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Project Infinity - mod manager for Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Planescape Torment, and EET



  • AlterparAlterpar Member Posts: 6
    Scanning of mod folder is wonky. The mods in the install file need to have been detected by the scan. If the scan missed them you get that error. Try rescanning a few times and watch the mod count.

    I see what you mean. Hitting the refresh button returns a different value every time. Ironically, it's actually pretty similar to rerolling stats. I managed to get a highwater mark of 1266 components five different times after scanning repeatedly, so I take that as hopefully the max. Nevertheless, I am still getting the same error.
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    Ignore the component count. Concentrate on the mod count.
  • AlterparAlterpar Member Posts: 6
    Ignore the component count. Concentrate on the mod count.

    If it is the mod count, then it's very consistently counting them all.
  • AlterparAlterpar Member Posts: 6
    I figured it out!

    During the import install sequence, I guess Project Infinity was adding a quotation mark " to the beginning of any component where something was in quotes.

    For example, unfinished business component cat and mouse would be like:
    ub:3;Unfinished Business - "Cat and Mouse" (Bodhi hunts you in Spellhold) by Ghreyfain

    This extra quote mark doesn't show in my .txt file or display in the csv itself, but PI was reading it as:
    "ub:3;Unfinished Business - "Cat and Mouse" (Bodhi hunts you in Spellhold) by Ghreyfain

    PI looked at that and said there's no mod named "ub and failed.

    So the fix was just to open InstallSequence.csv and find and replace all " with blanks.
  • KaliestoKaliesto Member Posts: 282
    edited June 2023
    Can I play devil's advocate for a second with you Alien?

    Now I get it, the whole business with BWS, but it was still good tool for those that didn't want to sort through mods manually because of thousands upon thousands of components that could interfere with eachother, and BWS automated everything for us players because you have to jump through so many hoops to make sure the mods wouldn't outright implode if certain mods keep using the same character, items, etc.

    When BWS was shutdown I was forced to use the EE mod tool, now luckily in my playthrough at the time couple years ago I didn't see any of Roxanne's tampering, but I later learned this person did have some tampering in certain mods with this person's story script being used or possibly some text was changed with certain characters (or so I read).


    I don't want to run the risk of it possibly happening in my next one (I really don't want to use EE tool again), but PI here is not a option for me because of the difficulty surrounding it (seems like I'm not the only one here who feels that way either).

    On a side-note its been many years, and I'm curious if Roxanne is still the same person years ago. At some point egos fade, people change.

    I think that person needs to at least address the past and make amends on the forum here, I believe in 2nd chances.

    and if things can be forgiven I do like to see what was done with the EE tool be merged with BWS so EE tool is no longer considered this rogue tool of dubious intentions, but with the oversight of the community here rather than Roxanne himself (more on that below here) and assuming Roxanne is willing to agree with that.


    I don't think it was a good idea throw away BWS just because of Author Beef, and/or it couldn't be maintained 24/7.

    But here is the thing there is people here still passionate about the game, and very trustworthy people at that. This community is possibly one of the nicest ones out there (looking at you Jastey and the G3 crew as one example, thank you for all you do over the years). You really need to give people here another option because its clear PI is way too technical and with extra steps for some people here and including myself that tried to use it in the past.

    BWS should be given a 2nd chance, but with a few changes. Allow each author on the main github (when verified and authorized) for BWS to submit their project or a update to their project to BWS without having to go through hoops to do it from the Admin itself so meaning the authors will be basically updating the BWS executable without having the Admin constantly do it (assuming this was the main cause BWS was thrown away because the Admin was doing all the work).

    Of course this means the Authors will need to learn how to use BWS properly, but that is the price we pay to try to mod things right?

    So because I'm suggesting this, there will have to be a honor system, so meaning the Authors agree to be on their best behavior, and not try to tamper BWS in a malicious way against another author or tampering with the system itself.

    But in case this does happen there should be a backup of the previous version of BWS only accessible to the Admin in case there is shenanigans.

    Basically the Admin will not have to maintain BWS by himself, it will be the authors authorized on that github to keep it going for years to come until the Modding Scene shifts in a different direction at some point. When the Admin feels like he wants to retire then the most trusted person can take over maintaining oversight.

    Incompatible bugs are inevitable whenever something new is introduced, so if a update does indeed break another mod the user can simply submit the report to github issues to let the author of that mod, and it will be up to the authors of their mods to work with eachother to fix the issue or just the author to find a work-around for his/her mod.

    I like to think most of the mods we currently have aged well thanks to support, and currently are very compatible with eachother as of the year 2023 at this point, so to me its still weird to see BWS be tossed to the wayside like that when the average person really needs it.

    Let advanced people use PI, and let the average joe like myself still get to use BWS.

    If BWS cannot comeback then at least consider a simpler tool than PI sometime in the future. Far as I can tell PI goes too overboard and way over people's heads and including mine.

