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Project Infinity - mod manager for Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Planescape Torment, and EET



  • BlashBlash Member Posts: 249
    edited March 2023
    @ALIEN I have another question for you.

    Will flagging "Enable Pre-Release updates for mods" in the settings make so that the "master" version on GitHub is downloaded instead of last release?

    For example, I want to make sure I have the latest version of DSotSC installed: latest "release" version is from Jan 2018, but latest commit is from last month. So, I want PI to clone the master branch.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @Blash No, this option is only for 'Pre-Releases', if you want to use the master branch you are on your own. If you do use it, ignore 'Mod Updates' since all mods that are using it since 'updating' those mods would reset them to the latest release.
  • BlashBlash Member Posts: 249
    edited March 2023
    ALIEN wrote: »
    @Blash No, this option is only for 'Pre-Releases', if you want to use the master branch you are on your own. If you do use it, ignore 'Mod Updates' since all mods that are using it since 'updating' those mods would reset them to the latest release.

    I was indeed wondering how mod update works, and now I notice the "Update-Mod" button.

    I'm not sure I've understood how it works, though. If it is greyed out, does it mean that the PI has checked and the mod is already updated, or that that particular mod doesn't support being updated by PI (lack of Globally Unique Label support maybe?)?

    In another instance, the button is clickable and remains clickable even after clicking on it, as it nothing happened, that is with AC Miscellaneous Tweaks.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @Blash Greyed out, means two things: update can't be checked because the hosting site doesn't provide API for updates (forums, dropbox, personal storage etc), or the check for the new version was successful but there is no new mod version.

    I can reproduce the problem with 'AC Miscellaneous Tweaks', will fix.
  • morpheus562morpheus562 Member Posts: 427
    I'm receiving the following error when attempting an install:
    // Install sequence contains non-existent mods:
    The mod is present and is scanned in by PI. Additionally, I receive a number of warnings regarding install sequence saying mods are out of sequence; however, they are placed in the correct order.
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    I think your bug is the casual "PI skips detecting one mod in the download folder on the oddth scan and will work on the eventh scan" issue.
  • morpheus562morpheus562 Member Posts: 427
    I think your bug is the casual "PI skips detecting one mod in the download folder on the oddth scan and will work on the eventh scan" issue.

    I thought so too, but it kept failing after multiple attempts and multiple scans while I checked the number of mods it was counting to ensure it was counting them all. The mod in question was even showing up on the left bar as being scanned in.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @morpheus562 Hi, this is a known bug, the thing is I can't reproduce it locally. I will continue to debug this issue but it requires some more man power than usual debugging due to how internal scanning code works.
  • mordie1001mordie1001 Member Posts: 1
    So started trying PI. Windows and Virus Total are flagging this as a Trojan (false positive I'm pretty sure since it just talks to github.)
    Adding an exception to windows doesn't allow it to run either, it reaaally hates this program. This is a known issue on the GIT as well and with it being closed source not much of a way to verify.

    There a way around this or shall I just start trying to mod manually?

    Virus Total scan


  • masteralephmasteraleph Member Posts: 277
    To get it working requires both an exception for the file and an exception for the process
  • AsharoAsharo Member Posts: 11
    GaxGuy wrote: »
    I'm seeing a UI font rendering issue.

    I'm on Win 11 2H22, all available updates installed. I'm using bellsoft Liberica JDK 17.0.5+8 Full install.

    I have my windows System > Display Scale set to 150% (Recommended). That option being set to 150% provides a good visual UX for me on my laptop. In fact, I might want to have it set to a larger scale sometimes. If I set it to 100%, my laptop UX is significantly diminished for me, but the fonts render as expected instead of as shown.

    Please let me know if there's something I can do to have my UI scale set the way I like, and have the java app UI render properly, or if there's nothing I can do to solve it, might you please be able to find a way to have the UI elements scale their size appropriately according to system UI settings? Thanks!


