Edit. Forgot a question:
If one have suggestions for NWM, is the correct way of suggesting them via the “Suggestions thread” in the NWN general discussion in this forum?
It seemed the proper place, but I just wanted to make sure that Beamdog employees are reading it.
I have already suggested something 20-30 days ago and was surprised to see it wasn’t implemented yet - so it might be that the right people didn’t read it.
Any feature request should get community feedback. We'd recommend starting a thread in the NWN section and also asking people about their opinion on Discord.
With the tax credit being axed in your province, are you now considering, or have you already considered, relocating your business to a province where the tax credit had been passed? How do you plan to recoup expenses and recover resources that were spent on the development of the cancelled renderer? Will there be enough resources to fix long-standing issues like the attack bonus miscalculation bug? Thank you for reading, and happy (healthy) gaming to all.
This hasn't been decided yet.
[quote="StummvonBordwehr;c-1134545"I have a question: will Tyrants of the Moonsea come to Switch?[/quote]
While it's not impossible, at this moment it's highly unlikely TotM will come to the console version.
@JuliusBorisov Please forgive me. I believe your answer was in response to only the first of the three questions I had asked. I apologize for clumping them together. I will repeat the two unanswered questions in case they were missed.
1. How do you plan to recoup expenses and recover resources that were spent on the development of the cancelled renderer?
2. Will there be enough resources to fix long-standing issues like the attack bonus miscalculation bug, which has been ever-present in Neverwinter Nights for nearly fourteen years? Please?
While I'm at it, can anyone in the community tell me if it would be safe for me to purchase games for the Beamdog Client on my mobile device over a cellular network connection? Thank you for reading, and happy (healthy) gaming to all.
Is the Baldurs Gate EE 2.6 Patch still being made? Any update on this would be awesome. Thanks!
Yes! It's being tested internally.
Not to split hairs, but isn't that pretty much a summary of what patchers do from Day 1? And now we're at Day... what? 400? Just a number I pulled out of my wazoo randomly, but still?
Is the Baldurs Gate EE 2.6 Patch still being made? Any update on this would be awesome. Thanks!
Yes! It's being tested internally.[/quote]
Hi JuliusBorisov.
Good to know that the patch 2.6 is being tested internally, but is there a chance that it might be released in the nearest future e.g. in the summer vacation time? Even though I own the games on both Steam and GOG I decided to purchase the console versions of BG:EE & BGII:EE, IWD:EE & PST:EE and NWN:EE for Xbox One even though that I'm disappointed about the delay of the patch 2.6 as well as the newly cancelled NWN:EE renderer, but I love the games, and wanted them in my collection, and I guess I was curious about how it would feel to play the games on a console with a big screen - so here's more of my money even though I probably should've waited before supporting you guys further. I guess I'm that kind of customer - I spend money, support a company, but also I expect them to support me back. Unfortunately theres' a lot of problems with the Xbox One port, and if they don't get fixed I probably won't play these versions at all.
Are you going to release the patch 2.6 to the console versions as well and fix all of the various problems of both the PC and console versions? I must admit that the news of "... the tax credit being axed in your province" is quite troubling since it's no secret that there's this lingering of fear of you guys are abandoning both the enhanced editions of the Infinity Engine games as well as the enhanced edition Neverwinter Nights - and the cancellation of the new renderer is not a very good indicator indeed.
I also thought the the console version of Neverwinter Nights included all of the DLC's of the "neverwinter nights enhanced edition digital deluxe", because of the higher price, but unfortunately that's not the case, which is of course my own fault for not reading the FAQ (https://www.beamdog.com/news/faq-neverwinter-nights-enhanced-edition-switch-xbox-ps4/), but after reading your response about "Tyrants of the Moonsea" DLC not coming for Switch I assume that it won't be released on either Xbox One and PS4 as well?
