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Project Infinity - mod manager for Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Planescape Torment, and EET



  • Wutan1988Wutan1988 Member Posts: 131
    edited July 2022
    The Installation worked now without any Installation Errors. However I had to scan the mods two times cause sometimes PI seems to not scan every Mod Component from the Mod Folder. First scan was 38 Mods, 686 Components. Second Scan was 39 Mods, 701 Components.
    The Installation was initially aborted cause an unscanned Mod couldn't be found.

    Anyway. Thank you a lot for your help :)
    I couldn't do Mod Installs without Project Infinity anymore. It's just such a huge Quality of Life Improvement :)
  • DracoqwertyDracoqwerty Member Posts: 36
    So I have downloaded the .exe file from the link in the main post, but running it doesn't seem to do anything. What am I doing wrong?
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 724
    So I have downloaded the .exe file from the link in the main post, but running it doesn't seem to do anything. What am I doing wrong?
    Disable your antivirus.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    Trouveur wrote: »
    So I have downloaded the .exe file from the link in the main post, but running it doesn't seem to do anything. What am I doing wrong?
    Disable your antivirus.
    I don't recommend disabling antivirus. Instead, add 'process' and 'file' exclusion to Windows Defender.
  • AislorAislor Member Posts: 4
    edited July 2022
  • AislorAislor Member Posts: 4
    Mordekaie wrote: »
    Aislor wrote: »
    Hi, great post.

    But I can't find where I can download the "project infinity" program.

    I don't know if I'm looking wrong or I can't find it.

    Thank you very much.

    Check and Click the DOWNLOAD link at the end of the first message on page 1

    Hello, an .exe file is downloaded
    But after starting it, it does nothing...
  • masteralephmasteraleph Member Posts: 277
    Aislor wrote: »

    Hello, an .exe file is downloaded
    But after starting it, it does nothing...

    Did you set a file and a process exclusion in Windows Defender?
  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    Mordekaie wrote: »
    I think that PI has issues to handle large install sequences. PI is preparing the install for the last 2 hours i think and it hasn't started to install mods yet. I will see if PI can finalize this install ...

    @ALIEN I have the same issue with tiny install sequences (less than 80 components). PI has been preparing the last install for almost 2 hours. I am starting to think it has to do with a specific component or the EET installation.

    I join a copy of the install sequence.

  • QuesterQuester Member Posts: 23
    Some remaining quirks aside, I want to say extremely well done on getting rid of the interface lag that used to be so annoying. I understand that this was a lot of work, so thank you.
  • Kani789Kani789 Member Posts: 1
    I have the same problem as Dracoqwerty, PI won´t start ... I already set a process exclusion in Windows Defender but PI still does not start. I even deactivated Windows Defender, but still not working. Is there anything else I could try?
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited August 2022
    @Kani789 Please check Windows Defender detection history, is ProjectInfinty.exe there?
  • AislorAislor Member Posts: 4
    Aislor wrote: »

    Hello, an .exe file is downloaded
    But after starting it, it does nothing...

    Did you set a file and a process exclusion in Windows Defender?

    Hello, I have microsoft security active, I deactivate it but it still does nothing when I run it
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @Aislor What kind of OS do you use?
  • baconninja321123baconninja321123 Member Posts: 4
    It doesn't even start up and doesn't leave a log. Help please.
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 724
    edited August 2022
    With latest version, I got this error message when launching installation :
    // Install sequence contains non-existent mods:
    The three are decompressed in the mod folder and selected.

    EDIT : fixed by scanning again the mods folder.
    Post edited by Trouveur on
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    ## 0.10.6

    - fixed duplicated mod update when the mod release has Vx.x and vx.xx tags
    - fixed online readme link detection (regression)
  • MacSatanMacSatan Member Posts: 16
    I am not sure if I should post this here, if not please direct to me the proper place. I am just learning/ trying Project infinity after Lava pointed out to me that the tool I was using, EE MOD Setup Tool, was outdated and often times unsupported mods. I watched the video and am going to follow what he talked about. i downloaded his WeiDU.log file and will be getting the mods listed in it. I want to add mod NPC characters in it but I am unsure as to where they should go. I understand that they should come after the quests, but when I look at the log file, I am unsure when the quests are completed in the file.