    Edit: This issue was already covered in the GitHub issue tracker in 2021, with a closed issue; correcting it in PI requires rewriting the whole PI UI, which is unlikely to ever happen. There's a reported workaround in the windows Compatibility options with Enhanced system scaling. I haven't personally looked at the workaround yet, since restarting PI is extremely cumbersome due to having to re-select every component.

    Sorry to revive a old post, but was there ever a update or workaround for this issue?
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @Asharo Yes, use Windows Enhanced scaling mode on the "Application compatibility" file option panel.
  • AsharoAsharo Member Posts: 11
    edited April 2023
    Awesome, thank you that worked! It was definitely a scaling/compatibility issues.
  • qwchrbichnqwchrbichn Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2023
    nvm, finally got it running
    Post edited by qwchrbichn on
  • MalatarMalatar Member Posts: 9
    edited April 2023
    Is there any way to check or uncheck all boxes in a mod? Refreshed my mod list and had to set a ton of the check boxes again...

    Perhaps you could have a way to "lock" the choices for a mod once you have it the way you want?
    Post edited by Malatar on
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @Malatar To clear all checkboxes, click 'X' at the bottom-left. Checking all mod components is not planned due to how much trouble it caused in the past for players and modders. If by 'lock' you mean keeping selected checkboxes for a given mod, it's only possible when the mod supports it, sorry.
  • roshanroshan Member Posts: 29
    Hi everyone! New to Project Infinity - where can I download a sorting order file?
  • NoxouNoxou Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2023
    Hello. A mod manager for IE games seems like great news. Right now, i am trying to install BGT. But problem is... i am utterly at a loss. Not because of BGT. I have a question if you would allow me.

    "Is there a user manual somewhere?"


    is no user manual.


    is no user manual.

    And i simply don't understand a thing. Whenever something tells me 'use this and that to achieve that' i have 2 problems:
    1-I don't know what they are talking about: no what i am meant to use, nor why, and not how.
    2-I don't know what i am meant to achieve. I can't use "Set-InstallationSequence" if i don't understand how this is done or how it is meant to be useful in the first place. This basically tells me if rules are respected. But since mods tend to lack rules, and since Project Infinity does not save your changes, except for general order, i ended up doing the same stuff 3 times for nothing.

    There is no way to save your work. Or... i haven't found it. Despite saving being something rather basic. I spent 3 hours yesterday reading in details all readme for all my mods and select the various components i need... Only for everything to end up unselected today. So, i end up not selecting anything until my order is sorted. But that means that i can't check the rules on the go. PI is not BWP. One has to have everything prepared, so it is a problem for me. I am considering using an old fashioned paper to write everything by hand in order not to waste another 2H anytime i need to check rules...

    There is no introduction to Project Infinity that simply explains what the different parts of the UI are, what they are meant to be useful for, and how they are used. I feel like starting with the "Lords of the Rings" with Volume 3. I bet some won't understand what i mean, so i will just take one particular example.

    I need to split the installation of Rogue Rebalancing, because of Refinements. Some parts of RR should be installed before refinements, some, after. Apparently, Projet Infinity does not allow to split components when one drags and drops elements. Needs some dedicated method. So... I spend time researching the problem. And... The GitHub page has a category 'Sorting Order Feature'. Here, it says that if i handle it manually, i can actually split the installation of RR. Great. It tells me 'create manually a .csv file, and tada'. Said otherwise: 'If you do it, then it will be done'. The very reason i was looking this page in the first place was so that someone could tell me how to create and use a .csv file. But i found nothing about this. I am at a total loss with this Project Infinity. And this is the first time a Mod Manager ever confuses me so hard. So, the only thing that i feel anytime i try to come back to this, is an intense sense of frustration.

    May i suggest that someone who can understand what it means to start from scratch with Project Infinity be trusted to write a user manual, starting with the fundamentals?

    Thanks for reading.
    Post edited by Noxou on
  • EctoEcto Member Posts: 6
    Has anyone ever addressed the fact that this registers as a Trojan to Windows, other than to say that you should add an exception?