Anyway I've tried the console version very fast, and here's some problems I've had with it,
1. Planescape Torment: EE was broken the moment I began playing the game where the dialogue screen with Morte, the zombies as well as Dhall didn't scroll down or show any dialog options, so I just had to press until the dialog window disappeared. I closed down the game, and relaunched it, and then it worked, but a very bad start indeed especially if the same bug happens later in the game in an important moment where you haven't save your game in a long time. I also read that you don't plan to release a new patch for the PC version, so does that also mean that you won't do that for the console version as well, e.g. the infamous Modron Cube/Maze bug.
2. There's also no option in the settings to disable sprite outlines in PST:EE, like you can in the PC version, so there's this black and distracting outline around the characters. Why can you disable "sprite outlines" in the BG:EE, BGII:EE and IWD:EE ports, but not in PST:EE? And even with the brightness set to 0% it's way too bright, and the colors look way off, and that's also the case with IWD:EE, but strange since the colors of my TV are calibrated to look good on my other console games. I tried to make a custom profile with my TV, and it fixed the problem with the brightness and color, but strange that there's such a difference compared to other games.
3: The character sprites move way to fast in the console version of PST:EE - they almost slide on the ground with the double of the speed of the PC version. What's up with that? It seems like a bug since it completely ruins the atmosphere, and looks unintentionally funny - zombies on meth/speed.
4. There's also sound glitches/cutoffs, and this tinnitus ringing sound in the background in PST:EE which I can't seem to hear in the PC version, although please clarify if this is part of Mark Morgan's sound design in the mortuary music theme which might be more noticable with a Hi-Fi 5.1 surround system than with my Stereo PC speakers. There's no such sound in either BG:EE, BGII:EE and IWD:EE.
5. I can't seem to find the walk/run toggle option anywhere in PST:EE? Things just go way to fast in this port.
6. It would be very much appreciated if you also patch up a function where you can toggle the FMV's between the stretched out format and the original 4:3 with black bar at the side? The FMV's looks terrible on a TV otherwise. Speaking of FMV's there's a lot of people who arent' a fan of the new FMV's for Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, so could you not add in the original FMV's and make an option in the settings where you can toggle between the original FMV's and new versions?
7. NWN:EE performance is laggy and stutters, and the start picture with title is pixelated. The character portraits looksway too bright even after i made a new TV brightness and color profile, but are you going to support the console version with updates like you promised to do with the PC version?
Thank you for your help, and have a nice day.
Best regards
The 2.5 patch had extensive beta-testing but it didn't save the game from having pathfinding bugs and other issues players sometimes find absolutely intolerable.
So while an open beta is a great tool to find and determine bugs (and what is popular in the community), it's still not a guarantee of a stable release.
2.5 didn't have "extensive" beta-testing. It's beta-testing was very limited, with only a single public built for the entirety of the beta test. If you want extensive beta testing, then you need to update the beta build, so that people can test to see if the updates really improved the bugs that were reported and/or did not introduce new bugs. Not to mention that there were a lot of issues reported but not fixed at all.
Extensive beta-testing CAN help a lot on delivering a more stable product, but of course, you actually have to devote some manpower and resources to the beta-testing cycle, which means actually fixing the bugs that are reported, and releasing frequent beta updates, so players can test the bug-fixes and test for regressions.
IIRC, there was one beta patch update during the 2.5 trajectory.
In my experience, the beta-testing of PST:EE was a good example of a beta-testing process, with devs and testers working in coordination to address issued. Although due to the fast-approaching release date (which was set in stone) not everything that was pointed out by testers could be fixed.
IIRC, there was one beta patch update during the 2.5 trajectory.
In my experience, the beta-testing of PST:EE was a good example of a beta-testing process, with devs and testers working in coordination to address issued. Although due to the fast-approaching release date (which was set in stone) not everything that was pointed out by testers could be fixed.