    This is discouraging players rather than encouraging, I'm sure PI is great for the Modders, but not for the players.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,805
    edited June 2023
    and/or it couldn't be maintained 24/7.
    Is that a declaration for volunteer work?
    The maintainers burnt out maintaining BWS.
    Without 24/7 maintenance, BWS was as unreliable as PI with a wrong install order. Take the newest update of Ascalon's Questpack as a recent example - it doesn't use fixed internal component numbering, so adding another optional install choice now changed the internal numbering - which would have made BWS (and so the EE Setop Tool) spiralling down into chaos.

    Don't get me wrong - I get your sentiment, but addressing it at @ALIEN and Project Infinity is barking up the wrong tree, really.

    EDIT: And, out of experience (bitter, real life experience): approaches that include "and then only all mod authors / maintainers need to update list x on site y" never, never work.
  • KaliestoKaliesto Member Posts: 282
    edited June 2023
    jastey wrote: »
    and/or it couldn't be maintained 24/7.
    Is that a declaration for volunteer work?
    The maintainers burnt out maintaining BWS.
    Without 24/7 maintenance, BWS was as unreliable as PI with a wrong install order. Take the newest update of Ascalon's Questpack as a recent example - it doesn't use fixed internal component numbering, so adding another optional install choice now changed the internal numbering - which would have made BWS (and so the EE Setop Tool) spiralling down into chaos.

    Don't get me wrong - I get your sentiment, but addressing it at @ALIEN and Project Infinity is barking up the wrong tree, really.

    I'm just frustrated with the lack of a simpler choice, and I know I'm not alone on this.

    Install Order has become the biggest headache for the games here, I really wish there was something that could be done.

    I'll use PI again if I have to, but I know its not going to be a fun romp.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,805
    Absolutely, I am totally with you there. But the strong dependence on install order is a main feature/bug of IE engine, where modding the games wasn't planned. IE Mods are more or less a hack, and the community tries to make the best out of it.

    What players who are frustrated about the situation need to keep in mind is that if you do not work for finding a good install order then someone else is doing the work for you. The player base took the immense work this required long enough for granted.

    We are still here to help with it if people post their planned mod lists, but the work is spread so hopefully noone gives up modding because of this, burnt out and frustrated.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,805
    edited June 2023
    Install Order has become the biggest headache for the games here, I really wish there was something that could be done.
    Something is being done. AL|EN included evaluation of install order syntax for PI; the data for this has to be included into the mods themselves. This is a work in process - mods need to be updated with the info - but it does and will help with install order without someone somewhere having to keep a list updated 24/7.
    We can only work with what is available.
  • KaliestoKaliesto Member Posts: 282
    edited June 2023
    jastey wrote: »
    Install Order has become the biggest headache for the games here, I really wish there was something that could be done.
    Something is being done. AL|EN included evaluation of install order syntax for PI; the data for this has to be included into the mods themselves. This is a work in process - mods need to be updated with the info - but it does and will help with install order without someone somewhere having to keep a list updated 24/7.
    We can only work with what is available.

    Oh thank god for that

    If I had kept my mod-list all those years ago I would have contributed to that.

    Basically I found a way where you can have a mega-mod setup (with the best mods out there from my very extensive research on which mods broke something and which didn't), but with minimal to no changes to gameplay as I found changes to gameplay was very problematic from user to user (crashes, buggy, etc).

    My approach was keep things vanilla as possible with everything else, but add in new areas (unless it changes original areas then its a case by case basis with those), but make sure that particular mega-mod does not have issues (making sure things were unticked if that mega-mod tried to change something in the gameplay).

    To my surprise I had no conflicts, it was a pretty good old time all the way to the end, very very extensive adventure.

    The group of mods I never tested was adding in new characters, but I never had a reason to do those since I like my original BG characters. I've read sometimes that can get buggy, but it depends what character it was.


    I think the only time I ran into a problem was the transitioning to BG2EE during my EET game, I forgot what I had to change but it was something to do with my characters not converting correctly to their appropriate look and voice for that game (portraits, voices, I think)?

    I found I could not have the old unique BG2 Pink hair Imeon back because of the EET change which was fine though I wondered if it was possible to change it somehow without breaking the modded game. (who knows, maybe the EE-Tool didn't do something correctly or I overlooked something).

    I'm rambling on a bit, but glad there is something that can help.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,805
    I found I could not have the old unique BG2 Pink hair Imeon back because of the EET change which was fine though
    Original EET should change Imoen's portrait to her BGII one at the start of BGII. It's tweaks that give the choice to use one portrait for all games / stick with the BG1 portrait etc. If the portrait choice didn't happen for you maybe EE Setup Tool included some tweak without asking.
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    edited June 2023
    Kaliesto wrote: »
    I'm curious if Roxanne is still the same person years ago

    Roxanne still spreads FUD via calling EndlessBG1 as a "game conversion" just because it does what their Tamoko does but better. Last occurence: 2023-02-25.