    The program is closed source and in the Issue thread on this Github, the explanation is an evasive and honestly kinda shady "for various reasons". Is the dev intending to take any steps to rectify this issue, ie. change the software behaviour so that it doesn't trigger heuristic detection from antivirus? It could well be a false negative, but how can we possibly tell?

    It's a bit surprising how many people are discussing how to inhibit their security settings without any conversation anywhere that I could find about whether it's warranted to do so.
  • zelazkozelazko Member Posts: 88
    edited May 2023
    How do you use Project Infinity to install a multiple component mod that needs different components to be installed at different times? For example Imoen Forever component 1,2,4 need to be installed early as a quest mod. Imoen SoD components need to be installed after all quest mods that change or alter SoD content. Imoen Alternative/Saerileth Patch need to be installed after those mods. While Imoen Forever component 3 I4E in BGII: Yoshimo Comes to Brynnlaw is yet to be determined to be installed after or before Alternative and Tortured Souls Lite mod - or perhaps not all if it conflicts.
  • KenzorKenzor Member Posts: 5
    edited May 2023
    Is there any tutorial anywhere that show how to install EET game properly?
    What comes first? Do I use "pre-eet" weidu logs first and install them on BG1, do I skip it and go right for EET weidu logs?
    Should I have third folder for modded SOD for EET install? Do I install both weidu logs into BG2?
    I`m not a programmer, I don`t understand all those vague explanations and I would appriciate simple step-by-step tutorial since the one about EET instalation lack those informations I mentioned.
    Should it look like this? :
    1.Install Pre-EET mods on unmodded BG1+SOD
    2.Install EET mods on unmodded BG2
    3.Done? How do I connect both mod installations?

    Also what about mods that are in weidulog but are not downloadable anymore because hosting space from spellhound studio don`t work anymore(like Shar-Teel NPC mod). Can those be safely removed from Pre-EET weidulog or will it conflict later with EET weidulog? Or is there somewhere database for old mods because on github Im unable to find it and that is just the tip of the modlist iceberg.

    Also why does the installer ask for some "modmerger" to install for BG1 NPC Project? Video tutorial shown nothing is needed aside from mods to be installed in SOD yet it requires DLC Merger?
    Post edited by Kenzor on
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,805
    1.Install DLC Merger ("modmerge") onto your unmodded BG:SoD. [The first tool available for this was called Modmerger, but DLC Merger is better.]
    2. then Install Pre-EET mods (i.e. BG1 mods that have to native EET compatibility) on BG:SOD
    3. Install EET onto the unmodded BGII:EE, using the modded BG:SoD install for BG1 resources.
    4. Install EET mods on modded BGII:EE (which is now "EET")
    5. Finish the mod installation with EET_End; (there is only one mod that would come after as far as I know: some components of SCS).

    Unfortunately, I don't have much experience with PI, so I am not sure how you would configure it. I *think* you would put the mods that need to go on BG:SoD before the "EET" mod in the list and all others after and PI probably knows what to do, but I never did it myself.

    For mods that you don't want /can't install because you don't have them I'd assume you could just delete them from the list, yes.
  • BlashBlash Member Posts: 249
    zelazko wrote: »
    How do you use Project Infinity to install a multiple component mod that needs different components to be installed at different times? For example Imoen Forever component 1,2,4 need to be installed early as a quest mod. Imoen SoD components need to be installed after all quest mods that change or alter SoD content. Imoen Alternative/Saerileth Patch need to be installed after those mods. While Imoen Forever component 3 I4E in BGII: Yoshimo Comes to Brynnlaw is yet to be determined to be installed after or before Alternative and Tortured Souls Lite mod - or perhaps not all if it conflicts.