That is ridiculous as much as to say that Beamdog cares about customers and keep its promises. LMAO
Well, I will say at least they cared enough to send me an email informing me that the attack bonus miscalculation bug is pending in their development "repo", whatever that means. Mr. Greg Holmes explained that there's a lot of heavy development going on with render updates, netcode, assets, and features, so issues like this can get swept aside for a bit. That, I completely understand. The fact they took the time to let me know they still have their sights set on this thing is enough for me to keep the faith with Beamdog. Mr. Holmes asked for the original report I submitted on Redmine. With the site being down and without any copies of that report in my email account, I retyped it and sent it to him for his review. In the span of a few days, I managed to purchase a new gaming laptop for myself, temporarily reconnect to the internet, and purchase all the remaining titles for my copy of the Beamdog Client. I am now the proud owner of the Infinity Collection, and I'm current on my NWN:EE DLC. Yes, I even bought Dark Dreams of Furiae despite all the negative reviews. That's how much I believe in, and will continue supporting, Beamdog. @JuliusBorisov You folks now have another estimated $120 to add to your resource pool. A drop in a bucket, I know, but will it help? Thank you for reading, and happy (healthy) gaming to all.
>> 3: The character sprites move way to fast in the console version of PST:EE - they almost slide on the ground with the double of the speed of the PC version. What's up with that? It seems like a bug since it completely ruins the atmosphere, and looks unintentionally funny - zombies on meth/speed.
@Glaciaruz I initially wanted the gamepad controls from the console Infinity engines ported back to PC. Once I saw a video of how they implemented it -- I don't want it anywhere near the PC version. They essentially hacked the engine to move the other characters in your party quickly to keep up with your movements (rather than them catching up to you at their own pace, as you'd have in a game like KOTOR), and it looks awful IMO. I can only imagine the horror on the code side. This sounds related to what you're describing.
Does that mean that all applicable fixes / tuning will be available on the IOS version upon release?
We hope the iOS version will be as good as possible.
Sorry - I should have been more specific : - Will the path finding and performance items that were included in the recent PC patch make it into the initial IOS release?
I'm playing Darkness Over Daggerford atm on Android and it is great for content and gameplay but having henchmen standing in my way on stairs with no way to get past them or having my pc stop and look forlornly at a fallen tree, with no inner fire to drive him *around* the tree is not at all optimal ....
As I would really like to play the enhanced editions on native linux without having to use steam to do so (because someone decided allowing and monetizing idle games on Steam - a client that doesn't allow multiple machines on the same account to play in parallel - was a good idea) and the Beamdog Client for linux is broken... can I request GOG keys instead of Steam keys for games I have purchased through the Beamdog storefront?
That is ridiculous as much as to say that Beamdog cares about customers and keep its promises. LMAO
Um, no. Deadlines is about the only thing Beamdog has failed at. And that one renderer. They have a surprisingly good track record for a company.
Um, no. They also promised implementation of Czech translation to mobile versions of PST, so many players bought it with this promise in mind and now Beamdog says it won't be happening at all. So yeah, they also failed to deliver on previous promises.
That is ridiculous as much as to say that Beamdog cares about customers and keep its promises. LMAO
Um, no. Deadlines is about the only thing Beamdog has failed at. And that one renderer. They have a surprisingly good track record for a company.
Um, no. They also promised implementation of Czech translation to mobile versions of PST, so many players bought it with this promise in mind and now Beamdog says it won't be happening at all. So yeah, they also failed to deliver on previous promises.
Okay, you've got two things. Weighted against how many different things they HAVE brought to their customers? I get being frustrated that something you wanted ended up not happening, but claiming that Beamdog doesn't keep promises is a flat out, malicious lie. Their track record is far better than that.
I'm not frustrated at all, because I personally don't really care about mobile versions, but I'm annoyed with everpresent Beamdog apologists like you repeatedly claiming they ALWAYS deliver what they promise.
They were promising the implementantion for like 3 years, before announcing they won't do it, so yeah they haven't always delivered what they promised. Saying otherwise is a flat out lie.
@JuliusBorisov - thank you for your recent update. Are you able to give us any more information on what the BG 2.6 patch is likely to bring? I'm particularly interested to know whether there'll be multiplayer improvements, given I'm running a 6-player game and it's fairly crash prone (in particular, sometimes when going onto the world map I can't select a new area or leave the world map screen, there are long delays saving or moving area, and players sometimes get dropped for seemingly no reason).
