (mostly intel GPUs)

    think about it, you only know of the ppl having problems, from the forums
    we don't know of the ppl NOT having GPU issues, that can be, the vast mayority

    Agree, the bashing goes nowhere
  • QuaestorQuaestor Member Posts: 22
    THE working solution. Fixed me up all right:

    *wink-wink* *nudge-nudge*
  • mikaronimikaroni Member Posts: 1
    well i am stumped, does anyone here have the intel g31/g33 express chipset family? the only thing that has worked for me to play was the very beginning suggestion stated with tweaking the .ini file. ive tried some of the other suggestions to try to fix the lag but to there is no noticable difference.

    I use Windows Vista 64 bit with an HP machine. ive updated my driver to the latest that was available for it.
  • BanskoBansko Member Posts: 3
    Ibitato, appreciated for going into Details about Graphics. Have fun with BGEE (so will I) :)
  • SavvySavvy Member Posts: 2
    Hey everyone, I've finally managed to get the game to work for me, so I thought that I would share the basic steps that I took:

    1) I updated my drivers using the Intel Driver Update Utility as most people have -

    2) I downloaded the patch made available by the BG:EE team

    3) I restarted my computer, just for the heck of it.

    4) I opened the Properties menu via the BG:EE shortcut on my desktop and ensured that the following boxes were ticked off: "Disable visual themes," "Disable desktop composition," and "Run this program as an administrator"

    5) I started up the game and pressed Alt+Enter in order to run it in windowed mode. This messes the game up for the moment, but it works in the long run. I closed the game and then...

    6) Started it right back up again; this time it automatically began in windowed mode and ran without the evil white screen or horrible lag that I had experienced earlier.

    And that's it! I'll admit, I would love a chance to play the game full-screen since having it windowed makes it difficult at times to pan around the map. However, until that fix is made, I'm satisfied just being able to run the darn thing. Hopefully this works for some of you!
  • PapastrumpfPapastrumpf Member Posts: 5
    As an old BG fan I was shocked when I discovered that BG Enhanced does not work on my machine. I have Win7 x64 system with 2.4GHz Intel processor, 4GB dual channel RAM and Intel GMA4500M graphics card. I've tried everything: used older Intel driver, up-to-date one, updated motherboard drivers, used modded GMA drivers, DirectX wrappers, Windows tweaks etc. There is an improvement when using 16-bit color depth and Win95 compatibility setting, but as soon as spells are drawn, game turns into slideshow. Original BG, even with graphic mods installed, runs flawlessly (in 2D of course, apples with apples).

    To get some things clear:
    1) Intel will not (repeat: will not) solve this problem. As far as Intel is concerned, there is no problem.
    2) The developer's story that this problem was encountered late in development or that they didn't have access to desktop/laptop computers with Intel graphic cards to test it properly is plain, old lie. It's basically "you guys are 10% minority and we can live without you" kind of story. Nothing more than investment vs. gain equation.
    3) Ironically, the only solution to this problem lies in developer's hands. First, they can design DirectX wrapper that would work acceptably. It's not as simple as it sounds, but will probably end up being only possibility. If they choose this solution, it will at earliest be implemented in BG2 Enhanced. Second, they can write new graphic engine :-) This would mean recoding the whole game, so go figure... And lastly, they can return old 2D mode. But, seeing that Bioware and fans did 90% of the work for Beamdog, it would turn BG Enhanced into "BG1+adventure mod for 20$". It's not likely to happen.

    All in all, don't expect this issue to be resolved quickly, if ever. If it does however, I would gladly admit my mistake.

  • ScarsUnseenScarsUnseen Member Posts: 170
    edited December 2012

    1) You are correct, though Intel is not (not supporting one of only two major 3D graphics libraries in your 3D graphics hardware is beyond stupid, and I would nearly claim it to be fraud).

    2) Prove that they are lying or be silent. While you are at it, you could at least repeat their claims faithfully. They didn't say that they didn't test Intel; they said that they didn't test all of the Intel chipsets, and that they didn't discover the problem until very late in development(which is believable since not everyone who has an Intel chipset is unable to play the game).

    3) This is, unfortunately, true. The alternative, I suppose, would be to write custom drivers for intel chipsets, which could come from the community, though I wouldn't hold my breath on that.

    I'm not as pessimistic as you on the issue, and I tend to get prickly about people making claims without anything to back them up with like you did on point #2, but yeah, there is no easy solution here, and Beamdog has some work ahead of them for certain.

    Of course I could get off my ass and drain and flush the water loop on my main PC and I wouldn't have this problem...
  • FloaterukFloateruk Member Posts: 4
    So I just updated my intel graphics drivers, and I now get the white screen of death and an error. Anyone else's go from playable to unplayable when updating drivers?
  • VaryahenVaryahen Member Posts: 224
    Yes. Now try to change the compatibility mode of Baldur.exe to Windows 7 or Windows XP SP 2 or SP 3.

    Run as administrator.

    Try other combinations. That worked for me.
  • FloaterukFloateruk Member Posts: 4
    Hmmmm still can't get it to work. Tried compatability on win 7, xp sp3, xpsp3 and even vista sp2. All with and without admin.

    How bizarre. Any other ideas?

    For the record, the first time I loaded it after updating it did come up, but I got a forced restart. Hasn't gone into it since. Stupid laptops.
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