@Mordekaie I'm working to fix this error. Going back to using "tp2filename:designated" is not an option since it is prone to change. If you struggle to edit the csv-like file, my suggestion would be to use some Excel/Online version of Excel-like software. I use VSCode + Edit CSV / excel viewer / rainbow-csv
@Mordekaie I'm working to fix this error. Going back to using "tp2filename:designated" is not an option since it is prone to change. If you struggle to edit the csv-like file, my suggestion would be to use some Excel/Online version of Excel-like software. I use VSCode + Edit CSV / excel viewer / rainbow-csv
Thanks a lot for your reply and concern. Beside those errors, great job with PI. I usually open.csv files with a basic editor like wordpad or notepad++. I will test your suggestions to see if it brings something.
I think that PI has issues to handle large install sequences. PI is preparing the install for the last 2 hours i think and it hasn't started to install mods yet. I will see if PI can finalize this install ...
Same issue at the same moment during the install : The '[]' bug happened again right after the component "Weapon Animation Tweaks" from Tweak Anthology :
//SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Weapon Animation Tweaks
//[C:\Zone Bruno\BALDUR\EET Section MODS and TOOLS\ProjectInfinity\Tools\WeiDU\249.00\weidu.exe] WeiDU version 24900
// WeiDU (version 24900: "Master Doom")
//Unknown argument: []
@Mordekaie@Wutan1988 Make sure that you are using 0.10.3. I will need your 'install sequence' data and zipped 'Logs' folder in order to check what is going on.
Few observations with the last version of PI:
- Each time i open PI, the "install order" window is empty. To proceed i need to click on the button to update what mods are in the "Extrated mods" folder. I suppose this is a planned feature.
- For the install sequence TEST sent to you within the link above, PI took at least 3 hours to check the sequence before starting the installation.
- I am starting to use "Beta Exclude to separate folder". Great to prepare the install sequence. Unfortunately the "clone" mod with the excluded component doesn't stack in the install order , and can only contain one "excluded" component.
- It is now great to complete the install order in the left window without any lag between each component selected. It is really time saving at this stage but the time taken by PI to prepare the installation is almost too long (but you can do something in the meantime).
@Mordekaie Quick feedback:
Ad.1 Running 'Mod Scan' after launching the application is a planned feature. You can read more about this here.
Ad.2,4 Your install sequence list contains over 900! components. It's guaranteed to have bugs when you have so many mods. I limit my tests to 500 components. Despite all of this, coping should be faster, I see if there might be an easy way to speed up the process.
Ad.3 When you 'clone' the mod, you should be able to move other components from the same mod into this new container. The limitation will be gone someday.
@ALIEN Thanks for your reply. Considering your feedback i have to reconsider my "installation procedure" :
1/ If i want a complete overview of the dynamic Before/After rules for my total install order :
- I have to select at least one component of each mod from my extensive modlist (not to reach 500 components).
- Click "Self Install-Sequence" and wait for the rules checking. Move mods until i get the full Green Flag !
2/ Divide my install order in few parts (each below 500 components).
3/ Build the install-sequences.csv for each part.
This is the moment to do some micro-management for the mods that need to be installed in few steps (by dividing a mod in PI or direclty in the .csv file).
4/ Use PI to install each Part (one after the other).
I was able to reproduce the bug. Can you try 0.10.4 and:
- launch PI
- launch mod scan, wait until finish
- import TEST.csv using "Import-InstallSequence" button
- you should get such results: https://i.imgur.com/LvGpGrA.png
BTW: your csv install sequence contains mistakes:
line 317:
OL-EEEE-UNDERCITY;ExtraExpandedEnhancedEncounters - EEEE: Undercity Magma Bulwark Encounter; Red Skeleton-(U.M.B.E.R.S.)
BTW: your csv install sequence contains mistakes:
line 317:
OL-EEEE-UNDERCITY;ExtraExpandedEnhancedEncounters - EEEE: Undercity Magma Bulwark Encounter; Red Skeleton-(U.M.B.E.R.S.)
I don't get it ?: i check the TEST.csv and PI. For me the line 317 seems correct and was installed correctly as confirmed by the PI logs. Maybe i am not seing something?
Considering the component 4080 from EETweaks, i confirmed it was twice the .csv file.
I did follow your procedure: PI 0.10.4 / Mod scan / Import TEST.csv. The .csv file did appear in the right window; but nothing else happened. So i pushed the start-installation ... Now i am going to wait until...
@ALIEN PI is tsarting to install TEST.csv (the original with same duplicate component). IThe installation has started very very fast compared to yesterday (where it look at least 3 hours)
The downside is i don't get the expected result : installation aborted because duplicate entry !
I also shared now my Install Sequence and Logs Folder with you on Gibberlings 3. Sry for the Delay. i didn't have access to my Labtop earlier. I wrote in the same Thread as before.
@Wutan1988@Mordekaie Please check projectinfinity.exe properties:
If it isn't 0.10.4, clean the content of 'ProjectInfinity-Update.txt' file and start PI again.
@Wutan1988@Mordekaie Please check projectinfinity.exe properties:
If it isn't 0.10.4, clean the content of 'ProjectInfinity-Update.txt' file and start PI again.
@ALIEN I will redo a complete install of everything and do some testing tonigh (probably with a shorter version TEST.csv and a duplicated entry ; if it works i will move to bigger .csv ...). Anyway i am PI dependent (i mean i wouldn't do without your mod manager)
What should i do? I guess for me it's the same as for Mordekaie then?
