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[mod] Hephernaan BG2 (SoD spoilers)



  • Thank you for creating this mod! Unfortunately, it isn't starting for me. I've entered and left the Graveyard District about 20 different times, from both exit points. Is there something else that needs to happen to trigger it?
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,890
    No, not really. You usually need to enter the Graveyard, go to some other district, then return to Graveyard and when you try to leave again, an encounter should fire. However, I think you may just teleport to the area using the console:


    Console information:
  • KraakenDazsKraakenDazs Member Posts: 25
    Is it possible for someone to give me a quick overview of when the next part of Hephernaan's quest should trigger?

    I just traded items with his master in chapter 2 and we had 1-2 banter since, but he's been pretty quiet for a while now.

    How can i know if I've gotten enough respect with him to trigger the next part, or does anything specific needs to happen to trigger the next quest? If I didnt earn enough respect, is there a console command i can use to active the quest noneheless?

    Enjoying the mod tremendously so far, especially on a "good yet non-judgmental paladin" playthrough. The convos are great 😅😁

    Thank you!
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,890
    Hephernaan has less talks than some other of my NPCs. I think you run out of timered talks, but that doesn't mean it's the end of the mod. You may still experience scenery talks, banters, interjections. There may be some on your way through further chapters.

  • KraakenDazsKraakenDazs Member Posts: 25
    Thank you for your swift replies!!

    Do i have to bring Hephernaan along for Spellhold/ Underdark or if i swap him out his future quests will still be available?

    Running out of spots on my spellhold roster and a couple are already filled by other npcs you made 🤣😅😅

    (And failing that, is there any console code id be able to use to still experience his quest?)
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,890
    IIRC, his continuation only includes a little idea/plot that happens right after Slayer change in Spellhold. So not really.
    But if you decide to drop Hephernaan for someone else, it's not like you will miss some huge something. As I sad, his whole plot is rather simple and there is no huge quest, more like a little gambit.

    So... perhaps just build a party you like and stick to it? Keep party members you truly want to adventure with.
  • KraakenDazsKraakenDazs Member Posts: 25
    Curious completitionist's curse , suppose. People like yourself put a lot of work into these mods, i kinda wanna experience the whole of it or as much as possible 😅

    Ironically Hephernaan is providing me the solution to my problem though... His book actually allows me to "stash" a few companions on his demiplane before leaving for Spellhold... And swap a few who have underdark or spellhold specific interjections. 😅
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