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[Mod] Imoen 4 Ever - Experience the BG Saga with Imoen - and the beginning of SoA without pressure!



  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    Imoen4Ever updates with a completed Russian version, one more dialogue in SoD, and minor corrections. Thank you Arkie for the Russian translations and Shai Hulud for proofreading the German additions.


    -Russian version finished, by Arkie.
    -One more dialogue added to SoD: Imoen will react to the second dream.
    -All lines from tp2 should be in setup.tra.
    -typo corrections and small text corrections.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    Imoen4Ever updates to v11.4!


    -Imoen should not give her BGII-Kickout dialogue in BG1 (for BGT).
    -All lines should be traified.
    -Typo corrections.
    -Rephrased note about compatibility with Road to Discovery in the readme: RtD does not have to be installed before Imoen4Ever.
  • SourSour Member Posts: 126
    I consider this mod a must have. I always found it annoying to dual class Imoen in BG and while SOD fixed that it also made her leave the party but still follow us around in the first dungeon of SOD. Then she stays back the whole of SOD and then gets kidnapped in SOA. It's bad writing and even some of the Bioware developers admitted that they thought the Imoen situation in SOA ruined the pacing of the game and strained the player.

    Imoen forever lets you choose when she leaves or not. It allows you to choose if you want to dual class her or leave her out and come back dual classed. I always keep her in the party at the start of SOD which fixes that writing mess and then I allow her to stay behind once we head out on the war path. In SOA I have her come back to the party and that fixes the whole SOA mess.

    This mod is simple and nowhere near as complex or ambitious as some of the content mods on the scene but Imoen forever achieves what it sets out to do and fixes the biggest pacing and writing problems in the BG series without changing the actual story that Bioware intended. It's brilliant and I always install it every time I play through the series. I have experienced no bugs or crashes from this mod and none of the added conversations with Imoen feel wrong or have grammar problems. I consider this mod an "A" class mod.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    Thank you very much for the feedback and the kind words!

    Just one note: in an EET run, the player still would have to dual-class Imoen themselves if they want her to be a mage in BGII. I4E just brings back the Imoen like she would be in the game, just at different times. This is also why in a BGII(:EE), Imoen outside of Irenicus' Dungeon is not teh same as inside (so learned spells might be lost etc.)
  • SourSour Member Posts: 126
    edited May 2024
    SOD automatically gives her 500,000 XP when she rejoins your party. So when I dual class her it brings her mage level up to level 10 or 11. At least that's how it works on my setup and I only need to go up 1 more level to gain back all of my thief abilities. It practically dual classes her for you as she goes up 10 or 11 levels in mage on her own. That's what I meant by that.

    I do agree with you that you need to manually dual class her but I was describing the difference between letting her come back at the end of SOD and simply pressing the dual class button vs dual classing her at the start of SOD with your mod and slowly rising up from level 1 mage until you pass your thief level which means spending alot of time without your thief abilities similar to dual classing her during BG1. It's just nice that you can now choose to do either or and she doesn't have to go missing through SOD and SOA if you don't want her to. I like to have her leave in SOD but not in SOA. Keeping her in the first dungeon of SOD is such an improvement to SOD and having her around in SOA makes the entire game feel much more easy going to explore.
    Post edited by Sour on
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    Interesting, I obviously never dual-classed her at this point. Thanks for the explanation!
    And again for the kind words.
    For me, Imoen4Ever closes a huge gap in the original story design - I never liked the idea of a friend being tortured while my PC goes adventuring. I am happy that others enjoy it, too.
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