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Baldur's Gate III released into Early Access

JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
edited October 2020 in Baldur's Gate III
We're just as excited as the fans to see the development unfold.

Our team has done amazing work on the D&D enhanced editions and introducing these classics to new audiences.

Larian is the perfect choice to carry on the legacy of these games.

~ Beamdog team, 06.06.2019

Post edited by JuliusBorisov on


  • anastielanastiel Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 246
    Perfect big news and big soundtrack ;-;
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    In other news: the Flaming Fist gets eradicated, Illithids have now human rights and are a valuable part of the community. Also: playable psionics confirmed!

    What to say, at least that new logo looks better than the last two.
  • gohanf22gohanf22 Member Posts: 99
    They hinted at the bhaalspawn maybe mentioned but this storyline is not enticing the bhaalspawn as the character. Supposedly this is a new storyline.
  • gohanf22gohanf22 Member Posts: 99
    However, they are bringing back iconic BG companions, ie minsc and jaheira.
  • anastielanastiel Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 246
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Or daddy Bhaal emptied his balls within an Elder Brain pool, making that thing in the trailer's background CHARNAME's biological little brother.

    Now I demand a romanceable Illithid NPC! Or wait, make that TWO!
  • gohanf22gohanf22 Member Posts: 99
    Thing is what people are saying is the Underdark is invading the surface is what the rumors are going around, and the gods of the underdark, illithids god, god of the dark elves and even beholders is turning everyone on the surface into them. This is what is being talked about on WotC forums atm.
  • gohanf22gohanf22 Member Posts: 99
    edited June 2019
    Also if you play 5e DnD, one of the damn modules actually tells about this so im guessing they are doing this game from some of the most recent modules in 5e. Don't get me wrong I am excited, but there are quite a few BG hardcore fans that are upset they wont be able to use their character from BGII: ToB, and lots of people are trying to tell them, the bhaalspawn saga ended in TOB. But they cant get it through their thick skulls.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    For the record: I wouldn't mind if players could actually be transformed into denizens of the underdark. Like, for forever. Especially so if aboleths would also be a possibility.

    That being said. I find the "Underdark overrunning the surface world" plot to be rather old in itself. HotU did it already.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @JuliusBorisov , Thank you so much for posting the Josh Sawyer video in the old thread. I just watched the whole thing, and it was very interesting to me to hear from a developer with first hand experience all the thinking and work that goes into publishing a D&D style party role-playing game.

    I also really appreciate how you always try to provide links to primary sources where we can get objective information about how game design works and about the market and sales for these games, rather than just repeating a lot of assertions without any citations. :)
  • byrne20byrne20 Member Posts: 503
    EKKKKKK I cant hold in my excitement :smiley:
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    if it is 100 years after i can only see the elves coming back. unlesss they make the minsic statue comic canon.
  • dac0152dac0152 Member Posts: 54
    Why is this announcement so hidden on these forums??
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    dac0152 wrote: »
    Why is this announcement so hidden on these forums??

    because it just happened.
  • the_sexteinthe_sextein Member Posts: 711
    edited June 2019
    That's a very nice looking and high quality cinematic. The thing that stood out to me was how gory it was. Is there any information on the games Age rating? It would be cool if it were a game aimed at adults given how old it's fanbase is.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    either it's gonnna push a very hard t or it's going fulll on m.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    edited June 2019
    megamike15 wrote: »
    unlesss they make the minsic statue comic canon.
    Oh, they will. Much to my nerves dismay.

    On a good note however: I find it nice to have them use their nautiloids ships. It's a nice gesture towards the Spelljammer campaign setting. It would be even better if they wouldn't scramble the Astral Plane into all of this...
  • 1varangian1varangian Member Posts: 367
    They think you don't hit often enough in 5e combat to make video game combat good.

    I don't really agree with that. Misses mean blocks, dodges and armor deflections. You can make combat look cool animating those aspects of it. Way cooler than just pumping up everyone's HP and making combat look like taking turns to smack piñatas, hitting every time. Hope it won't come to that in BG3. Too many games have combat that is just HP attrition wars and DOS games are a bit like that. The armor system in them is pretty silly.
  • dac0152dac0152 Member Posts: 54
    megamike15 wrote: »
    dac0152 wrote: »
    Why is this announcement so hidden on these forums??

    because it just happened.

    Doesn't really explain why it's sequestered into the Off-Topic forum along with all the non-BG games, and no mention made/stickied in the General Discussion forum.
  • anastielanastiel Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 246
    edited June 2019
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    edited June 2019
    dac0152 wrote: »
    megamike15 wrote: »
    dac0152 wrote: »
    Why is this announcement so hidden on these forums??

    because it just happened.

    Doesn't really explain why it's sequestered into the Off-Topic forum along with all the non-BG games, and no mention made/stickied in the General Discussion forum.

    This post is in a new BG3 subsection. It's not hidden in the forum :)
  • dac0152dac0152 Member Posts: 54
    dac0152 wrote: »
    megamike15 wrote: »
    dac0152 wrote: »
    Why is this announcement so hidden on these forums??

    because it just happened.

    Doesn't really explain why it's sequestered into the Off-Topic forum along with all the non-BG games, and no mention made/stickied in the General Discussion forum.

    Because it's not a Beamdog's game, it can't be in General Discussions. But we created a special subforum on this forum for BG3, a game from another developer, - which is an exclusion to how things are usually run here.

    Sad that the site is more BeamDog than BG now when it's supposed to be about the games. I guess I'll just go back to Reddit...
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    edited June 2019
    Reading those interviews, I get a feeling the developers saw discussions from this forum. Lots of concerns are addressed there.
    How so? Even after reading all four interviews we still don't know the combat system, we don't know from which PC storefront people may buy it (the fear of Epic is deeply ingrained in gamers nowadays), and most importantly of all we have no details of it per say. Just that it involves squid faces and that Larian did change a few things from the 5e ruleset, really.
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