@JuliusBorisov - thank you for your recent update. Are you able to give us any more information on what the BG 2.6 patch is likely to bring? I'm particularly interested to know whether there'll be multiplayer improvements, given I'm running a 6-player game and it's fairly crash prone (in particular, sometimes when going onto the world map I can't select a new area or leave the world map screen, there are long delays saving or moving area, and players sometimes get dropped for seemingly no reason).
Any info would be much appreciated.
Yeah, and hopefully they'll finally fix the black lines appearing around spell animations and in the spellbooks etc., cause that's been an issue since 2.0.
"The iPad Is Getting Keyboard And Mouse Support For Gaming
As announced at WWDC20, developers will now be able to add keyboard and mouse support for games on iPad."
Will there be keyboard and mouse support for IWD, BG EE 1&2 support added?
Anyone knows if there is keyboard support for Androïd ?
There wasn't the last time I checked. It would certainly be nice if all the PC/Mac/mobile versions used the same modular UI and controls so that PC and Mac users would have access to better touch support and mobile users would have access to keyboard and better mouse support.
Anyone knows if there is keyboard support for Androïd ?
There wasn't the last time I checked. It would certainly be nice if all the PC/Mac/mobile versions used the same modular UI and controls so that PC and Mac users would have access to better touch support and mobile users would have access to keyboard and better mouse support.
But then, a lot of things would be nice.
You mean, like, a 2.6 patch ? Wouldn't that be awesome ?
Anyone knows if there is keyboard support for Androïd ?
There wasn't the last time I checked. It would certainly be nice if all the PC/Mac/mobile versions used the same modular UI and controls so that PC and Mac users would have access to better touch support and mobile users would have access to keyboard and better mouse support.
But then, a lot of things would be nice.
You mean, like, a 2.6 patch ? Wouldn't that be awesome ?
I'm personally still waiting for fixes for the 2.0 regressions before I'm ready to pick up the current EE versions again, and since it was announced that 2.6 contains no significant desktop UI fixes, this update unfortunately won't fix the game enough for me. Of course I wouldn't mind if it came out just to finally have it out of the pipeline, though I'm not holding out hope for what, if anything, happens afterwards.
I'm waiting for my country's localized language since 2013. 7 years and i can't still to play the new version of my favorite RPG game and seriously Beamdog I blame you. I don't care about the 2.6 patch but for me this is clearly disrespectful for your Non-English communities that we can't play full translated games and can't discover an expansion that describe the link between BG1 and BG2 FOR YEARS !
We're nearly there.
Any feature request should get community feedback. We'd recommend starting a thread in the NWN section and also asking people about their opinion on Discord.
We hope the iOS version will be as good as possible.
This hasn't been decided yet.
[quote="StummvonBordwehr;c-1134545"I have a question: will Tyrants of the Moonsea come to Switch?[/quote]
While it's not impossible, at this moment it's highly unlikely TotM will come to the console version.
Not yet, but we're trying to get good people.
Yes! It's being tested internally.
With salt, pepper or sugar @JuliusBorisov? Beware of constipation.
(Sorry couldn't resist)
1. How do you plan to recoup expenses and recover resources that were spent on the development of the cancelled renderer?
2. Will there be enough resources to fix long-standing issues like the attack bonus miscalculation bug, which has been ever-present in Neverwinter Nights for nearly fourteen years? Please?
While I'm at it, can anyone in the community tell me if it would be safe for me to purchase games for the Beamdog Client on my mobile device over a cellular network connection? Thank you for reading, and happy (healthy) gaming to all.
Not to split hairs, but isn't that pretty much a summary of what patchers do from Day 1? And now we're at Day... what? 400? Just a number I pulled out of my wazoo randomly, but still?
Yes! It's being tested internally.[/quote]
Hi JuliusBorisov.
Good to know that the patch 2.6 is being tested internally, but is there a chance that it might be released in the nearest future e.g. in the summer vacation time? Even though I own the games on both Steam and GOG I decided to purchase the console versions of BG:EE & BGII:EE, IWD:EE & PST:EE and NWN:EE for Xbox One even though that I'm disappointed about the delay of the patch 2.6 as well as the newly cancelled NWN:EE renderer, but I love the games, and wanted them in my collection, and I guess I was curious about how it would feel to play the games on a console with a big screen - so here's more of my money even though I probably should've waited before supporting you guys further. I guess I'm that kind of customer - I spend money, support a company, but also I expect them to support me back. Unfortunately theres' a lot of problems with the Xbox One port, and if they don't get fixed I probably won't play these versions at all.