    You can easily split mod components and distribute them to your liking in the install order.
  • KenzorKenzor Member Posts: 5
    jastey wrote: »
    1.Install DLC Merger ("modmerge") onto your unmodded BG:SoD. [The first tool available for this was called Modmerger, but DLC Merger is better.]
    2. then Install Pre-EET mods (i.e. BG1 mods that have to native EET compatibility) on BG:SOD
    3. Install EET onto the unmodded BGII:EE, using the modded BG:SoD install for BG1 resources.
    4. Install EET mods on modded BGII:EE (which is now "EET")
    5. Finish the mod installation with EET_End; (there is only one mod that would come after as far as I know: some components of SCS).

    Unfortunately, I don't have much experience with PI, so I am not sure how you would configure it. I *think* you would put the mods that need to go on BG:SoD before the "EET" mod in the list and all others after and PI probably knows what to do, but I never did it myself.

    For mods that you don't want /can't install because you don't have them I'd assume you could just delete them from the list, yes.

    The whole 3 point don`t have any sense. There is no option to use SoD modded instalation to further mod BG2EE and EET can`t be installed after modding BG2EE since mods need to be placed between EET_end and EET_core.
    I somehow got through this headache but now the issue is sorting order that claim that mod order is wrong even when using Wiedulogs from developers themselfs and aside from modyfing those logs i don`t see any way to move those mods aside from doing it manually which gonna take another 10 hours and the best part is that some of those mods need their components set up in different order to avoid conflicts. I just wonder what was the reason for making it so overcomplicated that tutorials themselfs are big walls of text.
  • KenzorKenzor Member Posts: 5
    Kenzor wrote: »
    jastey wrote: »
    1.Install DLC Merger ("modmerge") onto your unmodded BG:SoD. [The first tool available for this was called Modmerger, but DLC Merger is better.]
    2. then Install Pre-EET mods (i.e. BG1 mods that have to native EET compatibility) on BG:SOD
    3. Install EET onto the unmodded BGII:EE, using the modded BG:SoD install for BG1 resources.
    4. Install EET mods on modded BGII:EE (which is now "EET")
    5. Finish the mod installation with EET_End; (there is only one mod that would come after as far as I know: some components of SCS).

    Unfortunately, I don't have much experience with PI, so I am not sure how you would configure it. I *think* you would put the mods that need to go on BG:SoD before the "EET" mod in the list and all others after and PI probably knows what to do, but I never did it myself.

    For mods that you don't want /can't install because you don't have them I'd assume you could just delete them from the list, yes.

    The whole 3 point don`t have any sense. There is no option to use SoD modded instalation to further mod BG2EE and EET can`t be installed after modding BG2EE since mods need to be placed between EET_end and EET_core.
    I somehow got through this headache but now the issue is sorting order that claim that mod order is wrong even when using Wiedulogs from developers themselfs and aside from modyfing those logs i don`t see any way to move those mods aside from doing it manually which gonna take another 10 hours and the best part is that some of those mods need their components set up in different order to avoid conflicts. I just wonder what was the reason for making it so overcomplicated that tutorials themselfs are big walls of text.

    Any idea why this mod manager consider ahungry weidu log having wrong install order? Everything is properly set up in place between "after" and "before" yet it mark half of this mod list in orange, manual moving does nothing, changing order in weidulog does nothing, can`t move separate components using the rules window, no option to force the instalation through these nonexisting errors. What is the point of those weidulogs if not for avoiding tedious mod ordering?
  • KenzorKenzor Member Posts: 5
    For anyone struggling with in the future I can recommend few things :
    -Don`t depend on those weidulog dependecies, I tried the biggest one from ahungry for EET and it was full of errors
    -If you encounter any false "wrong load order" even when everything if properly set up between "after" and "before" just delete metadata from .ini file in the mod(just the metadata line, mods like ascension have important things in that .ini file)
    -Video tutorial properly shown the steps to do EET instalation - first "Pre-EET" mods on SOD, then everything else on "EET" instalation(plus DLC Merger on SOD instalation first, that important information was skipped in the video)
    -Don`t use any of the "features" like sorting order, just keep in mind the loading order of mods established durning all these years of modding and you should be fine, if not its all comes down to the usual what-components-conflict-with-what
    -If your internet provider is blocking some of the modding sites for whatever reason adding "github" at the end of the mod name should work, if not look for EET-compatibity list through some of these mods there are rouge versions of originals
    -If you okay with having rouge mods just go for EET Mod Setup Tool since it is milions times more noob-friendly while having warning for any mod conflicts you could encounter - if you okay with extra work you can get real original mods and just rename .tp2 files for those rouge ones to make the installer think you have the "proper one" downloaded(but that could lead to conflicts mod manager isn`t aware of)
    -If you planning on creating own modlist from the scratch...well have fun wasting entire week instead of playing