    The same post also lies about Conventional EE NPCs. It really illustrates the point.

    Wheels of Prophecy is still claimed to be incorporated to Ascension. I was actually quickbanned for posting evidence against that lie on BEW in 2021.

    I'd point out that Roxanne's EE Mod Messup github account is the sole way where you can contact them at this point, and it's still "maintained", along with all the knockoffs as if nothing ever changed. Sneakily, I might add, because they even diisassociated their email address from their GitHub account, so unless one checks each knockoff, the more "quality" updates might easily get overlooked.

    Yes, install orders are hard. Yes, people need to be aware of this and this process is complicated for megamod runs. On the other hand, there's also the issue that people can easily misblame mods for interacting with each other in a megamod run and refuse to learn or read even the readmes. I believe that a skill gate is required to push people toward attempting to investigate conflicts and how far they should go with their runs. This also helps modders so taht they end up with easier debugging (which already can be complicated considering how many people on Reddit just EEKeepered everything randomly even on top of a megamod install).

    It also helps that there are way less mod overwrites these days than say 5-10 years ago. The scene still evolves.

    On the other hand, conflicts between mods should be resolved by the player, to make their own opinion for selecting one solution over another. Note that EE Mod Messup abused the BWS "risk" markers towards encouraging people to get Sandrah since it was marked as green.

    PI is neutral, it follows the WYSIWYG principle, there's no hidden changes (so, f. e. doesn't point the Readme to one site and the download to another), ensures it uses the versions you select (BWS always uses the latest version which can be problematic for platforms stuck on EE 2.5 versions) and there are a lot less room for an agenda to push (BWS using external mod metadatas mean that components can be outright hidden intentionally - SCS Better calls for help - while PI's only bias is being featured within the internal downloader, but every PI feature works with mods copied in to the PI download folder from an external source as well).

    And there is help provided to build up install orders. People tend to look at them in Discord or r/baldursgate (unitil that was closed off, participating in the Reddit protest), morpheus562 has a collection of megamod install logs in a GH repo besides supplanting those PI install order rules. I mean, I'm participating in a handful of these install order debuggings for more than a year now, responding to almost everyone and I'm kinda triggered when I see responses like "Of course this means the Authors will need to learn how to use BWS properly, but that is the price we pay to try to mod things right?" from people coming out of the blue, implying they don't even want to keep up with this and just want their free cake.

    There's no free cakes here.

    Oh and why I ended up where I am? I used EE Mod Messup for an EET run and despite that i tried to read readmes and all that, ended up with an installation so broken that I couldn't resist fixing it before I reached the Bandit's Camp.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,805
    We have cookies, though? :*
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    I understand how you feel and I empathize with your frustration. I would like the situation to look different, but as my predecessors mentioned, we tried your solution a long time ago, and it failed miserably. Anything that requires additional work from modders, especially when it comes to filling out additional lists, has no chance of success.

    Since the deactivation of BWS, many things have changed. More modders have added internal installation rules into their mods, several players have shared their mega-installation logs, and many people are capable of and willing to help detect basic errors in questions about installation order, etc. There's no point in urging others to engage in a Sisyphean task when there are intermediate solutions that achieve the same end result at the cost of a few additional actions from the player.

    I don't deny that PI is not as user-friendly as BWS (please read the updated list of known issues), but it is not as difficult as you portray it.
  • MrennigmaMrennigma Member Posts: 9
    Just wanted to say that I'm about to put together a build after a very long hiatus and, of course, the question of what framework to use was the first thing I asked myself. Last time PI was more or less in beta and BWS was what I'd used in the past so I went with the other option. It did work but then I built a new rig from the ground up which meant reinstalling everything and I hit a snag which caused me to step away. I recall even then reading about the controversies. Going to give PI a shot this time around. Sounds like it's matured and, honestly, many of the names associated with it either as direct contributors or defenders are ones I remember. Which tells me they're names I came to respect for whatever reason. Yes, as a player I can say that putting these builds together is generally a pain in the tookus and it can be quite disheartening when something goes awry. It's work, no doubt about it, but the rewards of seeing the life that can be breathed into the world thru your mods of choice are well worth it. Say I at the beginning of the journey anyway, we'll see how I feel a bit down the road :D
  • enderandrewenderandrew Member Posts: 23
    edited August 2023
    I downloaded the latest ProjectInfinity.exe from GitHub.

    I'm on Windows 11. It won't even launch. If I try to launch it from a PowerShell window I was hoping to get some error message in the console, but nothing. There is no log file, and no events in the Windows Event Viewer. I cleared the log and launched it several times hoping to get something in Event Viewer, and nothing.