Are you going to release the patch 2.6 to the console versions as well and fix all of the various problems of both the PC and console versions? I must admit that the news of "... the tax credit being axed in your province" is quite troubling since it's no secret that there's this lingering of fear of you guys are abandoning both the enhanced editions of the Infinity Engine games as well as the enhanced edition Neverwinter Nights - and the cancellation of the new renderer is not a very good indicator indeed.
I also thought the the console version of Neverwinter Nights included all of the DLC's of the "neverwinter nights enhanced edition digital deluxe", because of the higher price, but unfortunately that's not the case, which is of course my own fault for not reading the FAQ (https://www.beamdog.com/news/faq-neverwinter-nights-enhanced-edition-switch-xbox-ps4/), but after reading your response about "Tyrants of the Moonsea" DLC not coming for Switch I assume that it won't be released on either Xbox One and PS4 as well?
Anyway I've tried the console version very fast, and here's some problems I've had with it,
1. Planescape Torment: EE was broken the moment I began playing the game where the dialogue screen with Morte, the zombies as well as Dhall didn't scroll down or show any dialog options, so I just had to press until the dialog window disappeared. I closed down the game, and relaunched it, and then it worked, but a very bad start indeed especially if the same bug happens later in the game in an important moment where you haven't save your game in a long time. I also read that you don't plan to release a new patch for the PC version, so does that also mean that you won't do that for the console version as well, e.g. the infamous Modron Cube/Maze bug.
2. There's also no option in the settings to disable sprite outlines in PST:EE, like you can in the PC version, so there's this black and distracting outline around the characters. Why can you disable "sprite outlines" in the BG:EE, BGII:EE and IWD:EE ports, but not in PST:EE? And even with the brightness set to 0% it's way too bright, and the colors look way off, and that's also the case with IWD:EE, but strange since the colors of my TV are calibrated to look good on my other console games. I tried to make a custom profile with my TV, and it fixed the problem with the brightness and color, but strange that there's such a difference compared to other games.
3: The character sprites move way to fast in the console version of PST:EE - they almost slide on the ground with the double of the speed of the PC version. What's up with that? It seems like a bug since it completely ruins the atmosphere, and looks unintentionally funny - zombies on meth/speed.
4. There's also sound glitches/cutoffs, and this tinnitus ringing sound in the background in PST:EE which I can't seem to hear in the PC version, although please clarify if this is part of Mark Morgan's sound design in the mortuary music theme which might be more noticable with a Hi-Fi 5.1 surround system than with my Stereo PC speakers. There's no such sound in either BG:EE, BGII:EE and IWD:EE.
5. I can't seem to find the walk/run toggle option anywhere in PST:EE? Things just go way to fast in this port.
6. It would be very much appreciated if you also patch up a function where you can toggle the FMV's between the stretched out format and the original 4:3 with black bar at the side? The FMV's looks terrible on a TV otherwise. Speaking of FMV's there's a lot of people who arent' a fan of the new FMV's for Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, so could you not add in the original FMV's and make an option in the settings where you can toggle between the original FMV's and new versions?
7. NWN:EE performance is laggy and stutters, and the start picture with title is pixelated. The character portraits looksway too bright even after i made a new TV brightness and color profile, but are you going to support the console version with updates like you promised to do with the PC version?
Thank you for your help, and have a nice day.
Best regards
2.5 didn't have "extensive" beta-testing. It's beta-testing was very limited, with only a single public built for the entirety of the beta test. If you want extensive beta testing, then you need to update the beta build, so that people can test to see if the updates really improved the bugs that were reported and/or did not introduce new bugs. Not to mention that there were a lot of issues reported but not fixed at all.