Is it possible using the 0.99 Version and disable Auto-Update somehow?
I could just do an Install till the point of Iwdification/Tweaks Anthology, do these two manually and then continue with the rest of the Install with PI (like SCS etc.)
What's your opinion? Might that be the best approach?
@ALIEN It works with the 0.10.5 : The installation stopped right away... It was like PI running at the light speed ! Great job
// Install sequence contains duplicated mods:
EET_Tweaks:4080;EET_Tweaks - Replace movies
EET_Tweaks:4080;EET_Tweaks - Replace movies
I think it is already an issue : I usually check twice the extracted mod folder b/c on the first try the number of mods/components is systematically uncorrect.
Thanks a lot for your reply and concern. Beside those errors, great job with PI. I usually open.csv files with a basic editor like wordpad or notepad++. I will test your suggestions to see if it brings something.
But I can't find where I can download the "project infinity" program.
I don't know if I'm looking wrong or I can't find it.
Thank you very much.
Check and Click the DOWNLOAD link at the end of the first message on page 1
- fixed detection of duplicated components inside install sequence (regression)
@Mordekaie @Kinasin @Oloriniel @markimget The '[]' bug should be fixed.
That 's a good new... I will do some testing tonigh. Thanks for your time.
cool! thanks, appreciate your work
//SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Weapon Animation Tweaks
//[C:\Zone Bruno\BALDUR\EET Section MODS and TOOLS\ProjectInfinity\Tools\WeiDU\249.00\weidu.exe] WeiDU version 24900
// WeiDU (version 24900: "Master Doom")
//Unknown argument: []
I shared the Install Sequence etc. in the Tweaks Anthology Forum on Gibberlings 3.
I am Nurn there
Maybe you could look at it there? I tried sharing Weidu here but it didn't work.
If i missed providing something please tell me.
I used 0.10.3.
Project Infinity always updates during Startup as well right? I downloaded it from your Github via Zipfile fresh though.
Few observations with the last version of PI:
- Each time i open PI, the "install order" window is empty. To proceed i need to click on the button to update what mods are in the "Extrated mods" folder. I suppose this is a planned feature.
- For the install sequence TEST sent to you within the link above, PI took at least 3 hours to check the sequence before starting the installation.
- I am starting to use "Beta Exclude to separate folder". Great to prepare the install sequence. Unfortunately the "clone" mod with the excluded component doesn't stack in the install order , and can only contain one "excluded" component.
- It is now great to complete the install order in the left window without any lag between each component selected. It is really time saving at this stage but the time taken by PI to prepare the installation is almost too long (but you can do something in the meantime).
Ad.1 Running 'Mod Scan' after launching the application is a planned feature. You can read more about this here.
Ad.2,4 Your install sequence list contains over 900! components. It's guaranteed to have bugs when you have so many mods. I limit my tests to 500 components. Despite all of this, coping should be faster, I see if there might be an easy way to speed up the process.
Ad.3 When you 'clone' the mod, you should be able to move other components from the same mod into this new container. The limitation will be gone someday.
1/ If i want a complete overview of the dynamic Before/After rules for my total install order :
- I have to select at least one component of each mod from my extensive modlist (not to reach 500 components).
- Click "Self Install-Sequence" and wait for the rules checking. Move mods until i get the full Green Flag !
2/ Divide my install order in few parts (each below 500 components).
3/ Build the install-sequences.csv for each part.
This is the moment to do some micro-management for the mods that need to be installed in few steps (by dividing a mod in PI or direclty in the .csv file).
4/ Use PI to install each Part (one after the other).
- using imported install sequence now requires mod scanning (regression)
I was able to reproduce the bug. Can you try 0.10.4 and:
- launch PI
- launch mod scan, wait until finish
- import TEST.csv using "Import-InstallSequence" button
- you should get such results: https://i.imgur.com/LvGpGrA.png
BTW: your csv install sequence contains mistakes:
line 317:
I don't get it ?: i check the TEST.csv and PI. For me the line 317 seems correct and was installed correctly as confirmed by the PI logs. Maybe i am not seing something?
Considering the component 4080 from EETweaks, i confirmed it was twice the .csv file.
I did follow your procedure: PI 0.10.4 / Mod scan / Import TEST.csv. The .csv file did appear in the right window; but nothing else happened. So i pushed the start-installation ... Now i am going to wait until...
The downside is i don't get the expected result : installation aborted because duplicate entry !
I wasn't clear : the installation started without aborting due to duplicate entries.
I also shared now my Install Sequence and Logs Folder with you on Gibberlings 3. Sry for the Delay. i didn't have access to my Labtop earlier. I wrote in the same Thread as before.
If it isn't 0.10.4, clean the content of 'ProjectInfinity-Update.txt' file and start PI again.
@ALIEN I confirm that PI is 0.10.4
It's 0.10.4 for me as well.
What should i do? I guess for me it's the same as for Mordekaie then?
Is it possible using the 0.99 Version and disable Auto-Update somehow?
I could just do an Install till the point of Iwdification/Tweaks Anthology, do these two manually and then continue with the rest of the Install with PI (like SCS etc.)
What's your opinion? Might that be the best approach?
// Install sequence contains duplicated mods:
EET_Tweaks:4080;EET_Tweaks - Replace movies
EET_Tweaks:4080;EET_Tweaks - Replace movies
I think it is already an issue : I usually check twice the extracted mod folder b/c on the first try the number of mods/components is systematically uncorrect.