    Could someone point me in the right direction as to where I should start placing lines in the log file?
  • beobeo Member Posts: 144
    I wish there was a way to add other repositories.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    beo wrote: »
    I wish there was a way to add other repositories.

    It's up to modders to request adding the repo. Out of curiosity: which repos are missing?
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    edited August 2022
    ALIEN wrote: »
    It's up to modders to request adding the repo.

    That's not the truth and you know it.

    Modders can only request adding their GH profile. You don't provide a way to add specific repos - and no, adding profiles and blacklisting selected repos aren't such - and rolling with your method ultimately gives you some sort of control on other's GH profile and I morally find that wrong. I've numerously requested an external GH repo where modders can actually PR their active repositories as a solution. Even if you don't want to implement it, atleast have the manners to not colorize actual facts.
  • myEVILmodemyEVILmode Member Posts: 27
    edited August 2022
    How to load selected mod components? I have to select each component from scratch every time. How do I continue to select conpoments after restarting PI?
    Is such an option available?
    Post edited by myEVILmode on
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    edited August 2022
    PI only supports that when the mod has globally unique labels set up. None of the mods on your screenshot has that feature.

    Your best bet is to generate the install order, keep it externally, then manage that along, if the installation ends up having too many of such mods.
  • myEVILmodemyEVILmode Member Posts: 27
    PI only supports that when the mod has globally unique labels set up. None of the mods on your screenshot has that feature.

    Your best bet is to generate the install order, keep it externally, then manage that along, if the installation ends up having too many of such mods.

    Ok, I will do as you advise. I understand that if I add notes to what it generates and separate them // there will be no problems
  • cddscdds Member Posts: 55
    edited August 2022
    Will PI use its own (current version) WeiDU for all mod installs, even if they come with their own WeiDU EXEs (which is the case for most mods)? Therefore: would it make sense to delete the EXEs for the extraced mods folder to "force" PI to use current version WeiDU, or will it do this anyway (even if the original EXEs are present)?
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    Yes, PI ignores the bundled WeiDU versions in favor of using the latest one directly. You can delete the executables from the PI download mod folders if you want to.
  • cddscdds Member Posts: 55
    Yes, PI ignores the bundled WeiDU versions in favor of using the latest one directly. You can delete the executables from the PI download mod folders if you want to.

    Good to know, thanks
  • MacSatanMacSatan Member Posts: 16
    I am tryingto use Project Infinity, brand new user to this program. When I load the WeiDu.log file I get the following error....

    Error: WeiDU.log contains xxxx but the mod list doesn't contain such mod ID.

    Does anyone know what this error means or how to resolve it? The MOD it is complaining about more than 1 MOD.
  • ThermalLance89ThermalLance89 Member Posts: 2
    Did anybody make a step by step guide to install EET? Because I tried the one in the FAQ and it straight out dosen't work and I really don't want to use the solution maintained by somebody who has been "negative" to the modding community from what I heard. (Won't name to avoid distracting from the question.)

    I'm fairly sure I did everything according to the instructions. I'm utterly confused as to why it dosen't seem to work at all.
  • ThermalLance89ThermalLance89 Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2022
    Did anybody make a step by step guide to install EET? Because I tried the one in the FAQ and it straight out dosen't work and I really don't want to use the solution maintained by somebody who has been "negative" to the modding community from what I heard. (Won't name to avoid distracting from the question.)

    I'm fairly sure I did everything according to the instructions. I'm utterly confused as to why it dosen't seem to work at all.

    Yeah, about that, I'm not 100% since it is still installing. But, I might have cracked the code. I'll just wait for the script to be done and edit this post if it worked.

    Edit: Managed to do it. I wasn't aware that it would try to access my user folder given that I've put everything on the C drive. Realised this is what was happening after reading the log. I have given administrator access to both Project Infinity and the weidu thing then it worked perfectly fine.
    Post edited by ThermalLance89 on
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