Extensive beta-testing CAN help a lot on delivering a more stable product, but of course, you actually have to devote some manpower and resources to the beta-testing cycle, which means actually fixing the bugs that are reported, and releasing frequent beta updates, so players can test the bug-fixes and test for regressions.
In my experience, the beta-testing of PST:EE was a good example of a beta-testing process, with devs and testers working in coordination to address issued. Although due to the fast-approaching release date (which was set in stone) not everything that was pointed out by testers could be fixed.
Are you implying that Beamdog made a deadline?
Well, I will say at least they cared enough to send me an email informing me that the attack bonus miscalculation bug is pending in their development "repo", whatever that means. Mr. Greg Holmes explained that there's a lot of heavy development going on with render updates, netcode, assets, and features, so issues like this can get swept aside for a bit. That, I completely understand. The fact they took the time to let me know they still have their sights set on this thing is enough for me to keep the faith with Beamdog. Mr. Holmes asked for the original report I submitted on Redmine. With the site being down and without any copies of that report in my email account, I retyped it and sent it to him for his review. In the span of a few days, I managed to purchase a new gaming laptop for myself, temporarily reconnect to the internet, and purchase all the remaining titles for my copy of the Beamdog Client. I am now the proud owner of the Infinity Collection, and I'm current on my NWN:EE DLC. Yes, I even bought Dark Dreams of Furiae despite all the negative reviews.
@Glaciaruz I initially wanted the gamepad controls from the console Infinity engines ported back to PC. Once I saw a video of how they implemented it -- I don't want it anywhere near the PC version. They essentially hacked the engine to move the other characters in your party quickly to keep up with your movements (rather than them catching up to you at their own pace, as you'd have in a game like KOTOR), and it looks awful IMO. I can only imagine the horror on the code side. This sounds related to what you're describing.
Sorry - I should have been more specific : - Will the path finding and performance items that were included in the recent PC patch make it into the initial IOS release?
I'm playing Darkness Over Daggerford atm on Android and it is great for content and gameplay but having henchmen standing in my way on stairs with no way to get past them or having my pc stop and look forlornly at a fallen tree, with no inner fire to drive him *around* the tree is not at all optimal ....
Um, no. Deadlines is about the only thing Beamdog has failed at. And that one renderer. They have a surprisingly good track record for a company.
Um, no. They also promised implementation of Czech translation to mobile versions of PST, so many players bought it with this promise in mind and now Beamdog says it won't be happening at all. So yeah, they also failed to deliver on previous promises.
Okay, you've got two things. Weighted against how many different things they HAVE brought to their customers? I get being frustrated that something you wanted ended up not happening, but claiming that Beamdog doesn't keep promises is a flat out, malicious lie. Their track record is far better than that.
They were promising the implementantion for like 3 years, before announcing they won't do it, so yeah they haven't always delivered what they promised. Saying otherwise is a flat out lie.
Any info would be much appreciated.
Yeah, and hopefully they'll finally fix the black lines appearing around spell animations and in the spellbooks etc., cause that's been an issue since 2.0.
As announced at WWDC20, developers will now be able to add keyboard and mouse support for games on iPad."
Will there be keyboard and mouse support for IWD, BG EE 1&2 support added?
Anyone knows if there is keyboard support for Androïd ?
There wasn't the last time I checked. It would certainly be nice if all the PC/Mac/mobile versions used the same modular UI and controls so that PC and Mac users would have access to better touch support and mobile users would have access to keyboard and better mouse support.
But then, a lot of things would be nice.
I'm personally still waiting for fixes for the 2.0 regressions before I'm ready to pick up the current EE versions again, and since it was announced that 2.6 contains no significant desktop UI fixes, this update unfortunately won't fix the game enough for me. Of course I wouldn't mind if it came out just to finally have it out of the pipeline, though I'm not holding out hope for what, if anything, happens afterwards.
I'm waiting for my country's localized language since 2013. 7 years and i can't still to play the new version of my favorite RPG game and seriously Beamdog I blame you. I don't care about the 2.6 patch but for me this is clearly disrespectful for your Non-English communities that we can't play full translated games and can't discover an expansion that describe the link between BG1 and BG2 FOR YEARS !
it does not make sense !