    In my entire modding carrier I never encounter something so tedious and frustrating to deal with especially since tutorials are so poorly written and spread out all over from this topic to video tutorial to discord especially since all of those tutorials are about "when everything is working perfectly" and nobody gives a damn to show and explain how to deal with situations when nothing is working like it should. Especially when new people are trying to mod the game after years and all they hear about is that this is the best soultion. No wonder the community won`t grow anymore when modders have beef between eachother over puny arguments about using other people work going on a warpath because of that. Such a shame.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    Kenzor wrote: »
    For anyone struggling with in the future I can recommend few things :
    -If you encounter any false "wrong load order" even when everything if properly set up between "after" and "before" just delete metadata from .ini file in the mod(just the metadata line, mods like ascension have important things in that .ini file)
    My advice is never to do that. The information inside metadata is always a good source for install order and all it takes to move mods on the mod list tree to fulfill those requirements. Then, you can either install components as you sorted them or override everything by using a custom, manually crafted install sequence.
    Kenzor wrote: »
    In my entire modding carrier I never encounter something so tedious and frustrating to deal with especially since tutorials are so poorly written and spread out all over from this topic to video tutorial to discord especially since all of those tutorials are about "when everything is working perfectly" and nobody gives a damn to show and explain how to deal with situations when nothing is working like it should.
    I'm sorry that you had such a terrible experience.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited May 2023
    Ecto wrote: »
    Has anyone ever addressed the fact that this registers as a Trojan to Windows, other than to say that you should add an exception?

    The program is closed source and in the Issue thread on this Github, the explanation is an evasive and honestly kinda shady "for various reasons". Is the dev intending to take any steps to rectify this issue, ie. change the software behaviour so that it doesn't trigger heuristic detection from antivirus? It could well be a false negative, but how can we possibly tell?

    It's a bit surprising how many people are discussing how to inhibit their security settings without any conversation anywhere that I could find about whether it's warranted to do so.

    The "various reasons" are: The BWS was open source and it allowed for malicious practices: promoting the own mods by manipulating code. I don't want this to happen to PI. I'm aware of the open-source benefits, but those don't really apply to PI. The idea of having a flood of developers willing to spend 2 years rewriting the app after open-sourcing does not defend itself. So far there was no one that offers help.

    As for PI being detected as a virus:
    I can't change the compiler. I have taken a possible steps to mitigate the issue, including regular reports of false-positive to the 10+ AV software vendors, rewriting some parts of the code etc. None of that was helpful. The one thing that could solve this issue is having to buy a certificate but it's 300$ per year so...

    EDIT: Typos
    Post edited by ALIEN on
  • AlterparAlterpar Member Posts: 6
    After a week of downloading mods, going through readme files, selecting components, and somewhat figuring out how to use PI, I'm completely at a loss and need some help. I have BGEE and BG2EE, but not SoD. Therefore, I am not doing anything related to EET.

    I've attached my install sequence (txt file here, but csv for PI).

    My method is to click to import install sequence, then to click start installation. When I do that, I got this error and cannot figure out how to resolve it:

    // Install sequence contains non-existent mods:

    As you can see, these components are definitely in my install sequence. What am I doing wrong?
  • Christian79Christian79 Member Posts: 48
    Scanning of mod folder is wonky. The mods in the install file need to have been detected by the scan. If the scan missed them you get that error. Try rescanning a few times and watch the mod count.
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