    Reboot also doesn't fix the issue. Nothing in My Documents or AppData. I was curious if this was spitting out a dump or log anywhere and can't find anything anywhere. I do see the process start in Task Manager for half a second, and then it is gone.

    Bug/issue submitted:
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 724
    I downloaded the latest ProjectInfinity.exe from GitHub.

    I'm on Windows 11. It won't even launch. If I try to launch it from a PowerShell window I was hoping to get some error message in the console, but nothing. There is no log file, and no events in the Windows Event Viewer. I cleared the log and launched it several times hoping to get something in Event Viewer, and nothing.

    Reboot also doesn't fix the issue. Nothing in My Documents or AppData. I was curious if this was spitting out a dump or log anywhere and can't find anything anywhere. I do see the process start in Task Manager for half a second, and then it is gone.

    Bug/issue submitted:
    Check your anti-virus and Windows Defender, they are the culprits.
  • BillPaxtonPinballBillPaxtonPinball Member Posts: 3
    Hi, I'm having an issue when trying to install Might & Guile and Faiths & Powers, they seem to have contradictory load order rules. There's a rule for each of them that says it should be installed before the other, so no matter which around I put them it gives me an error and won't let me install. Is there any way to bypass this?
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    edited August 2023 and are consistent with each other. This order was changed recently, and probably one of your own mods aren't on the resynced versions.
  • testlumtestlum Member Posts: 12
    edited August 2023
    Hello, I am attempting to use Project Infinity to setup EET. My version of BG1EE, SoD and BG2EE come from Steam. I have copied fresh installs of both BG1EE and BG2EE, linking the main folders to Project Infinity. SoD is untouched (still zipped inside the dlc folder inside BG1EE's main folder).

    For some reason, Project Infinity doesn't recognize BG1EE. Attempting to ONLY install DLC-merger and nothing else via Project Infinity gives me this error:

    EDIT: On the other hand, manually running the WeiDU exe for DLC-merger inside the BG1EE folder worked just fine. That suggests it's an issue with the paths I chose, but I don't see how?

    EDIT 2: I removed all other paths except for BG2EE for EET and SoD for EET, and manually installed DLC-merger with the Weidu exe. After that, Project Infinity worked and I could install the remaining BG2EE mods.
    Post edited by testlum on
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @testlum The selected game was 'EET' so in order for PI to make that "DLC Merger" would be installed into BG1:SoD game folder, the EET mod must be selected for installation, and "DLC Merger" mod must be placed before EET. Otherwise, it will install all mods into the selected game.
  • joshuar9476joshuar9476 Member Posts: 55
    edited October 2023
    Quick question if you don't mind.

    I've been installing mods for this game back when we had to do it manually before BWP. This, however, is my first go around with modding post BWP. Everything I've seen, including the morpheus video seems to be based on GOG or Steam, however I am using the Beamdog client. Because of that, I have three folders where most everyone else has two (BG1 and SOD combined?).
    00546: Baldur's Gate II
    00764: Baldur's Gate I
    00806: SoD

    How do I need to setup all of the directories in the settings? I guess the most confusing ones to choose is BG:EE with SOD and Path to clean, unmodded SOD. Do I use the 00764 for EE with SOD and 00806 for clean, unmodded? I get everything else I need to do, just confused how to setup the directories.

    Disregard, I just realized, literally after, what five years, that 00806 is BG1 + SOD combined. All these years I've been downloading all three.
    Post edited by joshuar9476 on
  • choiiachoiia Member Posts: 2
    Just receiving this error when i try to download some mods:

  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    Restart the program.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @choiia Fixed in 0.10.7, no ETA.
  • AntonIIAntonII Member Posts: 31
    Hi. I got a new Laptop which has a really high resolution on a small 14' screen, so I need to use Windows 11's larger fonts function, as I otherwise won't see a thing. Project Infinity doesn't work well with it.


    If I change the fonts to normal, launch PI and then resize fonts back to readable, then they are fine. But then I need to find Project Infinity on a windows with unreadably small fonts and then change the fonts back while being unable to read them, which is inconvenient.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @AntonII Used windows Enhanced scaling on app compatibility option.
  • AntonIIAntonII Member Posts: 31
    ALIEN wrote: »
    @AntonII Used windows Enhanced scaling on app compatibility option.

    Thank you! This solved the problem.
  • ZanalinaZanalina Member Posts: 23
    edited October 2023
    Really stupid question probably but I downloaded the file and the exe file won't even open. I'm on Windows 11 and I assume I don't need any additional software from what I've read? I've tried running in administrator mode as well.

    Edit: Ignore me, windows defender was blocking it as a trojan.
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 830
    Anyone can tell me how to add this program as an exception for Windows 10 firewall? I can't find this option. Everytime i have to manually turn it off.
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